It's not like putting Sam Fisher or Kratos on the cover appeals to women.
Anyway, it's probably to create appeal for people who care deeply about character gender which, despite what anyone claims, affects people on all sides deeply.
Ben Stearnes
People are trying to stretch the "sex sales" phrase until it has no meaning.
click bait? nah...
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clicktraps ?
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makes sense because of the tatoo
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ya that tatoo its very suspicious
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I Am a Pirate
thats one long arm she has
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nah the 3d girl its not 18 dude :P
i swear its from somewhere else this guy probably take her from some random website and use her like a clickbait
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loled at the description
1.- Since only the machine gun can be used in the first half of the game, you need to aim at the enemy accurately.
Me: ummm right
2.- In the second half of the game, you can use homing rockets, which makes the game play more like arcade games.
Me: ummm nice?
3.- This game uses music selected carefully from the previous songs composed by Sonic-Alpha.
Me: nice i guess
4.-You need a graphics board to play this game.
Me:............... excuse me?
5.-The graphic settings may optimize the sensitivity of the mouse.
Me: wtf?
6.- I think that the setting of the joystick can be done at the first boot screen. (Test play is not done with the joystick)
Me: you are the developer of this game and have not tested that?
7.- This game is not good as a flight simulator. (It is an arcade game)
Me: and you call the game gunship recon
8.-It does not officially support joysticks or controllers. (May be usable with key assignment)
Me: i dont have a problem with that but i dont think other users who use a lot of controllers would have the same feeling friend
The play time of the level seems shorter than other games.
Me: ok man i think you seriously should have a least add the Early access tag if you are telling us all this details, at least you will have an excuse to tell us
but not as a released product
also that 3d girl model i swear i have seen it somewhere else
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Also with damn system requirement for this game, what a game xD
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they are obviously fake
Tyler Evalon
very detailed description 10/10 would recommend all games informing us that we need a graphics board to play them.
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i did a small chuckle when it mentioned the graphics board on the description