OK, heard a lot of 'mean' things over STEAM, and forgot that IGG has this here - so... let's dive in, and see how it goes!
Well, compared to the one I've tried before [0.7.x or something], this version really thrown more good time than worse, albeit a few [yet ultimate] bug in story progressing - everything else can be concluded safely. A simple fix, but [unfortunately] couldn't fix the older play [yet]:
"No matter what you did in the game, DO NOT complete 'ChemRock Lockdown' any earlier than what your progression told you to, and don't even attempt it unless you are given a main-line quest to talk to Tannor!"
~ a STEAMer, yelled about in a 'BAD Review' over STEAM page

  • DO NOT save nor load a game whilst still in the same sector as your current objective = it surprisingly still 'duplicates' everything, including the quest objects, even the number of enemies you'll be facing in a quest
  • if you happened to get a broken 'Tannor' main-quest, you can still complete the game by following the 'Prison Officer' = it leads to the same result of killing 'The Big Fleet' and its leader, thus completing the game... completely! [so, you've no idea of why Rising Ashes were trashing your group]
    So, yeah... there's no such thing as 'freeplay' here and such a bummer that is...
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Skeptical Doge
Ultimately, regardless of the bugs, this game turned out to be very mediocre and underwhelming.
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So... how's it?
Still a bug-fest, even with ''?
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:3 ;-;
Made by the guys who made Convoy, 1.1 is out which fixed controls and hud, but not sure if IGG updated yet, can anyone confirm?
EDIT: Title is updated, hope this one has the fixes
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Skeptical Doge
Update can now be found in separate links below main download links.
All praise IGG !
Nameless Wanderer
Would wait til they get their act together with a stable version.
Leave this till it gets updated. Full release 1.0 is a buggy mess at the moment (I bought it on Steam). Keys stop working, saves die, general crashes. Devs getting earfuls in forums...
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Skeptical Doge
Can confirm, played this for a few hours, didn't have any crashes, but did experience keys not working. So, yeah, needs some patching first.
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I recommend StarSector in the meantime. It's at 0.9 and pretty much release ready, in way better state than this.
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Kira Kyoshiro
At least buy StarSector, the dev is much more competent than other devs who make these kinds of games.
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Skeptical Doge
Absolutely agree. Have bought Starsector a long time ago. Development is glacially slow, but always worth the wait.
Get it here : http://www.fractalsoftworks.com
Iale Idioma
could be worth trying it out i heard the title somewhere dont recall where
Looks interesting, but I require controller support. Hopefully that gets added in soon...
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Skeptical Doge
Didn't this JUST get uploaded ? How is the google link ALREADY down ? :`(
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The google drive link is perfectly fine, you just need to bypass the quota restriction.
Instructions for bypassing the limit are here: https://hubpages.com/technology/How-to-Bypass-Google-Drive-Download-Limit-for-Shared-Files
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Skeptical Doge
Oh, right, sorry, forgot about that / didn't notice file was still there.
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In both cases it is a gray area...
I really do not have anything planned, it was just a question...
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Do you think it is possible to stop doing that? :b
There are many other things that you can comment, perhaps you should try the games and say that you think about them, or say that you think about the images or well, comment something else...
in any case, it's just a question, it's not against the rules, it's not spam yet...
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Alex Leonhart
Tskk. Too late
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Alex Leonhart
Flags? Flame?Flank?Floor?Focus?Fungo?Flora?flume?Flake?FUFFY?Folks?Flood?Fists?Fiend?
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So, is this situation still funny or are additional actions needed? :b
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Alex Leonhart
if you can do something about this "First" thing would be nice