Having watched the videos on the steam page the world feels sterile and generic. Folks are already asking if its an asset flip. Save for monsters that look slightly different, the world could be any old generic fantasy setting. And that's a bad thing when you're trying to create a specific mood.
Come on folks, this is a mutant monster apocalypse, an entire region ravaged by mutant monsters. Where are the bodies, where is the signs of destruction, where is the terrain these mutated monsters have changed to meet their mutated needs? I've seen far older games that have pulled that feeling off better than this game has.
The mutants look too "clean" for a mutant monster apocalypse. They should have a creepy abnormal feel about them. There should be parts that aren't shaped properly, or bulge, or skin that has odd splotches of color. The thing is, these mutants look more like standard monsters and not normal creatures that have mutated and underwent sudden catastrophic mutation against the laws of nature.
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Toothless Reads
As much as i agree, maybe you should actually write this on the steam page where it belongs so the dev can read it?
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not to mention those requirements are quite demanding for a game who looks unfinished
BSA'in Dünyası
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i think the dev forgot to add the EA blue tag on this game
looks unfinished
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No suprise. SInce greenlight is gone there is a huge amount of incredibly crap games on steam. Alot of them aren't even 'early access' and are so bad they shoudln't even be allowed on early access if they were.
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Its the Early access garbage fault that greenlight was removed
Vlad Lime
why do you hate EA so much?
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One big issue with EA is they're essentially deciding to say "let's get free testers and make money while doing so!" instead of using in house testing where they can control what gets tested.
The problem with that is that typical gamers don't know HOW to "test" a game. They don't know how to be methodical and try stuff, document it and report it in a calm rational manner. That or they'll see an exploit and NOT report it, hoping it goes live so they can get an advantage while playing the game (especially in competitive games), ignoring the fact this will probably break things down the road.
As a result, early access "testing" ends up being of lower quality than if you had paid professional testers.
The problem is, as gamers we should not consider "incomplete games" as acceptable. They talk about entitled gamers, we should be talking about entitled game companies.
You know, companies that feel like they can release version 0.8 beta to us, call it a finished product and then try and act like they're "listening" when they create patches, just so that it qualifies as a 1.0 release candidate.
Yes, bugs always exist. That's a given. But when you have a TREND of zero day patches for huge honking issues (or see huge honking issues on launch), its a sign the game was not ready for release.
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Toothless Reads
i also agree,back in the day devs used to PAY US to test (whether by free X ammount of games, money off, vouchers, even paying real money (up to £100 sometimes) However, EEA has always been a risk, you take the risk, or you don't - i own a ton of EA games, most of which have failed and been abandonned, but that does not mean i do not like those games for what they are (i still enjoy playing TOWNS ffs - yeh, remember THAT game? :P) my point is, grow up and stop moaning - buy it... or don't... if you do, then suffer in scilence because you pressed the button, not the dev ;)
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playing incomplete games its not for me
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Vlad Lime
in modern times incomplete games it's normal
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In modern times people feel they should get paid for half ass'ed or unfinished work with the promise of finishing it. Thats like me saying hey, "I will build you that house you want just give me that $250k" then start the foundation and frack off halfway through with the money.
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Vlad Lime
yeap! you're right
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Carlos Muñiz
and thats exactly the problem, this is gettingmore and more usual than ever, when back in the day, devs worked hard to create a full game experience, now you get half game experience at full price(from bigger companies anyway) then they release the rest of that experience as a paid dlc, and when u used to buy a game at 50 bucks, now u get half game for that price and a whole game for 100 bucks wich is stupid, and this only happens cuz gamers were stupid enough to buy devs shitty games for fanboys and whatnot and bought us upon this era of unfinished games that will get worst and worst as time pass.
THAT is the problem, keep buying half games ppl.
Nameless Wanderer
They normalized a bad habit, not for me either. Can't fully enjoy a game is such state. And again, it's understandable they must rush them out to make a living but it's better for everyone with a complete game. Makes it valid for more accurate reviews and price tag.
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how you will feel if you try an incomplete car
this looks bad. lol
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Vlad Lime
very bad)
colruyt55000 halle55000
look to be a pretty nice old school rpg . Let see if it is any good
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i already guess what is going to be your answer
Looks more like an Ark/Conan Exiles clone than an RPG.
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except this clone terribly sucks ;S