Free Gamer4Life
To anyone who want's to play this game co-op together with me for free, here's my steam friend code 259433085, username is Zenix, also join my steam group
https://s.team/chat/TyVm3XP1 and i give you multiplayer fix and game links and guide you so np, we can play this game and other coop/multplayer games for free, anytime ;)
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no way this game is finally here :D
Calistru George
Is not working. I try all options, is not working.
Atom Knight
mujahed qudah
its not working i tried every fix on the internet !
Valdimiro King Vando
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just install directX 12
hey, so i got most problems fixed, except how do i actually launch the game?
C:\Users[REDACTED]\Desktop\Crackdown 3\Nimbus\Binaries\UWP64 is where crackdown3.exe is found, anything specific i have to launch in admin for CD3 to work?
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read the note "Always launch the game from the Start Menu entry"
Zak leathers
I get "Nimbus\Content\Paks\Nimbus-UWP.pak File not found!" and can't update. The game won't even start in the first place.
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Link 2 broken on many sites
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Has anyone gotten this game to work for them? I don't have an executable file to run the application after I mount the file. Can't get anywhere with it.
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Dario Novello
you need Daemon Tools to mount iso...
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which one should i download? i see lots of choices (windows 10)
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Even mounting with Daemon, I still don't see or have a program application to open the game. Help?
With the new update, the game closes itself just after the logo when I start it at the startup tab. Don’t install it guys, it destroys your game. I have to download the whole game again in order to play the first version of the game. Seriously, be aware of that.
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Dario Novello
Did you find a fix for the new update I have same issue as you crashing at logo? I cant stand playing the game with all the stuttering and FPS dips hopefully they fix the patch: /
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Miguel Benitez Garcia
nope.. I'm still playing the game with the first update it comes by default. It's just what I said. You have to uninstall the game and install it again using the base game.
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Dario Novello
A post on reddit crackwatch mentioned (to Uninstall the "game" from the start menu, recopy the crack over and run installapp in the crackdown3 folder) It work for me on my second attempt of reinstalling the game fresh.
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Miguel Benitez Garcia
but did you install the new update or is it still the first version of the game?
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Dario Novello
yep I installed the new update UPDATE V1.0.2918.2. like I said do a fresh install install the new update Uninstall the "game" from the start menu by right clicking on game Icon and hitting uninstall drag the new crack from the update folder into the Crackdown 3 folder then click on (installapp) it makes the shortcut for the game to Launch in the start menu it should run no problem no FPS dips or stuttering when picking up orbs smooth gameplay.
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Miguel Benitez Garcia
Ok man, I'll try and tell you. Thanks in advance.
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Miguel Benitez Garcia
Thanks a lot man, I managed to do what you said and I fixed it. I'm now playing on the new version. Cheers pal!.
Newy Newv
Everytime I use a trainer, it kicks me out after 8-10 minutes during the single player offline campaign. Is there a work around for that?
the games crash after try to make the first quest lolll in tower explain me?
Newy Newv
You can't even use cheat codes for more than 10 minutes during the single player campaign. No thanks!
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You can't play legit?
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Newy Newv
You are missing my point. Don't you remember when Crackdown 1/2 had a "Free roam" mode with cheat codes? Where is that in Crackdown 3! Yes. I beat most of the game through the Xbox game pass without cheat codes. But It would be nice to have that option.
Damien Hbn
I don't know how to crack the game.
There is no explanatory file.
I have the good version of Microsoft.
can someone explain to me how to do it please ?
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Merci beaucoup, fonctionne parfaitement , c'est le mode campagne bien évidemment .... ;)
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Damien Hbn
Comment tu as fais pour le crack ?
Après avoir installer, je ne sais pas quoi faire avec le dossier codex. J'ai essayé de coller le contenu dans le dossier racine mais ça ne marche pas
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Crée une exception pour le dossier CODEX et aussi pour le répertoire d'installation du jeu dans les paramètres de ton antivirus, (il se peut que ton antivirus ait supprimé les fichiers du dossier CODEX) ensuite copie à nouveau le contenu du dossier CODEX et colle le dans le répertoire d'installation du jeu. Enfin lance le jeu, ça devrait pouvoir passer.
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Damien Hbn
Non ça ne marche pas et je n'ai pas d'Anti-Virus (à part celui de base de W10).
J'ai quand même effectué cette manipulation et rien ...
J'ai simplement installer le jeu par le launcher sur le ISO et j'ai envoyé le contenu du dossier "CODEX" dans le dossier racine du jeu.
Après je ne sais où il faut cliquer pour lancer le jeu mais peu importe l’exécutable, le jeu ne se lance pas.
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Ok! Donne moi un petit moment et je te reviens dans 30mn à 1 heure. Le temps pour moi d'effectuer quelques tests, ça marche ?
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Damien Hbn
Merci Arthur
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Quel est le problème avec ton installation? tu ne sais pas comment lancer le jeu ? ou tu ne trouve pas l'exécutable du jeu?
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Cc Damien! es-tu encore là? C'est Arthur!
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OK, j'ai bien relu ton post, pour lancer le jeu, regarde dans le menu latéral gauche de windows (menu démarrer). Il y a là bas un fichier crackdown 3, c'est l'exécutable, normalement si tu cliques dessus le jeu doit se lancer, as-tu essayé cette solution?
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Damien Hbn
En faite, dans le dossier racine du jeu, je n'ai aucun exécutable mis à part InstallApp.exe qui ne sert à rien (admin ou non).
Et je n'ai pas de crackdown dans le menu latéral gauche car j'ai installé le jeu sur mon second disque dur (interne).
Si je fais une recherche, il me trouve Crackdown3 Campaign
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Si tu as installé la mise à jour et que lorsque tu lance crackdown 3 campaign rien ne se passe, c'est normal j'ai eu le même problème, pas de panique. Copie le contenu du dossier CODEX de la mise à jour dans le répertoire d'installation du jeu, ensuite lance InstallApp.exe. Enfin relance le jeu à partir de l'icône trouvée avec la recherche rapide ,ça va passer.
As-tu installé la mise à jour ?
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Damien Hbn
Non, je le ferais et je vous tiens au courant =)
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Ok j'attends le retour
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Damien Hbn
C'est bon, j'ai fais la MàJ et tout comme tu m'a dis, ça fonctionne maintenant, merci de votre aide les gars.
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Ce fut un véritable plaisir de pouvoir t'assister.
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Crackdown 3 turned my externe hard disk name into Crackdown 3 can,t turned it back so format E:\
anyone having issues with the InstallApp.exe not working?
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just type crackdown in the cortana search thing
has anyone else experience freezing when playing this game?
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Yes. Even at the main menu. While moving the mouse it stutters horribly. No idea how to fix it. Not even worth playing I hear anyway.
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The stuttering has to do with mice with high DPI, they released a patch to fix it, but its not yet available for the cracked version i suppose.
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dat boi
it just opens a picture of the logo and closes
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Michael Eaglin Jr.
If you leave it alone, it starts up.
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Calistru George
Shut up, punk
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anyone tryed would it work with older version of win10 i am at 1511, build 10586.1176?
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Tried it, doesn't work. You need Windows 10 build 1803 (minimum) in order for the game to work.
Ariah J. Davis
Why not just upgrade?
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well new version new flaws/bugs and my cyrent build works fine so why risk it and update to some version which could break it
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just disabe updates, i dont remember how but just search it and you will find how
i dont know why but there is a text to speech narrator active can some one give advise to turn it off
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i posted a fix for this, scroll down in this disqus thread
João Tortola
have you ever played crackdown?
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João Tortola
or is it something else?
same with me how do we turn it off?
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i posted a fix, scroll down and read my reply
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i found a way but it will disable narration service entirely, go to
C:\windows then there should be a "speech" folder and a "speech_OneCore"
rename them both (you can just put something like -a at the end if you
want to find and change them back later) after saving the renamed
folders launch the game and it should stop the narration.
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This worked, thx
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Lorenzo Fabbri
me too
Official Minimum Requirements:
OS: Xbox One, Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher
Architecture: x64
DirectX: DirectX 12 API, Hardware Feature Level 11
Processor: Intel i5 3470 | AMD FX-6300
GPU: Geforce 750 Ti | Radeon R7 260X
Video Memory: 2 GB
Memory: 8 GB
Keyboard: Integrated Keyboard
Mouse: Integrated Mouse
Notes: Windows 10 version 14393.222 or higher recommended
Official Recommended Requirements
OS: Xbox One, Windows 10 version 14393.0 or higher
Architecture: x64
DirectX: DirectX 12 API, Hardware Feature Level 11
Processor: Intel i5 4690 | AMD FX-8350
GPU: Geforce 970 or Geforce 1060 | Radeon R9 290X or Radeon RX 480
Video Memory: 4 GB
Memory: 8 GB
Keyboard Integrated Keyboard
Mouse Integrated Mouse
Notes Windows 10 version 14393.222 or higher recommended
Taken from Game Debate
the games crash after the first mission lol need wait he fix that rip
Minx Mystervger
why so many freezing? i need a fix way
how to turn off narrator in menus
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i found a way but it will disable narration service entirely, go to C:\windows then there should be a "speech" folder and a "speech_OneCore" rename them both (you can just put something like -a at the end if you want to find and change them back later) after saving the renamed folders launch the game and it should stop the narration
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You got an option that doesn't require mucking about in the windows folder?
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thats the only way i found to disable it, i guarantee it wont mess anything up except windows narration, but no one uses that anyway
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we should be fine with deleting them as well right? or will that screw something up?
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deleting them would also probably work, just don't empty your recycle bin in case something goes wrong so you can restore the files if necessary
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Lorenzo Fabbri
i also have this problem
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read my reply to the other guy for a work-around with this problem
Sir Jeffrey Tree
It's asking me for the Save game folder, and I got no idea where it is.
Anyone got the answer?
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You have to create it.
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Sir Jeffrey Tree
I created a folder called Saves in the Install location, but it would not let me select it or any other folder.
Any more tips?
EDIT: Nevermind. I Created a folder in my documents, and it worked from there. Thanks anyway, friend. I appreciate the help.
Help me, please!!
How can I change the CODEX name for mine? the CODEX.ini file does not appear ...
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tell your son to fix it :P
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xbox_live.json file. Open it in notepad.
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Thanks thanks!!!!!
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Linda Linda
I fixed the freeze problem on my RTX 2080, i thought the game was going to be amazing, but, the game is not fun. I already unninstalled it, not worth to buy.
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Nerzyy HD (Nerzy)
How ?
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How did you fix the freezing problem? Mine is happening at the menu once i move the mouse.
Nerzyy HD (Nerzy)
Rtx 2080
i7 4770k
Windows 10
120 fps and more but to many freeze...
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Anouar Najah
try limiting the FPS to 60 , or activate V-sync
Bilal Jabari
gt 940mx ???
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Windows 10?
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did you even try it for a week or 2?
i bet you didnt
i was skeptical about win10 aswell, i decided to go dual boot, so i could always return to 7.. but to be honest.. i dont want to, 10 feels better
and the privacy issues can be easly sorted with a single bat file so i dont see a problem
10 is not a garbage, it actualy runs way better then 7 ( not just startup is way faster, but overall all apps run better performance wise)
try it, or stay quiet
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theres many games and programs who cannot run on 10 but on 7 it does (i wont give you a damn list, find it yourself son)
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I also didn't want to go to win 10 for that reason but I run xp virtually now so I can play old games as well. I don't think I should have to re-buy win 10 version copies of games that I have already bought in the past. Plus there are still several games that haven't been reconfigured yet to run on 10.
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tell that to our friend not me man
i tweaked my win 7 to squeeze more than 100% of its capabilities
already tested very old programs and most of them work fine on it
I use win10 since few years, and i have yet to stumble upon one app that doesnt work on 10 that works on 7, and i use pc a lot (im IT)
dont call me "son" if you have no idea what my age is, and its far from being young
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son its the equivalent of "dude" "homie" in the east coast
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and im from europe so i had little to no chance to know about this ;)
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yea well fuck this shit i am not going to update my tweaked win 7 for that garbage until 2023
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yeah, lets return to win 3.1 cause all other windows are "garbage" -.-
or better, lets get back to DOS + norton commander! even better
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it would be great if that really happens :)
all games running throught dos = pure win
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except more advanced things that needs drivers and libraries/registry keys etc that will simply not work under dos
For some strange reason, the game runs at a slide show delayed frame rate for me, making the game utterly unplayable. Any idea what could be causing this? I'm running a GTX1060 with an i7 and as far as I know, my Windows 10 is 100% up to date.
Little “Sancka” Dude
Oooooow !! nice job! it's there! Thanks !
The game reminds me more of Crackdown than Crackdown 2 did, and I had a decent enough time and all, but I don't think I'll be playing this any more, let alone buy it. Why? Because there's actually too much voice acting, especially the director and the Echo chick...they won't ever shut the bloody hell up! There's no music, just them running their mouths constantly...it's fucking annoying
And, for some reason, when I pause the game and go into options, I have a vce that sounds like the one used to aid the visually impaired reading every damn thing to me, and I don't see a way to turn it off. I don't think I can take this for another hour , let alone the 10+ hours the game will probably take. This is a hard pass for me...
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Thanks for the free game, but yeah, this game is soooo boring .. repetitive as hell. Already uninstalled...
but hey, personal opinion..
Isn't this game bad?
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A lot of people say it's bad but, hey, personal opinions and all that
Hey, it's Crackdown 1 with minimal improvements... except, it's 2019, not 2007.
Little “Sancka” Dude
Game installed and cracked but... there no application file to launch him after... WTF ???
Florea Manuel
is a fun game ,but i skip . still waiting for metro exodus crack
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Sophie Chan
It has been cracked :D
Sophie Chan
It looks fun but just for 1 day and then it will be gone on my pc.
Everything is look just like Saints row the third and 4.
P.s Microsoft wants you to update your window ( ' -')
also want you to bought windows 10.
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windows 10 is well worth it because they updating it and turning it into windows core but will still go under the windows 10 name ... honestly windows 10 runs my games better than 7 ... and i also think windows 10 looks good with that dark mode <3 but thats just me also you dont have to pay for windows 10 youll just have a watermark and if that bothers you then just use a cracker for it ... i honestly dont understand the windows 7 hype ... it ran like trash for me(compared to 10) no madder what i was on but ill give it 2nd place
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Sophie Chan
I've been from windows 7 to 8.1 and then to 10. Last time i'm using windows 7 is 2012 and then change to 8.1 because windows 7 made my pc blue screen but to think windows 8 is better so i changed it. In 2017 i'm started using windows 10 since my friend recommend me this window because it can run games smoother than windows 8 so i changed it.
So, yeah. I cracked this windows 10 to remove "active windows" watermark but hey, windows 10 is not that bad, just wanna know why microsoft force pc user to use windows 10 instead of 7 and 8 or older on this kind of game..
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microsoft can eat their win 10 shit and die
i will keep win 7 until 2023
Elijah Gregory
Only Win10?!? I pass!
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thanks for the upload never played a crackdown game
Umut 'Hope' Erikli
don't open in w10 18334 19h1 insider
wish this game was on windows 7 working :( i hate windows 10.
can someone test it on windows 7 and see what happens? lol
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yay a win 7 follower
high five fella
After the pretty lackluster Crackdown 2, I really need to demo this to see if it's worth buying...I just need this to be closer to the first Crackdown instead of the second one.
colruyt55000 halle55000
Great to see CODEX back on UWP crack , too bad indeeed they didn't choose to crack Forza Horizon 4 wich is 5 months old now insteed of this one wich is really a crappy title according reviews compare to the 2 other epsiodes .
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they will if it's so easy to crack, they won't choose this game over FH4 by simply newer games, easier protection AAA games are cracker focus, not new ones
Forza 4 was worth buying, especially on sale.
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Surprised it took this little time to Crack (see what I did there?), especially since the game wasn't well-received. I was expecting at least 2020 to crack.
Can't say I ever expected this game series to come to PC
wah ~~ not fun ~~ easily bored ~~ try and trash kind of game ~~ disappointed
Diego Fahur Bolsonaro
Wow Thanks #TRUMP2020