get fucked skull & bones
Rin Franz
Wait, I just realized...Why is Ezio the one in the picture before we click this?
This just reminded me of a certain robot game that also had a false picture...
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Perico Sticks
That's not Ezio, it's the actual main character, notice he's blond. He's just wearing the Assassins uniform, as in all the AC games. And the uniform itself has differences from the one Ezio used.
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Is there any option to fix the Kenway fleet ?
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none of the links are working
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replay in 2022 :)
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google drive and Multiup links dead :(
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I always loose my progress when I restart the game, how can I fix that
Ummm is this just the update?
EDIT: Yeah this is just the update, what gives?
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Hey dude, quick question,
Do you know why does I loose my progress when I restart my game?
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Try running the game as admin and then get to a check point. The game auto saves when you do just about anything like open a chest, sync in those high spots or even change something in the options menu
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i only can open the game in the winrar not on the screen if you kno0w what i mean
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Maybe unpack the game?
Download links not working < google drive
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Joe 12345678
bad performance even though my pc meets the recommended requirements
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always pop up notification

AC4BFSP.exe - System Error

The code execution cannot proceed because XINPUT1_3.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.

even tho i already turn off windows security while extract, what should i do then?
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Spiky Ray
Download and install DirectX Jun 2010 Redist
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re uploade plz
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Assassins Creed Black Flag Running On Intel IRIS 540 DXVK VULKAN PEROFRMANCE BOOST
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Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag Running On Intel HD 620 (vulkan performance boost)
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question how do i pass the kenway fleet as i cant becuase of the game being crack version
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Lenny Kauffmann
This is Just a DLC ?
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game crashes on start up,had to put compalibility to windows 95 to run the game but it froze and stop responding when i load a save game or start a new one,need help
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how to make the shortcut for the game?
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Du gehst einmal auf den Ordner und klickst dann auf die Anwendung rechts klick, dann steht da irgd wo verkünpung erstellen und dann schneidest du es aus dem Ordner aus und machst es da wo du willst oder du klickst auf verknüpung erstellen und schickst es auf deinen Desktop

You go once on the folder and then click on the application right click, then it says irgd where create link and then you cut it out of the folder and make it where you want or you click on create link and send it to your desktop
Erika Anna Eskeran
Man, what link did you use?
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Mauro Alessandro
I cannot access the fleet... why? The fleet minigsme is working?
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The fleet required network connection to Ubisoft servers. This pirated game do not have any proper license, so if you played using this pirated version online features like the fleet isnt available
Yurie Katsuragi
why after uplay thingy
when it says something DLC thing
it just closes
I can not download the game. I have tried all of the link above but they always say error 404 not found.
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jevon small
Assassn's Creed Black Flag Running On INTEGRATED GRAPHICS
Zachary tonkin
What dlc is included on this?
Azan Asad
Plz how to Play freedom cry DLC
Rin Franz
AC died when Desmond did
Q wQ
(Just like how WoW died after Arthas did...THE ONE TRUE KING...)
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Iale Idioma
black flag is still a good pirate game unlike rogue which is a copy pasta of black flag
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Rin Franz
Any version before it turned to a dam- dungeon-crawler-rpg game is prolly still good / great
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Muhammad Mahfudz
i've downloaded it, but when i was playing it the game lag. even though my computer spesification is perfect for playing this game. please help for if you know
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Joe 12345678
did you find a solution
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Joe 12345678
same with me
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anonymous asian
i saw the 7 years later youtube video. now I'm like hyped to play this. I fell asleep playing assassin creed (forgot which one). I hope this game would not make me fall asleep again
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Bout to try it too i hope it wont feel like a chore playing it coz trust me i play games for fun
Josh Dimpas
I use google drive too but if the link is down I use mega up. Good thing about mega up is that it never expires ( well, for 3 years here I haven't experienced mega up to have a dead link)
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Vitor Andrade
part 2 not file
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cant access to additional content,is tehre a solution for it?
Hakim Gamer
I hope i can download at google drive cause i always get 10MB per second but it taken down :( . but with megaup i only get 5MB per second
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Frank Kerman
Weird flex but okay. If its not a flex then im sorry, because i only have 2/mbps download speed.
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Everything is a "flex" because you have dial up internet speeds?
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Enzo Ventura
mine fluctuates from 10kbps - 5mbps, and shit do I wish for it to contantly download at atleast 500kbps-3mbps
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weirder flex from you because mine's 200kbps :p
no torrent link?
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Jovan Drugi Trifunovic
Does multiplayer work?
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Ofc not, cracked games have no multiplayer
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Rin Franz
Unless you go for the classic "Hamachi" connection
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how to access the dlc
the additional contents tab is locked
anyone help please
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I figured something to show you Freedom Cry and Aveline DLCs and to play them, I was in the settings menu for about 5 minutes to put all the settings I want.And when I went back to the menu I saw that DLC Aveline. was added.After I closed the game and reopened it, I also saw that DLC Freedom Cry was added.So it's a matter of waiting
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How many dlc are there?it's got all the dlc right?
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Andrei Marinescu
was the issue with Kenway fleet fixed?
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Bruno Bucciarati.
nah , u can ignore it . but go back to ur fleet and take wheel. so mission starts
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i cant get it to start, it just crashes after like 10 seconds, how can i fix it?
never mind, my other stuff was messing with it and now works
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Kimi Amani
which link did u use?
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Jp Riciopo
Hey im having the same issue using the megaup links
And I figured something to show you Freedom Cry and Aveline DLCs and to play them, I was in the settings menu for about 5 minutes to put all the settings I want.And when I went back to the menu I saw that DLC Aveline. was added.After I closed the game and reopened it, I also saw that DLC Freedom Cry was added.So it's a matter of waiting
This game have all the DLCs and works perfectly.I installed it and checked if it is complete with all DLCs and it is.TY IGG.Many of them, as it says on the steam,you have to play certain specific missions to unlock them or the whole game
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help please
i am stuck at acssess fleet mission cuz it trys to connect to uplay servers
i look for it and i didnt found any thing plz help !!!!
Bru Moment
game almost instantly crashes upon launch. help?
Edit: Fixed it but the game runs like shit
All links that are worth it are take down, megaup is still avaliable but that site is shit as everything takes a few millennium to download.
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Adam Akbar
im running at 5MB/s using megaup. maybe it just your bandwith speed was slow.
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IGG only re-uploads when every last link goes down, regardless of the download speeds you're getting.
I suggest you get a download manager to increase you're speeds, otherwise, torrent the game from the torrent site: https://pcgamestorrents.com/assassins-171266140-creed-iv-black-flag-reloaded-pc.html
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how do you play the dlc?
Con Curly
the game starts up nicely until the "press any key" screen pops up with my mouse on the corner of the screen not moving even though i am moving my mouse irl
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Samantha Jones
Hey guys,
I was just wondering if anyone had an issue with Kenway's fleet? If it's blocked cause the game is torrented then fine. I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss any steps in the installation process.
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same problem plz help
Capt Jnld
What will I do to parts 2 and 3?
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Max Ducks
I hope you managed to figure it out after a year, but if not: Use whatever extracting program you use. I'm assuming you have WinRAR or 7zip. Open the first part, then double click on the parent folder to get to your downloads section. Scroll down, and you'll see parts 2 and 3 as well. Ctrl+click them, and they'll be highlighted along with part 1. Then extract as usual, and they'll all be extracted to one folder.
Nelson Rangel Fernandes
man, when you extract the game from the 1st part it extracts all of them with it.
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Alex Red
what do you mean
Trinimix Mystro (Bellen Summer
so just to ask there are only 3 files to download. so that's 5+5+3.4 now assume all of them are compressed at 85%. that's around 25-30GB of storage.
AC Syndicate and unity are around 65GB respectively and come ranging from 9-11 parts.
so you are telling me that a game with a relatively large ocean map is smaller than the previously listed games. including all of the DLC of course. I'm kinda saddened that Ubisof t hasn't put effort into this game
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who ever said the size of a game is equal to its quality?
Defiant RTist
yeah i was surprised too. this game surprisingly runs much better than AC3 for me.
Capt Jnld
What will I do to parts 2 and 3? The game is already playable in Part 1 after extraction.
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After you started extraction from part one, it extracted part two and three at the same time because they are linked together with .00X {X is numer of part} which is at the end of filename (whitch you don't see). to try it just put files that are together more than 5GB into rar and set compression to split into parts.
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You mean the two games that came after Black Flag, that were released on the newer console generation, with increased capability for processing power? Those games?
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Trinimix Mystro (Bellen Summer
Yes but there are games earlier in the series that are larger.
how to save the game
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Andreas Noveus Putra
run the game as admin
marvel assemble
does it have all dlc and can i play it??????????
Alejandro Barreras
The http://MegaUp.net still works fine.
Joshua Texon
i just lost the setup.exe can someone upload it in google drive and share it
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did you delete it or your antivirus locked it because if you delete it you can still recover it through the recycle bin, if your antivirus locked it up then restore and add exception
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marvel assemble
does it have all dlc and can i play it?????????? hey plz fast man tell fast
Joshua Texon
I delete it and empty my recycle bin. Accidentally. Can u please share yours i need the setup.exe 1.06
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we have a problem, it doesn't come with any installer, but the whole game itself, sorry but i think you need to redownload the game again
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Downloaded Megaup links and tested successfully on Win10.
I didn't encounter any of the issues mentioned in previous posts. I did have to restart my PC before it would work, but it's probably unrelated and due to the fact I hardly ever power my PC down.
Just to note for people who download this, there's no installer file or ISO. You just extract the zip file to wherever you install your games and start playing. There's also a file in the "Redist" folder if you want to validate the extracted files.
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marvel assemble
does it have all dlc and can i play it?????????? tell fast
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Hi the MegaUp link downloads three isos but my computer says those isos are broken, pls help
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Defiant RTist
none of the 3 are isos. all 3 contains game files.
extract the first part anywhere you like.
you can extract the rest 2 on the same folder. there is just 2 certain files that you have to skip on both 2nd and 3rd part.
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag\dlc_10\DataPC_DLC_CN_PortAuPrince_10_dlc.forge
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag\DataPC_Nassau.forge
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marvel assemble
does it have all dlc and can i play it?????????? hey bro tell fast
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Defiant RTist
75% says 404 not found or the rest says blocked/removed due to violation
PLS HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Megaup still up
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I am a Banana
How to access the dlc?
Élie Major
I can't save my progression in the game.
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niam mohammad
just run it as adminstrator before starting
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how to run it as adminstator
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niam mohammad
right click on it then you will see an option with run as administrator with an icon
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Game works, Thank you. I downloaded it with megaup.
Nojus Kazimeras
how to Access Fleet in game ?
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niam mohammad
fleet is multiplayer only. as this game is pirated so no multiplayer
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I can't continue the gameplay,it is stuck on the Kenway Fleet mission and i can't complete it,any advice?
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Niam Mohammad
When you (almost destroy) a ship, you go near it and an anchor icon should come up. Hold S and fill the anchor icon. This game can be completed offline. Go watch a youtube video if you don't understand.
Niam Mohammad
you almost destroy a boat, when you go near it hold S and fill the anchor icon. Just watch YT video. I completed this game offline.
niam mohammad
-_- reallly ? there is no kenway fleet mission either your at the part where you conquer ships by first destroying them and getting close to them and hold S until that anchor icon that popped up gets full. i have completed this with no multiplayer
Some link doesnt work, mabe all of them. Can you repair them?
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Don't ask for a re-upload here, go to https://igg-games.com/pc-game-738126637-request.htm
Eric Apperson Sr.
keeps crashing to desktop
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does anyone know if they are all running on uplay service or is a steam one in there aswell
how can i play the freedom cry
Edx1310 1999
The downloaded files does not contain the setup files itself. It is the actual directory folder for the game that is in the downloaded folders.. There is no setup files and whatsoever to install the game..
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JP Carvalho
can you put the uplay rewards unlocker?
Fikriansyah Indarto
Why the multi links have very big data than torrent one ?
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niam mohammad
because this is dlc included the torrent one does not have the dlc
Ropiul Arsadianto
its all dub or english only
Is this the full version of the game (ISO)? And not a repack?
Also is this scene a release (like RELOADED or SKIDROW)?
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PLEASE ADMIN READ.... I download all parts then i extract it.... but when i open set up it's stuck.... i wait for the stuck then the set up stop working and i must close the program.... PLEASE HELP ME... I TAKE MANY TIME FOR DOWNLOAD THIS GAME
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Shaad Rangila
I tested it today and it's working properly...just in case you think there's a problem with the upload itself...
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marvel assemble
does it have all dlc and can i play it?????????? can u tell fast
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What is the specification kf your pc?? Are you have a laging when you play it???
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Shaad Rangila
Nah it's running smooth on max settings, well if you're having problems with lags then you can lower the graphics settings and change the resolution...
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I make all the graphic setting into the lower graphic setting.... but when i play the game is still lag....i run the game in windows 7,2.5ghz.... its stil very lag...... help meeeeeeee
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niam mohammad
i guess just turn to high then..i guess that will work..[i guess] but still give it a try
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sorry for the late reply, well I recently tried it on a low end pc, changing the resolution fixed the problem for me...sorry for not being much of a help, i'm not a tech savvy...
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Alex Cena
I have a problem with the game i downloaded from this site and in the title it says with dlcs but when i opened the game i have only the game no dlcs.Pls help me if you can i really want to play the adewale dlc
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Same here. Dont know what to do
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Alex Cena
srry for my bad english
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marvel assemble
does it have all dlc and can i play it?????????? tell fast
Silver The Gamer
It doesnät launch the game when i start it. Thereäs not even a process. i might just run as administrator
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Silver The Gamer
It worked, just so you know.
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marvel assemble
does it have all dlc and can i play it?????????? tell fastt...
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Silver The Gamer
Yes, the DLC work as intended. But in order to get the outfits and parts and such, you have to find their chests in the overworld. They're gold-colored on the map and don't count towards the chest total
Grimm Reaper✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Game launches up just fine, but when I actually go to get into the gameplay part, the damn thing minimizes and won't allow me back in. But it's still hogging all the resources and sound is still playing from it. Any fixes? Like some way I can force it to not be in fullscreen?
Nevermind, I think I've found the culprit, looks like Vsync might be causing this issue. Which sucks, because this game has horrible screen tears
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Niraj Gautam
same problem is there with me
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Grimm Reaper✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
I fixed it by disabling v-sync
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marvel assemble
does it have all dlc and can i play it?????????? tell fast....
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Grimm Reaper✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
I don't remember but I'd assume yes since it is an old game
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Niraj Gautam
it is still sometime do like it
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niam mohammad
go to the game folder and right click the game and go to properties. from there go to compatibility and check if the 'disable fullscreen optimizations or run in 640 x 480' are check. if any of them are then click them to uncheck maybe that'll be the solution [maybe]
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something like "the application cannot run because ddsomething is missing"
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I downloaded all the files using Google Drive and extracted the first part
But there were no .iso files or .exe ones. I looked at the tutorial and it mentioned that I need not install or do anything, just extract and then run as admin
So I did that but it still won't work and now I'm desperate
I even downloaded the torrent and installed it but it still didn't work
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Makiche Kurichu
maybe changing the setup.bin to setup.exe would help :)
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niam mohammad
well it worked for me in setup.bin
Fit Bardock
yes every file is 5gb.
tell me is the every file size is 5 gb or not
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The first two are 5GB but the third is around 3GB
Rochelle Nel
Can find setup.exe i did turn of anti virus before extracting and still cant find it help
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Makiche Kurichu
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Huy Nguyễn
hey i dont know how to use fleet in this game, pls help :<
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niam mohammad
fleet cannot be used in pirated/offline since it is only playable in orginal game
How to get/use uplay weapon/cosmetics ? And the things we got with the DLCs ?
Amhar Fadel
So i have to download part 1 only? or with part 2 & 3? And what is that mean "ALL DLC"?
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You have to download every part, but you only have to extract part1.
You have "1" friend
...low lands ...low lands .. awaaay
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John Cena
The game works perfectly but i don't have the Freedom Cry or Aveline dlc . Help me pls i want to play them too
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Justin Park
Probably because Aveline is a PS3/PS4 exclusive
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Alex Cena
i have the same problem
i dont get something... torrent is >6Gb ... here are 3 parts BUT on uplay it wants to download 25Gb... (i dont have DLC's so im here) wtf
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Dustin Goodnight
to my knowledge man its because this is a "repacked" or something along those lines version so its highly compressed the install amount is still close to same i think
M- Magdy Elmeteny
its not working .. DLL files are messing
are there only 3 parts ..?
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You gotta crack it im guessing, Right click on the ISO and open with the windows file explorer (Or what ever mac has) And go into the Folder it shows, Take those files and copy them into the Game folder. (Had to do this with Borderlands the pre sequal complete edition from another site) So try that
Where does this game save games?/Where to put save file :)
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There are 8 DLCs include in this, right?
Quentin Hellec
Maybe I've missed something but I can't make it work, it just crash right after 3 seconds of launch. I haven't done much other than extract (With AV down) the files and launch the .exe as admin, have I missed something? thx for your help
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games setups
Use this link , you will get a original copy of game and you can play multiplayer to
Ubisoft is giving away AC IV for free
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True its free, But so is this; comes with Dlc and will actually download for me (The uplay version doesnt download anything for me for some reason so i come here)
its a game... no DLC's to go with it
Quentin Hellec
please could someone answer me? I've tried everything :

  • lauching the game as admin
  • extracting with AV down
  • downloading the torrent version (which doesn't have the dlc's which I am looking for)
  • there no Iso file to mount
  • there is not "crack" file so I don't really know what I'm doing wrong here
IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
Developer reported all previous url... So almost links broken, you will cant continue download from old links :( ... sorry
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marvel assemble
does it have all dlc and can i play it?????????? plz man tel fast
Clint Justine Nepomuceno
please make a new one :(
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Clint Justine Nepomuceno
I really want to play AC in order i cannot skip 1 series :( . Please try
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Quentin Hellec
what they meant is that it is not possible to go back to the old links, you'll just have to re-download those 3 parts (which won't take too long) in order to play black flag
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Clint Justine Nepomuceno
5gb is too big for me :(
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Disqus is being mean to me again...
I check them, but I've been rather busy as of late D:
Anyway, check and see if AC4BFSP.exe shows up on your task manager's "processes" tab when you try to run the game. If it shows up, then it's likely something on your PC (like your antivirus program or Windows' UAC) is preventing the game from running. If it doesn't show up, then try to reinstall the game while keeping your antivirus software disabled the entire time, and try running the game then.
A few antivirus programs flag this game's crack as a virus (primarily MSE) and delete some files without your consent that could keep the game from working. It's all I can think of that might be causing trouble if your PC's specs meet the game's requirements. The files you mentioned are normal and should be in the game's install directory.
Curse disqus' weird comment approval thing >>
Muzzly Bubbles
The only way to play multiplayer in pirated games is to host a dedicated server, which is usually only an option in small/indie games, and not in any AC games
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games setups
Use this link , you will get a original copy of game and you can play multiplayer to
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we cant play multiplayer in this crack right?
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games setups
You can play multiplayer if you claim it now
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Yes, you can't
Aniket Parate
I downloaded with Google Drive link. after extracting every files were VLC player
No .exe setup was present
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dont run it as .ISO just unpack part 1 with Winrar, worked for me
Mega doesn't work, all other links but google drive don't work because of adfly suspending the account, and part 7 on google drive wont download, it starts and then says an error occurred everytime. All the other google drive parts worked except for this one
Tc Clark
when I try to run as administrator, it says "Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains a virus or potentially unwanted software" can anybody help
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IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
You need turn off your AV and firewall before install/extract/play some games, bro. The method used to crack games is similar to the method used to code malware! Anti-virus programs will detect the crack as a virus and delete it, even though it isn’t! :)
Birju Ahmed
all link crash .can admin repair this link ty
For those asking for a torrent link, the game's uploaded on Gamestorrent:
Gamestorrent is run by the same admin that runs IGG, all games fond here are also found there for those that want to download games through a torrent instead of multi-part direct download links.
Also, I finally pinpointed the issue some users were mentioning some posts below about this game having a virus. I recently had some issues with malware, among other things, and I tried scans with multiple different programs. Out of ~6 different antivirus programs, including Malwarebytes, only Microsoft Security Essentials detected a malicious tool, specifically VirTool:Win32/Obfuscator located in steam_api_ext.dll provided in this game's download. That's probably the reason people were crying virus some posts ago.
If this were an actually dangerous virus, more than MSE would detect it as such, so it's pretty obvious that the file is clean and it's just MSE throwing a hissy fit over a crack, as it tends to do with most of the cracks out there. For those that experience issues like this, please verify files by scanning them with multiple different antivirus programs before making posts about it.
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IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
Thanks for trusted, my friend.
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Please add a torrent link! I dont like this method when i have to download 7 files...
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Antonio Genovese
Can i play this game on OS WINDOWS 10?
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Jeffrey Lin
thats the dumbest question ever of course u can
Muhammad Reynaldi Alrasyid
no torrent link?
admin update mega please
The file you are trying to download is no longer available.
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That picture at the top there is legitimately hilarious XD why would someone try to put fricken ezio on fake ac4 cover art its amazing.
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So I opened the game now but does the game have other languages? I want german but when I set it on german the charackters say nothing.
EDIT: I can switch the subtitle and menu language to german but not the spoken language.
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When I want to open setup.exe as administrator it says I have not enough right to open it. What should I do?
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Don't worry I solved it. I had to turn off my antivirus.
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Did not help.
Tudorache Dragos Vasile
i played the game 2-3 days but now it does not open help
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Tudorache Dragos Vasile
i opened task manager and i go to processes i double click on the shortcut and it was there in the next 2 sec it disapear wtf it is my fault i do something wrong? i will install the game again but iwant to know the issue
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Did you try running as administrator?
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Tudorache Dragos Vasile
yes ;-;
Kacper Paziewski
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Shadow Ninja
I have done everything needed to download the game, but the installer doesn't work because the second button pointing to the right doesn't work any ideas as to what's wrong (i used google drive download)
The game works fine but i can't find the dlc !!!!!!!!!!
Sithija Malinga
How to crack this
Mega part 7 don't work
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Aresia Lamarco
Most Mega link in the whole site is down. Use google drive.
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There is no setup.exe or anything to run setup. Help?
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Aresia Lamarco
High chance your antivirus delete it. Just turn it off and re-extract and you will find it. It's safe.
in part 7 u have setup
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Reupload Part 7 Link KumpulBagi please , not working , or i can download from other links just part 7?
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Tudorache Dragos Vasile
google drive
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I think every part 7 is down,, please Fix
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Tarnveer Takhtar
i had that problem google drive worked for me though :) (for part 7 today)
Where does the game save?
Louis Jober
Help please !!! I don't know How to deal with .bin files!!
And I can't install the game...
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just use power iso download that prog. and then open the bin file
part 7(last part), pleace..........
How I installed Assassins Creed IV Black Flag ::

  1. Download and moved all the parts into one folder ( Google Drive )
  2. Open Windows Defender and go to settings and turn off Real-time protection
    ( After you install the game you can turn it back on )
    If you think its a Trojan/virus don't install the game
  3. Extract part 1 and the other parts should at the same time ( 7 Zip )
  4. Run setup.exe as admin and click the button pointing to the right
  5. Click the button on the far left to change games location then click the button pointing to the right
  6. Click the button that said Onoaiiaeou and it should start installing
  7. When its done it should install direct x and Visual C++ 2010 and .NET Framework 4
  8. Click the button that said Caaaooeou
    ( You can turn back on Windows Defender and it should remove setup.exe )
    Make sure windows defender didn't remove any other files in the game folder
    ( It removed steam_api_ext.dll so I had to reinstall the game after allowing that file )
  9. Go to your game root folder and make AC4BFSP.exe as a desktop shortcut
    ( If you don't have a shortcut already ) Have Fun!
    If this helped up vote :) if it didn't leave a reply and ill try to help.
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Person Online
I did this perfectly and the game ran... But then when I quit the game and turned on the anti virus... It detected the program as a virus and I cannot start it now (Like it doesn't say it caught a virus or anything, nothing happens when I try to start it up). From what you also said to that other guy, I tried going into quarantine history and only saw something called Goominer.A and is marked severe
Louis Jober
Excuse me, when I download the 7 files, I have a lot of files in .bin, (a setup.bin for exemple), but I don't know how to deal with .bin files!!
And I can't install the game...
Do you have this problem ?r
And I don't have any .exe files
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your antivirus removed the setup.exe
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عادل البكور
excuse me should i extract all parts in the same folder ?? because it is have the same files and i should replace it
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عادل البكور
i used win rar
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yes if you have all the parts in one folder you should only need to extract part 1 and the other should automatically extract
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Fnaf Fan
I think link Google Drive Part 7 is broken... This site can’t be reached.The connection was reset. Try: * Checking the connection. * Checking the proxy and the firewall. * Running Windows Network Diagnostics. ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. other parts just fine but this one pissed me off..
Edit : Nevermind... I can't download it because there's a threat. ( Avast detect it )
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it is working
Vinz Rulloda
I can press the first button arrow to the right but I cant press the 2nd part where I need to press it again.... why? and how to fix
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You might have to change the games install location if that the part your talking about and make sure you're running it as admin.
Ur Killer
sorry to interrupt u but plz help me i followed ur steps but when i click on the AC4BFSP it does not do anything
nothing at all
what should i do?
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Open Windows Defender
Click History
Quarantined items - View details
Look for a item that is from your game root folder
most likely its Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag\steam_api_ext.dll
if you can restore it... if you cant allow it and reinstall the game
If you use other antivirus program you have to do something like that...
I had to do this when my game did the same
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I'm on windows 10, how do I check the history? I don't see the option when I start up WIndows Firewall, I clicked on "Virus & threat protection" and then "Scan History" and it said that no threats were found. Am I doing something wrong|?
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its in windows defender not firewall
Ur Killer
thank u so much :)
Yosi Suharno
I did the same way too, like you've told, from deactivated defender until allow steam_api_ext.dll but it just show me nothing.
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Check to see if you have all the parts
After installing check your antivirus program/s to see if anything got removed
If you cant restore that file, allow it then reinstall...
Make sure you have minimum specs
If its not your antivirus removing a file idk what would be the problem.
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Mason Joshua Drummond
mine wont start because its missing uplay_r1_loader.dll what do I do?
Yosi Suharno
Nah, now I know what my problem is. A bit of patience. It takes time around 10-15 minutes to run other than that the game work perfectly. But I think waiting for 10-15 minutes still a problem.
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all assassin creed games are not the best optimize... so it could just be the game if you have required specs...
Links are not working
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Does it contains "Freedom Cry" CZ mine doesn't!
Dunno what everyone's crying about but I guess to each their own. If you're worried about this "trojan" then don't pirate games and buy them, simple as that.
I've downloaded this game three times since my last message, installed on three different machines in three different locations, all installed fine and cleanly with no complications. At the time of installation, all machines only had Windows Defender running and no other antivirus software, after installation none of the machines detected any threats nor have they demonstrated any harmful or otherwise detrimental effects thus far. Not even my own PC with over 700 GB of games (over half of which were obtained from this very site) is giving me any kind of issue and scans come up clean.
Normally I'd go on a rant about people pirating games without understanding what they're even doing, but it'd be a waste of time at this point.
Setup.exe is not a false trojan.
Just scanned my system before and after using it.
Clean before the use of the Setup.exe but infected then...
The game works but you have to remove the virus after installation.
Only En and Rus language.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Thanks for confirming.
That's what I always say but so-called "experts" like to scream all the time "false positive"!!
Many games are very badly infected here.
The Official Gerald Pratama
anyways if I delete the virus, the game still work?
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
I'm NOT going to take the risk of installing a VIRUS and then remove it manually.
We need another crack.
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The Official Gerald Pratama
Use torrent, it works.
Yes the game works fine.
Ilham Hamdani
Any Japanese Language Spoken in this Game??
C:\Users\Logan\Desktop\Jeux\IGG-AsS444B.v 1.06.Inclu8DLC.part7.rar: Impossible de créer C:\Users\Logan\Desktop\Jeux\IGG-AsS444B.v 1.06.Inclu8DLC\setup.exe
! Accès refusé.
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I've finally the setup... But "virus", can't launch it :'(
Omar Rishi
I installed the game but it is not opening
I got like white screen and then it says AC4 is not responding
What should i do ? pls help
Where is the setup ?
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Probably detected as a virus or a malware by your antivirus, and therefore, was removed.
Does this contain Freedom Cry?
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Probably already figured this out, but for future readers: yes, this download contains all DLC including Freedom Cry (and the other one, Aveline I think it's called.)
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link 6-7 are not working.
please update a link for part 7
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yeah ik link 6 didnt work
part 7 for every link dont work please help
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Google Drive is working fine.
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it is russian lauguage .. no english
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the setup is in russian, not the game. its easy to setup anyways
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yeah .. u r right mate
windows defender flags it as trojan horse but as soon as i allow the program it say it installed a trojan horse, halp?
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is this reloded version?, can it synchronized with this v1.07 version? http://pastebin.com/Vx0miGi5
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No .exe file?
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If you have no .exe file then you're probably new to cracked games. Always disable your antivirus or make exceptions for every game you download from sites such as this.
Most antivirus programs flag cracked .exe files as viruses or other threats and delete them from your system, this game in particular seems hated by about every antivirus program out there.
Uninstall the game, disable your antivirus and reinstall it, should work fine.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Yeah, disable your antivirus so that this trojan totally destroys your tower.
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Two months with this game installed and nearing my second 100% completion certainly back up your comment! If you're that quick to the trigger then maybe you should rethink your decision to pirate games, do the right thing and actually buy it off Steam.
Downloaded fine from Google Drive, installed fine and plays fine. System requirements are a lie since even though I'm significantly above minimum requirements I have some framerate issues but nothing too bad and most likely my system's fault.
The installer is in Russian but anyone who's installed games before will be able to figure it out. The game itself is in english by default and has the option to change in-game voice and subtitles to multiple other languages.
The game has no negative or otherwise harmful effects on your system, the people complaining about it probably got them elsewhere at the same time they happened to download this, also if anyone is having issues at startup or crashes it's most likely related to your system's capabilities since, like I said, the game actually requires a better system than what is listed to run perfectly.
The DLC menu being greyed out is normal on cracked games, though I have yet to see if any DLC is actually active in-game (Mostly because I have no clue what the DLC is supposed to be)
Overall a great (if poorly optimized) game and an all around great upload from IGG, thanks for sharing!
EDIT: DLC works fine even though it's greyed out on the main menu, you just have to progress in the story a bit in order to obtain certain things.
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The Best FeedBack i have ever seen
Dylan Notpod
i cant even start the game :/
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If you can't even start it then you probably don't meet the requirements or have another issue related to your computer. The download itself works fine.
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Dylan Notpod
i bought it yesterday everything works fine :) so idc anymore :d
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I cant download Google Drive with IDM ?
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I don't use IDM because I think it's garbage. I just had firefox download parts 1-4 and then 5-7 in two batches.
Dick Roman
No programs in google drive can not install the game
Yudistira Upa
why my game always closed when i play the quest ?
and after i play again the game the same problem come up why ? can i fix this or there's another solution ?
Links are down
when i launch the seup it says application has generated an exception that cannot be handled does anyone know how to ix it?
Kacper Kozłowski
Quốc Trí Nguyễn
I can't install .netframework 3.5 please help
Father Jiggles
Which version is this? 1.07?
Edit: Nevermind. Anyways , how can I apply the 1.07 patch on this?
Dodi Alamsyah
why setup detected virus ?
please fix that
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false positive...
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Nope, this one is real.
Do not install.
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i downloaded it and run the setup and did everything there but the game does not start
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run as administrator ;)
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me to HELP!!!!!
Al ka (Alka)
Mega dl down
Juggernaut Khai
Ok guys, I downloaded and installed the game. But the problem is, where is the crack? I can't seem to find it on the installer folder. Most likely it contains all the bin files. Is the crack located in bin files? If it is, which bin have the crack? (THIS GAME DON'T NEED CRACK)
Edit: I can start the game normally without the crack, first time got some "has stopped working" error, and I found solution on internet so now the game is working just fine. Thank you IGG, must appreciated.
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Same problem as you please help how did you fix? i looked through google and youtube nothing...
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Disable antivirus while unpacking from winrar.
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Can someone tell me the save files location please
i cant run it bc it says i dont have the proper permissions even tho im the admin. and there is no crack folder
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The Setup is in VLC Media Player Format ... it should be Application (.exe) not a (.bin) anyone could help me please ?! =(
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There is an application. Disable your antivirus while extracting and installing. Antivirus programs are known to cause problems while installing cracked games.
Hey Guys I cant Play it, cause the Setup isnt working. It wont starting.
What should I do?
(Sry for my bad english but Im a German Speaker:) )
Edit: It works now but now I cant it start cause I havent the permissons but Im AN ADMIN!!!!
What shoul I do??????I want Play this!!!!
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starte das game einfaals administrator und schalte dein antivirus dabei aus.
ich wüsste zwar nicht was zu tuen ist aber schau doch bei yt nach oder google
runtime error(at 444:386) pls halp
OK. For everyone who has a "no setup.exe" problem - just disable your antivirus.
For everyone who has a "THERE IS A VIRUS" problem - no its not a virus. its a crack and antiviruses say cracked(pirated) games are bad so they show it as a virus. DONE.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
The trojan is real and this game needs to be taken down, sorry.
I'm not installing this on my tower.
Oscar Tarrago
and the crack?
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Dani Azzem
No have setup ;=;
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just disable antivirus and than extract again.
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John Dale
Sadly, malware detected and windows removed the file.... Can't play. I am EXTREMELY SAD coz it took hours to dwnload for malware.
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what do i have to do? is this normal?
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Stefan De Boer
ok, so the way winrar works is you need to download all the parts, and then its set to extract all of them at once, so just download all the parts and then extract one of them, and the program will extract all of them for you
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ik its a little bit late but is there a way to change the spoken language in the game?
Dale Mapplethorpe
Cant download part 7 ughhh (reset my pc then this happend) is there something wrong with part 7?
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on what website?
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Dale Mapplethorpe
...... R u joking? or not ? but i got part 7 of aciv
Dale Mapplethorpe
errr IGG-GAMES .... ?
the game works fine. thanks igg
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Gamer Z
i installed the game properly and yet why wont it open?
Alex Bednarz
Trojan.Gen.2 detected by Norton in the setup.exe
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Dale Mapplethorpe
I got same its because its not the real setup.exe from creators of AC its a user made one that makes it install dont worry its not a virus :) just when it scans it restore it ;)
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Alex Bednarz
But why would someone use a trojan program to make a custom installer
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Dale Mapplethorpe
ughh this is meh difficulty of how hard this is to explain in the ExE the people that re-program it have to edit the code in a way where anti-virus softwares say o.O thats a virus and poof the exe is gone. i dont really know what they code in it to make anti-viruses think its a virus.
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I play it but it wont save
Broke Gamer
Where is the Crack folder? Please help me!
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Actually you dont need crack this game
Can this game go online?
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Its a cracked game .... you know ´?
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IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
Maybe this is the first time he use cracked game :D.
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well i dont want to cry but it was the first time on this site that when i down load a cracked game that my anti virus say there is a trojan but i trust igg-games
John Popp
Help! Installer runs in some weird language!!!
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Zion X-calliber
that happens when you just rush throught everything
The part where it says interface "Russian" change that to "Enlish" and if you want change langauge to "English" in the setup.
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Hunter Peterson
Where is that at? im having the same problem.
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Michael Kurniawan
Can't play. Black Screen....... can some one help?
Axel Carrera
I downloaded it and WINDOWS DEFENDER found a TROJAN VIRUS... please DO NOT DOWNLOAD IT!!
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Thats normal...
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there is some problem.there are some dll missing i fix it but after i do that the game wont run it just keep loading (on mause point) and stop.someone help me
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Steven Getha
The Link Is Dead Dammit
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Preston Sheppard
Preston Sheppard
where is my saves file located i downloaded a savegame and want to add it to my game but cant find the folder
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Sebastian Sebastian
When I open the setup on Assassins Creed IV a pop up show up with unusual letters written on it and I do not understand. Almost every file is uses the .bin extension and i changed every thing to .exe but still doesn't work. I also tried another setup in the folder, another pop up appears with the bizarre letters with nothing to click on but has a nice Assassins Creed IV background. PLS SOMEONE HELP ME I REALLY WANT TO PLAY THIS GAME !? PLS
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Smiley Man
Same, I hope someone bothers to look at this soon
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Sebastian Sebastian
when i run the set up it opens a window of Black Flag and i can't press anything
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Just can run the game in english. If I switch language, the videos are silent and even worse - i dont have saved games. If I restart the game, im back at Level 1!!
Any Fix for the savegame Problem?
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you gotta run the game as administrator to fix that. Almost every game has the same problem just run as admin and done :)
Hello, for me the installation was successful and the setup as virus is the same as other crack, of course i did take precaution. Of course thank's guys for this game.
However, my question is about the dlc, in the game menu the additional content was greyed out so does this mean the dlc is unavailable or just that you cant select that option?
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OMG FOR EVERYONE WHO TALKS ABOUT VIRUS: i know it was month ago but come on people dont you know every game on this website has "VIRUS" because its cracked and that can not harm your PC because AVs locate ALL HACKING SOFTWARE IN THE WORLD as viruses .....
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This game sadly does have a virus; The setup.exe for the game installs the virus while you install the game. It isn't IGG-Games's fault, he merely tested if the cracked game worked. Of course it does work which helps the trojan spread more.
It needs to be reuploaded from another source, that's all. Everyone makes mistakes, right?
(trojan_name=Goominer.A) You can look it up.
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But you can just remove the trojan with windows defender. I searched it up on microsoft and that's what it said, that it can be removed
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Yes it does remove the virus, but also the setup.exe in the process. You have to decompile it to remove it and keep the setup.exe.
Anyway I did that and found out how it all works and surprisingly it isn't a virus that harms your computer. It uses a torrent to generate a keygen from a remote source. (steam-api file, another thing windows defender doesn't like.) And it's only used for that which makes the game work. (Yay coding!)
It is a false alarm. It won't hurt your computer. Also this is the only pirated version of this game on the internet. (At least according to IGG-Games).
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Well that's great to hear, I was afraid that IGG's perfect streak of never uploading a single game with a harmful virus was finally broken with this game ;D Thanks for clearing that up
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About the virus... The Admins said that is just the crack and it shouldn't be a problem. Just deactivate your antivirus while you extract and install. That's what I've been told :)
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Does this still have a trojan in it?
Chris Donghyun Lee
wait is this game in english?
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Hmm part 7 has trojan dropper in it. Hopefully this was not on purpose .If its not would you kindly reupload part 7 ty
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Steven Rochfort
Trojan dropper?
Woh i was going to download the game! you can request a reupload from game request tab so everyone can see it!
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John Smith
Installer seems to be in russian or some other Slavic language.
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Dale Mapplethorpe
yeah. i have same thing try'ed to change the code for English that didn't go well and i had to download the part again..
Hello, I downloaded the game and it was working just fine until just recently. Now whenever I try to start the game nothing happens. I checked task manager and saw that when I launched the game the process called AC4BFSP started to run with the Black Flag icon but then stopped 2 seconds after starting. I have henceforth not been able to play the game. Any help would be appreciated!
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reload part 3 pls
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where is the crack? and the game is in spanish?
Syaz Rain
It seems that i cant play the game cuz of the trojan stuff thingys that contain in the game...How to even fix that...i hope someone give a respond that can help me with it..
Sams Uddin
And the language is in something something language I don't know, help please
Sams Uddin
I can't extract game data 3, says crc error
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Muliplayer does not work :/
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Dale Mapplethorpe
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Is this game in English because I downloaded it, extracted and went to run the set up and its in another language....First time I've seen this and I've downloaded over 1.4TB worth of games in the past week from here.
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Dale Mapplethorpe
try to guess what the buttons say xD
Steven Rochfort
Wow dude you're like smashing a record in downloading cracked games!
1.4TB is really massive
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Dale Mapplethorpe
yeh that is quite a lot... i don't even have 1tb i have 2 hdd and 1 ssd .. 64gb ssd 160gb hdd 500gb hdd lol
Mazen Farag
Excuse me i was asking if the game working perfect because i download it now
please answer
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Iale Idioma
It should work fine
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excuse me , i already download all of the part and installed it
and when i click the icon to play it, nothing happened
i already download the software in "CONTACT ME" in this web but its still not fixed
can you tell me how to fix this?
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Iale Idioma
Did you cracked it correctly ?
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oh im sorry, its my mistake, the crack are being cleaned by windows defender, i tried installing it again and now it works
but usually on this site, the crack are not being cleaned by windows defender
why only this game that the crack are being cleaned?
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Iale Idioma
It happens from time to time no real particular reason
Fynn Melka
Hello guys.I have the problem when I get out of a warehouse, I can no longer do anymore.Can someone help me?
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there is no .exe were did u get it
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Fynn Melka
Hello swag.Just change the extension of setup.bin to setup.exe
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How i change it ??
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Fynn Melka
Rightclick on "setup.bin";"rename";change the name to "setup.exe"
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Sebastian Sebastian
for me it does not work
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Help me please it says serial number ?!
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When i tried to setup my game it gave me this error message.

  • Cannot execute "C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa0.429\IGG-AsS444B.v 1.06.Inclu8DLC\setup.exe" -
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Not getting the setup file, I seem to have everything else.
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Hey! I had the same problem .
Just change the extension of setup.bin to setup.exe
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how do you change the extension
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Thank you so much!
I get only notepad files, please help
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use mozilla when you download it will always ask save file then you just change the save as to rar file
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TheFoxPlayer ™
Or right click the notepad and open with winrar...