Night of the Blood Moon
Hey all, the games developer here.
I get that sometimes money is tight, and that we can't always afford things. There isn't a demo for the game and with the vast amount of indies released wanting to try it first is understandable. I encourage you to support me by buying the game if you enjoy it. I'm a one man team, and am working hard to make this. This build is also out-dated, and is missing a lot of new features because I am constantly updating it.
At the end of the day I don't support the decision to torrent Night of the Blood Moon, but I do want you all to enjoy.
Steam Link
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That link goes to a russian news site or something like that...
Link turns into a discus link first, then directs to this news site...
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Night of the Blood Moon
Weird. No idea what could have caused it, but you know where to look on Steam :).
Thank you for the game guys!
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looks similar to nuclear throne/enter the gungeon
looking forward to play it after work :)
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M. Molli
I like the sound more than the game itself
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Night of the Blood Moon
Hey all, the games developer here.
I get that sometimes money is tight, and that we can't always afford
things. There isn't a demo for the game and with the vast amount of
indies released wanting to try it first is understandable. I encourage
you to support me by buying the game if you enjoy it. I'm a one man
team, and am working hard to make this. This build is also out-dated, and is missing a lot of new features because I am constantly updating
At the end of the day I don't support the decision to torrent Night of the Blood Moon, but I do want you all to enjoy.