You wrote "PC, Mac and Linux support" but there's no Linux / Mac support.
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Draven2 stronk4u
He didn't write it, it's a direct copy from the description from the page it is sold at!
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I would like to get cracks for Linux. If he wants to give only Windows cracks, he should remove that. Even if it is copied.
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perfect human
pfft, you entitled linux fags want everything for free, stop running a crippled OS and use the one games actually work on. http://www.microsoft.com
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Linux is not actually free in price, it's free as in freedom, even though a lot of distributions are also free in price.
Also, I may say the same of you Microsoft fags. We Linux users use software that's actually free, while you prefer cracks.
The Linux graphics cards drivers are almost at the level of Windows ones (and if they aren't better, it's not Linux fault, but the problem are the guys working at NVidia and AMD). Except that, Linux would be a way better OS to run games on, since it's better built, it's more secure (and that's not just because no-one wants to make viruses for Linux) and stable. Even though it's not desktop, most servers on the net run Linux (Windows would be way too unstable for a server) so it's not a "crippled os". It's also open-source, so no-one will spy on you like Microsoft, Google, Apple etc. do, and you may also edit the software legally if you know how to.
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silence linux fag