Mistress Cupcake
Oh no, the text adventure lets you change the text of your gender. Truly, we exist in the darkest timeline.
The Belmanz
I am a heterosexual african american and do not support this lgbt childish nonsense. However, this will not stop me from playing games like this. If psychos wanna act like little kids and pretend (lie) about being a gender they are not, then let em. It's got nothin to do with me. lol
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
Just finished the story and here's my review:
You are a young aristocrat noble returning to the city after a long absence. And the story will focus on your relationship with other nobles and potentially uncover a conspiracy against the town. Also trying to find love along the way.
The setting is old timey aristocrat era with a dash of magic elements, forest spirits and daemons. The key currency here is 'spina' which represent your 'Will' as a noble. You gain it by performing acts of great influence, positive or negative(throwing a great parties, steal someone's lover etc). You can also make a deal with weyr and daemons to gain more spina. Take care to not lose all of your spina, or you'll become a daemon's thrall.
Speaking of Love Interest, the selection is quite small. They are four in total; two females, one male and one person whose gender is determined by you(male, female, non-binary).
Overall the story is short for a CYOA game, littered with noble jargons and a relative linear storyline to keep you interested. If you like aristocrat life, nobles politics with a dash of magic, faeries and light romance you might like this one.
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Cosmic Thang
Key feature:
Play as female, male, or non-binary; gay, straight, bi, or asexual.
That is not a key feature u fucking twats that is just fucking idiocy who actually gives a shit about what kind of genitalia or gender identity has to be in a video game must be mentally ILL. If you put that shit in ...just do it and dont exalt it as the No1 KEY FEATURE.
Resul Ekrem Kaya
Thanks <3
Valerij Bosch
->non-binary; gay, bi, or asexual.
Damn, its this SJW games again.
ITs a nope for me, I dont support these people who wants to destroy everything what make fun.
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Cosmic Thang
i feel ya but do you realize how fuckin dumb you sound posting your denial of support on a PIRATE WAREZ SOFTWARE page ? LOL
So even if you only downloaded it so you could savor the thought of deleting it right away or printing out screenshots to burn publicly you wouldnt had supported them with anything :D
Shy Primates
Oh no, you have the option to define aspects of your character in a game mostly about roleplaying. How dare these terrible SJWs make their game perfect for people who like to roleplay as many different ways as possible, thus massively increasing replay value for fans of roleplaying. How dastardly.
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Cosmic Thang
You know exactly that its not put in for the reasons you said ..its put in cuz the devs are CUCKS who shove their agenda down peoples throats who just want to play a video game and not think about the insane ramblings of a fringe minority within a minority.
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Shy Primates
No, its not. I play these games. These games are all about you making your character as you see fit, often times even choosing their hair length and style, the way they walk, etc, even though this changes nothing in the story, because it is about roleplaying.
A game about roleplaying benefits the more it allows you to shape your character, and since these games all have romance in them it makes sense to include sexual identities and orientations as well. Oftentimes you can even choose the gender of your love interest, so you can play a straight male and make all the romance options female if you want.
This is ALL relevant in a game about roleplaying. I have the feeling that you guys just arent roleplayers. We play games like Dagon Age or the Elder Scrolls games over 40 times through just because we want to play a different character and roleplay as them. The more you can customize your character, the better for roleplayers. People like you are just paranoid lunatics who see a niche genre SPECIFICALLY targeted to roleplayers as "shoving their ideology down our throat". Thats insane.
I too identify as a refrigerator. No, I'm not mentally ill and if you dare assume my gender, you're a bigoted misogynist. If you don't address me by the made up pronoun I invented while high on catpiss, (I'm into furry as well obviously) you should go to jail. And of course, don't you dare call me attractive or look at me. Don't you know that's sexist? Did you just compliment me? You'll be hearing from my twitter account. #MeToo
Yeah, no idea why people hate SJW's. The worst part is everything I said here is not blown out of proportion by any means. People have been literally prosecuted in California.
I get it, we should all accept everyone, but you can't blame people for hating these mentally ill morons who keep ruining video games with their censorship and gender role bullshit. I'm not saying you personally share these views, but you should understand where comments like these come from. The irony is that in claiming to be for freedom of speech, few sects are as repressive and totalitarian as SJWs. So no shit people don't like seeing this garbage. It's obvious why. Games like this are perfectly okay, but anything else for straight white men arent? Fuck off with that hypocritical nonsense.
But nah, it's just more bigoted backtalk to keep a young, crippled, jewish, one-eyed strong black transvestite woman(oops) down.
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Shy Primates
Its just a game. Relax. You and the other guy are blowing this shit completely out of proportion. You guys look insane. And you are barking up the wrong tree when you say this is only for SJWs. The villains in these games arent always evil straight white men, in fact they are quite varied, and lots of straight white men are good guys. You can also play as a straight white man and you will have no drawbacks whatsoever.
Comments like this on say Battlefield 5 may be appropiate, but on Choice of Games games it makes you look like a paranoid lunatic.
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It's just a comment. Relax. You are blowing it out of proportion. Honestly, if the point I was making was lost on you, then I suggest reading some real literature. It was quite obvious I was explaining why the guy that triggered you (again, "relax") made the comment he did. Also, protip: Try not to make your alt account that upvotes you blatantly obvious, it's quite embarrassing. If you actually believe in your garbage narrative, you shouldn't need that cheap validation.
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Shy Primates
He did not trigger me. He was completely embarrassingly overreacting to something and i made fun of him. I am calm, because i know i am in the right. And i do not have an alt account. I barely use this one, only made it to request some stuff originally. But of course, if someone agrees with me they MUST be an alt account. How very insecure.
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Uhuh. Sure champ. Here's another protip: Hide your comment visibility on the account. It makes the alt less obvious. You can take the L and go. You offer no value or intelligent discourse here. If you purposefully cherry pick what I say to support your own insecurities, there's really not much else that needs to be said. You've proven your worth. And please, stop pretending you're "in the right" here. There is no right or wrong with opinions such as these, and any moron that thinks their moral pedestal gives them even a modicum of legitimacy over others with regards to something as stupid as this, is completely delusional. Discussion's over.
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nameless dreamer
so i'm apparently imaginary when i agree with someone by upvoting their comment, hm? smart. real smart, buddy.
Shy Primates
My cokment visibility? Why should i care. Like i said, i barely comment here, and my history should prove that. If we disregard requests and this particular game here, i would be surprised if i had more than 10 comments on this site.
Why are anti-SJWs always going on about others offering no value to the discussion while they themsleves are guilty of it? Here is the facts: This guy was triggered by a game description like a SJW cuck, so where the other three who replied to me. It is embarassing. I made fun of them because retards like these deserve to be made fun of because you idiotic anti-SJWs are just as bad as the insane SJW snowflakes, only you guys are more easily triggered. Case in point, this discussion. You overreacted over a simple game descripiton just like the OP, then you got defensive when i rightly pointed out how idiotic it is, and then, like a baby, you accused me of voting up my own posts just because someone agreed with me. And then you try to paint me as the one with no intellecual value. What a joke. Go complain about the evil feminists some more.
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nameless dreamer
hello from philippines my alt account. :)
funny (can also be read as pathetic), isn't it? that this gen would rather think i'm not a real person than accept that there might actually be someone who shares your opinion.
and now i'm commenting too... guess i can't call myself a lurker anymore.
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Shy Primates
Eyy, nice to finally meet myself.
It is getting more and more common. People just think that they have the one and only correct opinion, and thus anyone who doesnt share it must be a fake of some kind. By that same logic, OPs 3 upvotes should also just be his alt accounts, right? No, because i accept that there are plenty of people who share his opinion.
Valerij Bosch
I agree. These people are so dastardly! Not only they try to destory our civilization but even games. They like the Mongol hordes...just in digital form. I already played ONE game from them and it was terrible in every way. I dont get how you think you can connect this game with roleplay. I mean there was this black chick, which was strong bsc she was black. No backstory, no mission. Nothing. I mean I already know SJW dont know how to write storys but that was even shocking for me.
But every one has their own taste. But I hope you are aware that when you support them, you support a movement who is against Human Rights and promote totalitarianism.
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Shy Primates
I have played every single one of these games, and i can tell you that what you describe doesnt happen in any of them. Every major character has a backstory, no one is strong because of skin color or sexuality, its nonsense.
And some of these games, Fallen Hero in particular, have some of the best stories in gaming. I would take the story of Fallen Hero and Way Walkers above most novels even. Its great stuff. The quality varies from game to game (This one is just mediocre), but "they dont know how to write stories" is blatantly false.
And no, just because i like games where you can define your characters however you want does not mean i am against human rights or whatever. That is completely hyperbolic.
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Valerij Bosch
Just tried to find the game I was talking about on Steam, but couldnt find it. It was a post apocalyptic world in Spain where you drive your Pick up with 3 dudes, which you can add to your crew. Since you played all of them you must know about the game Im talking about.
So you telling me that every one has a backstory but like I said, from the get go you get intorduced to this black chick whith one eye and you, the protagonist, can gasp on her how capable she already is, even you just met her. I didnt played it through tho, but after 3h I still didnt get any information about her, no quest, nothing.
Its obvious just to add her bsc of an agenda instead to make her an interesting person. After that I read some comments on other game from them and it turned out that most of them were true.
Maybe in our day and age with hyper feminism and SJW stuff controll much I just see it in everything. But like I said, this "Keyfeture" Play as female, male, or non-binary; gay, straight, bi, or asexual is just a dog whistle for "Hey, im progressive! And since your white, you are scum of the earth".
Its cool to see if you like it, but I once gived a try and the rumors where true. SJW dont know how to write storys since they dont know fun or insperation or even tabu topics. They can only scream, leach and ruined other peoples comedy clubs....and game like you saw.
The Noose
Do you honestly believe someone who 'identifies as a carrot' are going to replay it as a normal person? I doubt it.
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Shy Primates
I am a straight white male and i replay these games as straight women, gay dudes, gay women, whatever. So yeah, people who are really into roleplaying will replay these games as pretty much anything, because thats the fun of roleplaying.
Thank you, I really love these kind of novel type text based games. <3