Talking to Scum of Human Kind
Game was recently updated. The version on IGG as of posting is buggy as crap; some of it is bugs the dev left in (like the feed machine almost never working), but my chickens don't breed. All eggs are hatched hens, no genetic changes at all, so it is unplayable.
So the newer version would be appreciated. I really want to buy the game but so far it looks like it's too buggy. And the dev officially said "People aren't buying it now that it's past release so I'm going to update it less often." In early freaking access. They claim they need money to continue development and have to work a job to support it- but it doesn't look like they are paying 3D modelers or anyone else soooo yeah.
And they wonder why people aren't buying it as much now.
Desth O
Where has this game been my whole life? I am finally complete.
M. Molli
309.82 MB RAR
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Talking to Scum of Human Kind
The tomato leaves are the same as the weed leaves, just flipped. The same material is applied to most/all chickens. (Which is a positive for optimization, it's only using one draw call.) So yeah it's not a huge game! Woot woot.