WTF, what am I lying to you for??? This version was uploaded on v2024.12.30, and at that time, the last version the developer updated was in October. If you want to request a newer version, you should submit a request at GAME REQUEST.
Exception: CheckConnection: Timeout when connecting to GameData module.
at GameData.GameDataBridge.GameDataBridge.CheckConnection () [0x000a8] in C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\n1JyyH3P\0\scroll-of-taiwu\taiwu-remake\Assets\Scripts\Game\GameDataBridge\GameDataBridge_InterProcess.cs:194
at Game+d__25.MoveNext () [0x00292] in C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\n1JyyH3P\0\scroll-of-taiwu\taiwu-remake\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:298
at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00027] in <7cd45074592849c798ee04bb333cbf3a>:0
The method used to crack games is similar to the method used to code malware! Anti-virus programs will detect the crack as a virus and delete it, even though it isn’t! :)
There is a folder in the game named "redist" inside there is a dotnet and you need to install that program to be able to play the game. Mine works now + Discord EN mod
if you're thinking about downloading this game, just don't, not because it's bad but because there is a game similar to this while being 100 times better in every possible way "Tale of Immortal" is the name
For whom(Chinese Player) may want to remove the English mod, try to rename the folder called "Data" at the root folder. The language of the game will not be set to English. 這個0.20版本 想移除英文插件的玩家可以將根目錄的"Data"資料夾重新命名
It's always best to request daily (but not more than once per 24 hours) until your post receives a response from " (Administrator)". If he didn't respond, your request hasn't been seen or processed, so repeating it is a good idea. He scans the comments roughly every third day (+/- a day) and usually only goes back through about 24 hours worth of posts.
it will have no more update for future~ the main cracked team is from china~ and this game is develop by china company~ so it wont crack for any further update version~ but u still can play the basic version v0.1.0~ if want play lastest v.1.4 u can play at steam XD
Sad news... 8 days ago i request for update too. And IGG-GAMES replies me as below: "IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator) 8 days ago Sorry, but I don’t have the latest version of this game at the moment! :( "
I love this game! Extremely difficult to translate fully in to english. Why? Some actions/Martial arts/skill names translate in to english are weird. Those names are full of arts and meanings. So guys, try to learn it without translate it. I am a chinese, Sorry for my poor english. Have fun!
Exception: CheckConnection: Timeout when connecting to GameData module. at GameData.GameDataBridge.GameDataBridge.CheckConnection () [0x000a8] in C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\n1JyyH3P\0\scroll-of-taiwu\taiwu-remake\Assets\Scripts\Game\GameDataBridge\GameDataBridge_InterProcess.cs:194 at Game+d__25.MoveNext () [0x00292] in C:\GitLab-Runner\builds\n1JyyH3P\0\scroll-of-taiwu\taiwu-remake\Assets\Scripts\Game\Game.cs:298 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00027] in <7cd45074592849c798ee04bb333cbf3a>:0
"Tale of Immortal" is the name
thank u Orz
這個0.20版本 想移除英文插件的玩家可以將根目錄的"Data"資料夾重新命名
8 days ago i request for update too.
And IGG-GAMES replies me as below:
"IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator) 8 days ago
Sorry, but I don’t have the latest version of this game at the moment!
:( "
Extremely difficult to translate fully in to english.
Why? Some actions/Martial arts/skill names translate in to english are weird.
Those names are full of arts and meanings.
So guys, try to learn it without translate it.
I am a chinese, Sorry for my poor english.
Have fun!
Just in case if anyone is wondering.
The steam site has an assload of pics and vids.