To anyone who want's to play this game co-op together with me for free, here's my steam friend code 259433085, username is Zenix, also join my steam group and i give you multiplayer fix and game links and guide you so np, we can play this game and other coop/multplayer games for free, anytime ;)
Wait, hold the phone! Are you telling me that a post from 2015 and all it's mirrors they uploaded to, mirrors that condone piracy is no longer availability SIX YEARS LATER!?
I uh..give me a second here as I clutch my pearls, I am so sorry...I need to sit down and catch my breath...this is...THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED. This needs to be on every TikTok stat!
I wanted to play with my other 3 friends. we have hamachi and installed lanfix.exe. i can find rooms that were made by my friends but they cannot find rooms that were made by my other friends or by me. Is there any way to fix this problem?
im not sure if this is the exact reason but it may be because this game is not "licensed" i have heard of ways to play it on multiplayer servers and lan but haven't actually tried it yet
All cracked games cannot play online. As mentioned above it's possible with dedicated servers but i as well have never done it. I've only been a PC gamer for a year. I still mess up installing these games let alone figuring out how to play them online.
there's literally a way to play online games through steam for free, only with people with the cracked files, idc about that tho. it's hard but not impossibleto find those kind of files.
can anyone help me, im fucking tired of thing not working on my pc. Should I extract part 1 first or part 2. And if things like file already exist pops up what do I do. I'm so fucking lost, any help would be appreciated because im a boomer when it comes to technology
ive done that, then when i click the iso file and run the setup it all goes fine. The application is there but when i click them it said file not found, reinstalling MIGHT WORK. And im like just let me play the game its been 3 days since i downloaded this game and still cant figure out how to run it. Im so fucking stupid
hey it may probably be a problem with something called "directx" some games i got here on this website ask for it sometimes. this one does too (i think) right at the end of the installation process it asked me for directx i tried it here myself and got into the game fine. i dont know how to exactly help you since im not good at computers and programs either i hope you can figure the problem out
Yes you can LAN this game, I suggest downloading the V1.7 LAN fixed.exe file from Gamecopyworld. But instead of using Hamachi I recommend using Radmin VPN as it is also free and does not have a limit on players that can be in the same network. Also you can LAN the Multiplayer with a mod called PEZbots that let you and friends play with and against bots on your own private server
"Free" VPNs are lie "free" healthcare. The latter you pay for with high taxes, the former is paid for with your metadata. When someone describes their product as "free" as soon as you sign up you become the product.
@@disqus_vlAj5NvP8L:disqus heya what do i do about the error "Could not find zone C:Program files (x86)/Call of duty World at War/zone/english/code_post_gfx.ff' " ?
hey sorry. reply might be too late, but sometimes megaup gets stupidly slow when doing multiple downloads. clearing your download queue and downloading 1 at a time should speed things up :)
can i download just update 1.7 to play zombie only ??? or i need the whole game I mean can i download 2.5gb to play zombie or i need to download 7.5gb to play the game and if i downloaded the 7.5 the whole game is zombie with it ??
I'm not getting an .exe file when I go to download the game. Proof: Keep pressing the "download now" button on MegaUp until you get the .rar file that's supposed to come up.
Wish I knew how to make a gif like this lol These days, people just don't seem to believe me when I tell them that the download works fine for me. Oh well, at least you can do it
Now i am certain of it, Lorenz's deffinitly been stalking me keeping an eye on me reading my every comments, I could feel it lol Me being a new mod in igg's prolly the reason, He doen't trust newcommers easily hahaah
you must install the game on a other language du musst das spiel in eine andere sprache installieren auf der Deutschen version gibt es die Zombie Version nicht !
Did you download an exe file? When opening the exe, did you get a rar file, or am I missing something? If the above is true, you downloaded an ad, make sure you get the correct file.
so should i download the two parts Then After that can i play the mp cuz Zombies is not a problem for me Cuz i can download the V1.7 Patch From Anywhere. Pls Reply.
i hade the same problem. you just extract all the files in iso file by rightclicking and presing "extract all" then run the setup again and it should work....(btw i made the WAW folder in the folder wher i extracted the iso file so that may help)
It wouldn't work for me. I've found the server, and connected, but the game requires me to make an online profile. It prompts me to enter a username for my profile, and then it says it couldn't make the profile, and then it just loops, asking me if I want to create a profile again. How the hell do I fix this?
i have found an exe that allows me to connect GameTracker servers .. somewhere across the internet .. next target is cod ww2, im seeeking for way to play CoOP with my friend.. will check on my other pc for link and guide (patched cod up to 1.7 i think it was the latest ver)
Yeah they are, all of them aren't working. Maybe do something about it. I don't wanna waste my time in the game request forum to check back every other day and have nothing change... ughhhh
Explain this then: Those are both working download pages for MegaUp. As I said, they're not down. I've tested them as well. If you want screenshots of that, I can send those as well. Whatever problem you're having is not happening to me, so no, nothing will be done about the links because the game can still be downloaded from MegaUp
So I tested the pages... only 1 link out of 5 works. MegaUp - Works Rapidgator - Doesn't work Uptobox - Doesn't work Uploaded - Doesn't work Google Drive - Doesn't work You said you tested others as well. I want to see those screenshots. Thank you.
You appear to have read my reply wrong. I never said I tested others. "I have tested them as well" doesn't mean I've tested the other links, it means I've tested the download links for MegaUp, which work. MegaUp is the only one still working right now, which means the game is still perfectly downloadable.
Oh... I see, my apologies then. English is not my native language. However, I still don't understand why don't you slap a big [NOT WORKING] next to them. This could basically stop people for complaining in the first place.
We don't add "not working" next to dead links because it would take an extremely extremely long time to do that. This website has over 10,000 games and the download links go down all the time, plus, I can't edit the website. Only the admin can edit the website. All I do is moderate the comment walls. The only thing we can do about complaints is just do what we always do, tell them that there will be no re-upload until all the links go down.
Okay, I just asked since I couldn't find it on FAQ. I thought this site has some page dev team, I wasn't expecting the fact that only admin can edit the html. I think I understand everything now. Thank you for your time and sorry if I sounded rude or something.
soo. i am trying to extract partone with .iso file and it gives me out a error of file corruption i tried redownloading like 6 times but it doesnt work could smbd help me out?
Usually I try to help people on this site with trying to install the game... this time I need help. Why does the Part1_rar file say it cannot be opened as an archive with 7-zip? *Edit I used the MegaUp link. *Edit (2) Fixed it, not sure how but I fixed it.
The 2 parts of the main game must be downloaded to play the game. The 4 parts for the update are (presumably) all the DLC, so they're not strictly necessary to play the game, but they are if you want the full experience.
Replace the CoDWaW.exe with the CoDWaW.exe in the .iso you downloaded and in the crack folder. Then right click it press properties and press run as admin
So I'm trying to install the game, but when I click on CoDWaW application installer it brings up a message saying "This installation cannot be run by directly launching the MSI package. You must run setup.exe." I ran setup, but I don't know what I am supposed to do now. I don't see anything different and it never told me where anything was intstalled either.
Its located in windows/program files(x86)/Activision/ Then u need to go back to the installed file and open crack then drag CoDWaW and replace it with the one in the Activision folder
When I get the update downloaded yeah. Although my GPU is horrible so I dont know how bad frames will be. And my internet is SLOW! So download is gonna take a while. Where do you usually get your custom maps?
Replace the CoDWaW.exe with the CoDWaW.exe in the .iso you downloaded and in the crack folder. Then right click it press properties and press run as admin.
Ok so i have a problem: My PC is strong enough to run Skyrim, but when i try to run this game my pc it crashes and spits out an error about "water droplets". Whats going on here?
right click on your volume icon and click on playback devices, then select your main speakers and click on properties. Then click the advanced tab and change it to "24 bit, 48000 Hz (Studio Quality)" save then run.
On main menu, click "Options" --> "Game Options" then one of them soulld be "Enable Console" Click and save changes. Head back to main menu, hit the tild key (beside 1) then type /devmap Nazi_zombie_prototype Have fun!
Help i am installing the patch for this game on the E disk.. but why my C disk was filled.. anybody can figure it out where the hell is the installer put it?
For all those who want to finish the game there is a problem while loading the "Hearth of Reich" mission so it is impossible to play this mission, but you can play the final mission if you enable the console in the main menu and after that write into the console the following command "Devmap ber3b", doing this the game should load the final mission called "Downfall" wich came righ after "Hearth of Reich" Hopefully this help you.
If you wanna jump straight into zombies without downloading the update or completing the game you can enable it via console. -First enable console in options -Hit the tilde key (~) -Type: /devmap nazi_zombie_prototype -The Loading Screen from Zombies should show. Now You Can Play Nazi Zombies!
Is there a way I can play this, specifically zombies, with my buddy? We both have the cracked game, any way I can make a zombies server and we both blow some nazi zombie brains out? :P
Try SmartSteamEmu. then look for the Online Key in smartsteamemus settings and use the same online key. then start the game from smartsteamemu. Then open the overlay using shift+tab and select your friend and right-click and click join game or invite. it should work
Bitch,it's not about money. Its so that people with internet problems download it easier. Can you imagine downloading a game for 3 days straight,only for it to get stuck at 99% and then you have to download it all over again?
It's riskier if it's all together. Should it get deleted, you lose everything. Plus, in you won't be able to download everything as it would "exceed data limit"
When I try to boot up single player, it tells me that I have to insert the correct DVD or ROM any fix for that? And I also tried to boot up the game from the "crack" file and said i was missing the file "blinkw32.dll", even though when i looked in the setup file it was clearly there Click this link and download the file, it should fix the problem if it doesn't work than just simply play the Binkw32.dll file in de World at War folder. I am not shure if it is a .Rar file when you download it, when it is than just extract it. and i give you multiplayer fix and game links and guide you so np, we can play this game and other coop/multplayer games for free, anytime ;)
I uh..give me a second here as I clutch my pearls, I am so sorry...I need to sit down and catch my breath...this is...THIS IS UNPRECEDENTED. This needs to be on every TikTok stat!
i have heard of ways to play it on multiplayer servers and lan but haven't actually tried it yet
thought for sure lan was possible without third party stuff
how can you add the pezbot mod in here?
also can i setup lan multiplayer?
it may probably be a problem with something called "directx"
some games i got here on this website ask for it sometimes. this one does too (i think) right at the end of the installation process it asked me for directx
i tried it here myself and got into the game fine. i dont know how to exactly help you since im not good at computers and programs either
i hope you can figure the problem out
When someone describes their product as "free" as soon as you sign up you become the product.
Download and enjoy,
Why are there 2 parts? well that's cuz the game is too old,
i cant do it
use borderless gaming progam
I mean can i download 2.5gb to play zombie or i need to download 7.5gb to play the game
and if i downloaded the 7.5 the whole game is zombie with it ??
Keep pressing the "download now" button on MegaUp until you get the .rar file that's supposed to come up.
Those are both working MegaUp downloads.
These days, people just don't seem to believe me when I tell them that the download works fine for me. Oh well, at least you can do it
du musst das spiel in eine andere sprache installieren auf der Deutschen version gibt es die Zombie Version nicht !
When opening the exe, did you get a rar file, or am I missing something?
If the above is true, you downloaded an ad, make sure you get the correct file.
Pls Reply.
And even if there is files to play co-op, you can't play, you need some pirated server.
next target is cod ww2, im seeeking for way to play CoOP with my friend..
will check on my other pc for link and guide (patched cod up to 1.7 i think it was the latest ver)
this program that he uses... the second half of the video. I think it was this one
i tried "" but it says it is incorrect. any ideas on what it could be?
Those are both working download pages for MegaUp.
As I said, they're not down. I've tested them as well. If you want screenshots of that, I can send those as well.
Whatever problem you're having is not happening to me, so no, nothing will be done about the links because the game can still be downloaded from MegaUp
MegaUp - Works
Rapidgator - Doesn't work
Uptobox - Doesn't work
Uploaded - Doesn't work
Google Drive - Doesn't work
You said you tested others as well. I want to see those screenshots. Thank you.
The only thing we can do about complaints is just do what we always do, tell them that there will be no re-upload until all the links go down.
I'm happy to help by answering it, and if you need any more help, just let me know
i am trying to extract partone with .iso file and it gives me out a error of file corruption
i tried redownloading like 6 times but it doesnt work
could smbd help me out?
I used the MegaUp link.
*Edit (2)
Fixed it, not sure how but I fixed it.
IGG won't re-upload if some server are still
Yes, please edit the comment.
Then right click it press properties and press run as admin
Then u need to go back to the installed file and open crack then drag CoDWaW and replace it with the one in the Activision folder
Or my Skype bad_skype_name
Let me know that u met me from igg
For who needs it <3
Then right click it press properties and press run as admin.
My PC is strong enough to run Skyrim, but when i try to run this game my pc it crashes and spits out an error about "water droplets".
Whats going on here?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War
C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty - World at War
Have fun!
it says insert the correct DVD ROM,someone help pls
Hopefully this help you.
-First enable console in options
-Hit the tilde key (~)
/devmap nazi_zombie_prototype
-The Loading Screen from Zombies should show. Now You Can Play Nazi Zombies!
Or you can try downloading Tunglee
Its so that people with internet problems download it easier.
Can you imagine downloading a game for 3 days straight,only for it to get stuck at 99% and then you have to download it all over again?
U2PW 7CHC M57L 2252 EF13
And I also tried to boot up the game from the "crack" file and said i was missing the file "blinkw32.dll", even though when i looked in the setup file it was clearly there
Click this link and download the file, it should fix the problem if it doesn't work than just simply play the Binkw32.dll file in de World at War folder. I am not shure if it is a .Rar file when you download it, when it is than just extract it.