Rodri Gzlz
game crashes in unity screen -_-
is something wrong with the game, it keeps crashing, i dont understand, help
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and one more thing, i dont want this issue happens to Knights College
Hải Bẹc Giê
Please help me!
Where do I extract the "R18 Patch". I really don't know where to put it, because the file does the same as Steam.
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The R18 Patch will need to Extract to the game file
"Lagoon Lounge"
, it will replace only the Lagoon Lounge_Data.
Note: If it create 2 different file "Lagoon Lounge_Data" from the game and "LagoonLounge_Data" from the extract, you'll need to manual rename the extracted and replace the game file Data.
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the game gives me only 1 option, is this some kind of bug? Please, can anyone help me?
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no its not a bug, it actually have 2 different choices, enable to do that you need to download the R18 patch in the games official website (sorry for my bad English)
lol so many homophobic people, if u are soo straaight why you here???
Jeffrey Woods Aldebaran
I have a problem at first, I extract the winrar game and everything is fine, but when I start it, "apparently" opens up fine, but the game closes and the application is removed, after that I try to extract the game again, but this error comes out, help TwT
Does this contain all 3 parts of Lagoon Lounge?
Deiby g
Hello, what happens is that when I open the game the message "Done with the unit" appears and then the game is closed.
After several attempts this message appear

someone knows how to fix it
please help me T-T
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all better thank you
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Hoàng Diệu
when I open the game, it shows a window that says "Made with unity" and after that the game closes
I have tried redonwload it again and install all softwares recommended by igggame in "black screen" thread but the same problem happens
Can someone help me?
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me too did you solve it
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Dylan the Gamer
Simp Crimson
i cant fucking do this the comment section is ridiculously funny XDD
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I love how people crack this game, cause if they were to buy this on Steam, they would be instantly judged.
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I'd buy it tbh
lmao nice i love comment sections for those type of games vety tasty
ima still waiting for some hetero furries tho
either f or m human bang dem furries of opposite gender
why is it mostly yaoi stuff :-(
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Find for wolf girl and wolf tail.
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Thx mate noted
They're not 100% furry but will do
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oh i'm sure they well do just fine ;D
"What I will tell you is this. on the verge of death, you would involuntarily pray. its our instinct to do this."
you speak for yourself and your fellow slaves to man made belief systems with such a claim.
while i am mildly curious about what happens after we die. i'd rather wait for the chance to ask the reaper a few questions regarding what happens after we die instead of wasting my time on an ineffectual and completely meaningless act such as prayer when prayers don't actually do anything. they never have.
all prayer amounts to is someone sitting/standing/etc. with their hands pressed together and muttering to themselves while looking and sounding crazy and creepy. much like all religion, it doesn't actually accomplish anything and the only practical purpose it probably serves is to make one feel better about something.
and no, it's not an instinctual act for humans to pray when they die. what nutjob put that ridiculous thought in your head? oh, right...those who indoctrinated you into being a theist in the first place... hmmm...probably your parents more than likely.
people really need to stop indoctrinating their children into religion from birth and instead wait till they're older and capable of critical thinking so said children have the ability to think and make decisions for themselves so they can choose whether or not they want to believe in a given religion.
i'm guessing they started your indoctrination before you had the ability to think and make decisions for yourself so you didn't get to choose whether or not you wanted to believe the BS. truly sad, that. :(
luckily, i managed to escape such things early on. otherwise i too would be a slave to a man made belief system created to manipulate the masses and would be going around calling people sinners or spreading meaningless threats and fearmongering of horrible things happening to them after they die like you do.
in the end, if being a sinner and blasphemer is wrong then i don't ever want to be right.
and as an atheist, i am free to live my life how I choose to live it while theists require someone to tell them how they should live their lives, a guide/handbook, and regular meetings to reinforce the teachings of the belief system they choose to follow.
atheists are not living sad, miserable lives. theists are.
instinct to pray when we die...what a stupid thing to say...
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when i try to open the game, at first it seems like it will open correctly (because the window with the configuration options is ok) and when i select "Play!", it shwos a window that says "Made with unity" and after that the game closes
I have tried redonwload it again but the same problem happens
Any ideas why? (sorry if i made mistakes, english is not my native language)
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Also i have to say that i already installed all the programs that are linked on the F.A.Q. section about this problem
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did you crack it?
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Baka Akuya
i have the same problem like him, what should i do..
Baka Akuya
what that mean??
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step 1. download all zip files to the same location (simply create a new folder somewhere and put all the parts in that location).
step 2. use winrar or 7zip (both can be downloaded for free. just search for them on your preferred search engine.) to extract the files.
step 2a. if the rar files had an ISO in them do NOT try to extract files from the ISO using winrar or 7zip.
step 3. use a program such as Daemon Tools (theres a copy for download on the IGG-Games website here: http://igg-games.com/daemon-tools-pro-advanced-5300359-final.html ), wincdemu ( http://wincdemu.sysprogs.org/ ), or if you're running windows 10 you may be able to simply right-click > mount. anyway, mount the ISO file and proceed to the next step.
step 4. typically, the ISOs from IGG come with both an installer AND a folder containing the "crack" files (this folder is usually named after the group who cracked the game. names such as PROPHET, CODEX, RELOADED, etc.).
step 4a. first, double-click and run the installer to install the game normally (mind the file directory it installs to as that plays into the next step.).
step 4b. once the game is installed, go to where it installed to (where the games exe is located) then copy/paste the files from the "crack" folder to where the game was installed. overwrite and grant admin permission as necessary.
step 5. if a game has any updates available for download you simply download and extract them then apply them to a clean install of the game. the updates should also come with a set of crack files and this is the important part: only copy/paste the crack files for the NEWEST update AFTER you apply the update itself.
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Dylan the Gamer
rip uh game doesn't work like that doesn't need a crack
This game doesn't need a crack.
Fran ☆
At all the people that says that this VN is bad and shit... Please, look up for Euphoria. There are people which likes that VN, and when you google it, you will know why I say it is disgusting. Just a warning: it's a VN about R***.
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is it a lilithsoft VN? i've heard that that's kinda their thing. nice art quality but i prefer to not see blood and gore in my porn. :/
"to each his own" and all that.
pfft...that's assuming he exists which is something not even the most hardened or extreme theist can prove.
fun fact: it is not gods or devils we humans need fear but rather those who foolishly worship and serve such figments of imagination. as the servants are infinitely more dangerous irl than those they serve.
sorry, but theist fearmongering and threats of pain from things that don't exist do not work on me.
"if you are 30 years old then why are you supporting furfags."
oh, and regarding this. it's because i like the artwork, games, music, and other content furries put out which can be of VERY high quality in some cases.
oh, wow. so, now you're condoning attempted murder?
also, i'm an atheist so...you mind providing proof that hell exists?
"Go fuck yourself, pedophile"
and again with the false accusations. you know, i wonder how fast you'd be sent to jail if someone could get a girl near you to scream "HELP, THIS MAN TRIED TO RAPE ME!" out in public.
you think you're threats are bad? i bet you'd be rotting in jail, be added to the sex offender registry, have your friends and family turn on you, lose you job and house if you have such things...basically have your entire life and future destroyed by that 1 little false accusation. oh, and even if the court did find you innocent, you'd still be treated as a criminal FAR more than likely.
hmmm... i wonder what the result would be if they added pedophilia and bestiality on top of that false accusation.
i have absolutely nothing to fear from your sky wizard figment of imagination and nothing to fear from you or your false accusations.
also, "immoral"? that's rich, coming from a theist. you should go and learn how man made concepts such as morality, ethics, good & evil, right & wrong are all 100% subjective down to the individual.
what one person sees as immoral or wrong, another can just as easily view as the exact opposite. that's how things like morality work. there's no such thing as objectivity when it comes to those concepts.
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wow, what a shit storm lol
I can't say i'm entirely interested in this but let people like what they want to like! The people going around saying that "you're sick for liking this" should probably keep your opinions to yourselves because come on, it's almost the same as you going on porn hub and commenting this shit on particular fetish video. It's an opinion yes but a very invalid one to the people who have the fetish. Basically, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. Can we please respect each other's likes, passions, desires, no matter how weird they may be? So long as they are not acted upon, if they are illegal. To those who download and play this game, I hope you have fun :)
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"Can we please respect each other's likes, passions, desires, no matter how weird they may be?"
Not if their fetish is fucking animals lmao smh.
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I wouldn't really call them animals , unless ofc there are hunky anthropomorphic tigers that can speak English running around in your neighbourhood , cuz bitch i'm moving there right now.
If you're really gonna go out of your way to call them animals just because they're not the same "species" as you than aliens can be considered animals as well , so , have you ever played a Masseffect game or watched a Starwars movie and enjoyed it ? cuz i got bad news for you .
whispers into your ear you're a furry too ;)
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Well that just goes to show how little respect you have for others and how you fail to get the point. But you're allowed to have your opinion. my question is if you dislike this so much, why are you here? curiosity? compelled to be an ass? lmao, idk, but you're comment is pretty redundant.
Sentyne The Fox
Where do you live, I ask so i can find out and meet you and make you realize how immature you seem right now, How immature do you have to be to not respect people for their interests, Just shut the fuck up and go back to your mothers basement.
"Can we please respect each other's likes, passions, desires, no matter how weird they may be?"
that's what e621's "no kink shaming" rule would say... perhaps a similar rule should be added to this site for content such as this.
@👑Gabgster(✔):disqus sorry, but would you mind cleaning the comments on this page? there's a number of people spreading lies and misinformation regarding pedophilia, bestiality (Zack the Liberal Slasher. in response to some of my comments where i used a pic to show just how wrong those who seek to have works of fiction banned as a means of combating pedophilia.), and hatred, lies, false accusations (erony seems to think i'm a pedophile simply because i called out others who claim to oppose pedophilia on their bullshit hypocrisy.), and general misinformation regarding a number of different topics.
and i'm pretty sure homophobia and the whole "furfag" kink shaming bit came up somewhere along the line too.
i don't really know what IGG's stance regarding hate speech (among other things of this nature) are but i'm pretty sure this kind of talk isn't welcome in most places or isn't tolerated if nothing else.
as for accusations of me being a pedo and promoting bestiality... simply Ctrl+F this: https://imgur.com/a/mvDIgm9 to find that fun conversation.
this has all gone on for long enough.
edit: probably wouldn't hurt to check the comments of this game too to make sure there's not another shitstorm brewing: http://igg-games.com/shotaxmonsters-free-download.html
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psst i know we're talking about all these insults and shit but
do you know any other yaoi games here
tell me if you do :3
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i'll tell you of one other yaoi game i know of on this site (they're actually pretty rare here...you'd have better luck on another site i'll also link to but...fair warning... a lot of the games there are regularly abandoned after a while and forced male > female transformation of the main character isn't uncommon... though many of the games there DO have lgb content.) on one condition.
that condition is that you do not go to that games page or this other site and start spewing bullshit anti-pedo hypocrisy! start doing that and i hope you get banned!
now, with that all out of the way, the only other yaoi (NSFW) game i know of on this site is SHOTAXMONSTERS: http://igg-games.com/shotaxmonsters-free-download.html which obviously has shota content (that's pretty much the entire game), some pokemon...ish gameplay mechanics (well, it's actually more along the lines of how one befriends monsters in the dragon quest/warrior franchise but....meh.), and is pure yaoi content.
i don't even think there is a female or intersex in that game. oh, and it's censored. the artist is a pixiv artist iirc so...yeah...japan and it's idiotic laws and all that. >.>
as for that other site, it's actually a forum and it is VERY nsfw so check yo age at the registration and take a hike if you're not actually 18+.
and yes, some of the games/comics/pics/videos/siterips/etc. does have furry content too but it's pretty much all over the place really. mind the tags for threads and games and when it comes to games, check the censorship tag. SOME people on that site are too stupid to tag the censorship correctly so, occasionally, you get a japanese game with mosaic or some other form of censorship that is not correctly tagged as censored. i'd suggest reporting that to a moderator when you see it happen as the person who created the thread might be pissy and start a pointless argument or something (it happens).
there's also http://shotachan.net but...that site is purely aimed at shota content. largely yaoi but not all of it. might find some games and other stuff worth checking out there too.
and before another idiot tries to start something with this comment: this shitstorm has gone on long enough so if you want trouble and to spread more hatred and continue a horribly misguided crusade, take it up with the staff. i'm sick of all that bullshit.
this comment ain't condoning or promoting jack shit. i'm merely answering a request for more content is all.
edit: MIND THE TAGS! or you might just find some porn content you do not want to see. fair warning to all who browse the dark depths of the internet. the internet hides horrible content just waiting to fuck your mind up!
like...living gasm drives... i don't even want to know what that artist, dark nek0gami, was thinking when created that fictional species. shudder all kinds of "WTF?!" with that one.
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oh, I was hoping for more furry visual novels or just visual novels (yaoi ones),if you have them tell me, if not, nevermind.
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Hi, I don't know much about furry VNs but I do know some non-furry ones. Mostly all of these are completely, or close to completely translated.
Starting off with those on this site:

Some not on this site but fully translated (using VNDB links):

Here are some not fully translated, but have more than 2 or more routes completed (including common route):

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wow, thanks. I forgot dramatical murder exist already
some of the others look good too
oh, well...actually, i only know of 2 others right offhand (mainly because i'm not really into VN's much).
https://www.amorousgame.com/ which is now on steam so you could request it here: http://igg-games.com/pc-game-request.html
and the other one i know of is called Morenatsu but it's in japanese (though there is a fan made translation patch but that's all i know about it). you can find some info on it and others here: https://vndb.org/g752
wish i could be of more help but i'm not a big fan of VN's.
edit: wait, nevermind. i overlooked the price tag on steam. Amorous is free.
30 years old and i still get called a "kid" by actual children.
you're pathetic but if your username is accurate and you really are a liberal, that should be expected as your kind have, by FAR, the most fragile emotions on this planet.
come back when you're ready to have a real conversation that doesn't involve you trying to base your opinions off misinformation and lies.
"Your pic never explained on ANYTHING on combating pedophilia but only promoting anthro art."
incorrect. the pic was explaining how fictional under age characters are not the same as irl children in irl child porn which is 100% true.
you, on the other hand, continue to lie and spread misinformation.
"Stop trying to victimize other gay people like im a bad person."
that was not my intent though the way you're talking CAN be seen as hat speech so you BETTER watch what you say before i report you for the closest reason to that: "Targeted harassment — posted or encouraged others to post harassing comments or hate speech targeting me, other individuals, or groups"
"IMHO its still bestiality because the furry fandom has strange fantasies with having sex in fursuits."
SOME members of the furry fandom do but not all. a blanket claim such as this is based solely on misinformation and is simply not true BUT i will give that you, as is everyone else, are entitled to having an opinion on something but that's as far as that goes. opinion aside, what you said is factually incorrect.
"They get a boner for that shit and it sickens me on what we have devolved to. Look at yourself in the mirror, pal. You are part of the problem and you cant bury this fact under the rug."
none of us can hide the fact that we humans are the single most vile and destructive species ever to evolve on this planet we call home. there truly isn't a single species worse than us. so you've got a fair point with that claim but make no mistake, that is true of ALL humans, not just those you don't like or disapprove of.
now, try spreading lies and misinformation 1 more time and all 3 comments WILL be flagged as targeted harassment.
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To add r18 cutscenes, download this patch
there is a guide there on how to install the patch, but except install them into your Lagoon Lounge folder from the download from this website.
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it doesent work for me in the kaij09 website tutorial it said that if it sucess it should have thumbnail on the cg gallery but i dont have it and it also didnt ask me to replace the streamingasset files
lol no, being a fan of anthros and/or furries in general does not mean someone likes or is promoting bestiality.
in fact, i'm fairly certain that those among the furry fandom who ARE into bestiality are a very small minority of the fandom.
maybe you should do some fact checking before spreading hatred and misinformation.
and lastly, no, the pic i linked to has absolutely nothing to do with bestiality. it's an anti-pedophilia pic. an ACTUAL anti-pedo pic that doesn't spread the incorrect message that banning the type of material it talks about will somehow help with the pedo problem.
i'm talking against pedophilia and am in no way promoting bestiality while you are spreading lies and misinformation.
also, furfag? that's not really an insult when it's the truth, you know. i do like furry artwork, animation, and games and i am gay. so...nice try with that failed attempt at insulting me, child.
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Dark Monster
I have no negative or positive feelings toward this game or anyone else on this comment section. but I wish there were games or visual novels that have a female mc date furries though. Its a rare type of genre I think but I think its fine even it doesnt have one. Also its ok for people to enjoy this type of game but what I dont like is when people are trying to shove it into our face (not like anyone here is doing that kind of thing)
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Hey, 90% of the furry community is composed of faggots, of course they're mainly gonna produce gay shit
these comments are awesome! Flame each other more!
Antonette Jewel
There is no scene or anything.
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Hyou Vizer
you need to install the R-18 patch from the developer's own site, its super easy to do. go to http://kaiju09.com/lagoonloungeEnglish/ and scroll all the way down to the page, it'll have a step by step instructions for applying the patch too.
Eyy... this definitely is not my wheelhouse, but it is rather nice to see something different for a change. And hey, if it's good, then cool.
Minato Aino
Welp, there's a lot of visual novel with hentai over here. So, why the people are so fucked with this? stop crying.
I will download this game tomorrow. But I'm here to read the comments about how disgusting furry porn is. It's like having some personal buffoon <3
Rizky Maulidan
oh please
someone with Furry cartoon avatars saying Anime Isn't Cartoon/Vice Versa, LOL
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Daniel Kiss
I mean im not judging, you do you guys..
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still anime tho as it originates from japan and has the same art style
know what? i actually don't have to listen to your bullshit accusations since this is the internet and on the internet we have this thing known as a "block" function.
furthermore, since comments wrongfully accusing someone of being a pedo can very easily lead to further harassment on the internet, i am also going to report these comments you've made implying that i am a pedo when that claim is 100% incorrect.
here's hoping the moderator and/or admin who handles those reports takes such knowledge into account when dealing out judgement.
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sorry. didn't know pedos were innocent here.
listen, scumbag. i am not making excuses. i am not a fucking pedo.
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Dylan the Gamer
wait i know im late but how is this pedophilia? there is only an underage character you can be with in the original version, and the original version isn't even on this site, so claims shouldn't be thrown at this version of the game, due to the relationship and subsequent scene being removed. you are not a pedo in my eyes due to your defense of this game, and i think you have a very good point about the concept of the furry community almost always being covered by a "blanket statement" that almost always says that the people are both interested in both bestiality and pedophilia. just wanted to say something.
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it started with people calling people who like this kind of game (and the shotaxmonsters game) degenerates then...
i think the pedo stuff started further down in the comments with...
Jaime rangel talking about so-called "pedophilia games" 19 days ago.
then there was, Suzunaan, saying: "I mean, nobody can blame you if you thought those degenerates were real animals at first, especially if you're hunting..."
then later with my "to the people who want shota/loli content removed from porn:" comment erony started going after me and calling me a pedo because i dared to speak out against the hypocrisy of anti-pedo people (because, apparently, merely discussing topics such as pedophila or bestiality means you yourself ARE a pedophile or pro-bestiality despite the exact opposite being the truth in most cases.) and after using that 1 pic to prove erony wrong, Zack the Liberal Slasher. took the opportunity to start going on about how i'm promoting bestiality when i clearly wasn't and don't.
that's pretty much a tl;dr summary.
tbh, the whole "merely discussing topics such as pedophila or bestiality means you yourself ARE a pedophile" thing is actually no different from the accusation of someone being islamophobic simply because they tried to criticize that religion in some way. it's simply the anti-pedo crowds way of trying to scare anyone who tries to discuss the topic into silence.
it REALLY makes me question their actual end-game since it's clearly not about ending or fighting pedophilia. if it was, they wouldn't be so desperate to ban things that help and silence discussion about it. right?
i would say they have similar reasons to the anti-violent video game crowd but they're really only similar in wanting certain content banned. i'm pretty sure the majority of those who want violent video games banned are insecure chicken shits who are terrified of the thought of someone taking away their precious firearms.
firearms which are infinitely more deadly and dangerous than even the most extreme of violent video games...
anti-pedo people though...no...i suspect their end-game is something far worse.
as for the bestiality thing... >.> that's largely just misinformation, lies, and maybe a stereotype or 2.
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Dylan the Gamer
the sad thing is that the original lagoon lounge actually has something that may fall under pedophilia (insert seiya scene here) and there is a point when talking about the original game. This version however removes that scene and character as a option (which I feel was a very good call) and I just personally think that is is justified to call this game pedophilic in its original state.
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behold, the truth.
when you go around attacking and harassing those who like games like these you NEED to understand that not everyone who plays them or looks at such pics are pedophiles. it doesn't matter what you think when you are flat out ignoring the truth in order to justify your blind hatred and the misguided crusade of hatred you chose to be a part of.
and just like with what erony tried to do to me. just because someone or a group of people start discussing the topic of pedophilia, that does NOT instantly mean that they are in fact pedophiles themselves. to see such a discussion and instantly jump straight to that conclusion and start accusing them is the wrong thing to do. and, in a lot of cases, you would be wrongly accusing them of being something they clearly are not.
get it through your head: the characters in games like this one and shotaxmonsters do not exist irl!
under age characters in drawings (be they CG or otherwise) taking part in sexual situations DO NOT EXIST IRL!
they are not REAL.
unless the characters in the game are based on irl children OR if irl children took part in the making of this game. no irl human children were harmed by the creation of this content. nor can they or anyone else be harmed by it because it is nothing more than pixels on a screen.
if anything, fictional content such as this serves a GOOD purpose as it can provide actual pedophiles a harmless outlet for which they can act on and act out their harmful tendencies and urges WITHOUT harming ANYONE irl.
when you go around attacking those who create such content and seek to have it banned you are, in fact, working to promote irl pedophilia as you are taking away something that helps to REDUCE irl pedophile activity.
......but by all means. go ahead and call ME a pedo too because i DARE to question the hypocritical agenda that so naively claims to oppose pedophilia while actually working to promote it irl!
yeah...I'M the bad one because i manage to see through the bullshit hypocrisy and choose to call it out for what it truly is.
i doubt you even think before calling people like me pedos or attacking games like this. you just go around and blindly parrot the blind hatred you've heard others say and tell you whenever you see something that fits the general description.
and then, when someone calls you out on your bullshit, you just double down on it...am i right?
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Dylan the Gamer
i... i get what you're saying and I am sorry for misunderstanding what you meant. it's just... i'm sorry.
ik this may seem weird to ask but do you have the original Lagoon Lounge (not the remaster) because I'd really like to play it.
I know that I was misunderstanding the situation, but knowing that it isn't pedophilia could you at least contact me at iwanttonotlive@gmail.com so we can get in contact? I'd like to learn more information about this subject (so that I don't misunderstand\be ignorant to the subject in the future)
I'm sorry.
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i've rarely ever used my email for anything other than confirming registrations to games and websites.
but if you have discord, i'm treos #9259 on there.
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Dylan the Gamer
cool, thanks
Dylan the Gamer
uh... i was agreeing with you... i wasn't trying to insinuate that you are a pedophile, i was just mentioning the first game's scene... sorry...
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oops? sorry...
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Simp Crimson
this is THE longest argument i have EVER saw on the internet, props to the people who managed to stay in this conversation instead of saying "this is going nowhere, im out"
clap clap
i am not a pedo but i am also not trying to get certain things banned when i know that the removal of such things will actually lead to an increase in pedo activity irl and will likely lead to the harm of irl children.
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Lol it's anime, you're like the nerd kid in school who pretends they're not a part of the nerd group to try and seem cool.
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Miki Kun
<3 . <3 Thanks
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its still an anime tho...
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uh you have an anime avatar

Well, this is weird..
People make all kind of games these days.. >_>
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Hyou Vizer
there's literally mainstream games about killing people in gorey way being ever so common but animal people which have been a thing for the longest time back to bugs bunny, freaks you out......okay sure.
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Nah lol, the fact that people get off on this freaks me out.
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Hyou Vizer
new to the internet huh :p
MrCreeperman 147
Who's here only to read these funny comment xD ?
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to the people who want shota/loli content removed from porn: you are the exact same as the "ban all violent video games" crowd in that by attempting to removed this content you are, in fact, working to PROMOTE PEDOPHILIA!
violent video games don't make people more violent. quite the opposite which has been proven time and again by multiple scientific studies.
violent video games (much like shota/loli porn content starring fictional under age characters) and serve as a harmless outlet for which people with violent urges and tendencies may act out those urges without actually harming anyone irl.
if you take away this harmless outlet, the very people you claim to stand against will then have no choice but to act on these urges irl which will lead to a spike and growth in violence and pedophile activity.
you are quite literally promoting the very thing you claim to stand against by taking away things like this. hypocrites, each and every one of you. every single time you say anything about wanting such content removed, you are promoting the thing you want gone. you don't want a solution, you just want a target for your hatred and ignorance.
edit: fighting a problem by promoting that problem... that is some awesome logic that would totally lead to great results, right? /s
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Gore is legal in media (TV, Movies, Games), but pedophilia porn isn't legal in media. It's not about the morality of pedophilia porn that makes some people want to ban them, but rather the legality of it, as it shouldn't even exist in the first place due to laws against it. Although if you want, you could always move to the hell hole that is Japan where practically anything is legal so that you can continue admiring your pedophilia porn.
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here is some educational material for you and anyone else who makes anti-pedo comments on this page:
please read the text carefully and for fucks sake, LEARN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WHAT IS AND WHAT IS NOT REAL!
all you're doing right now is showing that you haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about. you're simply parroting the hatred you heard from other people.
and next time you try to make some anti-pedo argument. do NOT bring up morality as morality is a 100% subjective concept and stop acting like banning shota/loli porn content featuring fictional characters will make everything better. all that does is make you look like a retard who is trying to solve an irl problem by removing something that actually HELPS with said irl problem.
the logic you're trying to use is the same as that which SJWs use regarding racism: to stop racism we must teach and promote racism.
by removing these works of fiction starring characters that DO NOT EXIST irl, you will push pedophiles to go after irl children instead.
by trying to have this porn content banned you are actually working to promote irl pedophilia.
i can't even begin to understand how people like you can get your minds caught up in such a backwards and idiotic plan. and yes, you BET it has to do with morality. why else would you go around calling people who like or view such content degenerates?
a degenerate is an immoral or corrupt person.
so by it's very definition you are fighting a battle of subjective morality and you are fighting the wrong target.
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Hyou Vizer
ah yes the classic "its not real" counter argument.
your imgur picture is saying sexualizing shota/loli is even more okay if done with furry characters apparently
sure killing someone in a game doesn't mean you actually are a murderer nor want to be one in real life. sexual desires however is another topic entirely for being attracted to children, even if fictional ones in some from of media. I'm sure you aren't actually attracted to children in real life but being into seeing anime children sexualized doesn't make it any less creepy.
I understand that you're saying actual pedos need shota/lolicon porn as an outlet so they don't do such things to children real life, that is a fair argument actually. some case studies show having an outlet to watch or do such taboo desires in a simulated place like video games or porn do in fact reduce the likelihood of people committing these acts in real life. so i will agree with you that much o.o
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"ah yes the classic "its not real" counter argument."
yes...using the truth as a counter argument.
and it's good to see you're not completely unreasonable.
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Yes , because tentacles / rape / gore / scat / tentacles / water sports / cum inflation / underaged looking girls and even more tentacles are way less concerning than 2 anthropomorphic beings giving their content in a healthy relationship .
Personally i'm not into furries but everyone has different tastes and turn ons and if you can't respect that than you're a close minded bigot .
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well, to be honest, the one that watch that kind of shit on hentai also have a mental problem. just like the one that watch furry porn.
it's not about respect, " Respect is a POSITIVE feeling or action shown towards someone or something considered important, or held in high esteem or regard ". and how the f*** watching furry give you respect.
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a word can have different meanings hun , sorry to pop you bouble but , respect also means "due regard for the feelings, wishes, or rights of others." honestly stop picking what suits you best and do a bit more research next time ... ffs
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ah.. sorry, non native speaker, i get that wrong.
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how is that relevant in any way ? does respect not mean the same thing in your language ? also i'm a non native english speaker too .
Hyou Vizer
you should only take issue with people that get off to actual sick shit like real life rape porn, child porn....you know actual things that physically/emotional/mentally harm people in real life.
but being into fictional artwork of animal people doesn't harm anybody cause well its not real unlike what i mentioned before.
i do question why you came here in the first place, thus ruining your internet cookies >:p
agreed and well said on that last part.
Costs of Bara.
Oh, This game is Complete then.
Yeah the Part 2, 3 and 4 will take sometimes to be release.
Hyou Vizer
especially the ones that'll have little anime girls with o-faces lmfao
Hyou Vizer
omg i never expected this game here, thank you <3
kiro the dog lover
the same people saying "haha furry cringe and cancer" are the same people who spend their life watching anime and hentai. Suck my fat fucking nuts.
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Rizky Maulidan
haha yes
because watching animal cartoon porn is ok,but human cartoon is not
I'm not defending anyone who watches hentai btw,but furry is disgusting if you're sexually attracted to it
Featuring : 'Gay'
Status : Accepted :3
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@gif: don't stop being weird japan for that is one of the greatest and worst things about your great nation.
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Featuring 'Gay' xD
OH LOOK THE FIRST REWORK OF THOSE 3 GAMES THAT TOTALLY DIDN' SUCK :] . can't w8 to cringe to death again :>
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HEY YOU ! ye you , the person about to shit on gays / furries / bara
Try this !
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Is there a rule against sharing your opinion in the comment section that I didn't know of? Or did the anime pfp fags come up with it to stop people from criticizing their gross fetishes?
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First off , wow , you got a lot of hate in you , what did the furries/gays do to you honey ? who hurt you ?
Second my profile pic isn't from an anime its Alice from Alice Madness Returns , a game , that is on this site .
And lastly , no bo , there is no rule that stops you from criticizing the game but by posting shit like "Omg gay furry cancer ! lol" you basically disrespect 2 whole communities .
Just because somebody likes something that you don't or don't agree with it doesn't mean that you're entitled to be intolerant towards them .
The world doesn't revolve around you friend , you don't have to understand peoples differences you just have to accept them .
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I haven't said anything about the game. I just thought your comment was really, really, retarded, so I thought I'd try to be funny about it. Of course, everyone has their own opinions, but I still have the right to judge them whether you like it or not. And lastly, I think you might me overestimating how much I would care if I were to disrespect two communities that (based on your assumption on me) I would look down upon.
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Aaaand the bigotry is back , to be expected , your type of people isn't too keen on nuanced understanding.
I've seen a comment of yours above calling a guy close minded but has the thought that , maybe harassing people around the internet based on their tastes and fetishes without ever second guessing yourself is literally what being close minded means ?
Also this game is free on this site , i understand clicking on it just out of curiosity but the moment you saw what the game was about you could have just pressed that back button and mind your business . No one in their right mind has time for hatred online like this unless you're a closeted gay/furry yourself but you know what , it's ok , one day you'll love yourself again :)
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Yeah man, you're completely right. The reason why I'm being harsh to you is because I'm a closeted gay furry. Wow, you completely got it right. You just won the argument that I never made. I haven't once insulted the fetishes you seem to hold dear to you, I was just insulting you. I'm kind of shocked that I need to repeat this, because maybe the statement couldn't process into the pill-sized brain of yours (as it was probably in the middle of thinking about all the sex positions you were gonna try out with the thicc gay wolf daddy), but I was just saying that people can freely express their opinions, whether it be good or bad, or at the expense of other people's "feewings :(((". Your original comment was telling people who wanted to say their opinion to fuck off, thus was the original reason for why I "harassed" you. But no, now that I think of it, you were completely right. I didn't "cyberbully" you because you were obviously in the wrong and acting completely retarded, no, it definitely must've been because I'm a closeted gay furry. What an amazing thought process you must have.
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shitting on furries is to nice for them
Hyou Vizer
haha saw this skit off FB yesterday, fuckin hilarious. well said man :D
Costs of Bara.
Ah, this game still incomplete?
Didn't it release some years ago too?
I play the demo before.
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Jaime rangel
Dozens of thousand of pedophile, rape Graphic Nobel adventure games, perfectly fine, no degeneration outrage.
A couple of Furry games(conscious love between adults):
"To much degeneration STOP!"
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And it's consensual, mate. Not conscious.
Idk what you're talking about mate. Lots of people hate rape graphic novels, and anything to do with rape in general. It's just you fucks with the gross fetishes that don't complain about it. How about you try seeing from an outside perspective instead of your own?
fun fact: characters seen in drawn pictures and 2d/3d animations that are not featured in irl photographs are fictional characters. this means said character, regardless of the age they are depicted as are NOT REAL.
did you know that violent video games can serve as a harmless outlet for people with violent thoughts and tendencies? a way for such people to act out those urges without actually harming anyone irl.
the exact same can be said of drawings and animations of under age FICTIONAL characters.
by trying to remove these harmless outlets for their urges you are in fact promoting irl violent activities and pedophilia because you are trying to leave such people with no choice but to act on those urges irl.
with furries it likely, in part, has to do with the incorrect assumption that all furry fans are into bestiality or something similar and want to go around fucking animals irl which, far more often than not, simply isn't true at all.
now, that might change to a certain extent if genetic engineering science manages to one day create irl anthros but...that would be fucking anthros while bestiality almost always applies to ferals.
there are some very important details people need to consider about these topics before jumping to incorrect conclusions based on hatred and ignorance.
Tanya Degurechaff ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Gay Furry
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and anotha one
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Jaime rangel
What about pedophilia games?
Never too many right?
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so...you would prefer shota and loli content be banned? congrats, by attempting to remove a harmless outlet for their urges, you are, in fact, promoting irl pedophilia as removing these harmless alternatives featuring fictional (read: NOT. REAL.) characters leaves them little choice but to act on their urges irl.
so...that's 1 count of promoting pedophilia, and likely 1 count of promoting the hatred and suffering of others as a result of promoting pedophilia.
people who want things like this removed seriously need to start thinking about what they're REALLY trying to do. cause it's the exact same with people who want violent video games banned.
you're dead set on stopping and preventing pedophilia so what do you do? you seek to remove what you THINK is a direct cause of these urges when in reality the thing you seek to remove has been proven time and again to mitigate or possibly nullify the problem.
violent video games don't make people more violent. in fact, it's quite the opposite result which has been proven numerous times in numerous scientific studies.
violent video games can serve as a safe, harmless, outlet for which one may act out violent urges and tendencies without actually harming anyone.
what do you think we'll see happen if those violent video games are one day banned? will we see a drop in overall violent activities? OR will we start seeing a spike in violent occurrences now that we have removed the harmless alternative those violent people could use to act out those urges without actually harming anyone irl?
the same applies to fictional under age characters in porn in relation to pedophilia.
the more you try to remove the content, the more you are in fact promoting that which you claim to oppose.
Hey, hey. Just because FlatChest-chan calls you 'big brother', talks, looks, and dresses like a 12 year old it doesn't mean she's underage.
If I learned anything from my early VN/hentai days, she's 18. Or 1800+.
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Jaime rangel
There are hundred of games about literal under age girls, the games say the age, the only reason for not be labeled as pedophilia is cause the tolerance for ficticious anime anbiguous image characters.
Dragon Bitches
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Nabiel Faiz
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Jaime rangel
But dozens of pedophilia games are fine right?
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hello, pro-pedophilia person. your hypocrisy is wonderful!
Who the fuck is saying that?
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the people who are operating under the exact same logic as those who want violent video games banned.
thing is, by trying to ban under age fictional (not real) characters from porn, they (like the anti-violent video game peoples)are in fact promoting the very thing they claim to oppose.
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So banning loli's in porn promotes loli's in porn? How?
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the situation of anti-pedo people attempting to have shota/loli pornographic content banned is actually no different from those who keep trying to have violent video games banned.
what i mean by that is this. there have been multiple studies done that have shown that violent video games do, in fact, REDUCE the rate of violence and violent activities irl as those with violent tendencies are provided a harmless outlet for which they may act on their violent urges and tendencies while harming absolutely no on irl.
if violent video games are banned one day in the future then, following the ban, you can expect to see an increase in violent activity in general as the harmless outlet has been removed.
the same can and likely does apply to porn starring fictional under age characters. this porn serves as a harmless outlet for people interested in such content for which they may act on their tendencies and urges without harming actual irl children.
what do you think will happen irl following a banning of such content? will we see a decrease in pedo activity or an increase now that the harmless outlet has been removed?
it's not that banning loli's in porn will result in the promotion of loli's in porn but rather it will result in an increase in pedo activity concerning irl children.
Hyou Vizer
you know, those japanese anime games that have sexualized lolis with a touch screen mini game etc, that pedo shit
What the fuck... Furries are real??
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not yet but maybe when genetics related science progresses far enough...
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Hopefully never.
It would let us purge them, though... I mean, nobody can blame you if you thought those degenerates were real animals at first, especially if you're hunting...
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"nobody can blame you if you thought those degenerates were real animals at first"
humans are a species of animal. you are a human. therefore, in the hunting scenario you described, YOU are just as much fair game as the anthros you seek to kill.
oh, and if you did kill an anthro...a fully sentient/sapient humanoid animal...that's very likely to be considered an act of murder. so, here's hoping you end up rotting in jail after your first attempt at murder.
you say anthros are degenerates and those who like them are degenerates? how often do you hear furries going around wishing for and seeking the death of others?
no, the only real sick degenerate here is YOU. normal people don't go around wishing for the death of others. and furries are about the most open minded type of people i know of. right up there with the likes of freaking buddhist monks but with that said, you should always remember that everything, even the great peace loving tolerance of the buddhists, has a limit and if you push things too far...well, you have only yourself to blame for the consequences of your actions.
"It was released in 5 Jul, 2018" Umm, what? It has been out for a few years now o_0
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Hyou Vizer
this is a remaster of the 1st game, redoing all the character art. it came out recently and they added a new character to date too. can get it on steam for $13 and also download a R-18 patch directly from the developer's site for it too.
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Costs of Bara.
wondering if there's gonna be Part 2 and 3 getting HD remake or not.
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Hyou Vizer
i believe the creator of the game stated so on their twitter somewhere so search them: @oodaru
i just wish they remastered all three and just release it at once together for like $30. i hate this three parter shit cause each game is just under 2 hours long as is lol. so now we wait for 2nd game and 3rd game ugh.
notices his bulge OwO
First regular furries, now fat ones ?
The degeneracy's spreading...
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Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
It's not fat. I believe it's called bara?
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What's the difference ?
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there's a difference between body fat and muscles? who could've guessed?
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
There's a lot of debate about what is bara and what is not. But basically 'manly men with muscles' is bara. In most cases, fat is not bara.
Furries is usually bara, but furry is not bara.
bara is male x male porn for gay males.
yaoi is male x male for females (fujoshi),
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7 Shanks
lmao bara aint a term for gay porn
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correct, that term would be yaoi. or that's one of the most common terms for it anyway.
Soul Solis
Oh hell yes ! >:)
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fucking Furries
are you trying to turn me gay igg-games?
because it totally worked...
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and apparently furry