The 12th Dimensional Lasaga
top 10 best animes.
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Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
Bye God! Come back soon! Bring back souvenirs! lol
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fabio vinicius
thank you, keep updating the game, and no request password to unrar
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johnny silver
Oh dam I remember this game was in sega mega Drive II 16bit it was dam fun so nostagic..
okay but why though...
Jacques Brele
Bonjour à tous.
J'ai commencé un petit let's play sur ce jeu que
je trouve très sympathique. La première vidéo sert aussi de vidéo de
découverte alors n'hésitez pas à regarder. En plus elle est assez courte
pour vous permettre de vous faire une idée du jeu assez rapidement.
N'hésitez pas à me donner votre avis, et merci :)

Hello everyone.
I started a little let's play on this game that I find very nice. The
first video is also a video discovery so do not hesitate to watch. Plus
it is short enough for you to get an idea of ​​the game fast enough.
Feel free to give me your opinion, and thank you :)
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johnny silver
Alright look fun I'll check it out...
Simp Crimson
u dun know
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Simp Crimson
2+2 is 4
-1 thats 3 quick maffs
M. Molli
2.41 GB RAR
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
The Shaq Fu has been reborn :D
Shaq fu for gb was better than any other game on game boy (in my opinion)(OPINION!). And please dont be like "Except you didn't talk as if it was your opinion, but as if it were fact" like an entitled being that wants to make counter arguments that will be negated by me stating what i typed. So please dont be "online bully" or as the decent humans call them Trolls.Ps: Ran over a bike with a bike. rip
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It's ok to like shit. What ISN'T ok on the other hand is to throw veiled insults my way. What you thought i wasn't going to notice that shit? Nice fucking try, if anyone around here can be called a troll, it's you
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also, i didn't know Shaq Fu was even a thing for gameboy. I'm have to check this out!
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Kazari Aldis
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Can I change the language in french ?
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i feel bad for the person on steam who bough this instantly. who see's shaqfu and thinks "GOTTA HAVE IT?!"... if it were actually like the original, i'd be more interested.. that game wasn't nearly as bad as people tend to parrot. it was a big like Marvel Nemesis. This is just some cheesy beat em up where Shaq is now asian.
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Uh no bro, shaq fu is worse than people make it out to be. You sound like some uptight dude who likes to go against what everyone says. Deal with it.
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deal with it? how very edgy and original of you. nah, i'll just leave my valid differing opinion here and walk away. i don't need to argue with some random about opposing tastes.
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Except you didn't talk as if it was your opinion, but as if it were fact. "that game wasn't nearly as bad as people tend to parrot" Now to me this doesn't sound like someone exposing their opinion, but someone stating a FACT. It's ok to like shit, one man's shit is another man's entertainment. But don't go passing off your opinion as anything more than that and then go act all high and mighty when someone calls you out on it
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lmao. people taking random internet comments as factual statements. good day sir. i hope you find some entertainment because you seem really bored. why not try ShaqFu for SNES? IMO it was better than Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter combined.
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The way you type MATTERS. Maybe you think it doesn't but it does. Your attitude is also horrible, you seem to be one of those people who can't take even the smallest bit of criticism, dismissing it completely with either attempts at comedy or insults
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Hector Suarez
What's with this idiot looking for internet fights in a fucking pirate game site?
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Maybe if people like yourself weren't idiots to begin with and were actually able to take criticism there would be no need for people like me to call them out on it
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Hector Suarez
Whatever mr. autistic, good luck getting your meds this month.
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You know what they say about assuming. It makes an ASS out of you. And that is exactly what you're making yourself out to be right now
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Hector Suarez
Says the idiot picking up internet fights in Shaq Fu's comment section.
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no one is attempting to be edgy. Im just pointing out your flawed being.
colruyt55000 halle55000
Wow there is a new one of this game so long time after the first one wich came pout on snes