Xian Tolentino
i don't know where to put this but, is there no state of decay 2 crack yet?
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no crack yet, use crackwatch(dot)com if you want to be up to date on cracked games
theres not gonna be a state of decay 2 crack man... its havily protected and igg does not take the time to crack something that might take months
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possibly because it doesnt pay well in regard of work to ad-revenue
deep scrutiny and understanding my ass.. the puzzles are more like the house of davinci and that shit... some are good.. worth playing for a bit but most puzzles are really obnoxious.. no hints whatsoever.. its like you are a fish out of water.. in the first room you dont even get a note on what you are supposed to be diong there.. the game just assumes you know that you have to transcribe the text from the book... the next one gives you a lot of info but no starting point.. you have to trial & error your way through the puzzle until some arrangement fits the prescription and youll find yourself mostly just testing one set at a time and run into problems.. its like the creator didnt even think of HOW to solve the puzzle.. it just gives you a bunch of orbs and presctriptions and presumes you know how to get that.. theres a water orb to make you loose your mind too when you try to find a starting point because there are like 12 different possitions you could place that and still match the prescription ^^
ps srry for the rant but the puzzles arent brain consuming but TIME consuming at best
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for those not understanding even the first room.. its a pictogramm.. you gotta transcribe the "arabic" looking font on the left to the 3 tutorial letters... its written in english even tho it looks kinda arabic.. its just different letters and you gotta read the book that way.. it says: SPOILERS
[type "show me the secret" - into the computer]