Amanda Gamer
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एमनएल लयल
a very, extremely an absurdly varied one, thats what u get of too many stuff, the more u get the more chances an anomaly will appear... or random mutation, happens the same for taste
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hi last
so you are saying that this game is a perfect example of evolutionary theory? maybe then people who play this game are the next evolution of man? like the illuminati...but they bought this game for a secret chat underground
edit: someone here should buy this and go undercover to monitor their activity
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एमनएल लयल
no.. god.. no... evolution works more this way...diferent "mutations" or society changes that modify the way a person and future heritage, the more babies.. the more random stuff... and thus people who could overall like this game, the problem with today evolution is that there is no natural factor that defines wich strand is good and wich one is not, soo in theory there could be a person who likes to fight cars naked and a scientist who studied his whole life, and they both are worth the same in the eyes of humanity or rather ignores the difference
Diederik Werken
Or worse, who even buys a game like this for 10 euros?