Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
ZORK!!! Man it's been a while :D
Zork Nemesis is in there too which was a CDROM graphical game (originally came on three CDs)
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Thanks Princess. I'm not downloading it because I don't trust it. I'll wait until someone tries it and tells me what's in there.
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This is all the files in the .rar file.
[Edit] From the http://Mega.nz link.
Patriarchy Pete
Millenials look at this game and wonder WTF, I'm sure.
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Marco Funke
These type of games (textadventures) always were weird, not just for """millennials""".
I was born before 2000 and played a german game called "Stundenglas".
Was the same thing, but with a big picture on top, to show you the scenery.
Even back then, I was like: "Nope. I want game. This isn't game.", but maybe someone finds the appeal in these games.
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Yeah, people with actual imaginations and a fuller understanding of what a game is.
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Marco Funke
Some Ppople always get butthurt if you don't love their favourite game, no matter how nice you choose your words.
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"Dis not game!"
Eat my entire ass. If you don't like something maybe you can just keep your ignorant trap shut about it.
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Marco Funke
Good lord, you are a complete waste of everything.
"Eat my entire ass" because I said it wasn't a game for me back in the day.
You butthurt asshole don't have to be so defensive if someone doesn't like your favourite game.
What a moron...
I'll agree with that. You need imagination to enjoy these games. It's something I was thinking about recently. I was born in the early 90s and even then it's like half my generation read books half didn't .im sure barely any kids read books anymore. If you think about it, the only way to develop and use imagination is reading. Any other media is just spoonfeeding stuff iinto your brain.
Kids these days say games with high end graphics are "immersive". I think it's the opposite .Nothing is more immersive than what you construct with your imagination and text based games are the best for that! You just need to develop your imagination first
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Andrew Ryan
Lol, I speak from owning a vast library of books myself, and from being a repetitive visitor of my local library; I can attest that there is just as much CRAP contained in books as there is on TV, which spoon feeds a story into a trilogy of bullshit... Sure, you may be "reading", and you're not exactly being "spoon fed" as much as TV, but there is a vast amount of crap today that people actually call books worth reading; when in reality, its all a garbage heap of usually Japaneses inspired origins.
Funny enough, the very same idiots most people may think don't read books, are actually authoring tons of crap that no one wants to read (except for their own dumb generation)... Most books published by these type of authors are like children's books for people in their 20-30s; I truly believe that some people use too much of their imagination at times, creating a world of man-children in a make believe fairy tale of their own choosing.To be someone who is very imaginative isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong; but, its just a fact that people are utterly disconnected today believing only what they want. Movies, books, music... honestly, the different forms of media and publications doesn't really matter... these kind of people will just end up recreating their own bullshit anyways no matter where they go, as they're actively trying to form the world in their own view... which is unicorns, fairies, goblins, elves and pure bullshit.
Too many times have I seen some young guy in his mid 20s+, trying to push some 10yo kids out of the way of a book shelf in the children's/teen section so he can gain access to something he shouldn't even care about. These people should be punched in their teeth, fuckin loosers.
The books people should care to read, such as pretty much anything in the Non-Fiction section, no one is ever around.. isles completely empty with hundreds of books neatly placed on shelves untouched.
So are books necessarily better than television? Sure somewhat, but not really. There is indeed (even on TV or Youtube), a vast amount of knowledge out there worth learning, and people could find it if they cared to look; but that's just it... they don't care, nor will they, because they don't know whats good and their garbage desires will always deceive them.
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Why is this 2 gigs? Mega,nz reports it at 2 gigabytes. The Zork Anthology from GOG is 26 megabytes! System requirements above say 26 mb's. Even GoogleDrive has it over 1.5 gigabytes. - Whats going on here?
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David Bowman
The pack includes Zork I, Zork II, Zork III, Beyond Zork, Zork Zero, and Planetfall
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"Open the pod bay doors, Hal."
Thanks for the upload, looking forward to making more progress than I had on Black Ops.