Danni Vega
Thanks! :D
Dr Wiki
The game has a concept I love but it's extremely lacking in both combat and the actual base building not to mention in training and customizing characters. Honest;y if they had made the combat turn based on grid based combats or tried to make a emulate X-Com to a degree it would have been much more fun.
Anyways it's disappointing and there's no personality or fun in it.
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Lucas Skywalker
Can i hack this game with cheat engine ?
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Dr Wiki
Yeah everything can be found using the float commands. Most stuff has decimals in it.
You can also freeze the time during explorations by searching for the combine minute time. For this there are two values that you must find. One a closed number and the other is the same but with decimals. You need to freeze the one without decimals.
Whe dealing with enemies I recommend sending one guy to the front with frozen health as a tank and letting the other stand behind him and shoot the enemies without being targeted. This doesn't work on dragons as they frequently switch targets.