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For those who cannot launch the game, here's how to fix it:
Open "regedit.exe" by searching it on the Start menu, then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\secdrv. Double click on "Start" and set its value to 2, reboot and the game should now launch without problem.
Credit goes to LividBunny on MyAbandonware. The method works for me, so now I'm here to share it.
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Put file 'secdrv.sys' to the direction: C-Windows-system32-drivers, you'll need to download it from the internet.
Manza Leom
Someone knows how to install the fix since the text document that it brings to explain the installation is incomplete
please someone who knows how to install would help me
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Weberson Silva
Does this game work on Windows 10?
Yôhānān Simeonidis
i dont know the exe just wont start
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Andin M A
same here..
Yôhānān Simeonidis
http://prntscr.com/mywnqj well i got this error all the time what is going on here please any help / any tips ? i can only imagine im missing something like direct x idk
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Yôhānān Simeonidis
note i play the following games without any problemms , dw4 hyper , samurai warriors 2 , dw8 empires ,warriors orochi z and warriors orochi the first one its confusing to get any errors since those games are very similar