johan fahlgren
I dont get co op to work, is that just me?
Iale Idioma
may try this one day
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abc abc
Please anyone post when you got MP working, i assume smartsteamemu or steamworksfix should work!!!
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
"A unique underwater setting like nothing you’ve ever seen"
Shitty Grammar 【ᴾʳᵉᵐᶦᵘᵐ ᵁˢᵉʳ】
Here's the review
I'll be honest, I just beat Subnautica, and was looking to scratch that story-driven, survival, underwater itch.
This is not Subnautica, this is an underwater walking simulator with some pretty decent voice acting, a serious message in the end, and an incredibly boring gaming experience.
I'm all for what the devs are doing, but the game just wasn't compelling. Weapon was unsatisfying to use, AI was buggy, lots of repetitive areas, lots of copy and paste. For a game like this, you need time to build atmosphere and tension, but every time any animal life showed up, it killed all the atmosphere. The AI controlling your partner wasn't particularly good, and honestly, you never felt like you were going to run out of air, it was just always replenished by the AI, I suspect co-op might be better because neither of you will know where you're going. If you removed the AI partner, and just had the voice over the radio, it might've been a stronger experience. I also had technical issues and stuttering, but I won't talk about it, as it wasn't crippling.
Overall, it's a great concept, with the voice acting being the saving grace for the game. I just wished they spent a lot more time on polish. You know, deep water diving, and especially cave diving, is terrifying as it is, and comes with so many challenges risks. There's a great opportunity to do something great here, but this isn't it.
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subnautica ripoff
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johnny silver
Nahh its more like ABZU if you guys are familiar with
It's nothing like Subnautica but ok...
It's like saying Eve Online is a ripoff Star Wars Battlefront because their is space ship...