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works great thanks for igg-games. to anyone having problem like I did, do the following:
1-install the game
2-go to ( http://graviteam.com/games/GTOS.html?action=downloads ) and install all the updates and then apply them in order (Core, then patch, then Polygons)
3-install 1 dlc at a time then click (save and play) repeat for all the dlc
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Goku Vegeta
Please Help Me. The DLC does not work, every time it crashes. This include Operation Hooper, Shield of Prophet and Zhalanashkol 1969 ?
John Whitehot
cant install the dlc. description missing or something. bad release.
Kaleu Farias
This include Operation Hooper, Shield of Prophet and Zhalanashkol 1969 ?