i cant make a server on sons of the forest. i press the create server button then nothing happens. what do i have to do to create and play on a multiplayer server?
i played Assassins Creed Unity for at least 7 hours only to find out the game was not saving, but the profile backup shows that the games was saved. unfortunately it cannot load any saves and just starts a new game everytime.
I had about 60% of Assassin's Creed Syndicate game the game was suspended and I had to restart my computer, after restarting my game my save disappeared
Hi, I may have launched the game Plague Inc Evolved as an administrator, my data is not saved, it's extremely embarrassing to have to restart everything every time I launch the game: /
Hi! Battlestations: Pacific says it needs me to sign in to Live to save, and Live won't let me sign in because I don't have a product key. So I'm unable to save. I'd appreciate any help ;) .Thanks!
I always run Bloons TD5 as an administrator. When saving the progress of Bloons TD5, its progress gets wiped out completely due to a save bug. The developers must fix the save bug which causes game progress to be lost. This save bug happens at random times.
i cant saved my game file on hyperdimension neptunia U and i din't install it too after i extract the file there are just a game icon then after i clicked it i can play well but i cant saved at all
I have played Bloons TD5 again from the first rank. Rank 1 to Rank 45. At approximately at Rank 45 all my game progress that was auto saved has been lost. I am now back at Rank 1 in Bloons TD5. This is a technical bug. Please find and fix this bug and notify me by email here at cesare@live.co.uk when you have successfully fixed this bug in Bloons TD5.
Bloons TD5 has a bug. The game progress is lost when quitting the game or when loading a previously saved game. Bloons TD5 loses all game progress is a technical fault and it must be fixed as soon as possible. Please reply to me here cesare@live.co.uk as soon as possible.
Hello, I first want to apologize for my English because I am french! I have a problem with the game "plague inc."! When I win a game with bacteria in normal mode its does not unlock the virus, so I'm blocking the first level. I have already re install Thank you for helping me .
To everyone who IS an admin, RUN the game as admin, right click on the shortcut and select properties, click advanced and toggle run as admin, then run the game
im an administrator and it says I need permission to save the file because it cant be moved! Please help admins. I am using a ASUS computer, please help. [Cities: Skyline: snowfall with base game and all DLC]
Good day. I received the advise to turn off firewall - to enable functioning the load checkpoint in Sanctum game - but of course it didnt work. Please, can someone truly help with some config files change advise or something? The game is unplayable this way, without load-checkpoint-working-button. Is there something like some autosave/checkpoint-load location in config files that i could try to rewrite or something? Please help. Thank you
Please help. I try to play Sanctum, but loading from checkpoint (which is actually autosave game problem) does not work in the game. The game is unplayable this way because all the time you get defeated in some round, you can go only to the first round back again. So - the progress is not being saved. I tried to run as administrator but no change. So, only full restart of level is possible, load checkpoint button (which is most important) in game does not work. Any functional advise? Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a problem with Hyperdimension Neptunia re;birth 3 even when I ran the game as administrator it just wouldn'save no matter how many times I clicked save it doesn't
hey im trying to play undertale and the game playes fine and it shows that its saving but when i close it and open it back up it dosent show up my save point and playes the game again like there itsnt a save point please help ive been wanting to play this game so bad
my game wont save please help me the game is ridge racer unbounded when i beat the first race i exit the game and when i got back in the game it starts over like a new game
Usually with games that save at your appdata instead of the same files as the game your firewall will pop up a window before starting the game asking for admin access. Sometimes though the firewall window is like a normal window and asks you what type of network permissions you want to give to the game. You have to do the second one only once but it's really annoying because it pops up when the game needs those permissions which is when you are already playing and if you are in fullscreen you wont see it unless you alt+tab out of the game for whatever reason.
I did that already with this game, but it doesn't work...
Battlestations: Pacific says it needs me to sign in to Live to save, and Live won't let me sign in because I don't have a product key. So I'm unable to save.
I'd appreciate any help ;) .Thanks!
"failed to write the save" pls help me
Uita-te aici.
I have a problem with the game "plague inc."! When I win a game with bacteria in normal mode its does not unlock the virus, so I'm blocking the first level.
I have already re install
Thank you for helping me .
game-[Youtuber's life]
is actually autosave game problem) does not work in the game. The game
is unplayable this way because all the time you get defeated in some
round, you can go only to the first round back again. So - the progress
is not being saved. I tried to run as administrator but no change. So,
only full restart of level is possible, load checkpoint button (which is
most important) in game does not work. Any functional advise? Thanks
Go to the game's files
Make a file called Album
Make a file called Diary
Enjoy your game