My impression - it's crap. Another over-priced (~18 dollars) 1-hour unity game designed by amateurs to waste your time.
The intro is slow as molasses and unskipable, there's no subtitles, the animations are horrendous (the characters look like statues staring into your soul, they don't blink and are super rigid in their position, it's both hilarious and creepy). The story doesn't grip you at all and it doesn't help that the narrator likes to take his sweet time telling things, with long pauses in-between. The voice acting is meh and the textures are horrible, borderline pixelated when you look close enough, game progresses through linear corridors with the occasional chase scene, contains a mix of elements, from sci-fi (with robots and aliens) to mafia mobs. It's sort of crazy.
Not worth the time or the investiment IMO.