thanks for report,manage to deflect the game XD
This game is in Early Access and first patch, its better to wait half year or more for more features
I'd change the "casual/strategy" to "clicker". And it wears out really fast - not much stuff to do.
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एमनएल लयल
soo, 9 buildings 2 of them kinda useless(as theres no raids nor visitors), not much of a history apart of the tutorial, only 1 screen that shows the city and nothing more, game is basically earn resources to upgrade a building that will give u score("influence") wich is useless
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justin huang
This game have almost no story and is like an idle game... What type of person will make an idle game that requires money?
Dont buy this is bad..bad bad :D this game is very bad^^
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justin huang
Is it because it's a genre you hate or other problems like frame rate, and more?
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its because there is no game actually
the whole thing i just a clicker .. u have a couple of buildings which generate resources .. u have to keep clicking on each building to collect its resources .. and upgrade all these building .. FOREVER
just click to gather resources and upgrade using these resources ... what for ?
no reason .. nothing else happens ... no screen other than that little town one . there is just nothing ... just keep clicking on buildings to gather resources and upgrade these building .. that is exactly the whole thing .
Trillby Tippington
So I take it the game is bad?
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