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Those "Choice of games" releases are suffering in quality lately, and its because they are drinking too deep in social justice nonsense, the other day i was playing the "heart of the house", a game from them, i met several times on the game with propaganda about gender, in the past you had the option of choosing your gender and sexual attraction on the beginning of the game, after that the game respected your choices, now they are aggressively pushing social justice activism down the players troats. I really like text games, also, thank you for sharing, its sad to see one of the few sources of those games being used by activists, games are supposed to be fun, not a tool of indoctrination.
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Yah i feel ya bro. There was a girl in the heart of the house who claimed to be nonbinary. She was acting really weird cuz of memory loss or whatever. At first i thought she had a delay in development or some shit which was added to her character just for diversity representation.
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Also don´t forget that guy declaring himself to you even though, in my case, you said clearly on the start that your character is hetero, leaving only the option of being rude to the guy. Also some other times the game kept talking about gender on the history, for no reason at all, its a aggressive way to push their agenda into the player.
Lord Masters
Finally somebody who feels the same. Best thing is that when you mention that on the forum they just ban you.
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Er- Because it's harassment? There's lots of people who feel the same way, you are not in the minority. It's just hypocritical to feel attacked by someone having the option to be anything else than male or female. Saying there's only 2 genders is pretty insensitive when you look at it, especially when in biology that is no longer true. Anyway. I'm pretty much done here, carry on.
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Lord Masters
Hahaha, biology just proves that there are only two genders - male and female.
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Sex is biological. Gender is cultural.
There is no biological component stopping you from naming your daughter Frank, or me from wearing a sundress. That's cultural standards.
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Hey, could you please share links to the older 'Choice of games'?
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Lord Masters
What he said also check out Tin Star. It is the best game from this genre up to date and it is on this site.
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There are a few here on the site, most of them were never released, you could find more around if you like play in cellphones, i can´t direct those to you, but if you type "choice of games" in the search engine they will appear, the best ones are the older, like Community College Hero ( still waiting for part 2 of that one, hope they don´t ruin it ), Diabolical, Heroes Rise ( all 3 of them are here, its a small series ), Choice Of Robots, Choice Of The Deathless, Mecha Ace,Meta Human Inc ( this one is really good ), Pendragon Rising,..., look around and feel free to tell if you find anything new that was not posted here, good hunting :)
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Thanks for the detailed answer!
Demian Landemaran
"Play as male, female, or nonbinary; gay, straight, or bi, and even poly."
those fake genders now invade games...
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Nonbinary huh? It's all inside your head. In reality there's always either a dick or a vagina (the latter is more frequent tho lol) in pants.
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"In reality there's always either a dick or a vagina"
Nah. Some people are born with both or two dicks or whatever. This is a common human flaw, trying to apply our limited definitions to new things.
For example, people downplayed (and still do) the intelligence of certain animals because only humans have the 'divine spark'.
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Kain Yusanagi
People are born with stunted versions of both or two of one because of defective cell splitting, not because those traits are inherant in the human genome. smh.
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Well, it's a good thing I didn't say that. I said people are born outside of his claim - which makes it wrong. Specifically because he used "always".
If I said mammals always have live birth, that'd be wrong even if most do.
Uh huh whatever helps you sleep at night.
Lmao fucking lizards have two dicks not humans. There're exceptions ofc but they are very rare.
Dragons? OK.
Magic? OK.
Zombies? OK.
Psychic Powers? OK.
Nonbinary? THAT'S NOT REAL! OMG!!! WTF?
Time Travel? OK.
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Non-binary is not a fake gender... It's as real as male and female. The reason non-binary is in games is there are more non-binary people than before. .-.
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The fact more games are talking about it, its because more people are falling for that insanity, also the company's do games like that because they fear the persecution of the crazy SJW brigades. A person wants to be gay, fine, its his/her choice, and it should be respected , but no one is going to force me to accept dozens of new invented genders created to sick people in liberal colleges and internet.
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Dysth Ymia
"person wants to be gay, fine, its his/her choice" and the hole you've dug for yourself got even deeper
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Forgive me, i did not get it, are you saying i should pursue those people for being gay?Because its not my business what they do with their lives, if they want to be gay its their problem, but my problem begins when they try to force their believes in other people, i don´t care what a person "identify" with, but don´t tell me i have to pretend that person is whatever she came up to in her mind, and i definitely won´t memorize dozens of invented genders just to appease loud, dangerous and crazy people.
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Dysth Ymia
we're not "forcing" anything. the problem is you think our sexuality is a "choice" and quite possibly an "agenda", hell you even said homosexuality is a "belief" like its a religion, some kind of ideology when its not. its simply beings that are attracted to the same sex as them, same as you being attracted to the opposite sex you are, that's it. we're the minority here among a sea of heterosexuals, and we want to play as our own sexuality in a game, or see them in any other medium of entertainment too. no different than any person wanting their own race or ethnicity to be shown more frequently in media if they're not underscored either.
As for non-binary that's a completely different topic. I wasn't getting on your case about that, just the "choice" sexuality thing. I can't defend something I personally don't fully understand either, but I don't mind calling someone a different pronoun as such at least.
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I won´t start to talk about if being homosexual is a choice or not, people smarter than me have theories from both sides, some think you born like that, some think its a mental disturb of some kind, that´s why some people in psychology came up with treatments for that. But again, i am not supporting anything or saying being gay is a a disease, in fact im fine letting people live their live as long i can do that too, but that´s the issue, there HAS been a aggressive activism: gender ideology forced in children at school, into colleges, in the streets, in the internet, and people who don´t follow that ideology gets persecuted for it. You said you don´t mind recognizing other genders and calling people their chosen pronoun, and its fine, its your choice, but its not my choice, i don't have to call some guy as if he was female just because he wanted to born that way, or a woman like she was a guy, and i definitely don´t want to to start to using dozens of new invented genders ( last time i checked there was almost 70... ), just because a bunch of activists have media and government support. You want to live your life in peace, great, i wish you the best, but let mine alone, or i will sure resist that kind of indoctrination.
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Dysth Ymia
here's the thing with those theories, I have met straight men that wish they were bisexual or wish they were gay. they'd try to have sex with other men, and wouldn't become aroused because surprise, they are straight. sounds crazy doesn't it? same goes for gay men trying to get with women same result happens. as for homosexuality being classified as a disease are outdated. homosexuals can function in society as well as any heterosexual. yes there are crazy people regardless of their sexuality. besides obesity use to be filed under being a disease at one time too, now its not. currently transgender is a mental illness, maybe one day it won't be anymore or it will be under a different category. my point is psychology is always changing its rulings every half a century or so either for better or worse.
I can't lie, that all sounds like non-sense to me currently so for once I'll agree with you there of the 70 genders. tho who knows maybe in 40-50 years all those once fake genders will be more accepted shrugs
indoctrination? like what religion literally does, or various rulings of a country enforced upon you to learn of since birth. the various ideologies of what is morally "right" and "wrong", that kind of indoctrination? because that is literally everywhere from every single thing you believe in, from how you think especially.
According the religion, its not valid, some religions even say that its heresy but heresy is Khorne.
And according science, the genome says, yes, it exists!. But the cases are so damn rares, that most of the LBGTQ members are practically not part of it. So, most LBGTQ is not validated scientifically.
So non binary is only promoted by political reason.
Its not means that non binary people should be killed or bullied. They have rights like every other people.
I don't mind lbgt. However, i hate when a game or article is used for marketing purpose, its uses to promotes it. Why? because it promotes a topic that i don't care.
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So you don't mind it as long as they stay quiet and out of sight.What a thoughtful person you are.
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Its not just the option of being binary, this option is made on the start of the game, and i have no issues on that, on even having gay romances on the game, if the player made that option on the start, the problem is the increasing propaganda they have been making during all game, no matter what your choices are, you will still be "taught" ( some times in a aggressive way ) about gender ideology on the games.
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These games are written by normal people, and not always the same ones.
The heavy handed stuff is in some titles, not ALL or even most I'd say. There are only a couple of games I rolled my eyes at and quit. The latest Heroes one is especially bad about it for example.
Unless you count propaganda as a choice or a few changed lines, it's an overblown charge.
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Sorry, but you might be mistaken, the choice of games already made a announcement online ( im sure you can still find you if you search ), declaring they affiliation to social justice and the feminism movement, most of these new authors are liberal woman, that does not prove anything, but most likely these authors are activists that take advantage of the company support to freely impose their ideas into people using the games, and the games have become far more noticeable aggressive into social justice, there´s no denying it.
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Let's say your're 100% correct. It doesn't matter. It's a free market. You're free to create similar games barring any and all mentions of social justice or feminism or whatever. This is what SJW's are told when they complain about why an autistic latina lesbian can't be in the Witcher.
Having God written on American currency is an imposition because I have to use money. You don't have to play these games at all, so no one is imposing anything on you or me.
If I think the game is too aggressive , I stop playing and move on to something else - which I have done a few times.
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True, they have every right to create the game they want, far from me to try taking this from them, the part i hate most about social justice is the fact they impose their views and demands on people and attack merciless those who don´t submit, they are bullys, i am not trying to be like that. All im doing is expose my own review about their games, if you can call that, after all how many people actually will read my message?Im just chatting, well, more like venting since im frustrated since i actually liked the games from the company,at some level i still do, its just hard to ignore the activism, but still, its their right, as its yours to like their games, or having any ideology you may have ( if you have any ).
Well, YES!. It also applies for Jehovah Witness, If some group are trying to push their religion/believed/political view/crap then, they are not welcomed.
I will repeat, i don't give a sht about a lot of things. Showing-off their sht (example, "pride" parade) is not helping to change my point of view. What i am gaining with their movement? nothing, zero, nada!. So = no care!.
However, i also don't care about the German culture BUT, it exists the Oktoberfest that its all about cheap or free beer. I love it so much, and i care (albeit a bit) the German culture. This is good marketing!, the other is just brainwashing.
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Just let people live how they want to live bro. As long as they do not bother you, and etc. You have the option to play as a regular male (assuming), the game doesn't say you HAVE to be non-binary.
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Your argument was valid ( and very close to my own ) in the older games of this company, where you made your sexual choice and the game respected you after that, not you WILL get gender activism throw at you during the game no matter what your gender/identity/sexual choice were, and worse, for no reason at all, gender arguments in places that have no connection with what was being said before. Sorry i i think this is a reason to take notice. How would you feel if any other kind of belief was forcefully pushed at you?Think, you play a game then if starts to talk to you about Trump ( for or against ), Republican/democrat positions, or Christians ( or any other religion ) values forced to you during the game, you would agree?If not, why are you defending this?
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Well, like I said a game. The game doesn't forcefully tell you to play non-binary or to believe in it. There's just that one option to choose, and it appears never again. Besides with that logic, if by example a nonbinary person were to be told they are "male" or "female" when their brain tells them, "no I am not" how do you think they'd feel? Really doesn't matter in the end imo, Cuz you can always ignore those choices. They're not an issue.
"eh, seems alright."

600,000 words
clicks download as fast as i can
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Jack Hyde
I loved this game
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A Cat
Didn't the game got updated? I remember in the Demo Version I could sneak in 1st Class with High Charisma.
Hyou Vizer
non-binary, wow 1st game I've ever seen allow that option, very nice.
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More "Choices Of Games" please, i already played all of them in my phone and i want to get in the files to change the stats to add replayability, Thank You!
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There's an app called CheatDroid that will allow you to alter stats. When you open it up, click on the game, and then click on settings.xml.
Once you're inside you can change stats and whatever. But change the file without 'temp'.
I think your device needs to be rooted though.
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I can't seem to find a way for my changes to get saved, what do you mean when you say 'temp'?
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I uploaded an image. In the red circle you'll see the file name has temp' at the end. No matter what you change there, it won't stick. Ignore it.
You need to alter the one without the 'temp'. Once you alter what you want, save it, and then click the 'save' in the blue circle.
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Yea well... there is nothing in the thingy without the 'temp'
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Ok, I tried it out for myself and managed to duplicate your issue.
Starting CheatDroid without playing the game first caused the issue for me, and what fixed it was making at least one choice and then opening CheatDroid.
The game needs at least one choice to make a save file at all.
Also, if you don't have it - this is the latest "A Wise Use of Time"
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Awesome, really simple way of changing the coding, thank you for taking your time and help me figuring this thing out, no more signing the modified apk from the pc!
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Hao Lam
More Choice of game please!
niceee thanks for uploading this! also LMAOOO some of yall are pretty delicate huh
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Pretty much. This is what happens when different opinions clash, lol.
Lord Masters
How about give T-Rex Time Machine next? I want to try that one but not so much to waste money on it.
Anjo Abuel
Hoping for more Choice of games! Thanks you for this! :)
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I hope we get to see more of these choice games at IGG. Pls gaise...
Text games are especially helpful when you're feeling sleepy at office and just have to stay awake lol