☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Simply the best game based on the old "Faerie Solitaire".
"Regency Solitaire" was quite good too, but didn't have any of the RPG elements in this one:
In this way, I think that Shadowhand is quite unique.
Edit: Starting to change my mind about this game...
Duels eventually become waaaaaay too unbalanced and rely too much on RNG.
Many times, you'll find yourself completely unable to win, cos you don't get good cards...
I think this comment on Steam sums it up very well:
"II hate how this game makes you think its about strategy where in fact, you are in the mercy of RNG (Random Number Generator).
Difficulty doesn't makes and depends heavily on how the cards are placed in the board.
The AI is terribly designed too, you'll find yourself drawing 5 cards that don't fit the table and the enemy doing combos with every single draw.
You could also keep restarting the table until you get a board favorable to you."
I still think it COULD be the best "Faerie solitaire" game, but it needs some serious balancing...
For now, I guess that playing something like Solitairica is a way more pleasant experience overall.
(yeah I know, it's different, but anyway... lol)
Final update:
Game is totally broken and can't be completed.
When you start reaching higher "levels", you'll be facing opponents who ALWAYS get the good cards while you can't even do anything.
You're completely stuck and basically, you just watch your the A.I. playing alone.
Even if you use the so-called "relaxed" mode (lol), something which was added in v1.05.
The "relaxed" mode actually doesn't change anything about RNG and balancing in general, it just lowers enemies health, stuff like that...
This is ridiculous and shows extremely poor programming.
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This is the only game from grey that i enjoyed. The rest were just clones of clones.
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Fairway Solitaire is also good fun.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
And I was checking my solitaire games...
In the same genre, there's also Avalon Legends Solitaire 2, Seven Seas Solitaire, and The Chronicles of Emerland Solitaire.🙂
Avalon is on IGG =>
Good game until you come to the "Chevalier" level boss where it gets pretty unfair.
Im either very unlucky (8 games in a row) or RNG is heavily against you in this game, boss has a 20% counterchance and countered me 5 times in a row while i maybe triggered the counter once.
Wanted to actually buy this one, glad i tried it out first... saved me 15€
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I'm stuck at chapter 8 now fighting against Jack Tar, barely scratching him. Chevalier is like chapter 4.
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Aw man, if it's true, it's too bad...
I haven't reached that part yet, we'll see!😥
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Unknown User
I've been waiting for this game for a while. I'm not even a fan of solitaire but the premise seems super cool.