Pahalad Saini
I Like Sky Force Reloaded Me and My Brother Play All Time I Love it. ☺️😍😘😀
Yoann Housseaux Grelier
Don't work
Where's the b3 update version ? There is new update but it's old version...so pls update the game
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I Agree
can't windowed xD
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Daniel Mendes
man, i play this game on my mobile, hard as hell, but very fun too.
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Raphael Alexander
Runs great on my potato, great graphics. More challenging than the original game. Grindy, so I'll only play it for a small amount of time each time.
can anyone help me xd
-the game works fin no worry-
im trying to cheat in stars due to wanting to finish the game questline and i dont wanne grind to much
i cant find where i can change the balances ive been looking in the game files a lot and tried cheat engines can any1 help me pleas?
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U just need the Trainer. Just Search it on Google.
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Sku Force Reloaded Trainer
M. Molli
You can play this game without the need for a strong graphics card :D
☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
First, this game is the sequel of "Sky Force Anniversary", a game which was released first in 2004, and then remade in 2014 =>
Gameplay is almost 100% identical, which is great if you like his style.
Ok I played only 30 minutes, but... (update: several hours now lol)
I died only 1 time and it told me "game over"... What?🤤
We have just one life to complete the game?
(I didn't see anything in the options to change the number of lives... Games in the early 90s did this...)
(UPDATE: sorry, it's not like that... this game plays like a roguelite with PERSISTENT upgrades... So it's not really "game over" when you die, you keep the weapons you improved over the levels... But you do have only one life to complete a level, and you can be shot 3 times before you die. I guess I'm ok with this.)
Secondly... An UNSKIPPABLE 10-minutes long introduction in which we're FORCED to play? Really? In 2017? Wow... These developers have zero respect for gamers, I see...
(and yes, I tried to push all buttons on keyboard AND gamepad, nothing could stop this damn introduction!)
Also, the weapon of your ship is huh... underwhelming, to say the least...
Maybe I'm too used to Cave shmups now, but... The tiny little lasers you shoot are the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in a shmup, I think. lol
Even when you start upgrading your ship, it's still ridiculously tiny...
You really have to be very precise when you shoot.
This is the MAIN problem of the game and the #1 reason why I can't enjoy it, really.
And it's even more annoying in an vertical shmup using widescreen...
(think about it... lol)
Speaking of upgrading, the game feels a bit like a rogueLITE, in a way that you HAVE to die anyway(A LOT, at least at first), in order to progress...
And then you're gonna have to do every level a dozen of times in order to buy one little upgrade.
There's going to be some grinding...
I wouldn't have anything against this...
If only the shooting was as satisfying as a Cave game...😢
Graphics are very very pleasant to look at(except portraits), lighting effects are GORGEOUS, and it's one of the most beautiful shmups out there. Just my opinion.
Music are sound effects are perfectly fine too.
They're not aggressive or "in your face" like so many games out there.
(God that "yeehaw" effect when you save a M.I.A. is embarrassing though... it's one of the most used sound effects in history of games...)
Anyway, I'll pass.
There are tons of better shmups out there.😒
Actually, the most recent good shmup I played isn't by Cave...
Update: I decided to keep this game after all.
Cos even if I think the "normal" mode is boring and too slow, it's quite different on hard mode and starts feeling like a proper shmup.
(you can't play hard mode right away, you have to get all 4 medals on a level to unlock it first!)
I still think it's waaaay too grindy and you have to redo every level many times to upgrade your ship, but once you unlocked the right ships and upgrades, you can just play the levels in hard mode and it feels good.
Not CAVE good, but still good. lol
And infinitely better than Sky Force Anniversary, which was so grindy that you had to redo every level 10 times in order to get ONE upgrade. Ridiculous.
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Good Comment :)
Daniel P.
Here a few things about this game:

  • it's a "bulet hell" game
  • the "unskippable intro" is the tutorial level
  • when you die in real stage one after that intro/tutorial level, upgrade menus and other things become available.
  • after getting 4 medals on easy stage, you have access to a harder difficulty
  • stop mocking games you did not play properly. this is a great game
  • weapons at lvl 10 unleash the ability to be upgraded to lvl 20 and further
  • you dont have to die often. just get the stars, upgrade the weapons and after 3 death you can do stage one w/o dying. I'm already at stage 5 normal, stage 2 hard, and I upgrade my ship only by completeing these levels over and over. gives 1000+ stars on normal. over 2000+ on hard...
    its pretty fun when you know when you know when to upgrade what.
    hints: speacial weapons are unneccesary on the first 4 stages.
    dont try stage 5 w/o having standard gun and shield on lvl 11.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Bullet hell... hmmm naaah...
Mushihimesama is bullet hell =>
This one feels more "empty" than true bullet hell games.
Which isn't necessarily a bad thing...
But like I said, shooting a tiny pea in a widescreen vertical game is not fun to me.
Yeah well about the tutorial, I don't like to be "thrown" into this level without even a warning.
I like games in which I see the menu FIRST.
" stop mocking games you did not play properly."...
lol and stop assuming that somebody didn't play a game properly if he/she simply doesn't like it.
I know everything about upgrades and medals.
The game is still grindy like crazy, that's all I'm saying.
For example, I just completed level 2 AGAIN, and got only 300 stars.
This isn't even remotely enough to buy an upgrade for my weapons...
So I'll have to redo more levels. Again...
Btw, I just managed to pass level 5 without special weapons yet, but it was a pain in the butt...
I think I was blinded by the graphics, because I wanted to ask what you think about this yesterday.
There's an intro you can't get out of? no good
hmm, widescreen with a vertical shmup... whose was that idea? I don't think it can work like that. Enemies have more space to move and shot, and you have a hard time going in all places there already.
And, yeah, graphics. They look good, but the game itself isn't, it seems.
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
Well, I just kept playing during an hour and a half.
The game is kinda addictive, but... For bad reasons, I think.
The grinding is insaaaaane...
You'll have to play all levels over and over and over, in order to be able to buy better weapons and stuff...
And after one hour and a half, I still shoot one little pea... lol
(you'll hear a female voice saying "chain loss" a LOT during the game, cos an enemy escaped and you couldn't shoot him with your tiny pea... lol... sigh...)
I did get a few more weapons but overall I feel very under-powered,
and eventually the game feels VERY repetitive and grindy.
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I see. For in-game currency... but you should be able to have enough for the next level (which will add some more, because the level after this would be more difficult), and so on... that's how I remember the old days :/ This reminded me of some EEnE flash game I used to play on cn .co. uk site. How I miss those days...
lol, all those weapons for nothing...
(aaaa, I wouldn't like that. Especially the way the game's made)
Yea, because the weapons aren't powerful enough
FaiTh LoneWolf
Thank you very much!
Jeboy Abratiguin
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This is android shit, why pc?
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Daniel P.
cause its free here.
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This is free on android and ios
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Raphael Alexander
This version is less grindy than the mobile version. The mobile version has IAPs and is not worth it.