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Bennett Lee
The second after the Nerdrage Studio pops up, my game freezes and crashes. Help me pls
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☕️ Stephanie Bogard 🇮🇹
I played only ONE minute.
That's all I could endure... lol
Much more than being a shooting game, it's a platformer game which requires very good reflexes and perfect timing all the time.
In the second level, I already died 30 times, falling in water...(I guess it's like acid?)
I'll never understand the appeal in so-called "hardcore" platformers/shooters in which you have to die several times in order to complete a level, which you have to do PERFECTLY, using lightning-fast reflexes...
<=== plays shmups all the time though. XD
So it all depends on what kind of game you like, but I don't see the point in this when I can play Broforce, which is infinitely more fun, with better graphics and sounds too.
Both games can be played for Speedruns, but Broforce allows a much deeper gameplay, thanks to countless characters with many guns, different paths, etc.
Oh and that INSANE recoil on your gun...
I guess developers thought it would "enhance" the gameplay...
I'll let you judge how "entertaining" it is, after you fall 2500 times in water.
I don't remember being annoyed at the recoil in Broforce, maybe cos I could still control my character a bit even in mid-air (not realistic but who cares? lol).
Haven't tried multiplayer so I can't judge...
According to reviews, that's where the fun is. I'm very skeptical. lol
Btw, this game has been made by ... "nerdrage studios"?
And their logo showing a little animation of a guy throwing his gamepad at the screen says a lot about what kind of game you're going to play. XD
So yeah, developers don't even hide the fact that they WANT you to "ragequit" (is that a word?) their game.
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The game doesn't really require perfection, as you can unlock the next level while failing in all four categories (deaths, time, shots, grenades); as long as all targets are destroyed, you're good to go. Also, the perfect score won't as much come from lighting-fast reflexes as it will from some planning and practicing the same level over and over. "Challenge Mode", as the game calls it, is an apt name for it.
As for the second level and falling in the water 30 times... well, that's on you buddy. Did you get to the top with a double-jump then shooting towards the ground? Because if you didn't and you were trying to shoot the targets from the side, that'd explain it somewhat but other than that... idk lol.
Broforce is unquestionably the more polished game of the two and you should definitely spend your time with it instead if you want more of an action game, but if you wanted a platform shooter challenge-type game that is less of a "shooter" and more similiar to Super Meat Boy or 10 Second Ninja, then this is the game you wanted.
And you can also play the little Duck Hunt minigame :)
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thank you very much for uploading jump gunners