Looked neat... let's try this!
At first look into the world, I first thought its gonna be something similar to 'https://igg-games.com/avorion-815314399-free-download.html'. Like it, it has one of the best features for a spaceship/station block-building game, that is being able to build ships or stations through scale-able blocks instead of predermined block size, and that alone would give it even more in-depth imagination...
However, a few hours of building ships and stations later, I've found it cumbersome for building control so much that I even find it annoying... which, apparently, most of STEAMers were complaining about. Some also noted performance drop over-time, although I surprisingly didn't with my old 'GT-660M'...
Current version is '1.1' which should be the latest [if I'm not mistaken], has long left 'Early Access', and apparently abandoned to hell...