Hi everyone, I am the creator of Gravity Lab. Before you download the game from here, I'd like to say a few words. I get it. Sometimes you are not sure if you really should spend $20 on a game (or $10 when its on sale) because you don't know if it is good or not. Or you think 'why pay for something if I can find it for free?'. Obviously everyone is out for a bargain. Well, this isn't one. Gravity Lab is a niche VR game and as many other indie creators, I have poured my blood and sweat into this game. You might think 'but missing out on this one sale, it surely can't matter that much'. This might be true if you're an EA or Ubisoft, but a small Indie dev, I sometimes only see one sale a day. There are days where I don't sell a single copy. So yes, it does matter. Not only financially, because to be honest, most indie devs make games not because they expect to get rich, but because they love it. But it matters for our sanity and seeing our own games being pirated is heartbreaking. I have worked more than 2 years on Gravity Lab, in a market where no-one really knew if VR will take off. I risked a lot and it was great fun working on the game (and btw, I still am!) and the community gave a lot of feedback on the design of the puzzles, difficulty levels, quality of life features. So in the end I'd say that we (the community and I) worked so hard on this game together and I would have hoped that you could have been a part of this process as well. If I have convinced you to not pirate my game, here are the links to the store fronts: Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/408340/Gravity_Lab__Gravitational_Testing_Facility__Observations/ Oculus: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1116533615035202/ Windows: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/gravity-lab-gravitational-testing-facility-observations/9ncssc8tz48l And if not, please at least know that you should support indie games whenever you can, even if it wasn't the case now.
Hello, I'm sorry to pirate your game and honestly i wouldn't do it if i could, you see i'm a kid and i don't get money or anything for now i think i'll test the game and i'll be sure to pay it if i like it just to support you. Thanks and sorry
I am the creator of Gravity Lab.
Before you download the game from here, I'd like to say a few words.
I get it. Sometimes you are not sure if you really should spend $20 on a game (or $10 when its on sale) because you don't know if it is good or not. Or you think 'why pay for something if I can find it for free?'. Obviously everyone is out for a bargain.
Well, this isn't one.
Gravity Lab is a niche VR game and as many other indie creators, I have poured my blood and sweat into this game. You might think 'but missing out on this one sale, it surely can't matter that much'. This might be true if you're an EA or Ubisoft, but a small Indie dev, I sometimes only see one sale a day. There are days where I don't sell a single copy. So yes, it does matter. Not only financially, because to be honest, most indie devs make games not because they expect to get rich, but because they love it. But it matters for our sanity and seeing our own games being pirated is heartbreaking.
I have worked more than 2 years on Gravity Lab, in a market where no-one really knew if VR will take off. I risked a lot and it was great fun working on the game (and btw, I still am!) and the community gave a lot of feedback on the design of the puzzles, difficulty levels, quality of life features. So in the end I'd say that we (the community and I) worked so hard on this game together and I would have hoped that you could have been a part of this process as well.
If I have convinced you to not pirate my game, here are the links to the store fronts:
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/408340/Gravity_Lab__Gravitational_Testing_Facility__Observations/
Oculus: https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/1116533615035202/
Windows: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/p/gravity-lab-gravitational-testing-facility-observations/9ncssc8tz48l
And if not, please at least know that you should support indie games whenever you can, even if it wasn't the case now.