The language is saved in the regedit, if like me you launched the game before adding and modifying the language, you will have to delete this entry in the regedit!
I tried to install the italian package and the game audio is not there anymore. Tried to change flt.ini "english" to "italian" and didn't work Already done with the change of the files inside the "d" directory Tried to reverse the change of italian and go back with the english audio and the audio is not working anymore (Subtitles are there but there is no audio at all only music and effects) The game was working fine with the english before the changes Any solution?
Can you tell more, it dont work after you try change language or after install? BTW, if after install, you cant start game, you cracked it (copy/paste cracked files) before start game?
Windows Security will say that about most cracked files. It's fine, I updated it too and everything is good. There is no trojan in it, Windows just pings it as such.
I need help. While playing the game, the game just crashing. If im playing on the start everything is all right, but then if im on the metal rope while chasing the Nefarius the game just drops my Fps and then crashin. This is the 1% part of this game. I cannot play this game, even i choose the Very Low graphics. I just updated this game and i have still the same problem. My Graphic card is also updated, the AMD. Should i make a Video when the game is going to crash and send this Video to you roosevelt2362?
Yeah the game has some terrible optimization right now. Even people with the 4090 are having crashes/frame drops. I experienced multiple crashes and had terrible FPS problems through my entire playthrough. Youre in the same boat as 95% of us. We just have to wait for patches to fix the optimization 😰 This is the exact reason why ill never buy a PC port of a Sony game till its been out for few months. Made that mistake and learned my lesson with The Last Of Us. Phewwwww that port was so damn horrible.
If you have the graphics on very low, what is your system? Almost seems like your system can barely run it and crashes because it can't handle the game. Would be nice if people that have problems explain those problems and let others know what their hardware is to make it easier.
From what I can see is that you have the minimum requirements but not the recommended system requirements, mostly because of your CPU and GPU. That might also be the reason why it crashes, because your CPU can't keep up with the game properly. It's at least one sign of a game crashing as far as I know. And the section you are on is pretty CPU and GPU heavy. I'm unfortunately not sure how you could progress if you have already completely lowered down the graphics settings. You could try to cheese it a bit and put the game in windowed mode and lower it to a stupid low resolution until you are past the section. It might help to get through it because it's not needing as many resources from your hardware that way. Try it out and let us know if that helped.
Damn, that sucks. It helped me on some other games before when I had the same problem before upgrading my PC. Doesn't look good I believe. Unless someone else has another idea to try. That was the only one I could think of that might've helped with a bit of luck.
For example, i played Horizon Zero and God of war without Lags, and also with a Medium Textures on this Computer, I dont know why its crashing only at this moment of this game
unfortunately I couldn't tell you why it does. I didn't had any problems but I know that this little section is pretty intensive because it's fast and a lot is going on on the screen. I'm not really sure what you could do to get through that because there is another grind rail when you get to the next section in a city (which I won't spoil) that is even more fast and intense. So even if you get through this one, that one might bring the same problems.
For those who are crashing I found the fix. I have been crashing non-stop after 10-20 min plus patcher update would also break the game. You need to re-install the game. Don't enter game. Then you need to download all 3 patches. Apply the Patches one by one. Follow the exact direction in each patch note. >UPDATE V1.727.0.0 Run the patcher admin mode. If you fail here, you won't be able to run the patcher for next update. It will say version mismatch. If you are successful, move on to next.
>UPDATE V1.728.0.0 Run the patcher admin mode. Locate your game path. Then game should be patched. If you get version mismatch/hash didn't verify go back to previous update again. Might need to reinstall if it gets too bad. If everything good move on.
>UPDATE V1.808.0.0 Yes, You literally just copy pasta.
Lastly, turn off Nvidia reflex.
Now go test the game you should be running fine.
This is how I fixed it and its been running good couple hours no crashing.
I need help I installed it the first time the game ran then crashed which is normal then I read your comment when I tried to re-install it just get stuck at the end of the bar do you know why by chance I will put a sc below
i downloaded the language pack but when i change the language in the settings it is still english, anyone else have this problem or can anyone solve it?
If you are only on a 8gb card, watch your settings. Don't go above medium textures, because the game will crash because it runs out of vram. Turn off all RT except reflections. Here is a little guide I found on how to prevent the game from crashing so often. It will still crash eventually, but this should minimize the odds:
Console games should never be ported to pc as the devs don't give a flying fuck about that port. Ported games are 99% times unoptimized as fuck, crashes like shit and play poorly even though your pc is 5 times more powerful than any console. These games are not even worth pirating. I understand that why people pirate it but GODDAMN!
Just because you have a dogshit pc that can't play it doesn't mean other people with good pc's are incapable of playing the game. I can run this game just fine on my 5800x3d and 4070 FE pc....
Poor people complaining about free games.... Time for me to enjoy this game on my 34" Ultrawide monitor....
If your PC is shit that doesn't make the port itself shit. There are thousands of amazing PC ports of console games, even recent ones. Look at Spider-Man, look at God Of War, look at Horizon. All of those are amazing ports.
Yeah, the people that got to enjoy this game way earlier and have since moved on to something else, RIP to them...You PC fanboys are hilarious sometimes, you always get everything late when it's no longer relevant and yet you think that somehow makes you better than console players.
ok thaks you so much bro. for information so i tried to download the french folder "" , the game don't crash when launch but there is no voice now. because i think i need to installer all the "d" folder. or rather i need to install all with your link, it's the best thing to do. thaks you bro
Ok so the game installed perfectly everything good first map (the city when nefarious attacks) Everything goes smoothly Besides the sound the sound was crazy laggy buggy cutting etc etc i ignored it cuz my ssd isnt the best but then once i "defeated" nefarious on the first map and the fast teleports trough dimensions starts i get stuck on the pirate planet it just doesnt load anything and i can just go anywhere on the map
UPDATE: if you saying about crash, yes... This game crashes too many times, I'm using the version I bought from steam (not this cracked version). Shit dev didn't optimize it when it was released @_@.
Playing it now will only make you frustrated, crash too much within 1 hour. Please wait for their update, maybe they will fix it soon tomorrow
I'm glad im not the only one that is having constant crashes with the game purchased from Steam, that means is a well known problem and they will fix it eventually. A pity though, I love the series and hope this does not prevent the game to have good sales.
Maybe if this sales well enough they will port the rest of the saga, and who knows, maybe Jak and Daxter trilogy in the future, seeing Naughty dog is joining to the ports team with tlou. That would be a dream.
how do i uninstall the game i cant find its files and i already finished it its nice but i cant find its files and its only pinned on my taskbar so if i remove it i cant even find the app
Nie działa polski dubbing naprawie to, bo gdy tylko zmieniam na polski to gra wywala do pulpitu nie ważne czy to komendą steam -lang polish czy przez flt.ini
hey guys can anyone help me solve this issue with the installer I downloaded this the first time and it worked then crashed then I realized that I had to put in the new updates but after that when I tried to re-install the game the installer stops at like 95% so I can't even get the installer to install first for me to even apply the updates.
Go to the game's main folder, open the "flt.ini" file to edit with notepad. When it opens, it will say "idioma=english", write idioma=german, save the file and enjoy!🙂
Game keeps closing on me after updating to v1.808....
tried everything, was fine before...
i know when i tried using patch.exe before on V1.728 it said something about not finding the files, even though i had the folder selected( was installed in program files)
well i couldn't find anything ANYWHERE to fix this but i found the solution myself, if this happens to you just clear your nvidia/amd gpu cache for nvidia it's at appdata\local\NVIDIA delete everything inside DXcache
A lot of people have issues with gambling. This is not the place to find answers, but if you want to indicate your problem, do not hesitate to try to write down your situation as much as possible. Graphics card, driver version etc...
This will bring more chances of a solution.
For my part, I have an AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT, RTX 2060 SUPER processor, drivers version 536.67 of the "Game Ready" driver.
I have sound problems, I had to deactivate a sound to have few problems, I have sound saturation.
I have no problem on other bigger games (hogwart legacy..)
Ive downloaded all parts, extracted and mounted, but everytime i launch the game it says "unable to create save directory, the game will not be saved." any ideas how to fix? im not one to power game like that.....
Hello, I have a problem, the game crashes at the start, like there is the launcher which is ready to play, go to the settings, etc., but as soon as I press play, it puts me on, but the game is on plain screen, then it puts the thing from the beginning and it crashes right after that
anybody knows how to revert the update without reinstalling the entire game? Installing this update caused my game to crash way too frequently and it worked fine before
I fixed it today after some hours.. Go to Type your windows and graphics card then download geforce game ready drive - whql version 536.67 Install it manually (advenced) and select clean install. After this restart your pc and crack the game again. It works for me Edit : take video how to do it
The language is saved in the Regedit, maybe other than disabling English in game, I don't believe there are many other ways to successfully change the language once there has been a first startup.
The problem is not there, if you start the game before changing the language it remains in English even after modifying the flt.ini file.
Because the language is registered in the REGEDI.
Once the game was cracked, I launched it to check that it was working properly.
Then I downloaded French and added it. Then I changed the language to "french".
I launch the game.. It's in English. I checked in the Regedit and I see that there is an option that saves the language. So I deleted it and restarted the game and it was in French.
I'm the person who released the crack of "Card Life" so I have a minimum of computer skills :/
After, as the previous person said, there may be other methods, I haven't tried to deactivate English in the game menus.
I don't know where you can find a steam_emu.ini but I searched the whole directory and found nothing unfortunately I can't get the game to switch to a different audio if you can help me out then please do
l download update and game. l tried to set up and when l choose path selection, it says 'error wrong path selected no game files found' What do l do? When l select anomaly or installer, it keeps giving error
anybody knows how to get out of pocket dimention 87 84 20? (one with invisible platforms) I've been told to get an earlier autosave but the game doesn't create more than one autosave, what do i do now?
remember, sony SAID it could NOT run on a ps4, which is a fat lie ...i'm seeing videos of intel INTEGRATED graphics running this game (most poor performance but it RUNS! the min specs on steam are much lower than a ps5, prob less than a ps4
the problem is not the graphical hardware of the PS4 but the HDD of it. see the digital foundry video to see that the HDD crash at the first rift transition
for those wondering this guys 6900XT with a 5800x3d 32gb ram can max out Ratchet and Clank at ultra Native no upscale and get 100 fps +. Looks like it sometimes dips to 88fps or so.
I am hitting install on installer and its not doing anything at all!? I have been doing these repacks for a while is something wrong with the installer?
FLTs Installer sucks. If the folder you want to install in does not exist, it just does nothing when clicking install. Create the folder manually and it should work.
I have a problem with the game, and it is that parts of the characters' bodies are invisible, along with many objects in the environment, any solution?
Portuguese (Brazil):
Spanish (Latin America):
Credit to Masquerade
The language is saved in the regedit, if like me you launched the game before adding and modifying the language, you will have to delete this entry in the regedit!
You can use CMD in admin for remove that easy with:HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Insomniac Games\Ratchet & Clank - Rift Apart
reg delete "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Insomniac Games\Ratchet & Clank - Rift Apart" /f
Tried to change flt.ini "english" to "italian" and didn't work
Already done with the change of the files inside the "d" directory
Tried to reverse the change of italian and go back with the english audio and the audio is not working anymore (Subtitles are there but there is no audio at all only music and effects)
The game was working fine with the english before the changes
Any solution?
Thank you very much.
BTW, if after install, you cant start game, you cracked it (copy/paste cracked files) before start game?
about the cracked files i didn't find them
BTW, if you want to change other language (other English), you can download language pack here:
Should i make a Video when the game is going to crash and send this Video to you roosevelt2362?
This is the exact reason why ill never buy a PC port of a Sony game till its been out for few months. Made that mistake and learned my lesson with The Last Of Us. Phewwwww that port was so damn horrible.
Amd radeon 570rx 16gb
You need to re-install the game.
Don't enter game.
Then you need to download all 3 patches.
Apply the Patches one by one. Follow the exact direction in each patch note.
>UPDATE V1.727.0.0
Run the patcher admin mode. If you fail here, you won't be able to run the patcher for next update. It will say version mismatch. If you are successful, move on to next.
>UPDATE V1.728.0.0
Run the patcher admin mode. Locate your game path. Then game should be patched. If you get version mismatch/hash didn't verify go back to previous update again. Might need to reinstall if it gets too bad. If everything good move on.
>UPDATE V1.808.0.0
Yes, You literally just copy pasta.
Lastly, turn off Nvidia reflex.
Now go test the game you should be running fine.
This is how I fixed it and its been running good couple hours no crashing.
Turn off all RT except reflections.
Here is a little guide I found on how to prevent the game from crashing so often.
It will still crash eventually, but this should minimize the odds:
Poor people complaining about free games....
Time for me to enjoy this game on my 34" Ultrawide monitor....
RiftApart.exe - System Error
The code execution cannot proceed because steam_api64.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
Edit: I found the instruction file. It says: Copy all file in "Update" folder and paste to your game's dir.
Strange way to update. I hope it works.
From: Z:\Games\Ratchet & Clank - Rift Apart\toc.out
To: Z:\Games\Ratchet & Clank - Rift Apart\toc"
pls help
first map (the city when nefarious attacks) Everything goes smoothly Besides the sound the sound was crazy laggy buggy cutting etc etc
i ignored it cuz my ssd isnt the best
but then once i "defeated" nefarious on the first map and the fast teleports trough dimensions starts i get stuck on the pirate planet it just doesnt load anything and i can just go anywhere on the map
In 4k Live
Playing it now will only make you frustrated, crash too much within 1 hour. Please wait for their update, maybe they will fix it soon tomorrow
A pity though, I love the series and hope this does not prevent the game to have good sales.
Maybe if this sales well enough they will port the rest of the saga, and who knows, maybe Jak and Daxter trilogy in the future, seeing Naughty dog is joining to the ports team with tlou.
That would be a dream.
you cant open game or what's error?
BTW, you cracked it before start game? You can see tutorial here too (it same for almost games):
switching englisch in the game settings to off -> but then you can't hear any voice
also tried to to remove in regedit the englishVO
is there a language pack to download for german?
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart i7-14700K RTX 3080 4K Ray Tracing ON DLSS Benchmark Gameplay
tried everything, was fine before...
i know when i tried using patch.exe before on V1.728 it said something about not finding the files, even though i had the folder selected( was installed in program files)
the version prior was fine... just loads the intro and then closes on me.
any one have an idea or the .exe before this?
also, V1.728 does not want to patch either....
Solution: edit your profile in ds4windows > click on other and disable virtual controller
This is not the place to find answers, but if you want to indicate your problem, do not hesitate to try to write down your situation as much as possible. Graphics card, driver version etc...
This will bring more chances of a solution.
For my part, I have an AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT, RTX 2060 SUPER processor, drivers version 536.67 of the "Game Ready" driver.
I have sound problems, I had to deactivate a sound to have few problems, I have sound saturation.
I have no problem on other bigger games (hogwart legacy..)
Go to
Type your windows and graphics card then download geforce game ready drive - whql version 536.67
Install it manually (advenced) and select clean install. After this restart your pc and crack the game again. It works for me
Edit : take video how to do it
Need delete regedit entry:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Insomniac Games\Ratchet & Clank - Rift Apart
Because the language is registered in the REGEDI.
Once the game was cracked, I launched it to check that it was working properly.
Then I downloaded French and added it. Then I changed the language to "french".
I launch the game.. It's in English. I checked in the Regedit and I see that there is an option that saves the language. So I deleted it and restarted the game and it was in French.
I'm the person who released the crack of "Card Life" so I have a minimum of computer skills :/
After, as the previous person said, there may be other methods, I haven't tried to deactivate English in the game menus.
...i'm seeing videos of intel INTEGRATED graphics running this game (most poor performance but it RUNS!
the min specs on steam are much lower than a ps5, prob less than a ps4
If the folder you want to install in does not exist, it just does nothing when clicking install.
Create the folder manually and it should work.