For those who want explicit adult content with the DOA5LR girls, Download Honey Select, there is a package with all the girls in the "_Extras" folder, unzip it in the main folder.
Ok I just simply can't believe how many people does not research and doesn't read, you already have the game for free, at the very least you should research how to set it up, otherwise go and buy it, Still I hate to see all the comments filled with dumb questions so here is how to install the game with all DLC, with all costumes unlocked and using a controller: 1.- Mount the V1.20 base game (the 9 parts one) 2.- run Setup.exe 3.- Select to install content of CODEX folder (Always) 4.- Open Update V1.21 folder and run setup.exe 5.- Select to install content of CODEX folder 6.- Open Update V1.22 folder and run setup.exe 7.- Select to install content of CODEX folder 8.- Run DOA6.exe 9.- Adjust Graphic settings from in-game options menu * Update v1.21 and v1.22 are in this same exact page for download * Optional 1 1.- Go to the folder C:\Users\YOUR USER\Documents\KoeiTecmo\DEADORALIVE6 2.- there should be a numeric folder open it 3.- Replace the System Data file with the one on the Save Directory that can be downloaded from: 4.- the game will be in Russian, navigate by memory or check before the location of the options menu and select language, 5th option from top to bottom and change to your desired language 4.- All outfits will be unlocked OPTIONAL 2 1.- Plug an XBOX 360 controller before launching the game and it will be automatically detected Hope this helps to clear all of the confusion Regards!
wtf free? you have purchase full game and this one can't play by joystick, i have tried both steam and this one, steam worked with joystick but this one didn't
is the update file safe? I installed the 1.20 base without anything happen but when trying to install the update of 1.21 my pc does not allow it to run, i tried put it on virus total and it return alot of warnings, I have gotten crack from you guys before but nothing ever comes to this, any solutions? thanks in advance
Most of SCENE GROUPS releases have been like this for the past few months bro. AV not only scans for viruses, but also for pirated files. Click on the "RELATIONS" tab, you will see a company called "MarkMonitor Inc.", it is the biggest anti-piracy company in the world right now. Their bot automatically scans all files from SCENE GROUPS, sending the hash of the scene files to the AV database. That's why you see most of the AVs warning, labeled "Hack", "Hacktool", "Crack",...
One more thing, this is a SCENE release (What is Scene? you should search the wiki and google about this, they will explain it better than me). In general, the scene is decades old, certainly older than you (and me). It is completely safe. All the pirates you download from the internet, including movies, games, software, music, anime... are mostly leaked from the Scene. In other words, most uploaders re-upload from SCENE. If SCENE uploads the virus, then it will surely be the end of pirates.
In case you want to check exactly if these files are valid, you can use predb sites, for example: You use some popular software like 7z to get the CRC-32 hash of the file you just downloaded, compare it with the information on predb site, if they match then you are safe.
The fix for getting stuck on Kasumi splash screen is; Right-click setup file -> Properties and check the unblock option, then apply -> OK. Only then should you install/reinstall the game/updates. Don't forget to unblock the setup files for the updates, rinse and repeat above instructions. (An extra measure is to unblock the folder containing the game or updates. That option does not always appear though.) In case you have already installed the game, uninstall it -> delete DOA6 install folder and use ccleaner to remove registry files. Then perform a clean install using above install instructions. Test the base game to see if it works before installing updates.
Torrent is still up on IGG torrent site. Use the link at the top of the site to go to their official torrent site. You can also find the updates as torrents there.
For me, the game works with joystick controller but doesnt detect my Fight stick controller(PS3 Hori Fighting Stick V3) edit: Got fight stick to work using Xbox360ce
could I pls have save data that unlocked all costumes and costumes dlc. everything else is start from the beginning. prefer save data is unlocked all costumes up to and compatible with version 1.22
The v1.20 is included together in the main files now (the 9 parts game +_+). Just look elsewhere if you only want the v1.20 patch download, I found some by random google.
There's no separate patch only for v1.20 dlc? I don't want to download the entire parts again...:( Edit: Wow, Koei Tecmo is like..super complacent in re-creating newer dlc costumes. All I see after the latest update is copy paste from doa 5's costumes.
There is an update that only includes patch 1.20, but it isn't by codex. Codex just released it as the whole game again, but with all updates already applied. You can search for the other update, if you don't want to redownload it all.
Anyone here plays Doa Xtreme Venus Vacation? cough cough, for science purposes. Would like to add fellow friends. Here's mine (166091891), just started though.
You don't need the DLC Unlocker after the first update, that I know of. Each new patch includes their own steam_emu.ini file with the DLC. You just set the value for DLCUnlockall=0 to DLCUnlockall=1
Dont know how but I just wanted to test this game before I actually buy it (like everyone here of course ;) ) and then somehow it was in my steam lib. First I thought it was shared by some of my friends via fam share but no. Steam actually thinks I bought this game and now I own it officially without paying.. wtf? Is this some kind of bug? sry for bad language maybe xD
all these problems everyone is having... I thought you "millennials" or "genZ's" were supposed to be smart. wtfe. I'd be surprised if you all could wipe your own asses without asking for a tutorial first.
Dlc unlocker is to unlock the dlc costumes in game, cause even though you download the parts for the dlc they're like not immediately available in-game. You'll have to collect "dress parts" by completing DOA quest and then purchase using in-game money. DLC unlocker skips these processes. Update hotfix? No idea, I didn't even download it.
Sometimes I think the fan-made costumes (mods) are better than the recycled dlc Koei Tecmo bringing into doa 6. Some are really decent made, like Deadpool, Squall, Cloud, Tifa costume.
Order of install Dead.or.Alive.6-CODEX Dead.or.Alive.6.Update.v1.08.incl.DLC-CODEX Dead.or.Alive.6.Update.v1.11.incl.DLC-CODEX Dead.or.Alive.6.Update.v1.15.incl.DLC-CODEX Dead.or.Alive.6.Update.v1.17.incl.DLC-CODEX
Unfortunately you have to install the other updates as well, they're like individual patches for fixes, new dlc costumes, new character, etc. I heard someone said you can skip start from v1.08 instead of v1.04, better just download all of em'.
I would suggest re-installing the patch 1.16 specifically and paste the crack properly, if is still doesn't work (this one kinda long work). Do all over (reinstall) from the base game, make sure no rar/zip files for the dlc are corrupted and try again. If it still doesn't work, I'd say stick with the older patch until a new patch comes (maybe its your pc). By the way, the update 1.16 works for mine.
MegaUp downloads are extremely slow, and the other ones are dead. What a mess. And on top of that the game doesn't have keyboard key-binding options. A 2019 multi-platform game, with no key-binding options. What in the absolute shit is this? I love the DOA games but good lord its retarded to overlook something so basic, what the fuck are the devs thinking?
Hahahahaha! So Funny comment!, Some people got skill and talent in Keyboard in fighting games and some people got skill and talent controller for 3rd and fps shooter games, BUT! Yeah better play Fighting games with xbox Controller and 3rd-fps Shooting games with keyboard and mouse, the best way to play!
For all of you who do not like Windows 10 I got an interesting info: This release will also run on Windows 8.1, if you turn on Windows 7 (yes, Windows 7) compatibility for the game's executable. The developer says that it requires Win10, but with this trick it does not!
I feel so much alive that I can play free in crack with all dlc. this is worth play free. if I have to buy a complete set game and dlc. it can go all the way to 1600 dollars. I gave feedback on steam and was talking about dlc is so expensive.
Seems fine to me. Played Kasumi and other characters no problem with new 1.14 patch. Just don’t forget to apply crack when patching, or remove any mods as it may conflict with new version of game.
Does anyone else experience this? I've downloaded the 1.14 update but yet to install it, if this update is buggy on Kasumi...I might skip it. Yours still persist?
Hi, i take the update 1.13 the dlc and the hotfix but when i launch the game i got the loading screen, then it desapears and nothing more... Can you help me ?
Is the file size less than 5 MB? Did you get the file directly, or have you used an exe? If the answer to any of the questions is yes, you downloaded an ad. Please try downloading the files again and make sure you get the correct ones.
I can understand dlc with a price but that's quite a number of dlc costumes like directly ctrl c + ctrl v from doa 5. Yeah, I'm definitely not the right person to judge (since I'm downloading this here) but for you guys out there who actually spent money on the dlcs..are they worth it? Maybe yeah if you're only buying for certain characters or waifus but man, the prices ain't cheap even for bundle. From my country's currency perspective, for an example, the main game costs 252 bucks. Then comes the season pass, I just browse a couple from Steam, bam Season Pass 3 costs 296 bucks?! Its like getting two doa versions. Sorry, I really get it when I have no rights whatsoever to say these since I don't actually own this game. You guys who bought the game, mind sharing a little perspective?
Tick the "copy contents of codex to install dir" checkbox. It will apply crack to the game. This will solve all problem people having below... Also when installing update, start with 1.08, it includes all previous patches, then go straight to 1.11 then 1.12.
Installed everything in order including the 1.02 update and codex. However, I keep getting this 0xc0000142 error, which prevents the game from starting at all. I even attempted to fix this using the solutions I found which involves system config, regeditor.exe, etc, all attempts have failed and I just cannot fix this error.
Just wondering, all other characters are abailable, why is momiji still locked?? Is there a step i’m forgetting with the dlc unlocked? Sorry if I’m being a moron.
Is the file size less than 5 MB? Did you get the file directly, or have you used an exe? If the answer to any of the questions is yes, you downloaded an ad. Please try downloading the files again and make sure you get the correct ones.
Thank for your reply, i used a .exe. Downloaded the correct file, i don't know how i downloaded a ad... aniway thanks again! keep up the good work, you're the best! Long live Igg-games!
Thanks for the reply guys, but I kinda did the long way (trainers and cheat engine looked kinda troublesome). I just grind some Doa Quest to unlock the costumes, not that much actually...since I only have the three haven't fully unlock their costumes ^^. Thanks regardless.
With Cheat Engine installed, double-clcking the downloaded CT file should autmatically open the program and let you select from a list of options. Once you choose your options, you no longer have to run the program or the table unless you want to change options, since unlocks will be permanently applied to the DOA6 process.
Hello, I've updated everything in the correct order and instructions up to v1.09, I still get the Kazumi start screen, then the game trying to start, but it closes, any help please??
Remember also to keep REDELBE version up to date as you install newer versions of DOA6; for example, when updating the game to v1.09 you should also update REDELBE to v1.1.
you are 100% right.The is working perfectly for me even on Windows 7 because i installed Update 1.02 that is not on this site.That update will makes the game to work correctly.
Already installed correctly in the first place and yet I still have infinite black splash loading. As i said it works for a few days and then this problem happens.
Help. I update the game correctly and the game is working for a few days. Suddenly, my game stop working. The spalsh screen of kasumi is now turn to black infinite loading screen. My windows defender already permanently disabled. How to fix this cant play anymore ;(
You first make sure your game is the original version. Then go find the update file for version 1.02. And update. After that, please be sure to update the version 1.04a, 1.05, 1.06 in order. Remember that no one step can go wrong
Help. I update the game correctly and the game is working for a few days. Suddenly, my game stop working. The splash screen of kasumi is now turn to infinite black loading screen. My windows defender already permanently disabled. How to fix T__T.
Is the file size less than 5 MB? Did you get the file directly, or have you used an exe? If the answer to any of the questions is yes, you downloaded an ad. Please try downloading the files again and make sure you get the correct ones.
What I just did to make it work is to install core fighters from steam and then apply the crack of version 1.6. Quite simple, but temporary until they update the game again.
------------SOLUTION FOR LAG/FRAMEDROP FIX-------------- Change your graphic card settings in Nvidia control panel (select your graphic card, default is integrated), tips!!
Go to Nvidia Setting click Manage 3d setting select "Program Setting" tab.
click add to add the game.exe from box "1. select program to customize"
now click "2. select the preferred graphics" box and change integrated card to high performance nvidia card.
About the loading screen... The way i fixed it was..copying data and all the files from the base game of a legit version(i have a steam copy just wanted to try out kula) to the crack version then applying the files in the CODEX folder. It worked.. I have a suggestion haven't tested it but you can.Since base game with hotfix and dlc unlocker work copy the base game files and the file in data drop them in a new folder and save them for later then update the game and all 1.dlc unlocker 2.hotfix 3. Updates 104 to 106... Apply updates and copy the files inside the CODEX folders of each UPDATE. Then grab base game files that you copied and pasted somewhere else. Copy them all of folder the 0A folders all of it!!! Paste in the current updated game.... Then go to update folder. 1.06v./CODEX/ copy all files... Paste into game... Then try launching if it works great!!! If it didnt then im sorry never promised anything...
Guys, if you are still having problems with the 1.04 and 1.05 version of the game, you should follow the method of RaizuX. I tried that method and now my game works perfectly on 1.05
I have the same problem in which only the window with Kasumi pops up and nothing else happens. Is there any way to fix it yet? I play on Windows 10 X64
Downloaded the game Installed all updates But can't install hotfix "02\02.bin Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: -1957095300" And ofc after installing updates the game is not working (Only first window shows with Kasumi and that's it)
Sure method I've got to work so far, is just download and install the base game version. Double-click .exe. This will launch it in steam. Let steam download the entire game. Once that's done simply copy the contents of crack folder from update 1.05 into steam version and then launch. Should work fine (long as versions are same.)
I have the same problem, does anybody know how to fix it? I can get in to the game before update 1.04, but after update to 1.04 I can't start the game just like the picture...
SOLUTION!!!!!! After instaing the game install the Update v1.02 then this Update v1.04a.And launch the game then wait!!!! it will start perfectly. This SOLUTION worked for me after ton of tests,And i want to confirm for everyone that this worked for me perfectly on Windows 7 X64!!!!!!!!
I downloaded the v1.02 also from CODEX and try using it without any other patch and it worked perfectly, however after installing the update v1.04a it gives me an error (0xc0000142) at launch (so not even the Kasumi image splashes). I did a clean uninstall and tried using the following order with the same results: DLC unlocker - game works Hotfix - game works v1.02 - game works v1.04 - error 0xc0000142 at launch v1.05 - error 0xc0000142 at launch Any ideas? thanks!
Uninstall the game completely then install the game ISO don't copy crack or do anything else otherwise installing the iso then install Update (1.02) not Hotfix not anything else then try to launch the game if success then install Update (1.04a) and try to launch Note: My game size is 31.8 GB are you got the same size?
I think there's a problem with your user account setting. you don't permission to write data. try to use admin account on that pc or run doa6 game as admin
If the shaders leave the game very heavy disable tightening "F2"
For more information, look for the DOA5LR page here on the site.
For those who want explicit adult content with the DOA5LR girls,
Download Honey Select, there is a package with all the girls in the "_Extras" folder, unzip it in the main folder.
Edit: I created a hub for my Mediafire folders, it's easier than using notepad.
Tested May 2023 and still working.
Download the 3 parts, put them in the same folder and unzip the first one.
It's just complete nudes.
1.- Mount the V1.20 base game (the 9 parts one)
2.- run Setup.exe
3.- Select to install content of CODEX folder (Always)
4.- Open Update V1.21 folder and run setup.exe
5.- Select to install content of CODEX folder
6.- Open Update V1.22 folder and run setup.exe
7.- Select to install content of CODEX folder
8.- Run DOA6.exe
9.- Adjust Graphic settings from in-game options menu
* Update v1.21 and v1.22 are in this same exact page for download *
Optional 1
1.- Go to the folder C:\Users\YOUR USER\Documents\KoeiTecmo\DEADORALIVE6
2.- there should be a numeric folder open it
3.- Replace the System Data file with the one on the Save Directory that can be downloaded from:
4.- the game will be in Russian, navigate by memory or check before the location of the options menu and select language, 5th option from top to bottom and change to your desired language
4.- All outfits will be unlocked
1.- Plug an XBOX 360 controller before launching the game and it will be automatically detected
Hope this helps to clear all of the confusion
One more thing, this is a SCENE release (What is Scene? you should search the wiki and google about this, they will explain it better than me). In general, the scene is decades old, certainly older than you (and me). It is completely safe. All the pirates you download from the internet, including movies, games, software, music, anime... are mostly leaked from the Scene. In other words, most uploaders re-upload from SCENE. If SCENE uploads the virus, then it will surely be the end of pirates.
In case you want to check exactly if these files are valid, you can use predb sites, for example: You use some popular software like 7z to get the CRC-32 hash of the file you just downloaded, compare it with the information on predb site, if they match then you are safe.
(An extra measure is to unblock the folder containing the game or updates. That option does not always appear though.)
In case you have already installed the game, uninstall it -> delete DOA6 install folder and use ccleaner to remove registry files. Then perform a clean install using above install instructions. Test the base game to see if it works before installing updates.
edit: Got fight stick to work using Xbox360ce
does anyone has the solutions for this ? seems like many peoples affect by it
Edit: Wow, Koei Tecmo is like..super complacent in re-creating newer dlc costumes. All I see after the latest update is copy paste from doa 5's costumes.
This is
I did not manage to find it on another site. mail faor link please : thanks
update plz
thx bro
i did not said it clearly,my fault
i play doa6 is good working,dont have crashed,i just want update 1.17 and dlc only
skill and talent controller for 3rd and fps shooter games, BUT! Yeah better play Fighting games with xbox Controller and 3rd-fps Shooting games with keyboard and mouse, the best way to play!
not a perfect solution, but you can get into the game.
Just don’t forget to apply crack when patching, or remove any mods as it may conflict with new version of game.
Did you get the file directly, or have you used an exe?
If the answer to any of the questions is yes, you downloaded an ad.
Please try downloading the files again and make sure you get the correct ones.
This will solve all problem people having below...
Also when installing update, start with 1.08, it includes all previous patches, then go straight to 1.11 then 1.12.
Did you get the file directly, or have you used an exe?
If the answer to any of the questions is yes, you downloaded an ad.
Please try downloading the files again and make sure you get the correct ones.
Downloaded the correct file, i don't know how i downloaded a ad... aniway thanks again! keep up the good work, you're the best! Long live Igg-games!
(Shortcut: direct download link to the correct table is
You now can install the game, then 1.08 directly, no need older patch.
who can help me slove this problem?
If someone needs help, please ask me.
Then go find the update file for version 1.02.
And update.
After that, please be sure to update the version 1.04a, 1.05, 1.06 in order.
Remember that no one step can go wrong
Did you get the file directly, or have you used an exe?
If the answer to any of the questions is yes, you downloaded an ad.
Please try downloading the files again and make sure you get the correct ones.
Change your graphic card settings in Nvidia control panel (select your graphic card, default is integrated),
install updates sequentially-
Now it will run the game without any problems.
Method tested and works 100%.
1.dlc unlocker
3. Updates 104 to 106...
Apply updates and copy the files inside the CODEX folders of each UPDATE.
Then grab base game files that you copied and pasted somewhere else. Copy them all of folder the 0A folders all of it!!! Paste in the current updated game.... Then go to update folder. 1.06v./CODEX/ copy all files... Paste into game... Then try launching if it works great!!! If it didnt then im sorry never promised anything...
I tried that method and now my game works perfectly on 1.05
I play on Windows 10 X64
Installed all updates
But can't install hotfix "02\02.bin Hash sum mismatch! Required MD5: -1957095300"
And ofc after installing updates the game is not working (Only first window shows with Kasumi and that's it)
Is there anyone who knows how to do that?
It's okay on Windows 7.
I can get in to the game before update 1.04, but after update to 1.04 I can't start the game just like the picture...
After instaing the game install the Update v1.02 then this Update v1.04a.And launch the game then wait!!!! it will start perfectly.
This SOLUTION worked for me after ton of tests,And i want to confirm for everyone that this worked for me perfectly on Windows 7 X64!!!!!!!!
DLC unlocker - game works
Hotfix - game works
v1.02 - game works
v1.04 - error 0xc0000142 at launch
v1.05 - error 0xc0000142 at launch
Any ideas? thanks!
Note: My game size is 31.8 GB are you got the same size?