Alright for everyone that have the DLC problem, all you have todo is go into your SlimeRancher_Data Folder, then Plugins, then open steam_emu.ini, scroll down to find [DLC] Then just replace what ever is under the [DLC] with this: [DLC] ###
Automatically unlock all DLCs
DLCUnlockall=0 ###
Identifiers for DLCs
#ID=Name 939480=Slime Rancher: VR Playground 982310=Slime Rancher: Galactic Bundle 1079180=Slime Rancher: Secret Style Pack ### Now the game should be able to detect the DLC have fun ^-^v
have one of them but still doesnt work launching the vr playground exe send you to steam nvm deleted a api of steam at the root of the vr playground files and it worked
It's not working. When i has done all of it and the DLC's are installed (i see it on game), but when i am going into the world, nothing changes, slimes are looking the same like before i did this tutorial
thats because you need to unlock the DLC item in the game you need to find the capsule that contains the DLC item in the game open them to unlock them for your slimes
Please be aware that the current version is GOG and does not have any of the dlc, I would suggest going on a torrent site (my preferred choice is and searching slime rancher, then choosing not the 1.4.2 version(it's also GOG) but the Slime Rancher Pool Party version(which for some reason despite having the same game version of 1.4.2 is Steam and has all the dlc)
whenever i enter the "Slimeulation" the game starts lagging and after a few seconds just closes itself? is this a problem with the game or just with this download? Edit: turning V-sync on seemed to fix the problem.
i works but the problems are 1. it crashes every single time i try to open it and i have to turn off my antivirus or restart my pc 2. no dlcs 3. UMF detects its pirated so u cant use mods
someone pls help me i getting a unknow error and it dont let me save or continue it only have two buttons retry and quit and retry dont work can someone help me
when i try to play it works till i get to part when i sleep it sleeps then gives me unknown error and wont let me save/ keep going it says retry or quit and retry doesnt work it only lets me quit i cant save game
I have 32 bit system with 3 GB RAM but that didn't bother me when i played other games that require minimum 4 GB RAM.I extracted the game to desktop and opened that file and clicked the Slime rancher icon and it launched game.Why then the game crashes when i try to make new world every time?
Is the file size less than 5 MB? Did you get the file directly, or have you used an exe? If the answer to any of the questions is yes, you downloaded an ad. Please try downloading the files again and make sure you get the correct ones.
Idk why other people are having issues but I started it up and it worked perfectly fine, I finished the tutorial and quit back to the main menu with no crashes. This is a "portable" game download, as in it doesn't need to be installed or cracked, just unzip it to your desired location and launch the game. The zip file (as of 1.4.1c) was 814mb, so if your download was much smaller than that, you didn't get to the real download page.
Why does the game crash on startup?? And don't fucking say "Needs to be latin", I turned everything on the pathway into english, no spaces, no underscores, nothing, still won't work, if you want I can show screenshots, because I'm pretty sure I did everything right
I've seen people saying that the letters to the file need to only be latin characters but im kinda stupid(hehe) and dont really understand it.Can you please explain it to me more? Edit: I forgot to say that the game crashes when i create a new world and enter it,it just instantly crashes.
EVERYONE THAT THE GAME CRASHES ON START UP NOTICE: make sure that the path to the folder with the game contains only Latin characters and numbers otherwise the game wont work. for me that was the problem.
GUYS TO MAKE IT WORK :To fix just when openning as iso or winrar just copy from win64 or 32 slime rancher data/plugins and everything from plugins to the slime rancher: slime rancher data/plugins
Can you shut up and give a proper answer? DLCs are often included in IGG even if it wont say on the page. Yes it has DLC - Galactic Playset, Ruby Chroma and Secret Style it says in my game.
game is missing some textues (sky, boom slime's explosion, glitch's slime texture and errortarrs to name a few) I tried downloading twice, installing both 32 and 64 bit versions, messing with graphics options but nothing worked. I used and google drive links. other than that game works fine
just make sure that the folders that the game is located in, are written in English and no other language letters. for example for me the folder that contains the game is located in : C:\Users\User\Documents\Games\Slime.Rancher.v1.4.0d as you can see the folder location has only English letters. If it had other language letters it will not work (for example location like: C:\Users\User\Documents\игры\Slime.Rancher.v1.4.0d) if it already have only latin letters then the problem is cuased by something else. re t
To fix just when openning as iso or winrar just copy from win64 or 32 slime rancher data/plugins and everything from plugins to the slime rancher: slime rancher data/plugins
Every time I load the game, it show the steam store. I task manager closed steam, there is now launcher.exe, and I did the steps correctly. Any help with this?
To fix just when openning as iso or winrar just copy from win64 or 32 slime rancher data/plugins and everything from plugins to the slime rancher: slime rancher data/plugins THIS IS SO EASY
To fix just when openning as iso or winrar just copy from win64 or 32 slime rancher data/plugins and everything from plugins to the slime rancher: slime rancher data/plugins YOU ARE SO STUPID
Is it possible to download only the new science update and secret styles dlc without getting the full game? If so, is it possible to add it to my game and still be able to continue on my old savefile?
No idea, I didn't play the game. Only way to find out is to download the game and see for yourself. If a dlc came out, Or maybe an update, You could always request it.
I could indeed help, but some thing to note is have you watched the video provided on this site on how to install games? The main problem is that you haven't copied the continents from the crack folder into the newly formed game directory. I would first go watch the video to show you how to do this. your friend, Tyler Evalon (Satan)
the galactic bundle is installed with the installer itself, go look in the lab in-game where you can purchase blueprints, it should be at the bottom for 250/500
when installing it with the PLAZA installer, click "copy contents of PLAZA directory to installdr" and make sure the box is checked before installing it! then it should work, if not, in the file itself, when the ISO got opened and is showing the installer, there's a file called "CRACK" or "PLAZA" ,paste every file in that map into the main file, after installing the game, now it should work! :)
le jeu se lance , se quitte puis m'envoie sur la page du jeu steam pour ACHETER le jeu , comment je devrais le prendre ?...Si quelqu'un connais la réponse a mon problème me réponde s'il vous plaît.. ;-;
Did you download an exe file? When opening the exe, did you get a rar file, or am I missing something? If the above is true, you downloaded an ad, make sure you get the correct file.
I don't like steam and I like cracked games. Epic is doing great lmao! Why should we love a perverted platform like steam which applied so many restrictions on users? Forced DRM, forced steam controlling, and forced rules that you cannot post a thread if not paying over 5$. This is bullshit. Go die steam... Epic? It's been giving out free games and I am confident that in the future years it will become a strong rival against steam. That will be a blessed news to all we gamers. Steam saying Epic is collecting user data under steam platform at background? Probably true. But I see steam is get jealous and anxious about the rising of Epic. Businessman steam is crooked and clever, always looking to the profit, trying to use lawful ways to manage this... But Epic is clever also lmao... Good luck Epic and best wishes to IGG! Time to say goodbye to steam's monopoly.
Steam really isn't restrictive. At least not compared other game stores. Also if you think the only good thing about Epic is that they give out free games, that just shows that they aren't as good of a company as steam, as i could say much much more about why steam is a good company.
Yeah you can play a steam game in offline mode, but this is not the point. The point is, steam is like a mother fucker background saying to me, "Hey, wanna play your game? Okay you need to gain an access from me, even in offline mode".
Understand your point. The slime rancher that I got from Epic has no DRM. Another game SOMA I got free from GOG also has no DRM. Free games are good as Epic uses them as a way to split steam's market. But I focus more on restrictions. Whenever one purchases a PC game, it should be platform-free, DRM free, playable offline, which is just like a decade ago that you bought a game CD disc and it belongs to you. I've discussed this topic with many players across different countries, a few people strongly agree while a majority says they don't really care. This is where the trick is.
(Proof so you know it isnt malware)
Then just replace what ever is under the [DLC] with this:
Automatically unlock all DLCs
Identifiers for DLCs
939480=Slime Rancher: VR Playground
982310=Slime Rancher: Galactic Bundle
1079180=Slime Rancher: Secret Style Pack
Now the game should be able to detect the DLC
have fun ^-^v
launching the vr playground exe send you to steam
nvm deleted a api of steam at the root of the vr playground files and it worked
you need to find the capsule that contains the DLC item in the game open them to unlock them for your slimes
Get 1.4.2 plaza, save compatible with steam.
What do i do??
it also came with a multiplayer mod, which was very bizarre but hey I'm not complaining.
Edit: turning V-sync on seemed to fix the problem.
But you need to crack it
Did you get the file directly, or have you used an exe?
If the answer to any of the questions is yes, you downloaded an ad.
Please try downloading the files again and make sure you get the correct ones.
Edit: I forgot to say that the game crashes when i create a new world and enter it,it just instantly crashes.
any solution?
for more information on the game vresions you can check out this wiki:
that the path to the folder with the game contains only Latin characters and numbers otherwise the game wont work. for me that was the problem.
Yes it has DLC - Galactic Playset, Ruby Chroma and Secret Style it says in my game.
that the path to the folder with a game contains
only Latin characters and numbers otherwise the game wont work.
only Latin characters and numbers otherwise the game wont work.
I got a legit copy of the game (Epic games version) but I would like to install the DLC from here. is that possible?
only Latin characters and numbers otherwise the game wont work!
for example for me the folder that contains the game is located in :
as you can see the folder location has only English letters. If it had other language letters it will not work (for example location like: C:\Users\User\Documents\игры\Slime.Rancher.v1.4.0d)
if it already have only latin letters then the problem is cuased by something else.
Check it what you should do!
i cant download via google drive
like this
any sugest?
in other link i cant download too
just in megaup, but it took me very very long time to download
I task manager closed steam, there is now launcher.exe, and I did the steps correctly.
Any help with this?
I don't have a launcher.exe file
and yes steam is closed when I try to open it
i couldn't find it...
Try getting the latest version of winrar like Adam said.
when i extract the file, ijust say it's unknown or damage
how to fix it
Slime.Racher.Viktors.Experimental-PLAZA.rar: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged
Only way to find out is to download the game and see for yourself. If a dlc came out, Or maybe an update, You could always request it.
it open the 32 bit crash unity but then it crash completely
shoud fix it
your friend,
Tyler Evalon (Satan)
(posting this for my two likes in case they are not aware by now)
When opening the exe, did you get a rar file, or am I missing something?
If the above is true, you downloaded an ad, make sure you get the correct file.
bro, upgrade
Steam saying Epic is collecting user data under steam platform at background? Probably true. But I see steam is get jealous and anxious about the rising of Epic. Businessman steam is crooked and clever, always looking to the profit, trying to use lawful ways to manage this... But Epic is clever also lmao... Good luck Epic and best wishes to IGG! Time to say goodbye to steam's monopoly.