When I downloaded everything and finished it and when I open the game it directs me to Steam and tells me to buy it. Any help? Please explain thoroughly and I am eager for response, thanks.
You must go into the game's file location, and open another file where the autorun, setup, setup-1.bin and CODEX show. go into CODEX, then bin. click win_x64 and copy everything that's in the win_x64 file and paste it into the game file. To get to the game file right click the game on your desktop and press open file location, I hope I helped you, reply back if you need any help.
Hello everyone, I downloaded the game and started it, When I check the offical website of the COD it says that there is singleplayer DLC maps but how can I play the DLC maps offline as the campaign?
Someone help please, me and my friend connected via hamachi, when he join my local game, the screen shows only one player but the name above the player head keeps switching between me and my friend name, the game recogniz us as one person. any help with that
If you are using hamachi don't be surprised to be hacked. Hamachi create access behind your anti virus and behind your firewall. It's like leaving the door to your house wide open and letting burglars in, never genuinely use this software.
You need to go to the config file, I'm not sure what its name. sometimes it is name steamemu.cfg. Look for [AccountID=0] Remove the [] and that will fix it.
No, it is not enabled by default. You need to remove the [] bracket. Either leave it 0 or change it to something else. The reason you are experiencing it is because you have the same ID. 0 means random but by default it has a '[]' bracket. Remove it
i used radmin vpn, we have to enable the accountid=0 by removing the bracket, and must be 0 for all, also everyone must have adifferent username, you can change it from the steam_emu.ini it's codex by default
I really wanted to play solo zombies, but the game designers decided for some fucking reason, not to be able to pause, so when i have to piss its game over. I found out the only way to pause the game is to make a custom game IN ONLINE, but not in local play. Is there a way to access custom games so i can pause the game while playing solo?
hi i do INSTALLATION GUIDE… but when install show error isdone.dl my system cpu i7 4790k ram 32 ssd 240 for only windows hhd 8 tb for game and … vga 2060 please help me for install this gam
you dont gotta turn off your antivirus, you can simply add your download folder to your excluded folder which leaves your antivirus on but doesnt check this particular folder. (i suggest having hgg games download to one specific location.
Because you have to crack it. There should be a crack folder where you downloaded the game, once you find it copy its contents into the install location of the game by right clicking the desktop icon and pressing "Open file location". So:
Go to download location,
Copy contents of crack folder,
Paste in game's local files by pressing "Open File Location" on desktop shortcut.
Anyone have weak PC can say goodbye to local vs bots game auto recognize your hardware to limit bots pc can handle, you can change it in the social tab(buy game to access it)
Only if I get to play as the Natsy's. I'm not all that impressed with America winning the war, if teh last 80 years of perversion and dysfunction is all we got for it. We were on teh wrong side.
I'd agree with you. Operation Paperclip brought tons of Nazi criminals to America like Von Braun and they were put in high places of government instead of being hanged to deceive the masses and control us. This is partly the reason why we are becoming a communist country. There are many American businesses that helped finance Hitler and the SS. It's all corrupt as Hell. The younger generation don't have the history or the brains to see their country being taken over in front of their eyes.
meanwhile the jews own and run almost every media outlet (TV and social), control most of the money and just love being pro victims. they use blacks to prop up their victim mentality. they are the reason this nation is so divided right now and they love it....constant headlines from jew owned media blaming everything and anything on pres Trump and non stop barrage of headlines making everything about race..... i could go on and on but their is a reason the jews have been kicked out of over 100 countries in the past. they are also the main reason for slavery in the last 400 years. they enslaved millions of white people (google barbary slave trade) and when the whites had enough of their bs they then moved on to selling black slaves and blame whites for all of it. jews and ccp are the greatest enemy to USA right now. what are your thoughts on what i said if i may ask....ty
of crimes he has committed over the years just ask his sister who stepped down from her position as the highest ranking female judge on New York supreme court she helped Donald hide from the IRS after working there for 52 years she walked out in disgrace no pension because in the early 19 70 she helped her brother hide the 450 million he inherited from his dad the equivalent to 2 billion in today money. This and dozens and dozens of things that Trump has done over the years to make it impossible for anyone with a IQ of 52 or higher can dispute.
while what you said had only a little to do with my post and a lot of orange man bad......did this event if true affect you at all?? if so do tell. i look at the good he did for this nation until the chinese unleashed their virus on us and again Trump was blamed over and over by the ju media. they never talked about things like how great the economy was until china and the HISTORIC low black and hispanic unemployment rates under his term. i know its either love him or hate him but over 80 mil people think he is the best president we have had in 50 years or even longer. btw TDS is a real thing
Except war crimes and an extreme acts of aggression in trying to take other countries lands as their own. Using child soldiers there at the end is also shitty. Dude was a drugged up, paranoid loon at the end. Fuck him and all of his 1,488 followers.
Cause it's local multiplayer dude, as in with bots and all that and I very much doubt this one has splitscreen, but if it does that applies too if I remember correctly. Regardless, multiplayer=local multiplayer.
i try with radminVPN with my friend and the problem is that he can find the game but when he join is showing only one player and our name are in mismatch so i don't know why
I think its comparable to Hamachi? Makes a "LAN" network that works from computer to computer over the internet when the given users have the network and client active. Used stuff like this before as a kid to host Minecraft servers for friends.
-Install as usual following the guide
-Open the steam_emu config file
-Remove the '#' before the 'AccountId=0' line
-Change the UserName to anything
-Use Radmin VPN to connect you and your friend over a LAN network
-You should now be able to see your friends hosted LAN lobby in WW2
and what is it good for?
Me finding Health packs instead of be in the cover behind the obstacles,
Healing over time was Actually good.
if so how because it keeps saying must log in to steam
someone know how can i play splitscreen pls ?
The game doesn't show the press button for player 2
any help with that
It's like leaving the door to your house wide open and letting burglars in, never genuinely use this software.
Look for [AccountID=0]
Remove the [] and that will fix it.
The accountid=0 is enabled by default but still i have the same problem as op
The reason you are experiencing it is because you have the same ID. 0 means random but by default it has a '[]' bracket. Remove it
but when install show error isdone.dl
my system
cpu i7 4790k
ram 32
ssd 240 for only windows
hhd 8 tb for game and …
vga 2060
please help me for install this gam
I'm not all that impressed with America winning the war,
if teh last 80 years of perversion and dysfunction is all we got for it.
We were on teh wrong side.
jews and ccp are the greatest enemy to USA right now.
what are your thoughts on what i said if i may ask....ty
Using child soldiers there at the end is also shitty.
Dude was a drugged up, paranoid loon at the end.
Fuck him and all of his 1,488 followers.
fuk the jews
It says its released 2017?
Makes a "LAN" network that works from computer to computer over the internet when the given users have the network and client active.
Used stuff like this before as a kid to host Minecraft servers for friends.
Whats your point in pointing out the release date of the DLC?