Thank you!
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Zoro Aster
even launch as admin didnt work for me. freezes right after the game starts.
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it could be the game as it has a lot of bugs, like save game corruption.
Drakness King Gaming
can you update new ? 1.0.24 have some error with save like loss everything when turn off game and continue to play and thank for post this game for free :D.except this problem everything are good.
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Karolis Čižauskas
Ask for update in request section, im trying to make mods update the game so you would help out with request to update there of your own
Karolis Čižauskas
having same problem
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Game title here says but all the links lead to game version 1.0024 (initial release)
George Giannoulis
why a game like this , it sais here only around 8gb in disk space? Is it a small game indeed or it is just a "beta"?
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Karolis Čižauskas
smol gaem
Any chance we get 2.2.1 update?
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George Giannoulis
2.3.3 currently.
I've been waiting for this game. And for some reason i expected it to be bug-free. But it's just a buggy mess right now.
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Karolis Čižauskas
i like some of the bugs tho. i think they`re funny
Not working. Please upload fix or patch.
Send in the Killer Clowns
Testing out P.A.M.E.L.A v0.1.0.18. You can now change resolution to sizes 1920x1280 all the way down to 320x200 even. Much quicker, thanks.
Btw, how do I change to windowed mode? Making resolution smaller makes it blurrier but faster and maintains fullscreen mode.
After the initial loading screen of new game, it was unresponsive. Possibly because I had it minimized or the game is still not fully operational yet.
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Federico Banfi
i think right now you can change in window mode only with alt+enter :/
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Federico Banfi
my problem right now is the vsync option missing..i got 120-100 fps, my r9 390's fans are at full speed, and from time to time it drop to 20-30 fps with some micro stuttering...i really need to cap at 60 fps xD
btw the game use 5gb (!!!!!) of ram -.-
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Send in the Killer Clowns
Exactly! God damn game! Thought it was gonna be a download-and-play type of game. Not this bundle of problems.
I'm going to quit this for a while until someone comes along and debugs the whole thing.
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George Giannoulis
well check the updated version here. its 2.3.3 and ur last post was months ago.
thcfreak666 .
New upload with 2 parts didn´t work too. Same error: App hang for houres. Please delete this not working shit from your site and stop kidding us with useless uploads. Thanks!
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Harry Ellis
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Federico Banfi
the game works so far...maybe it's your pc that can't handle the loading.....the game use 5gb of ram and my cpu is at 70-90% all the time.
I can suggest to try start the game as administrator and let it load the game in window mode, for me it worked
thcfreak666 .
This Link above from "Send in the Killer Clowns" is a fake site for Spreading malware only, please block this ashole admin. Thanks
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Send in the Killer Clowns
Wait, what?
Just looked at a couple of other "discussions" people had with you on other pages so I'll let that slide.
You're obviously new to torrenting so I think I know what you did: you clicked an ad instead of getting the torrent.
thcfreak666 .
Didn´t work, crash al the time. Don´t waste your time with this shit!
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Federico Banfi
the first loading screen will take a lot of time, after that the next loading screens will be a lot faster
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I left it on for several hours and it never loaded. Apparently they've patched it, wonder if the new version will work.
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Federico Banfi
first loading screen after new game took me 30 mins more or less, you must not touch anything at all :/, plus try run it as administrator...for me it worked, usually it crashed after the loading bar was full, but with admin it work for me
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George Giannoulis
..... aint tme for u people to upgrade ur pc hardware instead of telling others it doesnt work?
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Harry Ellis
Yeah time to change your Pentium 3 and your Voodoo GPU thcfreak666 ;) NOW !
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Eduardo Pigatto
GTX 750 Ti, i5 3330, 8 GB RAM, still doesn't work at all.
Send in the Killer Clowns
Style kind of reminds me of Dead Space. Definitely going to play this for the horror element.
Game works fine for me. A little laggy though because my computer is ordinary.
Scratch that. Laggy enough to cause an endless load screen. Serious fault is that even if you change the graphics quality, you cannot change the resolution. It's fixed on 1920x1280. I've searched all the files and there doesn't seem to be a file you can edit to change this outside of the game menu.
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Crashed every time, when i start the game. :D
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thcfreak666 .
I think anyone try too kidding us. 2 uploads and no one works. This is so fake like no other. The creator of this Game seams to be kidding us all. PRoblems over problems and strange bugs reprtet on steam too. There is much more in early access state wich works much much much better then this peace of shit and you have pay money on steam fpr this crap! Report this betrayal on youtube and steam. We don´t need a game which is more bad then No mans Sky in early acces. It´s a shame.
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Same, computer's capabilities is certainly not the problem either.
Send in the Killer Clowns
Problem is (as it usually is) a fault in downloading and compiling parts.
I got mine off dauphong's uploads on tpb. It is, and is credited as the one uploaded here but can be torrented as a single rar file. Try it out and see if it works for you then. If it doesn't, then it might be a problem with your pc.
It's the game itself look at steam reviews.