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Reupload plz, all link broken
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when will you ever get around to reuping here on the site you are too lazy or just too stupid for it, it has turned into a pure heap of rubbish here
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rename file 3 to exclude the "(4)" for it to work. otherwise the filenames dont match and theres errors while unpacking the files.
Seph Barretto
anyone know how to get japanese audio + english subs on this? I found an autopatcher for it but it will only detect the game if installed via steam :(
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Hi, after downloading the files I have a password request but nothing is indicated about the password in the download page: https://igg-games.com/final-fantasy-xx-2-hd-remaster-free-742647441-download.html
Do any of you know if this is a generic password?
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les temoins de yehovah dieu amen
is work juste delete (4) is work fine for decompress
les temoins de yehovah dieu amen
password ?
Amoni Elsadai Gulo
please update the links, they are broken. especially the GDrive one
Link uptobox :(
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Master Bruce
It says I'm missing part 3 but I downloaded all of them, even part 3 (4)
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erase the (4) from it
Rikato Athena
Link Google Drive 😭😭
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Do you also have the option to change from language to Spanish?
Gerardo Daniel Perez
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Master Bruce
It says part 3 is missing even though I downloaded it
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Yeah something is confusing me to part 3 is labeled Final.Fantasy.X.X-2.HD.Remaster.part3 (4).rar and part 4 is Final.Fantasy.X.X-2.HD.Remas ter.part4.rar I don't know if the first one is part 3 and just needs the (4) removed or if they are both part 4 and part 3 is missing completely

what am i supposed to do?
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make sure all the files are the same name like this Final.Fantasy.X.X-2.HD.Remaster.part1.rar ,Final.Fantasy.X.X-2.HD.Remaster.part2.rar ,Final.Fantasy.X.X-2.HD.Remaster.part3.rar ,Final.Fantasy.X.X-2.HD.Remaster.part4.rar ,Final.Fantasy.X.X-2.HD.Remaster.part5.rar ,Final.Fantasy.X.X-2.HD.Remaster.part6.rar ,Final.Fantasy.X.X-2.HD.Remaster.part7.rar then highlight the group then extract its cause some have (4) added to them so thats one big reason for the errors so just remove the (4) then it should work
Edi Cahya Wijaya Kusuma
link google drive is gone.
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only megaup works and part 2 crashed
Master Greydrone
Be advised only Rapidgator is availible.
Levi is my top
If anyone ever find out how to run SKIM with this, please let me know.
Edit: never mind, I got it.
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How did you do it, I can't figure out how to get skim to recognize the game
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Levi is my top
i had to look for an older version of skim, it works just fine. i have no idea where i found it though, sorry. it is out there somewhere. search for stuff like unx, specialk older version, kaldaien etc
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Do you know which version you got?
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Levi is my top
in the .ini it says
try the ones on github
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Thanks mate
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SO bLaNd
MegaUp works fine
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Sir Starshine
Point of curiosity, has anyone actually tried to use NexusMods with this version? More importantly, has anyone succeeded?
If so, please let me know. I'd LOVE to try a few of those mods.
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you have to ask for re-upload on the game requests page. Follow the rules or they will delete your request. They will re-upload if all links are confirmed down. Hope this helps ;) (Game Request page link is top right by the game list)
It works but I had to change the settings in the launcher to English,(was in Japanese at first), and go to the launcher properties and change high dpi settings and click the override checkbox to make this game go fullscreen.
lost game central
why don't you go into the game request section and request the update there instead of being a douche on every game with this bs
Gerald Joey Alonday
help.... after playing ffx for a while it says "system cannot find the file specified"... ffx-2 seems to be working fine.
Dopasaurous Rex
i noticed if you download the parts from http://megaup.net file 3 has a (4) at the end of it not sure if its like that on the other download spots but figured out u can delete the (4) and then select all and unzip and it works right like it should
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thank you kind sir!!
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Rikku is my waifu.
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F. R.
i'll go with yuna :P
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Not Found Error 404 Solve it (google drive)
Daniele Bosi
My God, it is just me, or Final Fantasy X-2 is just too cringy?
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Tong Vang
ffx-2 doesn't exist imo it just ruins ffx...
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John Miller
FFX-2 is brutal.
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Brett Michael Taylor
is this broken? i cant get any of it to work except for megaup and that would be only 1 part because of the 5gb limit. the torrent isnt working as well.
Muhammad Rafiq Supriadi
please re-upload min
Sick Xigma
Would be nice to have a torrent for such a big game
People need only crack, someone has to upload, and put the link in response?
Thái San
Hey guys , just finished FFX , now how can i play the 2nd part ? I can't seem to find it anywhere !
Edit : Maybe i'm missing the 2nd part somehow .. Trying to re download it now .
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Douglas Stokes
Thai are you talking Final Fantasy X-2 or something else? X-2 should be here if the game is 37 gigs...Final Fantasy X is only 20 gigs
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Thái San
Yee somehow i downloaded the FFX only pack . Done re-download it and played thru it already !
Thx for replying btw .
Blakmajick Kat
On file number 16, via Google Drive, I kept clicking download anyway, but the page would reload, instead of download the file. If anyone else was having this problem, I got around it by right-clicking the "download anyway" button, open in new page. It'll open a new, self-deleting page, to download the file.
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the 36 part is corrupted
i download it in google drive
damn after one week wait to download all and it failed on extraction
im so damn angry
it failed in the last moment SHIT
please fix
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i know some game here have 5gb parts could you guys move them to a 5 gb parts rather then 990mb
Alek Chaney
do us all a favor..merge every Zip part into a single regular folder..
36 seperate downloads is just stupid
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thay need to have them in parts to save on space and download faster but they could make them 5 gb parts
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Alek Chaney
download may be faster for a single part...but that doesn't mean the user aquires all the parts faster
i downloaded all part files at once ....the multiple downloads actually slows it down more
and doing it one at a time with those 6 second timers it adds up really quick
ive downloaded really big files before..and it didn't take as long
as these 36 at once
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Flower Blossom
yeah i feel you
36 parts
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Kead Knox
Final Fantasy x and Final Fantasy x-2
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Yannick Ross
the problem is the game overall is around 35 GB
yet you don,t need 36 Part only 5 would be enough
Herculine R.
Many thanks for these!
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Late to the party but just want to make sure, does the game include other languages for text as well as japanese Voice Over options?
old mobile zone
any one please upload part 27 i try maga and google file both say chcsum error on part 27
Nahman Jayden
Well, it's fixed, you've called it mate. Still, I'll definitely buy the game from steam when I'll get some money though, cuz' it's worth it.
Nahman Jayden
As people below wrote, all links are dead. Currently waiting for re-upload.
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Please fix openload or googledrive link. Thank you
Rizky Xenocider
All link Dead Please re-upload thanks
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Can anyone figure out how to make my keyboard connected to the game? The game doesnt want to respond to my keyboard at all.
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Can you please upload part 24 of this? The links down for all servers.
Fargus E. Geckman
Here is a .dlc file for JDownloader that has all of the google drive links (because ain't nobody got time to click on 36 individual links.)
If you don't have JDownloader, you can grab it here.
EDIT: Unfortunately, I forgot that these game links are apt to disappear at any moment. The .dlc file only has dead links now, and I don't have time to re-upload working ones. JDownloader is still useful to download stuff with (at the MEGA or Google drive screen, copy the URL at the top and it should automatically put the download link in the LinkGrabber), but I don't blame anyone for uninstalling it after this flop.
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Definitely not. I have Intel HD 4000 myself, and I know there's no possible way it could play this game.
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Phúc Hồ
hey ape, learn human language before comment anything, all game on igg is split into many part and each part is 990mb, this game is very large so it's have 36 part, anymore question ? now go back and learn alphabet you ape.
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That is a COMPLETE absolute LIE. IGG uploads ALL games so that each part is 990 MB. This game is very large, which is why it has 36 parts. If you can't download it, then go and BUY IT! Liar.
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what was the comment?
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He said that the reason why the game has 36 parts is because IGG is trying to make more money from advertisements on the download pages, which is so untrue
A moment of silence for poor people like me whose download speed is less than 1mbps with a very old laptop/pc specs..... #PoorGaming #GiveUsGoodPCandInternet
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same here. but someday bro we will be legends.
Donny Súharyono
My download speed about 400-500 kb/sec, and I still download this game, I can download about 12 GB for 1 day
#KeepCalmAndDownloadAllPartsOneByOne #Don'tGiveUpBroBecauseWeCan
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Damn bruh, I don't care if my speed is like yours. The only problem I have is once my internet usage is beyond 3GB it throttles down to 30Kbps which means may grandma can run faster than that.
Lyndsay Bates
I feel bad for you!
#FeelBadForSlowDownloadSpeeds #ThatIsALongHashtag
Downloading Thank You :D
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Andre Castro
Link http://Mega.co.nz, estão todos OFF ajeite Por favor
Hero Panda
Uhh...Why i'm having Crc error while extracting??
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Cats Dogs
It kindia funny it run 30fps in FF10 but in FF10-2 it 13fps that weird.
Dang that is a lot of files to download T_T
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Mine doesn't work, I start to export and it says the folder is corrupted
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It goes to 30% and then says the file is corrupted ...
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IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
it depend on your internet, bro .
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Ar Ar
why my screen is black but there is sound??? please help
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Cats Dogs
that because of unsupport video card
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John Doe
Can yu use the turbo speed and set those preferences cuz I tried to change it in final fantasy X
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i cannot choice Jap Voice
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An option to choose between Japanese and English audio. However, audio is restricted depending on the language setting:
Text: Japanese / Korean / Traditional Chinese with voice: Japanese
Text: English / French / Italian / German / Spanish with voice: English
the game run good for me just for the life of me can't get the options to change to english if anyone knows how please let me know.
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never mind i figured it out myself. For those that want to know find the config file in your documents and where it says language jp change the jp to en and save.
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works great for me, thanks
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Wait, why is this half english and half japanese?!
Azizul Azree
if you got an simple issue like that,, just simply buy the game. Your problem solved
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why would someone buy the game if it doesnt work here...common sense really, we're here also because we have no money. we cant just buy the game because we cant get it to work, and why would we hope that buying it fixes the problem?
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IGG, thank you so much. no problem downloading or playing. took me 20 min to finish downloading 36 parts :) appreciate that you use google drive and mega which do not have download speed cap. a childhood game which i never get to complete, now it is finally the time!
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i can have 240mb/s but then my phone doesen't work on 5Ghz :[ so i neeed to use 2.4Ghz which is 4mb/s
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whats your down speed? cuz thats a pretty fast down speed to finish 36 gigabytes in just 20 minutes
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55-60mb/s :)
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That Guy
DAMN, where do you live bro ?
fuck me, mine is 60 kbps. why was i born in a poor country.,,
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Am I the only one having problems with installing the ISO file? So I used a torrent, and I get an ISO file, I use the mount and drive type thing, then when it's about install it says it detects malware, so I excluded that file from the search, then do it again, the malware thing doesn't pop up, but then it says it's unable to execute, I can clearly see all the files, with all the 33 or 36 gigabytes of information. weird.
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did you torrent it from here?
Right click on them then Extract to (Name of the .rar)
Glad I was able to at least clear your doubts. If you have any more qs, I can answer them on Discord. The Discord site link is on the Live Chat button on the top part of the page.
You don't need to worry about tabs, as long as you don't close the program, the downloads will continue
Hmm. Nah. This is more of a safety measure than anything else actually.
if you have it downloaded and installed, yeah.
It will automatically get queued.
Better than 1. Having to disable adblock because the fly ad page detects it and tells you to disable it. 2. Having to deal with suspended fly ad accounts.
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Is it possible to just download x-2?
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Nah. that's still both games.
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Jay Alexander
It says separate downloads but i haven't figured out how to download said "separate downloads"
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you can pick the files to download there
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there is no way anyone's figured out the game code already to split both the games and run each one individually
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but it most likely wont work...the game just came out a couple days ago. There's no way they've managed to separate both games and have it still work completely fine.
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no...the two are merged into one game...ps3 and 4 did that....both on one side of the disc....have to have the full package to play x-2
Yup. and if any of them get corrupted, it will tell you which and you ONLY have to download that, replace it and try again.
It just got posted man. you gotta be patient for people to download the game. Not everyone has crazy speeds. I get 4mb/s down when downloading from Mega (my speed is like 30-40 megs or something, depending on the mood of the internet provider and the neighborhood and all that)
It depends tbh. Seeders upload speed, your download speed, etc.
Nah Nah man. You still need the whole file to install the file. You only need to EXTRACT the installer/iso from the 1st part.
It automatically searches for all the other parts and unless there is an error it should work the same.
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But does the 1st part ISO pull from all the other unextracted ISO's? Or does MEGA automatically compress it into one huge file or something?
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Jai Chu
You need to download every single part, but you can extract if by only extracting part 1, but you could also just select all and then press extract. Thats a matter of perference.
Okay, think about it this way. I explained it before, that the .iso (18gb (an example)) is separated into 9 1GB parts. Right?
So when you extract part 1. It looks up part 2 and then extracts from it, and so so until it reaches the end.
About Mega, it doesn't do anything, it's just a file hoster.
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9 1GB Parts would equal a total of 9GB however?
Where would it pull the part 2 from if it only downloaded 9 outta 18GB?
Im sorry if im confusing you but your method is just very confusing at the moment. This is why I use that other site as I have IDM and they keep it all in one file.
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9GB iso or 9 1GB parts, same thing.
Wait. Damn, I messed it up. I was thinking another game. Sorry, 9GB separated into 9 1GB parts, gah.
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so if all 9 parts are downloaded...if you extract from part 1, it will extract from downloaded parts 2-9 as well?
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how would that help? does it extract into its own folders? normally you guys name the ISO's the same making it impossible not to override another ISO without renaming it.
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So 9GB is distributed among the 9 1GB parts, if you only have part 1 downloaded and try to extract it without downloading the other 8 parts, it won't work since it only has 1/9 of the complete iso. It all extracts it to the same folder. Try it out with a small game. A 3-5 part game and see for yourself, extract only from part 1 without downloading the other parts and then try extracting part 1 with all the parts downloaded (be sure to name the folders differently in your test.)
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Ok wait wait wait...if i download all 9 parts...in one queue....only extract #1 into a folder....all the others will go into the same folder automatically?
what about file name conflictions?
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There's no file name conflicts. Because it's all part of the same file divided into 9 parts. That's why you have to downloads all the parts of a game. Heck, downloads parts 1 and 3 of a 3-part game and you'll see what I mean when I say it automatically looks for them (as long as the names are the same (of the .rar) and the numbers are in order (no skip))
If you get Mega and you get Megasync, you can queue all your downloads. That way you only need to wait for them to finish and then extract part 1 (which extracts all other parts as well automatically, since every part of the game is distributed among those 36 parts, so in order to do things like 2-4, it would be to compress the game into 2-4 parts instead of 36 parts.)
Another thing. the reason why IGG separates them into parts, is because of 1. Limitations in file hosting websites, 2. To prevent things like "I was 50% thru and then BANG, My download failed, NOW I HAVE TO START AGAIN GOD DAMMIT" kind of things. Instead of being thrown back 50% (18 parts or halfway thru one big file), you would be thrown back like 2.777^ % instead.
Uh no. You download em all to the same folder and then extract the first one, that's all. So you have all 36 parts in Download, then you right-click on the part01.rar and do extract it to its own folder and just wait. that's all. Dunno how can you even do an individual extraction of all 36 parts
adi martha
is it 30FPS??
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There should be a patch soon to let you get 60FPS from whatever that guys name who patches just about every game to 60FPS
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This game's logic is tied to 30fps and it always has. And for this type of game, 30 fps is more than fine.
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36 Gb.??
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noop schoop
yep 2 games
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win vista or later?? i still using XP TT
Tanya Degurechaff ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
holy sheet , , , ,
decision decision , it's too big but i want to play it again :D
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I know right? I really want to play this but the download size almost turn me off. I wish SE released them separately.
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Jay Alexander
Damn why couldn't they just release X? why X2?
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it wouldn't have made a difference... ?? o.0 the links from google downloading it is quite fast so yeah :s lol
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Jay Alexander
Yea it would have made a difference...the download size would of been a bit smaller than 30 something gb and I thought noone even liked X2...I only played X and thats all I need
There goes my sleep.....
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LOL. By the time you finish downloading this, it'll be morning, then once it's done, you'll have to spend all day tomorrow playing it xD
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Well IGG-GAMES.COM is a much nearly perfected design site and very user friendly....as seen through my eyes. Keep it up!!!!!
noop schoop
Omg Thank you very much:*
I usually download from Mega because it's fairly quick, but would it be better to use Openload as it's uploaded already?
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For me Google Drive is the fastest, more than Mega. Even better when you use IDM.
Holy shit it here
i literally started doing homework when i got a notification saying that this is coming today...square enix dropped it harder than beyonce...
I am too excited for this right now, why must you kill me with anxiety? :c
Haseo Seng Otaku
Awaiting.... >. <