so waht i did was first start a game in repentance to create a savefile, then i looked for the word file savedatapath for both AB+ and repentance. basically i coped everying from the AB+ section into the repentance (idt this is neccisary but it might be). Then, i copied the AB+ section again into the offline storage file --> igggames --> remote and pasted everything there. then i deleted the file rep_persistantgamedata1.dat and renamed persistantgamedata1.dat to rep_persistantgamedata1.dat (since only used the first save). after that it worked. idk how much of this is necissary but you at least have to add rep_ in front of persistantgamedata1.dat if you want your save to carry over
Hello! i have played with the exe file and would like to move the save file to open witht he launcher app since i didnt know and didnt notice you cant do daily runs on the exe, can anyone help?
for all the people who's asking how do you get the daily run achievements. you're running isaac-ng.exe and not the launcher. the launcher was made for the sole purpose of having steam features without buying the game; playing with friends, having things that only work with steam, running a game without steam showing up on the game page, and other things. the normal executable only opens the game and that's it. the launcher opens the game like it would and lets you do the daily run. why? because the launcher i think is connected to the steam servers and forces steam to run the game on its servers without thinking if the game's cracked or not. resuming, you gotta run the launcher instead of the normal exe. if you actually just opened the game with the launcher but the daily run still isn't working something's wrong or your internet isn't connected. also, some people were complaining about "this isn't afterbirth+" if you don't know, afterbirth and afterbirth+ are a DLC and DLCs are normally stored inside the game's resources in order to work. so if the game didn't have the DLC, it would be just rebirth. since it has the DLC, it has afterbirth+. why does the file name have rebirth instead of afterbirth+? because the name of the game is the binding of isaac: rebirth and not the binding of isaac: afterbirth+.
It's better to buy from steam. Bydaway, friedly, does everyone needs to be such an asshole in internet? DAFUQ did i do to you?! 11 błędów Gdzie ty niby widzisz błąd w moim polskim?
Game is downloaded an extracted. But when I open the application file ( or the launchers) the application launches and then closes without starting the game. Ran as administrator and everything. How I fix dis? go to this page and see how to get all the secrets I currently have 351 out of 403 of which I collect 1 for the game because I have The Forgotten and I will see what else I have because it is a bit difficult to comprehend everything and how to see what and how you enter in statistics and in secrets: D
I know this is almost two weeks old and you might've already solved this or given up, but I'll take the opportunity to potentially help someone. I had the same problem with another game, but it got fixed once I chose to run the game as administrator, just right-click on the .exe file, click properties, then compatibility settings. There should be a checkbox with "Run as Administrator" written beside it.
Can you update the game? I got to a point where i wanted to get a character and i couldnt cause it isnt the latest version I would really appreciate it if you could update game Thanks in advance!
Holy crap. People complain a lot. lol. Also, when you go into a forum with a question. And that forum is already really really long. Why not give it a look through to see if someone has already asked that question??? Use MegaUp for the love of all things un-holy!!
I just got this installed but there is a file with this information. Make sure you have it set to 'run as adminstrator' if you've installed this on your boot drive (drive with your OS on it) Save Data Path: C:\Users\Phapvo/Documents/My Games/Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+/ Modding Data Path: C:\Users\Phapvo/Documents/My Games/Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods/
Use MegaUp XD it works. They won't reupload if any link works so MegaUp is your best bet if no others work. Literally the policy of the site, they "fix" any links if one link is active.
You should beat over and over. Everytime you beat the game it unlocks lots of items, characters etc. and gives you some other way to beat the game like beating yourself in heaven, beating satan, beating your moms heart and eyes.
Copy the link of the mod tha you want in the workshop, copy it into this website: . Download it and put it into your mods folder
Go to C:/Users/Your username/Documents/My Games and there should be a folder there called Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods Then you just put the mods there and they will appear in the game.
When I click to open the game, nothing happens. And yes I did try to run it as administrator. Also in the my documents folder and the my games folder I can't find the game file.
You need a mod enabled to use the console. If you don't wanna use mods and still be able to open it, just make an empty folder in your mods folder, then enable your " mod" in Isaac.
Hi I'm trying to start the game but an error message pops up and says 'The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found' Thanks in advance.
why does it takes me to the rebirth download page ? its not renamed too its 616MB am i missing something plus i didnt even downloaded an ad it just takes me to the Rebirth one
You can use this page When you download what you want just uncompress the file, and move the folder to "C:\Users\your username\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ mods" I recommend changing the mod folder name to anything but numbers and that's it.
the data files are in a folder called ''my games'' in the afterbirth folder there is an readme called ''saved data path'' copy it and move the data from ''the biding of isaac afterbirth'' to ''the biding of isaac afterbirth+'' it is suppossed to work
Quick question if I already have the game from Kickass Torrents which is where I found this site from, is it possible for this to be used as an update of my current version?
Did you download an exe file? When opening the exe, did you get a rar file, or am I missing something? If the above is true, you downloaded an ad, make sure you get the correct file.
I don't have the sfx sounds in the game, but all the music works normally. I have the sfx.a file in the folder with the game. Does anyone know how to fix it? Playing without sound is very annoying :(
I just downloaded this but I have a finished .dat files from the last version I played and I don't wanna have to unlock everything again. This version doesn't seem to have any .dat files so I don't know how to use previous saves, do I have to start over? Is there a way I can get a save file with everything unlocked and use that somehow?
Hi ! How can I load my saves from afterbirth (I took the game from here) ? if I just drop the files in the savedata folder, it makes the files corrupted. :/
Nevermind, I did it : just change the latest modified file (from the folder holding your save files) the save you're looking to get to "[date].abp_persistentgamedata[number of save file]".
yeah i did that too, they should be at the bottom of the list, but the bottom most item is pop witch is booster pack 3 EDIT: I just unlocked rotton penny witch is booster pack 5 meaning the item pool editor is out of date, but the game is up to date
Can some some one help me? Every time i click the .exe or the desktop launcher it redirects me to steam but after trying it again after a while nothing happens when i click it
I already tried that i dont remember what i did exactly to fix it but it was missing some certain files so i had copied the game files to another folder where those two files were
so, how do i sync up my stuff if i download this after playing a while of the afterbirth i also downloaded here on the site..? or does it do that automatically?
Anytime I try to download/re-download, when clicking on the application it says "System Error: The code execution cannot proceed becasue VCRUNYIME140.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem." but I have a couple times now and that hasn't done anything. Any advice?
Right, sooo I had to find this on my own, cuz literally nowhere I could find this information and I just experimented until it somehow worked. It's about daily challenges and daily achievements. I got frustrated I can't get those achievements, cuz surprise, they are greyed out, cuz it's not the bought game (Now, that's my case, I tried connecting it to steam so I can still get dailies, but it didn't work. Maybe everyone else can access dailies, I can't). Soo for this you gotta work with the console, but in order to get the console you need mods. And since you can't install mods as well, because you need the legit game, you need to create one. For that you need to go to "C:\Users[your user name]\My Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods" and just create a new empty folder. Then in the game you can activate mods with that empty folder and that's all you need. Now, I found 3 achievements in the wiki page, there may be more, but I think they are only 3. So, activate the empty folder mod, get in a run, click this button ` (the button next to 1) and type in achievement 325 achievement 336 achievement 354 Now, you're gonna say "But Stanley, when you activate mods you can't get achievements." Correct. If they are legit mods, but this is just an empty folder, so you can get achievements. And there you have it. The 3 achievements for dailies without participating in dailies whatsoever. Keep in mind you can unlock pretty much every achievement, but in my opinion it will ruin the fun of unlocking new stuff until 1,000,000%, but it's your choice.
Hello, It doesn't seem to work for me, where did you install the game? In C:? Also, I'm mainly looking to make the mods work but they don't appear in the mod tab in-game :( I tried making the mod folder but it didn't do anything >.< If, by any chance, you know where I could find mods (outside of steam since I don't have the game on steam), I'm in. I downloaded one from a youtube comment for testing purpose & it's not working atm :( Help please, thanks
Well in C:\Users(your user name)\My Documents\My Games there should be a folder there by the name of Binding of Isaac Afterbirth + Mods. There should be three folders that are Binding of Isaac related, one for Rebirth (I think, I am not on my comp atm), one for Afterbirth + and one for mods. You get there and you create a new empty folder. Meanwhile in the game after the title screen and after you load the save there's a section "Mods" that when inside you should be able to see the empty folder's name and click TAB. When that happens, the empty folder is activated. You get in a run and click ` (the button next to 1) and that should open the debug console. Only with the console you can get those achievements with the commands I've written up there. EDIT: Also it shouldn't matter when I installed my game. My answer - literally I've put the installed game's folder on my desktop. That's how I install games. But that should not be relevant. Also-also if those folders don't exist then maybe you haven't even started a single run yet. If you didn't - go in-game and start a run, that should be able to create those folders. If not, create a folder by the name "Binding of Isaac Afterbirth + Mods" and create an empty folder there. The game should be able to redirect it to your documents/games/mods folder in order to activate it.
Thank you for your quick answer. I wasn't looking in the right folder since the start >.< I moved my library into D:\ and EVERY softwares automatically install their things in my D:. This game is an exception and decided to create things in my C: Thank you for making me double checking better!
Ah, well, I connected my Disqus account with my facebook and my facebook is connected to email.. TL;DR I got an email notification on my phone and that's why I answered so quickly. It's fine, I am glad I helped
i need some help so uh whenever i launch the game it says error and then save data path (the path) is not a writable directory and the same thing but modding path instead can someone help?
Make a folder inside the modding folder and name it whatever so: C:\Users\patme\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods\Debug Enabler (or whatever you call it) Start the game and go to mods and make sure it's enabled press tilde (`) to open the console
The Binding of Isaac Rebirth Repentance-PLAZA
thanks with a like
edit: has it too
also, some people were complaining about "this isn't afterbirth+" if you don't know, afterbirth and afterbirth+ are a DLC and DLCs are normally stored inside the game's resources in order to work. so if the game didn't have the DLC, it would be just rebirth. since it has the DLC, it has afterbirth+. why does the file name have rebirth instead of afterbirth+? because the name of the game is the binding of isaac: rebirth and not the binding of isaac: afterbirth+.
It's better to buy from steam.
Bydaway don't call me idiot,
I tried to be friedly.
was a jerk
and i don´t like your pfp
Gdzie ty niby widzisz błąd w moim angielskim?
Bydaway, friedly, does everyone needs to be such an asshole in internet? DAFUQ did i do to you?!
11 błędów
Gdzie ty niby widzisz błąd w moim polskim?
Chodziło mi podczas pisania
Is it really afterbirth+?
every time i close the game,my save is deleted,and i have to unlock the things again and again
any solution to this?
what the fuck
I got to a point where i wanted to get a character and i couldnt cause it isnt the latest version
I would really appreciate it if you could update game
Thanks in advance!
Save Data Path: C:\Users\Phapvo/Documents/My Games/Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+/
Modding Data Path: C:\Users\Phapvo/Documents/My Games/Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods/
(I feels bad that this game doesn't works.)
Then you just put the mods there and they will appear in the game.
Yes, I activated them
They just don't work
can you help me fix
Also in the my documents folder and the my games folder I can't find the game file.
mod" in Isaac.
am i missing something plus i didnt even downloaded an ad it just takes me to the Rebirth one
When you download what you want just uncompress the file, and move the folder to "C:\Users\your username\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ mods" I recommend changing the mod folder name to anything but numbers
and that's it.
When opening the exe, did you get a rar file, or am I missing something?
If the above is true, you downloaded an ad, make sure you get the correct file.
pls help
hey i have a problem with the game, it just run slow and it's irritating! Does anyone have a solution ?
EDIT: I just unlocked rotton penny witch is booster pack 5 meaning the item pool editor is out of date, but the game is up to date
We're sorry for the inconvinience
when i luanch it just freezes with a black screen and the audio is played on
please help
I got frustrated I can't get those achievements, cuz surprise, they are greyed out, cuz it's not the bought game (Now, that's my case, I tried connecting it to steam so I can still get dailies, but it didn't work. Maybe everyone else can access dailies, I can't).
Soo for this you gotta work with the console, but in order to get the console you need mods. And since you can't install mods as well, because you need the legit game, you need to create one. For that you need to go to "C:\Users[your user name]\My Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods" and just create a new empty folder. Then in the game you can activate mods with that empty folder and that's all you need.
Now, I found 3 achievements in the wiki page, there may be more, but I think they are only 3. So, activate the empty folder mod, get in a run, click this button ` (the button next to 1) and type in
achievement 325
achievement 336
achievement 354
Now, you're gonna say "But Stanley, when you activate mods you can't get achievements." Correct. If they are legit mods, but this is just an empty folder, so you can get achievements.
And there you have it. The 3 achievements for dailies without participating in dailies whatsoever.
Keep in mind you can unlock pretty much every achievement, but in my opinion it will ruin the fun of unlocking new stuff until 1,000,000%, but it's your choice.
It doesn't seem to work for me, where did you install the game? In C:?
Also, I'm mainly looking to make the mods work but they don't appear in the mod tab in-game :(
I tried making the mod folder but it didn't do anything >.<
If, by any chance, you know where I could find mods (outside of steam since I don't have the game on steam), I'm in. I downloaded one from a youtube comment for testing purpose & it's not working atm :(
Help please, thanks
Meanwhile in the game after the title screen and after you load the save there's a section "Mods" that when inside you should be able to see the empty folder's name and click TAB. When that happens, the empty folder is activated. You get in a run and click ` (the button next to 1) and that should open the debug console. Only with the console you can get those achievements with the commands I've written up there.
EDIT: Also it shouldn't matter when I installed my game. My answer - literally I've put the installed game's folder on my desktop. That's how I install games. But that should not be relevant.
Also-also if those folders don't exist then maybe you haven't even started a single run yet. If you didn't - go in-game and start a run, that should be able to create those folders. If not, create a folder by the name "Binding of Isaac Afterbirth + Mods" and create an empty folder there. The game should be able to redirect it to your documents/games/mods folder in order to activate it.
I wasn't looking in the right folder since the start >.<
I moved my library into D:\ and EVERY softwares automatically install their things in my D:.
This game is an exception and decided to create things in my C:
Thank you for making me double checking better!
i'm not download
You can find that In my games
C:\Users\patme\Documents\My Games\Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+ Mods\Debug Enabler (or whatever you call it)
Start the game and go to mods and make sure it's enabled
press tilde (`) to open the console
Any help? :/
no Afterbirth