Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
I just finished watching ManlyBadassHero played this game to the end. And boy this game is confusingly confusing.
First off, the plotline is simply everywhere. It's unfocused, and ultimately confusing to follow. It's not even intriguing-confusing, or mysteriously-confusing, it's just confusing-confusing, or more precisely trying-to-be-deep-but-failing-confusing. I spent almost seven hours watching the LP and I still don't get the whole story. One moment you go trying to save this girl and then next you're battling alpaca and calamities and then you're nowhere. I really want to get in-depth with how confusing the story is but couldn't do it without overly spoilering the game. Just trust me when I say it's one weird as hell of a story.
I think devs is trying to go for the Earthbound-like story, coupled with this deep philosophical concepts that makes it seem so deeply intense but it ultimately just confuse the hell out of players. Looking at the Steam page and forums, seems like most of the players are thinking the same.
Let's talk about the gameplay. The combat is just about what you expect from a game with 'RPG' on the name, very FF-esque. But the downside is, with every action you must play this minigame to determine your combos and dodges. Sure it's interesting at first, but just wait until you get to the grinding part of the game(oh yeah there's grinding) and you quickly wants to rage quit every time you missed that dodge chance.
Let's talk dungeons(the one where you fight enemies). The first three are ok, the cave one is a bit frustrating with the acid pools, the first girl's mind dungeon is interesting, the second girl's dungeon is just annoying and the rest is just weird to say the least. Overall they are not bad, just tedious and a bit frustrating.
And also the 'Mind Dungeon' is not really a dungeon in a sense. Like what Mordome said, the so-called Mind Dungeon is literally a level up screen. There's no battle here, just a bunch of doors to spend your skill points on.
FINAL THOUGHTS: Overall 5/10 stars from me.
If you like the 90's references, knockoffs hipsters, deep philosophical topics, and obscure confusing plotlines, you can try this game. But ONLY if you have a lot of free time and you have nothing better to do with your life(because this game is like 20 hours long). But to be totally honest? I don't think most of you will actually enjoyed it. You might be better off playing something else with more coherent stories.
SEIZURE WARNING: Flashing lights in two of the levels.
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As much as I love Earthbound/Mother 2 I hate most of the inspired games that come from it. It's because most are inspired by the weird and random aspects of the game instead of the deeper meanings and nuances especially in terms of Mother 3. This game seemed great and is well put together but it's really gimped by the "So DeEp" story and inconsistent atmosphere.
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all the links just redirect to the homepage
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We just fixed it, thanks for reported bro
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Anybody know if this version is the updated one with the extra content?
Bae wulf
please upload the patched version, i have to play this for the irony
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I was here for the same thing. Thanks, Oneyplays.
Katie Tidwell
I have such a love hate relationship with this game. I'm not blind the faults, it's got a ton of them! it just has certain aspects that really gel with me like the art direction (not a fan of the character designs but the backgrounds can really pop) and I love the concept of certain areas like Vella's Mind Dungeon. TBH I think the main reason I still kind of like it despite it not really being that good is because, and don't take this the wrong way please, it reminds me a bit of my webcomic.
I don't mean all the faults (hopefully!) but some of the background visuals and things such as the soulspace and mind dungeons are quite similar to my own work.
In a way I think the game serves as both inspiration for me but also a reminder of what could happen if my own story gets unfocused and messy.
Lexie Tibbo
What is the password? Can't extract the files without it and you clearly don't have it listed on the page
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Did you download an exe file?
When opening the exe, did you get a rar file, or am I missing something?
If the above is true, you downloaded an ad, make sure you get the correct file.
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this is a poor man's persona 5
sincerely, a fridge
This is a very average game with a very lame hero. Play something better.
Fake new
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john loper (soniiiety)
agreed fake news
Game is not bad, but also not good. I like the graphics even the sounds, but combat system is awful. Combo is in most time useless, minigames-like attacks are interesting idea but fights are sometimes too long and boring. Also leveling-up is strangly made- You level up in Mind Dungeon..dungeon doenst mean any fights here, you just level up some of your stats and it doesnt matter you dont know what is the best for your character. in my opinion It has no effect in game..
Is the soundtrack good? I love that kind of music.
So they dumbed down SMT, made it suck and this is the result.
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Diamond The Hedgehog
It's really nothing like SMT at all.
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Eh I prefer my RPGs to have some cool badass mofo's. Seems good enough and I've been looking for an RPG to play but doesn't seem my type. Thanks anyway.
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Kain Yusanagi
Go watch some gameplay. No, it really isn't good enough. :x
Soyboy Adventures: Retro Spectacles.
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Ivore Surkuri
Sounds like a good anime. When will it be released?
Goat Man
This looks interesting. Thank you for the uplaod
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You look interesting
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Goat Man
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make love to me
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Sad Char
kinky, but calamus shall never do such to a lowly individual such as yourself
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my upvotes make me superior on the internets.
SJW the games
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Kain Yusanagi
Eh, more "Hipster: The Game". But close enough, really.
You are not right, this game is about "self improvement". Wiki postmodernism, I think it will help you
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TIL, time to find my self with the love of Jesus.