For everyone still having issues with this game, the crack is the issue. Over on cs rin ru there is a v4 fix that should get everything working EXCEPT New journey+ and all it's features. EDIT: I can confirm the V4 fix works.
/!\ Does not work /! Installed and cracked - Game won't start at all. After changing date to 2020 (supposed fix), splash screen will appear, fade, and that's it.
when installing the game otherwise known as "codex" installer, there will be a box that says "install contents of CODEX directory to installdir" check that box. checking it off will automatically install the crack and you should be able to launch the game afterwards without any issues. hope this helps not just you but also others in the future
Aqui não tentar rodar aparece uma mensagem informando que o Origin não está instalado. Se eu instalo o Origin, pede pra logar na minha conta, e quando tento rodar o jogo pede pra eu inserir o código de ativação como se fosse um jogo pago. Pelas mensagens anteriores vejo que o processo de instalação desse download poderia estar melhor explicado.
a todos los que de repente no les vaya el juego solo tienen que poner el reloj del ordenador en manual con fecha de noviembre del año pasado y ya va el juego.
My game stopped working after a few days of working perfectly fine. When I finished installing and cracking the game, I played it no problem. After 3 days, when I launched the game, it loads the splash banner, shows a black screen, then exits on its own. Task manager reveals that the game was not responding. This is not a Windows Defender issue: I checked virus scans and protection and Windows did not quarantine any of the game's system files. The only thing that changed between the game working fine and not is when I changed NVIDA settings for the game to get better FPS, but the game played fine even after I optimized the settings, and still crashed after I restored to default settings. I checked a Reddit thread and it said that the game checks for the year the game is launched and crashes when the year that the current version of the game was released does not match that of your PC system's year (#). In my case, the crack's update is in 2020, and it just turned 2021, which matches the time between my game working and when it doesn't: the update was in 2020, it runs fine in December 2020, and now stops working in January 2021. The Reddit thread proposed a solution where you match the game's version's year to your PC's system year by either changing it or, more preferably, use a third party software to run the game in 2021 (check the thread). Either way, I'm posting this here and coming back later for and update. Crossing my fingers.
Found a fix regarding the Task Manager with this game not responding. The opening the shortcut or executable and game closing. Go to GameCopyWorld dot com and search for this game. Should be a link for Date Change 0.1 by iNvIcTUs oRCuS. Download the compressed file and let Windows Defender, etc. allow this executable to be on computer. Here's more copy and pasted from the .nfo file: "The CODEX release of Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order has a strange bug. The game doesn't start on PC's with the date 01. January 2020 and later... There is a workaround -> Change the date to someday before 01. January 2020. Thats it and tada... The game will start perfectly. At this point this tool will come in handy... This tool is designed to change the Windows System date to 15. December 2019. Thats it, there's nothing more to say... When you finished playing or the game is already started you can close this app and the date will be restored..." This worked for me!
Could someone upload a list with the MD5 Hashes so I can check which of my files is corrupted? I tried downloading the game multiple times but i always have unzip corruptions.
Game is unplayable with my i7 GTX980 16gb memory, SSD. Keeps crashing during flash back training and I don't understand why. Even lowered my video settings made no difference. Anyone else experience this?
This game is great I recommend, I saw reviews saying that it's buggy and has some glitches, I didn't experience anything, I think they polished every issue it might had since launch. The game runs amazing and the story is really good, so is the combat and gameplay overall. I played it on the highest specs possible and it's really a treat. a must play for star wars fans. Btw even though it has souls like elements it's not a souls like game, especially when it comes to difficulty, I started the game on the third difficulty(out of 4) which's supposed to be challenging and I died less than 10 times, it was mostly pretty easy.
You need to choose a disk where the crack/.iso will download. After this you need someone who ,,seed" the game. If nobody seed the game, than it will not downloading. So if nobody seed, I recommend the or Google Drive links.
Surprisingly great game. Plays a lot like Sekiro with some Uncharted-like platforming mixed in. The plot and atmosphere also has a lot of the Lucas soul that the Star Wars sequels fatally lacked. Definitely play it on its hardest difficulty for the best experience, especially if you're a Soulsborne veteran.
I need help. I've been trying to play this game for a good bit now, and i've tried all the fixes. when I download and install the game put in the crack like i've done countless times for other games, and try to boot up the game it doesn't launch. not even a black screen, doesn't even show up in task manager. just doesn't start at all. Ive tried the date fix, and the firewall fix but neither work. if anyone has a fix that would be much appreciated. Update: I actually found out the game starts for a short amount of time in the background apps section of task manager before it quits and doesn't start. whatever that's worth.
Block the game in your firewall (both inbound and outbound).
Add the game folder to your Antivirus exception.
Backup OrangeEmu64.dll and rename to OrangeEmu.dll
Install Origin if the game still doesn't launch.
*No need to change dates anymore. The game usually takes longer on my end to launch, so just look at your task manager as well. It's usually around 17% for a while at the Background Process section before moving towards the Apps section before launching. Also, for those who want to have the gamepad working but unable to, try putting x360ce or x360ce_x64 where your game exe is and run that before running the game.
Started playing this game and when Cal goes thru his first "young training" memory that teaches you wall-running, game crashes to desktop. There's no error message box. Right when young Cal is about to reach Tapal's platform the game crashes and I can't continue playing. I have installed a "update 2 by danikoh2" patch. Maybe this is causing the crash ? Why there aren't cracked updates for this game ? I blocked the game in Firewall "adanvced options" so the game works (no need to change Windows date/time). Nevermind, I found danikoh2 update v4. If all fails, must run game without his updates.
i really need help after finished install the game... deleted and rename ... .pak-backup.. but this game doesnt launch... after run game nothing happen and after run game Again its said that Origin already running, communication to Origin is impossible..... REALLY NEED HELP 'CAUSE LOVE THIS JEDI SERIES GAME
Found a fix for my problem...mine doesn't up on the task manager for like 5 secs then disappears..if you try the change date and time and the administration fix and had no luck then hope this works for you. The solution for me was to turn off my seems that it blocked some file for the game...also im using avast
Nothing happens when i open it pls shows up on the task manager for a little while but then disappears. Already tried the remove administration luck
For everyone with the problem of changing date for the game to work, go to your firewall and remove permissions from STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order, problem solved
hi all, remember the date thing you needed to do in order to play? i fixed this, just by opening the game in the 9th mont of 2019, then open the game, then open internet. type in your search bar "date and time settings" and change it back to automatic (if it is windows 10) then do 1 or 2 google searches and play the game for about an hour or so (and save) and hopefully it fixes that so next time you don't have to change your time again (it worked for me and it was pure accidental)
It wont let me open the game even though i changed the date and everything... it opens my origin.. but i dont wanna uninstall it because i play apex as well.. can someone pleaseeee help me
So it does not work for me, but it is a bit strange, since I start it and it enters normally, but the second time it crashes, but sometimes it works perfectly until I modify the quality for performance and it keeps loading on a screen black and then it crashes. I've been playing it for a long time and i was on the second mission of Dathomir when the night sister joins the crew when he started crashing. Sorry for my bad English.
why cant they just add a crack so the damn game thinks your computer says may 1 or we why do i have to be the one that changes it? lmao just saying "no big deal i own the game but on a friends pc right now lmao...
Hi , It work since 3 days and Now Black screen , i don't undestand 12 hours game and now no boot. Ihave uninstall and install, delete save games but nothing. I'm lost Idea??
Aight I'm just gonna put how I did it into here cos I figured it out
download qBittorrent
go to the top of the page and click torrent site
search the game again and look for CODEX in the title
click on the torrent download link
countdown to file links and then you click the blue button
it should bring you to a page with a link starting with "magnet" if not go back and try clicking the blue button again
It may bring you to qBittorrent immediately but if not just copy the link starting with "magnet" into the torrent client
its gonna ask you where you want to download the folder but if you have no idea what's going on just click ok and you'll be fine
then it starts downloading.
once its done go to that folder and there should be a setup app select the path (or not) and click install. When it finishes it'll be where you asked it to be or maybe in downloads and you can just close the setup app
this is the important step. From the folder named CODEX which is in the same place as setup.exe copy everything in it. Don't open any folders just copy the contents of the codex folder and paste it into your newly downloaded folder
Starting from the outside of the folder click these folders in order "Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order > Swgame > Binaries > Win[32 or 64]". The game is called "starwarsjedifallenorder.exe" !!!DO NOT MOVE THE FILE!!!
Now you can either click into all those folders to get to your game every time or right click and "create shortcut" and that copy that's created with the blue arrow in the bottom right, you can put that on you desktop.
thats not a fix for this crash issue, that's how you install a game and put the crack in. ummm...everyone on here should pretty much know how a cracked game works to set up
Did you know exactly how set everything up when you downloaded your first cracked game? My friends just buy the games because it's "too complicated". When I was downloading my first I had to go out of my way to figure out how it all worked. I have sympathy for those that are discovering; I'm just trying to contribute for ease of use.
Could someone please help i dowloaded it I'm trying to run it but the error says origin isn't installed please reinstall origin do i have to do something like install origin threw chrome or did i do something wrong
atleast im not the one with the vi r u s ravaging my country so much that the gov stopped reporting new cases , suck on that slanty eyes as millions of your people die from it
you know i got your dumbass good when you have to resort to racism, lmao also you really have to like your own comment? LOLOLOL fucking pathetic, i actually feel kind of sorry. I feel like I just bullied a real retard kid online, god damn you for making me feel guilty.
dont feel sorry for me , i dont for your country i applaud the deaths i feel like you are that retarded kid online who comes up with one good insult then begins thinking theyre the shyt while not knowing theyre just cringy
Yk a lot of them are actually voting for democracy. The people weren't informed of the illness until it was too late. It's like blaming Americans for Trump's actions, blaming Koreans for KJU's, and blaming Germans for Hitler's. Does that seem right to you?
How the fuck am i supposed to install the game. When i click any of the apps none of them fucking start. Spent 3 fucking days downloading this, download and nothing working and when it does its in fucking chinese, i dont speak kung flu goddamit.
NOTE This game is using Denuvo, so you need wait for Crack , dont download it , if you get this reply to me with your discord so i can add you and ill help you out alot
PLEASE HELP ME! !! There is showing "origin is not installed and is required to play your game. please reinstall origin" I had loading and finished no error with "". The game is called "STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Free Download (FULL UNLOCKED)
Game is working fine for me. Was a bit skeptical on downloading the game at first after seeing some of these comments but fortunately I didn't get any errors or crashes.
Download all the parts and extract the part one with any extracting tool (I prefer 7zip) and copy contents of CODEX to the folder in which the main game .exe is located
Downloaded the parts. Put all 11 parts in a new folder. Extracted all the parts together and it gave me this folder. Opened up the folder and mounted the disc image file inside. After its mounted its ready to install. Waited for it to be installed. After it was installed, I copied everything on the crack folder which is called 'codex' i think. I then click on the desktop icon of star wars jedi fallen order and select 'Open file location'. File explorer pops up and I paste the stuff i copied from cracked folder there. I close everything. Right click on home screen and 'refresh'. Finally i right click on star wars jedi fallen order and 'run as administrator'. And it worked. So far.
When it takes you to origin its most likely due to the crack. Did you apply it to the main game folder? If you did but doesn't work maybe your antivirus deleted an important file. I would reinstall with antivirus turned off and try to apply the crack again. See if that works.
Installed yesterday no problem, worked fine, played for a few hours. Today I wanted to continue and I kept getting this error... I let it sit on it for a few minutes to write this comment and then the game started... THREE TIMES! Freezing up my PC for a few minutes. Terminated two instances of the three and then the 3rd one closes on itself. Even re-downloaded and re-installed the whole thing... It also made my task manager like this... Went ahead and rebooted my system and now everything works fine like day 1. <_>
Is this cracked? or not yet? because after I set up the game I didn't update origin yet but now its letting me update origin so is it gonna lead me to the origin store and I need to buy -_-
When I bought the game on steam, steam failed to integrate with origin, when I launched the game from steam it said the executable was missing. When I went into the binaries folder for the game, the exe was not in fact missing, however when I launched it it brought up origin with a window to input a CD key. However, the cd key was not for jedi fallen order, but for "Display name missing from registry." I also cannot get my CD key from steam because they removed the button from the library to access it, and instead require you to be ingame for it to pop up in the steam overlay. Long story short: fuck origin. Pirating it.
Downloaded, installed, applied crack went to launch game got the main star wars loading banner then transitioned to a standard black load screen with 1fps and then instant crash. Dont know what the problem is but i cant launch the game at all
Can you guys request for an update, it fix many bugs there and add more skins, i tried request 2 weeks ago but no one rep or actually update the game, i guess more pp request = faster update
after my nvidia auto update run, this games stop working. only got black screen then the game force closed. anyone have the same issue? already reinstalled the game but still not working iso 2.instal via virtual bd driver 3.overwrite files from codex and enjoy......even a 5 year old child can instal this :)
Hi I just downloaded the game but there are some problems with the installation. The file created a shortcut on the desktop and then I tried creating both powershell and bat file with their proper paths on the game. It still doesn't let me play and tries to run the origin app. Can someone help me on the installation, please? I would really appreciate it, thanks
This is what's inside of the rar files and inside the folder of Jedi Fallen Order is all the files which I got from before. There is an installator which saids at the end in chinese that the game was successfully installed but then is no crack.
Hi I tried to download the game and got installed some files but now I can't try to play it without goin to origin app and asking me the code. I tried with the script and closes when I ran the bat file. I created both powershell and bat file with the paths specified. If anyone can help me on the installation I would really apreciate it.
Nobody was talking about this so I'm spreading it around since it works for me. Also I used notepad++ for the bat file and powershell is built into windows (google it for more help). Also, changing file paths and dates in the given coding will be necessary. Shout out to Nahuel Fontan (whose post can be found down in the older comments) for figuring out the coding " I automate the process as follows Create a powershell : #variables $gamepath = "c:\Games\Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order\SwGame\Binaries\Win64\starwarsjedifallenorder.exe" $timetowait = 60 #current date $date = Get-Date #Date mounth ago Set-Date -Date 01/12/2019 #Start game Start-Process -FilePath $gamepath Start-Sleep -s $timetowait Set-Date -Date $date.Addseconds($timetowait) Create a bat file to call powershell as administrator: PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {Start-Process PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File ""C:\Users\Nahu\Desktop\Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.ps1""' -Verb RunAs}"; Explanation
The current date is saved
The date is changed to December 31, 2019
The game is run
The time you want to start the game is expected (depending on the pc of each one)
After that time the device is returned at the correct time "
it's used to be the case but it should now run fine without changing the date. I modified the previous script from Nahuel before but after January 11, 2020 it is not working fine
The powershell script requires that you set the correct date, that being any time before Jan 11th. I will post what I did, which should work since there was a mistake in the original coding. #current date $date = Get-Date #Date mounth ago Set-Date -Date 12/01/2019 #Start game Start-Process -FilePath $gamepath Start-Sleep -s $timetowait Set-Date -Date $date.Addseconds($timetowait)
Game's name.Scene Group.rar in most cases. If the file has the correct size, which will be 5gb and maybe a little less for the last part, it's definitely not an ad.
not even with crack and without
EDIT: I can confirm the V4 fix works.
Installed and cracked - Game won't start at all.
After changing date to 2020 (supposed fix), splash screen will appear, fade, and that's it.
Where is the problem?
So i downloaded the game and when i launch it, the intro comes up and then it just crashes, what should i do boys?
If you want the newest version than write to the game request.
If you want the newest version than write to the game request.
The only thing that changed between the game working fine and not is when I changed NVIDA settings for the game to get better FPS, but the game played fine even after I optimized the settings, and still crashed after I restored to default settings.
I checked a Reddit thread and it said that the game checks for the year the game is launched and crashes when the year that the current version of the game was released does not match that of your PC system's year (#). In my case, the crack's update is in 2020, and it just turned 2021, which matches the time between my game working and when it doesn't: the update was in 2020, it runs fine in December 2020, and now stops working in January 2021.
The Reddit thread proposed a solution where you match the game's version's year to your PC's system year by either changing it or, more preferably, use a third party software to run the game in 2021 (check the thread). Either way, I'm posting this here and coming back later for and update. Crossing my fingers.
Go to GameCopyWorld dot com and search for this game. Should be a link for Date Change 0.1 by iNvIcTUs oRCuS. Download the compressed file and let Windows Defender, etc. allow this executable to be on computer.
Here's more copy and pasted from the .nfo file: "The CODEX release of Star Wars Jedi - Fallen Order has a strange bug. The game doesn't start on PC's with the date 01. January 2020 and later... There is a workaround -> Change the date to someday before 01. January 2020. Thats it and tada... The game will start perfectly.
At this point this tool will come in handy... This tool is designed to change the Windows System date to 15. December 2019. Thats it, there's nothing more to say... When you finished playing or the game is already started you can close this app and the date will be restored..."
This worked for me!
I tried downloading the game multiple times but i always have unzip corruptions.
The game runs amazing and the story is really good, so is the combat and gameplay overall.
I played it on the highest specs possible and it's really a treat.
a must play for star wars fans.
Btw even though it has souls like elements it's not a souls like game, especially when it comes to difficulty, I started the game on the third difficulty(out of 4) which's supposed to be challenging and I died less than 10 times, it was mostly pretty easy.
(Sorry if it's a stupid question, im new in this)
Definitely play it on its hardest difficulty for the best experience, especially if you're a Soulsborne veteran.
Great game :)
Update: I actually found out the game starts for a short amount of time in the background apps section of task manager before it quits and doesn't start. whatever that's worth.
The game usually takes longer on my end to launch, so just look at your task manager as well. It's usually around 17% for a while at the Background Process section before moving towards the Apps section before launching.
Also, for those who want to have the gamepad working but unable to, try putting x360ce or x360ce_x64 where your game exe is and run that before running the game.
I blocked the game in Firewall "adanvced options" so the game works (no need to change Windows date/time).
Nevermind, I found danikoh2 update v4. If all fails, must run game without his updates.
How are they called in your countries?
And by the way, "Darth Vader" is "Dark Vador" here. 😁
Here,how you install game and crack!!
Sorry for my bad English.
12 hours game and now no boot.
Ihave uninstall and install, delete save games but nothing.
I'm lost
also you really have to like your own comment? LOLOLOL fucking pathetic, i actually feel kind of sorry. I feel like I just bullied a real retard kid online, god damn you for making me feel guilty.
improvement! lmao
My discord is xxRomeRocksxx#9875
It is cracked.
There is showing "origin is not installed and is required to play your game. please reinstall origin"
I had loading and finished no error with "".
The game is called "STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order Free Download (FULL UNLOCKED)
Today I wanted to continue and I kept getting this error...
I let it sit on it for a few minutes to write this comment and then the game started... THREE TIMES! Freezing up my PC for a few minutes. Terminated two instances of the three and then the 3rd one closes on itself. Even re-downloaded and re-installed the whole thing...
It also made my task manager like this...
Went ahead and rebooted my system and now everything works fine like day 1. <_>
because after I set up the game I didn't update origin yet but now its letting me update origin so is it gonna lead me to the origin store and I need to buy -_-
Long story short: fuck origin. Pirating it.
Is that happening to some of you to ?
I'm afraid you'll have to redownload.
I automate the process as follows
Create a powershell :
$gamepath = "c:\Games\Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order\SwGame\Binaries\Win64\starwarsjedifallenorder.exe"
$timetowait = 60
#current date
$date = Get-Date
#Date mounth ago
Set-Date -Date 01/12/2019
#Start game
Start-Process -FilePath $gamepath
Start-Sleep -s $timetowait
Set-Date -Date $date.Addseconds($timetowait)
Create a bat file to call powershell as administrator:
-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Command "& {Start-Process
PowerShell -ArgumentList '-NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
-File ""C:\Users\Nahu\Desktop\Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order.ps1""' -Verb
#current date
$date = Get-Date
#Date mounth ago
Set-Date -Date 12/01/2019
#Start game
Start-Process -FilePath $gamepath
Start-Sleep -s $timetowait
Set-Date -Date $date.Addseconds($timetowait)
i'll only play star wars when made by lego
...oh, fine. pod racer was kinda cool.
If the file has the correct size, which will be 5gb and maybe a little less for the last part, it's definitely not an ad.