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I don't know if there is someone that still play this, but in case you wanted to mod it with frosty and the game doesn't launch, here is a link for 2 .dll files that have to be put and replaced (if asked) in the root path of the game and it will launch with mods successfully. https://github.com/zeroKilo/MEAExplorerWV/tree/master/AnselSDK64/Release
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This man is a hero
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bro you are a fuckin life saver, thank you so much
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Hello everyone, so here are the steps to install this game, since it has extra steps compared to casual games :

  1. Download all parts (1 to 10). I downloaded on megaup with no problems.
  2. Extract all .rar files in one folder
  3. Launch the ISO in the folder (you need Daemon tools to mount the ISO)
  4. Install Mass Effect with the cracked installer
  5. Mass Effect is installed !!.... BUT it doesn't work yet, if you launch it now, it will ask you an origin key. Follow 6)
  6. go back into the ISO you mounted before, and look inside, you will find a folder called Crack, open it
  7. copy everything inside and paste into the installed Mass Effect folder during the step 5) Don't forget to replace everything it asks for.
  8. launch MassEffectAndromeda.exe
    I think now it should work. If it doesn't, follow the next extra steps :
  9. install Origin
  10. go into C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games
  11. copy the folder of the game inside
  12. launch the game as step 8)
    It worked for me, I hope it works for you, good luck, it wasnt that easy to figure out myself, i'm new there :)
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thank you so much i always have trouble downloading you rock
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don't forget to download the update file like me
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Does anyone know how to change language?
I choose pl language in installer but game start in english (in settings there are only english,deutsch,italian,)
Anyone able to run this with mods? I use frosty mod manager, some mods i use require it.
The game does not start, there is a process that is not going forward. Every fix in the nexus forums does not work for me...i suspect it's because it's cracked as it seems that the existing fixes work for everyone else.
The game itself runs fine but without mods i don't have any incentive to play it.
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know this old, but ya apparently windows update broke it even for those without crack.
Though ya this 1 the games where crack has it most difficult to mod.
(suppose to be still possible if you use old version, but then have to use old mods).
ye me have the same problem lol
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ari wiguna
new update?
This is not v1.10. It says v1.0.0.4. Am ı wrong?
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game doesn't work, give me a black screen on launching it
Mayckon wolf
after the update it only appear a black screen,i will uninstall,anyway i cound't play enough just until his father death than the game crash so i don't play much to se if the game is worth to buy,it look more like a demo than a cracked game,60 gb for nothing damn.
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awh no, you had to download 60gb for a free game, poor you.
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this is not V 1 10. char appearance doesnt have head 10 preset
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Bayu Widiyanto
the links dead, can u fix this
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Ruby white
for some reason when I try to install the crack, it says that anselSDK64.dll was not found and amd_ags_x64.dll was not found. Has anyone else had to deal with this problem and have fixed it?
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Roberto Perez
Did you paste crack folder into the game main directory? i also troubled with that as i didnt do it
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Kayla Riley
type the file names into google you should be able to find and download the files that way.
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Lexeo 007
For people that are having the isDone.dll error that ur screen keeps going black when trying to start the game go here and follow the steps it worked for me https://thegeekpage.com/solved-fix-isdone-dll-error-in-windows-10/
Abraham Acantilado
Soo many games with Error 404
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Kayla Riley
you seriously sound like a sad little man (below the belt) that attacks people to make yourself feel better about your little inadequacy. rofl
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still ironic, when we see here who is crying, when someone just said something, that triggered all you degenerated basement sucker so hard, instead of replying with actual arguments.
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Kayla Riley
lol i own my own place but that doesn't change the fact that your a basement dwelling troll who most likely is so over weight that even if it was bigger your gut would still hide it from you. sad little troll with a sad little shrivelled up thing.
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desperately trying to make yourself look very special on the internet, while replying almost instantly on the internet, to reply multiple times...
seems you really got triggered hard by the fact, that you truly are a pathetic basement sucker with no life and no friends...
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Rafael Henrique
Can anyone help me? I installed the game and it was perfect without the updates, But then i installed the update 1.10 and now all i get is a black screen on start up.
Mass Effect Andromeda Running On RX570(I3-4130)
You're so inclined to assume that he's living in his parent's basement like you really know him, we don't really need any keyboard warrior around here and would probably report your sorry ass so you won't get to post any nonsense here. Hope someone beat you up senseless when they figure out you're a toxic little weeb with the name "Kizaru77" like its not a weeb name for christ sake.
you go get a life and prove that you aren't one that lives in their parent's basement because the way you talk it obviously sounds like you are.
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trying to make fun of my name and think, "weeb" is some insult, further shows how you dont know what else to say and how desperate you are, to act as if youre something cool on the internet...
outing yourself as the next pathetic basement sucker getting triggered by the truth, that youre not able to understand...
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install the crack
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did that too back then and it didnt work. later i managed to install it and get it started, but it crashed after a few minutes of playing, while everything was extremely slow and laggy. got it from another site and it worked fine.
I just tested Mass Effect Andromeda, I did everything I should before starting playing and yet, the game stops working after the scene on the Hyperion's bridge when we see the father of our character for the first time.
Abaddon Ahriman
At the end of the day I can pirate games and you can't LMAO failure.
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wth.. all links block including megaup by my anti virus due to virus trojan.. this wasnt happen the last time when i download arkham knight.... O.o
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Consider changing your antivirus.
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Raku Ichijo
dear god I didn't know origin will also delete the rest of my games when I uninstall the andromeda. this due that I didn't create a sub folder for andromeda right?
I just start the download (and i see a crack files) so maybe im wrong but try to install the crack befor complain about some1 else work.
But it's true that it can be confusing, that's just the first game here u need to apply a crack.
(sry i just started to learn english)
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all DLC lmao
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Just buy the damn game you idiot
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We got another one that back flipped right on past the point for cyber attention folks. Lets all notice Lakers 24 now class.
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Buy it then.
Abaddon Ahriman
Worked perfectly fine for me you obviously don't know what you're doing.
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i see i have triggered a lot of pathetic basement suckers here, who worship these guys here like nothing else...
if you idiots dont know shit about this subject, then stfu. its nothing new that there are many cases, where a game works for some people and for some it doesnt, when you download it at such sites, no matter if you do everything right or not...
"hurr durr iT wOrKeD foR mE"...
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Abaddon Ahriman
You're obviously too retarded to pirate a game or you're too retarded to afford an up-to-date PC (from the last 5 years).
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Bob Smith
This download is USELESS. Google Dead. MegaNZ Dead. All others DEAD except for MegaUp and file 4 for MegaUp is DEAD.
Please re-up or at least take down so we don't waste our time downloading the first three MegaUp files only to find that number 4 is gone.
It's working, alright. But since, I have a potato dual core, I had to create a user.cfg configuration since the Injector thingy isn't working (at least for me.)
Salem Emam
i downloaded the torrent version of the game, but it's only version, do i download the version 1.10 update from here ? or is there some other update i should download first?
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they should answer this
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Salem Emam
answered it myself, you don't need any other updates, the update file here combines the previous two, so you only need this one.
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in this folder?
Stanisław Zakrzewski
Game without update is ok.... But when I updated it to version 1.10 it stopped working....
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jevon small
Mass Effect Andromeda Running on integrated graphics
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Wait...do i have to install the update into the game folder or the default path it picks? I let the setup run through, but the game seems to have the same version as before
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Alex Leonhart
usually if the game is installed correctly and the update is from codex
it automatically detect you game Path
but to be sure the Patch should be installed in your main game folder
C:\games\mass effect
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jevon small
Mass Effect Andromeda Running On intel hd 620 (integrated graphics
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shit, i closed the thing before uploading the crack file like an idiot and then uninstalled the parts to free space for setup.exe and need codex files, link for only codex files pls? ;-;
Göksel AGA
google drive doesnt use. pls upload again thanks
Dave Ar'kay
hi. can u upload googledrive again. much appreciete. and thank you.
imam masrufi
Hello, please update link for google drive
Vineeth Philip
the links for update v1.10 aren't working
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MegaUp, Mega, Uptobox and Uploaded are up.
IGG won't re-upload if some server are still http://igg-games.com/mass-effect-andromeda-game-free-download.htmltitle=.
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Well you are not reuploading even if there are no links. Still counting 2 months for an upload that was done in upload request section ...two months now :P :D We know, we will be patient but we can always bitch a little :P :D
Vineeth Philip
why is sara always smiling? I mean it its her default reaction to everything
didn't this get fixed?
google files are dead Please re-upload it
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MegaUp, Mega and Uptobox are up.
IGG won't re-upload if some server are still http://igg-games.com/mass-effect-andromeda-game-free-download.html.
You can always use IGG http://gamestorrent.co/mass-effect-andromeda-cpy.html.
In the http://Mega.co.nz links there is no Part 5, and two Part 10's.
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Reupload Police
Part 5 opened just fine for me.
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Sorry, might have been unclear. The file Part 5 links to is actually Part 6. The links for Part 9 and Part 10 are both lead to the Part 10 file.
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Reupload Police
Hahahaha, you're right. Well, all file parts are interchangable, so if you wanna get 1-4 and 6-10 from Mega and 5 from any other host, that will still work. 5 is up on every host except Drive, so it shouldn't be a big problem.
rizz rack
pls update gdrive
Ela María Campos Mejías
please, re-upload to google drive
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google drive links down update please
Is the update Combatible to Mass Effect: Andromeda Update v1.09-CODEX?
Jens Hattas
is the torrent safe??
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Torrent's are never been safe
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Jens Hattas
ok boomer
Since they didn't add the system requirements i thought i would.
OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
PROCESSOR: Intel Core i5 3570 or AMD FX-6350
HARD DRIVE: At least 55 GB of free space
DIRECTX: DirectX 11
OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
PROCESSOR: Intel Core i7-4790 or AMD FX-8350
HARD DRIVE: At least 55 GB of free space
DIRECTX: DirectX 11
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Damn thats a low amount of ram
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is there a way to add more ram to Toshiba SATTELITE C40-C-10K?
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Ye you can but you dont meet the minimum specs for the game... not even close, so unfortunately the game will run terribly. i recommend u save up for a better PC :)
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Hello I downloaded mass effect Andromeda and after installing and cracking with the update and without, the game won't launch, and from the other icon it will activate origin please help
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Suresh Kumar
Please update google drive links.
Jacob Ling Ling Bankshaft
getting really old with the google drive always coming up with error 404. Please fix
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Jason Hillman
When I try running Mass Effect Andromeda, it says "The code execution cannot proceed because AnselSDK64.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem."
Aniruddha Phukan
I get this error during installation. Can someone help?
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Marcos Bacon
Run the installer as administrator!
I have the same problem, but I fix it by saving the game file in the default folder, close anti-virus and it's work.
Angelo Lanzafame
The part 5 of http://Mega.co.nz is part 6.
Part 5 doesn't exist in http://Mega.co.nz Links.
Harry Macwan
How solve loading problem, it's stuck for more than hour, it doesn't start, help me.
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Don't trust on auto save
I start the game and it crashes immedialty, any help?
so, am I the only one who has a green flashing screen? is it possible in any way to fix it?
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Karim Atef
Guys have a problem here... at the end of game installation i have this messege and game doesn't open.. this is the messege ((The Version of this File isn't compatible with the version of windows you are running...Check your computer system information to see whether you need an x86 or x64 version of the program)) any help here !
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what type of computer are you using windows 7-8-10 pc specs help when u ask for help
Aryash Chaurasia
SIR please uplode WARFRAME
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Black Tum
Dude the warframe are already free to play.....
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I need help,the problem is that i've downloaded all the Mega parts less than 42,that one doesn't want to download and in this way i can't get the game finished.Now my question is....if i download for example the part 42 from google drive,will the other parts recognize this one?and if you can reupload the link pls thanks so much.
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Jack Sparrow
yes they will recognize it links are interchangeable
Deformed Motha fucking gull
what do you mean try version for origin? could you link? and do I have to log out of origin in order for it to not ask for the key.
Aurelien Doyen
I download the torrent version which is update i think, but when I launched the game, it's asking me for an activation key :/
I got the game and it worked fine, but then I applied the update and now Origin wants an activation key. How do I fix this?
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After I applied 1.1 update it brings up origin asking for activation. What do I do now.
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what origin folder? the folder named origin games?
Emmanuel Rayas
an error ocurr during installation, and now i cant reinstall cuase it says there are some files, and i cant uninstall either cause theres no uninstall.exe :/
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Raffro Dog
Just the Delete the whole Shit xD
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Concerning updates for ME:A being done, you can't really blame them for this, atleast games like no man's sky sold well enough and is still selling so they are still putting out patches but games like ME:A failed big time in sales, one of bioware's worst ever selling games. Nearly everyone that worked on ME:A has "walked away" from the company or moved to other branches and companies, they basically have less than 5 people in charge of the multiplayer now and that's it. Why would EA continue to put money towards dlc and updates now?
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How can you not blame them?! They released unfinished product, what caused poor sale. This is the effect of making beta gamers from players which payed full price for game.
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You misunderstand, I do blame for that. I did really enjoy andromeda but is still blame them for what they released but I don't blame them for not fixing it. Most of the employees who made andromeda don't even have their jobs anymore
Mark Misa
AND NO MORE PATCHES AND OF THE LINE PEOPLE! practically they abondoned the game... no more like no more..... Andromeda Game is dead.. and will be Continued with there MINI COMIC ... for fugde cake.. why.... EA is a Sheep of Piece
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you can't really blame them for this, atleast games like no man's sky sold well enough and is still selling so they are still putting out patches but games like ME:A failed big time in sales, one of bioware's worst ever selling games. Nearly everyone that worked on ME:A has "walked away" from the company or moved to other branches and companies, they basically have less than 5 people in charge of the multiplayer now and that's it. Why would EA continue to put money towards dlc and updates now?
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You are wrong about sales. ""Year-on-year growth was driven by the Mass Effect Andromeda
sales, captured in the quarter and by FIFA,” Jorgensen said. “Digital
net sales were $681 million, a new record for the first quarter, and up
$113 million on the year-ago period.". Andromeda was a success, money isnt the reason. EA is just stupid.
I installed the game but where do i find the product code for origins?
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Brajan Lazaj
you havent cracked the game if it asks you about the origin product key
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Matías López
it failed to run the touchup utility during http://instalation.how do i fix it?
Win Winsarun
How to install 1.10 updates?
Rami Hamze
so i already have cpy crack downloaded from another website do i have to redownloaded ?or can i just update ??ps. my internet is super slow
and i think this is is more freq updated so i think i am going to stick with u guys keep it up
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Salut tout le monde je tien d'abord a saluer votre travaille vraiment formidable continuez merci beaucoup . Ensuite je voulait savoir comment installer mass effect j'ai deja telecharger des jeux plusieurs fois comme Nier Automata Tekken ... mais mass effect je n'arrive pas a le faire marcher " Origin " me bloque merci de bien vouloir m'aider par contre comme je suis french j'imagine que la traduction ne sera pas parfaite
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Connor Logan
Where is the v1.09 update?
Chan Jack Daniel
so i have he v1.05 ver from this site.. so ill download the v1.09 paste in directory like usual??
Isaiah M
Np, and what repack you speaking of?
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Connor Logan
I was referring to the 3 files. Do you know how to fix the empty container bug? I't happening to me in the early parts of the game.
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Isaiah M
The repack with 3 parts is update 1.005 you want to download that and refer to steps 2 and 3 in my bigger post for the update and crackfix.
For that bug, 1.006 supposedly fixed that, we can only patch it to 1.005 (legit game is at 1.009) atm. Shouldn't be too long before we get 1.009 though as they've removed denuvo with that patch.
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Connor Logan
Can someone share with me the steps? The video will not play for me?
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Isaiah M
download all parts and once finished, extract part 1 only. Go into the folder for the extracted part 1 and you should find a iso, mount it and run origin setup inside to install the game to wherever you want.
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Connor Logan
I did that and It is still asking me to install origin
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Connor Logan
How do I apply the crack though?
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Isaiah M
First off have you downloaded and installed 1.005 and the crackfix (in that order)? If so then you just need to copy and paste the contents of the "crack" folder in the crackfix download over to the game's main directory.
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Connor Logan
also says dl 64 is missing too
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Connor Logan
When i do that it says INS file missing
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Isaiah M
(Pre-1.009) Best way to solve your problems is to uninstall/delete Mass Effect from wherever you installed it and start over making sure you copy/paste and install everything in order (I know, but you are missing stuff you should have, hopefully you kept the zips or the extracted part 1 from base and 1.005 update to install again). I also assume you meant INI as there is no INS file as far as I am aware.
This should fix any problems and if it says you are still missing something then your anti-virus may be putting the files into quarantine/blocking.

  1. Remount the base game's .iso and install using the origin setup.exe and after it's finished copy over the contents of the "Crack" folder over to wherever you installed the game into its main directory.
  2. Download the 3 update parts and extract only part 1 when they are done. Now, open up the extracted "Mass.Effect.AndromedUPDATE.1.005.REPACK" folder it extracted to and run the origin setup.exe inside the "update" folder (it should auto find where you installed base game) and afterwards copy over the contents of the "Crack" folder over to game's main directory again while letting it overwrite.
  3. Download and extract the crackfix download and open the extracted folder "Mass.Effect.Andromeda.UPDATE1.005.CRACkkKFIX" up and copy over the contents of the "Crack" folder over to game's main directory for a third time overwriting whatever it needs to.
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I'm following these instructions and I get an error when installing the update and it get stuck at 46 of 409 files copied, showing the following error: "Installation failed: unable to copy file [C:\Users\myuser....\Mass Effect Andromeda\Update\Mass Effect AndromedUPDATE 1 005 REPACK\Mass.Effect.AndromedUPDATE.1.005.REPACK\Update\Setup\Data\Win32\game\levels\hubs\hub_kadara_to_unc_transition\hub_kadara_to_unc_transition] to destination directory"
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Isaiah M
Not sure why it's giving that, sorry. Since 1.009 is out you may just want to reinstall the base game and install 1.009 afterwards as that will likely fix whatever is causing it
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Yes I realized now that there's a new one. Finished the download now, I'm going to try that.
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I did it and it worked with the new update. Thanks. Game launched correctly.
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Connor Logan
I would also like to know how to apply the patches. I'm getting the empty container bug
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Connor Logan
One more question: I want to move my game to my SSD which is much smaller. What files do I need to bring in order for it to work?
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Isaiah M
Go to wherever you installed it and right click the main folder "Mass Effect Andromeda" and click on "cut" and paste it wherever you want on your SSD and your done. Make sure you have over 51.3 GB on SSD.
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Connor Logan
Thank you so Much! If we ever meet IRL, drinks, weed, or coffee is on me!
Pavel Horký
S***, my game just started freezing for 10 secs when i kill somebody. I heard about it on reddit, but i hoped it wont happen in my case. It didnt happen until i hit over 50 % percent of game completed. Any suggestion? Oh, and i found that it didnt happen until 1.05 for some people, so i hope 1.09 will come out soon. Graphic Card : AMD RX480 4GB, 8GB Ram, and CPU : AMD FX-8350 before you ask. PS : Anyone have some info about the new update crack?
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Isaiah M
They removed denuvo with patch 1.009 so it's only a matter of time.
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Pavel Horký
I hope so.
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Ebola-Chan✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ ᵃᶜᶜᵒᵘᶰᵗ
You might want to check back now.
henry ashie
does the games work without the update
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Isaiah M
Yes, but with this game you want every update...
Bros Hi Five
please crack the latest patch
and now i does not work at all. This only happened after i deleted the parts out of user. any help would be appreciated
Hey so i downloaded Mass Effect Andromeda about a week ago. The game played great.Then yesterday i tried to play and it would launch but stay at a black screen. I went to Geforce Expirence and i optimised the game and it launched i was previously playing on high settings and everytime i switch to high the game doesnt want to launch and my gpus fans make a noise.
system specs:
Nvidia GTX 1060 asus strix oc 6gb
i7 3770
16gb ram
500gb samsung evo ssd
hey so i downloaded
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Patch 1.08 Please? I must have it or I will die! D:
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send this to the game request area
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גל בריש
please crach 1.07 patch plz!!!
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Mr Wiz
can someone help me ? .. i've installed the game.. and after the loading screen it only show moveable cursor and black screen with some with image glitch pls help
Anyone else having issues with crashing to desktop during dialogue? I finished up every mission that shows up on the map on Voeld then went back to Eos and did the same there and half of the dialogues I start cause ctd; they are persistent but doesn't happen for every character. Cannot progress since this consistently happens with the first person I talk to on Havarl. I am running the v1.005 update.
edit: I didn't see the fix in #7 until after I posted this. Setup and tested working so far. Thank you.
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Do you know how to fix the prob with the volume?
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Don't know of any volume issues in this game, only advise I'd have is check your hardware setup, system sound settings, and in game sound settings.
Yes, I'm having the same issue too, I thought maybe the game was damage due to the update.
Hope with the fix crack, it's going to work back again
misha bryce F. mawanay
so ive downloaded the torrent game and works fine.... do i need to download the 1.05 patch part 1-3 and then the crack fix?
and where do i put the part 3 in? pls help me im new to installing update patches.
pls reply asap ty in advance
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misha bryce F. mawanay
OK SO ive installed the Update patch and crack fix
but now my game seems to crash unexpectedly
any notes on that?
Rakumaru Genma
waiting for 1.006 :3
Hello, i have a bug, really strange. When i open a container, or i try to loot a ennemy, inventory hud appear, but always empty, i can't loot, or acces to inventory, and its really really annoying, someone can help me ?
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Yeah i ran into the same problem I ended up just ignoring it and beat the game without looting.
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me 2
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Carson Williams
cant mount the iso? "Make sure the file is in an NTFS volume and isnt in a compressed folder or volume"
Nameless Wanderer
Happy to report no crash no problem with the crack fix 48+ hours worth of quests and sub.
ONLY SHIT jesus christ all the downloads is so crazy like if for mega you dont pay to have more downloads for a day your screw
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Isaiah M
I used Google Drive, no limit like mega and it tends to use my actual download speed as well as opposed to Mega which likes not to.
DJ Deezy ThaTruth
-- I used the BitTorrent
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I have a gtx 960, an i7 and 8gb RAM and I installed the new update plus the crackfix.
Few minutes into the game and my computer is already heating up, gpu is at 70 degrees and my cpu use is constantly at 90%.
Plus its stuttering.
This is the only game that is shitting itself on my pc
What the fuck?
PS: Im playing on medium settings btw
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Isaiah M
This modded user.cfg http://www.nexusmods.com/masseffectandromeda/mods/71/?
may help you, it got rid of my stuttering and helped with some performance but the game still runs like crap just like Dragon Age Inquisition did on my PC. BF1 runs perfectly well on high (ultra textures) at 60 FPS 95% of the time but anything Bioware puts out with Frostbite runs like crap on my rig.
Game still goes dogshit, as in freezing/stuttering after 2 hours of gameplay during combat due to it's memory leak in coding issue. Thank god we didn't had to pay for this shit.
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Nameless Wanderer
2 hours in with patch np. Mileage varies. No problem thus far.
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DJ Deezy ThaTruth
-- With the 'Crack Fix' ?
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Nameless Wanderer
With the crack fix yes, no problem whatsoever. 48+ hours worth.
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DJ Deezy ThaTruth
-- Yeah, same, though I used the CrackFix off another site. (wasnt sure if IGG was updated ^_^;) but yeah.. runs smooth. The xtra 100+ inventory slot is probably the best Add.
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@HNCE:disqus @dj_deezy_thatruth:disqus Alright, i'm going to be honest. It's been a couple of days now, and restarting the game everytime i had a crash/freezing during combat are becoming a chore when playing. So, i would like to know is it because of my save file? I had played the game before patch. So do i have to delete all my save and start again or find other site for the crack fix?
Nameless Wanderer
Mr Basinga
i have this write i cant download nothing "Maybe you clicked on a link from another source. You should click on the link from our website." why ?
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Ian Larson
It keep opening origin and asking for a GAME CODE what do i do?
DJ Deezy ThaTruth
-- Any news on the CrackFix repairing the CTD issues and CPU drain ?
DJ Deezy ThaTruth
-- No, though its always good to keep a backup of your Saves. I use WinRar & Dropbox.
thcfreak666 .
Very bad perfomence since patch 1.005 makes game unplayable. Don´t download! Game removed for ever. Epic Fail!
Can anyone tell me what the DLC's are? Is it just the armors at the beggining?
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एमनएल लयल
yeah.. just that...
Gustavo Gabriel Szukalo
After the main animation when check my sister status. Game exit.
Harry Ellis
Thanks, but no thanks, IGG ! ;)
Duncan Dares
I'm getting crashing during dialogue scenes in the epilogue after this patch.
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You have to download CrackFIX from step 7
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DJ Deezy ThaTruth
-- Well I didnt DL the CrackFIX.. Deleted the game before it was posted :} (reinstalling v1.04 now) but I did get a large CPU drain with the v1.05 crack/patch.
thcfreak666 .
performence is too bad since that patch. I can´t recommend this buggy patch. Sorry
Duncan Dares
Ah, I missed that.
Thanks bud.
Read elsewhere that a fix from CPY for this v1.005 Update is needed as there is something wrong regarding conversations. Might want to wait for that.
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IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
We just update CRACK FIXED at step 7, you can download it now ;)
DJ Deezy ThaTruth
-- From what I've tested, after or when leaving the konvo, a CTD might take place. Seems random.. so far.
Temmie Plays!
Marco Funke
Mass Effect
"Ryder: The Faces Of Evil"
Only on CD-i.
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Hi im already download game version 1,04. Is there any way to update and crack 1,05
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In my past experiences, anytime a update has a separate download from the game. You can usually just use the update if it's from the same cracker team.
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Yes that actually can work all i need is 1,05 crack then thanks i will try it.
Nameless Wanderer
Igg is the place. Thanks for making sequential updates with new links. The game's complex and engaging.
Rakumaru Genma
thanks for the separate update .. currently dloading part 33 :3
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एमनएल लयल
thanks IGG and group, i never beleived id love people so hard
thcfreak666 .
Update is working. Thanks
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you dont have ctd or save game error?you have cpy release or some repack?
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DJ Deezy ThaTruth
-- I've hit two CTDs so far XD, with the v1.05 update/patch. No save game errors just yet. About to update my Drivers to see if that fixes it. Something about using 17.3 ..I'm on 17.2 Driver base(Newest version is 17.4)
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Tanvir Ahmed
Plz add patches. This game is full of bugs and glitches
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Temmie Plays!
that's the way the game is, bro.
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vaibhav shende
it says part 2 is corrupted
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thcfreak666 .
Try to download from google drive (this is working for me) and install latest Winrar version. Have a nice day.
Does anyone know how to download files from file hosting sites other than Google Drive and Mega at maximum speeds (not joking)? Please help me with this guys
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Jacob Benco
Torrent :P Its faster then both of those together, but takes some time to get into that speed. Usually 5 mins... And u only have it as one file, which I think is better :)
Says im missing MFPlat.DLL what and where is this?
EDIT: ok got it running now but it comes up with a complete black screen.
Thanks for the help yall got it fixed.
How I installed Mass Effect Andromeda ::

  1. Donwload all the parts and place them in one folder (Google Drive)
  2. Extracted part 1 and the other should extract at the same time (7 Zip)
  3. Mount the ISO file and run OriginSetup.exe (Daemon Tools Lite)
  4. Choose your install path and click install and wait until it saids Installation Complete (C:\Games\Mass Effect Andromeda)
  5. Open Crack folder and copy the files into your game root folder
  6. Make a shortcut for MassEffectAndromeda.exe
  7. Make sure to run game as admin to avoid the game not saving.
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Jacob Benco
JustRuthless or, do the following: (Easier download)
1: Click on the torrent link, it will bring you to http://gamestorrent.co, download the torrent.
2. Extract files from .iso
3.Everything else is the same
Also, for extracting the iso I recommend winrar, its a lot faster then extracting all the files. (Parts)
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I am in the step 4. But everytime I tried it said that I should download ansel sdk 64 or when I tried to open by setup is also open Origin.
How do I fix it?
Sorry for my english
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ansel sdk error :: What windows version and framework do you have?
Origin opening :: Make sure origin isn't open in the background in task manager and make sure you're running OriginSetup.exe not Origin.exe
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Fix the first problem now that I want to install the OriginSetup.exe is said Unable to overwrite exisiting file.
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run OriginSetup.exe as admin
Run as admin
I have Windows 10 Pro 64 bit and .NET Framework 4.6.1
stuck at the beginning at the point right after i get the helmet
and gun there are no save options just autosave to do the save fix game
is just looping on loading screen left it on over night to see if it
would load and nope nothing
yes reinstalled still same thing stuck at the same spot right before the very first mission after i pick the helmet up and scan the lucky rock on the ship i know theres a cut scene after that but wont load
intel Core i7-6700HQ Quad core Processor (2.6-3.5GHz)
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6G GDDR5
RAM: 16GB (8GB x2) DDR4 2400MHz | Hard Drive: 512GB M.2 SATA SSD on windows 10
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You can't save at the beginning you have to finish the first mission and you can't save during story missions only autosaves work during story missions
Shafiq Asraf
what is your windows version ? is it the latest ? if not try update to the latest which is version 1703 build 15063 and try again, its work for me
maybe try turning off shader cache in nvidia control panel? people on xbox clear their cache to fix this...
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still didnt work
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start a new game
When trying to extract the .zip files I keep getting "CRC failed" does anyone know how to fix this?
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did you place all the parts in one folder and extracted part 1? I use 7 Zip... if your not try it out and see if it works...
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everything is working fine now, thank you!
Munnu Yein
ME:Andromeda work for me fine except some bugs
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Jack Butler
Hey there,
I downloaded the game but when it opens (which it does normally), the screen flashes black and then back to the game every few seconds. Any solution to this?
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Open your ProfOpts_profile with notepad or something that reads text files... its located in your Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect Andromeda\Save... change FullscreenMode 1 to 0 and see if the game runs...
(Edit Finished installing the game)
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Jack Butler
It seems that the only .cfg file I have is win32Game.cfg, which only contains one line inside of it (probably not the right one). I'm probably doing something silly wrong because other people seem to have this working fine, but not sure what it is I'm doing.
This is for all those friends who use JDownloader. It doesn't work anymore. I found a workout for this.
Get the extension called 'Copy All URLs' (by Vincent Pare) for chrome. Now hold 'control' key and click all the parts' links.Use this extension to copy all the redirected links from open tabs.There you go.Leave the rest to JDownloader.
For those who doesn't know, when you copy the links; JDownloader parses the links, downloads the package and also extracts it automatically if you want. All this is done by one click after you copy.
Agreed c:
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___Enter name here!!!
I still have trust in humanity
PS: Game runs well :)
DJ Deezy ThaTruth
-- Mmm, I wonder if there's a way to get the MassEffectAndromedaTrial.exe working ? If so, it would unlock the APEX and Multiplayer.. though its on a timer. It tries to load Origins + a Product Kode.. maybe ? Sorta strange. I suppose if you unlocked the Trial before hand, it might work ? No real issue, just a ponder.
Ryan Azelore
can i play this game at this spec?
intel core i3-4160 3.60GHZ DualCore
nvidia geforce gt 710 1GB
hopefully i can cuz i really like mass effect series
please reply
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Go to this website http://www.game-debate.com/ and check your specs on the games you want... its not 100% if or not you can run a game... but its bases on the minimum and recommended specs from the developers of each game...
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Most games coming out ran at least 2gb vram and quad core intel or 6 core amd cpu... so that build is out of date...
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Ryan Azelore
Thanks for the reply! too bad my pc specs is too low for this game even though many people says it's buggy i still wanna play it
try running the game as admin... some games dont save unless you do...
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Hey your a genius. I tried everything with no luck and your suggestion to run as Admin worked. It seems its always the simplest things. Thanks so much!