If anyone need a cracked server to play in you can visit us at gamenation.network we aswell provide with support regarding game client problems , server is supervised 24/7 by admins so no nonsense.
works great thanks! omg only 29 days till meteor hits i cant build up an entire tech alone in 29 days! i'll come back when more peopple join its 3am now i just wanted to check it out see ya later and thanks!
-- EVERYONE WHO GETS AN ERROR WHEN YOU TRY TO CREATE NEW WORLD: This is how you fix it - The game comes in a folder named "Eco.v0.9.2.4". Inside it, there's 2 folders: "Eco" and folder "Eco.Server-Fix.". Go inside the "Eco.Server-Fix." folder, and copy both .exe files. Now go to the other "Eco" folder, then "Eco_Data" and "Server". Paste those 2 .exe files there, and replace. Now open the game from shortcut and start a new world. This is what fixed it for me. -- EVERYONE WHO GETS LOGIN SCREEN: Right click the Eco.exe and Create Shortcut. Move the shortcut to Desktop. Right click the shortcut and click Properties. On the "Target" line (on the Shortcut tab) where it says the directory of the file, press Spacebar once and add "-steam" (without "). Then go to this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nm1fp6-6gO0Wf8KH4z-IVScPRxudIwZ-/view and download the RAR file. Unzip the RAR file and copy-paste the files from that folder (Eco_Data, dlllist.txt, Launcher.exe and others) into the "Eco" folder and replace. -- IF YOU RUN THE GAME AND GET NO MENU, JUST CITY IN BACKGROUND AND YOUR MOUSE DISAPPEARS: This means you forgot to turn on Steam. Steam needs to run in the background in order to get Main Menu screen. Hope this helps. Please reply to this if you're having issues still. Upvote if this helped.
Did you try opening as Administrator? Also, when it crashes, does it redirect you to the Steam page for Eco? If yes, that means you didn't install the Steam Fix properly from the Google Drive link.
My game crashed until i downloaded the RAR file. It's a Steam fix. Did you download it from the Google Drive link and copy pasted it into the "Eco" folder? You also need to have Steam open when you run the game.
For everyone who has the problem: Failed to load OnlineFix64.dll from the list error code 126 - you have to restore the deleted file: OnlineFix64.dll in your antivirus program and you can play. :D
I've tried to search for the a bigger version than 10.0.1 which has bugs with fishing and hunting (you can't progress in game due to this bug which was fixed in 10.0.2) but I couldn't find anything. The current version of this game is 10.2.4. I doubt that anybody will update this game until it exits from the beta version, unfortunately.
sadly tutorial is broken in game. i get to putting 10 logs into stockpile i did that but game wont register it so tutorial gets stuck at pput 10 logs into stockpile. yeah i decided to quit game. If the tutorial isnt working pprobably other things are broken as well
i need help, i can host my own server, but when i try to join other servers it says: "Invalid login info" iv'e tried everything, iv'e opened steam and changed my username and id and yet it still doesnt work what should i do?
The voting doesnt work it is using fixed id, everybody on my server put diferent steamid in the settings, but on voting it uses the same for everybody on server can we get a fix for this ?
Guys for any body trying to create pirate server every player must change steamid and account_name in folder Eco.v0.9.3.5\Eco_Data\Plugins\x86_64\steam_settings\settings change put on account_name.txt your username and on user_steam_id.txt change a random number then open start.bat
Awesome! That's the way things should go. Try the whole experience for free and if you like it you buy. I don't like the idea of demos cus you never know if things will get stale or downright boring.
Come join onto my server IP: You may need to apply steamworks fix, i have guide for that on my discord: https://discord.gg/bPnmqGBQNR.
Join our 24/7 server at https://discord.gg/hkBUfydV7Z. WIPE scheduled 4GMT TODAY. IP: Discord community hosting multiple games. Currently: ECO, 7D2D. Peak concurrent players of 30(in ECO) and 200 discord members. For any trouble connecting visit our discord. Disclaimer: i do not help with setting up your own server -multiplayer -server
Right click eco.exe -> create shortcut Now you have a shortcut, right click it -> properties -> add -steam to the end of the Target field so it looks something like this: C:\Users\Username\Desktop\Eco\Eco.exe -steam
anyone have a server going ? the discord community listed below does not list the name of the server anywhere, only the IP . but there is no way to connect via IP with the version here . so anyone with a server name we can actually find would be super!
i would also like to know because pressing 'spacebar' for username and password doesnt work. it just says invalid. same with typing the word spacebar just in case... nothing.
From what info i could find on the crack the only solution that 100% works is getting this fix https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nm1fp6-6gO0Wf8KH4z-IVScPRxudIwZ-/view and pasting it into your game folder its a steam fix it only works on cracked servers that have the same fix so you won't be able to play on official servers same with the buyers they won't be able to play with you
Anyone want to play together? I can't host a server because my pc is suck, but i can help you to setup a host server. (preferably 5-20 players from SEA region) Drop your discord username#hashtag bellow.
it would seem the file is missing any sort of \steam_settings\ file path up to \x86_64\ works but the rest is not there. that might explain why the game is unplayable too idk any ideas?
Come play with us at IP: (IP may change but the server name wont and ill also keep the IP updated on Discord server: https://discord.gg/2Tkfhkub2x ). I can also help you with connecting onto the server or "cracking" the game all on our discord. -multiplayer -server
Can't load...literally anything, singleplayer nor multiplayer, no matter what i do it's always telling me this when i try to join or load a sp or mp world" "Connection Failed" Invalid login info Tokent is invalid Copy text and log Report a bug OK I appreciated any help.
did you use "spacebar" as login and password? Also, i noticed that the multiplayer isn't working, because everyone is kinda logged into the same profile :/ that's why it says "Logged in elsewhere"
Yeah i already logged that way in and i've got new game host game etc etc. but i can't play on my world nor multiplayer world aka. unplayable, i can only look at the main menue and that's it.
I can play the game, I started the game with eco.exe, after login, just click the space key once and the password is the same, then I created a world, installed two things for the Windows operating system and I can play without problems . I have a doubt about the minimum requirements of the game, here on the website the minimum requirements are very different from those on Steam, I didn't buy the game because on Steam it says that the CPU is at least necessary Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 1500X 3.5 GHz Quad-Core or Intel i5-6500 3.2 GHz Quad-Core or similar, and my CPU is old I5-4460 3.20GHZ, can I play the game without problems with my CPU? well, maybe I can but I'm sure my CPU will always be working at 90 or 95% and I don't want to put the CPU under stress... note: i don't speak english well hope you understand the message
Just enter anything space in the login form for the client part. I manage to start the game with both login and password " " (space). Then you can create a local world from the game, no need to start the server manually (solo play only).
Oh right. It was my fault that game wasn't cracked and i had to find crack on my own. Still only managed to get only past logging screen. No gaming whatsoever.
Yeah, This version not cracked or something? even Adding "RequireAuthentication": false, Doesn't help it just sticks you right in the log on screen. Is there a new method by chance?
Ask after a Strange Loop Account after the last Update. Tried to do any of the Tips here, none worked. "Eco is currently open to alpha and beta backers only. Upgrade your account to join."
Search for a steamworks fix. It's basically a multiplayer crack that you put in the game directory and it uses your steam account. Your friends have to do the same and you can join each others' servers.
Enjoy! Please change your name before logging in to the server C:\Users"USER"\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\settings\account_name.txt There is a file called "account_name.txt", You can change your name in there.
Hello, someone help me ? i create a server with EcoServer.exe So my game i find for little while when i refresh and cant join beacuse slots is 0/0 Please help me and sorry my english isnt very good.
you have to run STARTGAME.BAT file for start the game. To play alone, you need to run the ٍُSERVER.EXE file from the server folder To play online, go to YOUR WORLD section On the top right hand side, you will see a little "+" symbol. Click on this and enter the server details listed above & below. (http://eco.team-neo.com) Then hit join. Enjoy!
hey sir, i dont have the StartGame.BAT file. I just downloaded it. i open eco.exe and it ask for strange loop account, i open eco server and its has a blinking (i cant type anything on it tho) how can i play this game?
in the plugin folder is a file with steam_api64.dll and steam_api64.dll1 name. I've tried before but it didn't work It enters the game but does not enter the servers Tell us if you succeed
step 1 Eco.v0.8.3.2/Eco_data/Server/Configs step 2 open http://Users.eco step 3 replace end code with }, "UnStuckDisableTime": 60.0, "DelayNearbyFoodCheckMinutes": 4.0, "NearbyFoodSpawnLocationRadius": 20.0, "NearbyFoodSpawnCount": 5, "UseExactSpawnLocation": false, "RequireAuthentication": false, "SpawnNearbyFoodLocation": { "x": 609, "y": 63, "z": 698 } } and save step 4 go back to Eco.v0.8.3.2/Eco_data/Server step 5 run EcoServer step 6 go to Eco.v0.8.3.2 step 7 run StartGame step 8 go to Your Worlds step 9 if the server is up under LAN you will see the server click on it and hit join step 10 in join the game
is this how to play the game or how to play it online? cause i dont know how to play this game since it asks me to log in strange loop account, and of course i dont have one
Anyone else getting this i can join some online games but no matter what i try it wont let me jump or move! no matter what i try to do. I ended up playing a single player game and i found this game to be very difficult no matter how much rock i mine and wood i cut, it wouldnt let me make a stupid campfire! even to make a worktable i had to delete it get all the wood and then make it! Anything i tried to put into cue the game adds it but when you get the materials to complete the job it wont let you add them into your cued job so you have to make another one and then the game will add the materials to the 2nd one and begin working on it the 1st i had to delete! I made a storage area to hold materials thinking it would take it out automatically to get around this bug but nope! To get the simplest tasks done takes forever! I had to start over 2 times because the game is so buggy sometimes! It was kinda fun but the current setup i think really kills the fun and makes it borderline annoying!!! To beat the game? You really need other players! Even one other player would have been enough for me to win the game, too much time passes way too quickly! I tried to make it easier so i'd have a chance to win so i pushed the meteor strike out to 160 days only to be taken down in the late medieval period! It's a really nice concept but they needed to simplify some things to speed up the process for players. I'm very surprised this would have been a game i would have bought but thanks to igg-games letting me try it out 1st NO WAY! I would have lost my money! So Thank you igg-games! You do gamers a real service keeping us from buying half done games! I really hope when this game gets out of early alpha they fix some of the problems it has real potential.
Am a bit late with an answer but in C:\Users"USER"\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\settings There is a file called "account_name.txt", You can change your name in there.
Anyone else getting this error with 8.3.2 and know how to fix it? I know a few older posts talking about setting ""RequireAuthentication": false"in the http://User.eco but my http://User.eco file doesn't have that line even in the file, does it need to be added? Thanks in advance for any constructive help.
Once I've done this how do I launch the game to play on this server. I'm also having issues getting past the login. Cheers Edit: To clairfy I did as you said, and I got the run come up making a world and now I have a server page up with a bunch of things. Never owned a server before so I have things like Plugins, Backup, Chat, Controller, and a bunch of other tabs. And as the the other reply says below the RequireAuthentication was already set to false. Just no idea how to actually launch the game besides the main .exe which takes me to the login part which I cant bypass. Edit 2 Electric Boogaloo: Nvm everyone i figured a way on my own. Basically to bypass login you need to launch the launcher and launch via steam, there should be a checkbox and a dropdown box. Then after having made your own server as the others have directed you just go to Your Worlds and it should be there usually under the name Koltan I think. I hope this helps.
Kon Darius Pau • 3 months ago Will be happy too :) the only thing pertinent in your log is the first line "invalid login info". If you made a server yourself make sure that in this file "Eco Server\Configs\http://User.eco" you change this line with what ever word editor you use (i recommend notepad++) "RequireAuthentication": true, to "RequireAuthentication": false, Cheers
can i play this game offline? and anyone know how to log in to this game, its always says error, i've been create an account online, but when i try its always error, thanks :)
Gotta request on the request page but dont expect it to be uploaded for a few weeks to a few months! They have to wait for a version to come there way to upload it!
Will be happy too :) the only thing pertinent in your log is the first line "invalid login info". If you made a server yourself make sure that in this file "Eco Server\Configs\http://User.eco" you change this line with what ever word editor you use (i recommend notepad++) "RequireAuthentication": true, to "RequireAuthentication": false, Cheers
3 days in a row for requesting the update..Dont think it will happen since no one else is requesting this game updated! But i am hopeful that it happens!
Kon 13 days ago Request: UPDATE. ( Igg's outdated )Game: ECO - Survival ( Current Version Released June 19 2019 )Steam: https://store.steampowered....IGG: https://igg-games.com/eco-g... IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator) IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator) 13 days ago Currently I don't have a newer version of this game, I will upload it as soon as I have. Copy pasted my last request and feedback ... dint bother asking again since the admin cant pop the game from his hat :)
I wanna stream this but cannot due to in game name being igg and was wondering if there is a way to change this so i can stream this without getting in trouble for streaming cracked games?
So I changed my name in the ECO ALI23 and changed the target directory. I also shutdown Steam to prevent any sus activity on my profile. I then created a solo/private world but every time I try to play on it the I get the error that my login info is incorrect. Any help?
I have figured it out. You have to run ecoserver32 and when it opens completley (there will be another tab with server settings) go into users>config and set Require authentication to false. If you want to remove meteor (game ending lil bugger) go to disasters and set generate meteor to false or just add X amount of days.
sir, what if i dont have Requireauthentication, cause yes i dont have one. only Allo debug call and Ignore version mismatch and Spawn that i can only change to false or true
They can't update just because every Tom, Dick, and Harry want them too. They first need access to the updated version and then they have to crack the new version. It is a process, and for a game like this, it is not much of a priority.
pour moi le compte mache pas quand je veut me conecter . j'ai crée un compte sur trange loop mais le jeu ne le reconnais pas je ne sais pas comment il faut fair j' ai beusouin d'aide merci d'avance
i have created a server via Hamachi if anyone want to join and play together, the game have online mode but they need a real account, in the server i created you can join freely: eco-survival-1 Pass:123 eco-survival-2 Pass:123 eco-survival-3 Pass:123 Its fun to play with friends
This is what got the game working for me. Thank you. Stupid that we need to dig through the comments in order to get this working. How about some decent install instructions. This game has never worked out-of-the-box like so many others have.
you have to do all the steps 1. Create a shortcut of the file Eco.exe 2. Right click on the shortcut and click on Properties. 3. In the line next from 'Target:', at the end of the line type: -steam The line should look something like this: "D:\Eco\Eco.exe" -steam 4. Click on Apply. 5: Start game from that shortcut
i really dont know how to fix this
-- EVERYONE WHO GETS LOGIN SCREEN: Right click the Eco.exe and Create Shortcut. Move the shortcut to Desktop. Right click the shortcut and click Properties. On the "Target" line (on the Shortcut tab) where it says the directory of the file, press Spacebar once and add "-steam" (without "). Then go to this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nm1fp6-6gO0Wf8KH4z-IVScPRxudIwZ-/view and download the RAR file. Unzip the RAR file and copy-paste the files from that folder (Eco_Data, dlllist.txt, Launcher.exe and others) into the "Eco" folder and replace.
-- IF YOU RUN THE GAME AND GET NO MENU, JUST CITY IN BACKGROUND AND YOUR MOUSE DISAPPEARS: This means you forgot to turn on Steam. Steam needs to run in the background in order to get Main Menu screen.
Hope this helps. Please reply to this if you're having issues still.
Upvote if this helped.
It also stopped working for a friend with the same error (invalid login info) so I don't think it's just me.
Anyone else also have this issue and any idea how to resolve it?
the answer from IGG-Games.com was:
I don't own this game, so I can't update it. I will update it as soon as I can find it somewhere or someone donates it to me.
i dont think it will be updated soon
"Invalid login info"
iv'e tried everything, iv'e opened steam and changed my username and id and yet it still doesnt work
what should i do?
which dosn't work
change put on account_name.txt your username and on user_steam_id.txt change a random number then open start.bat
Thanks so much
Discord: ThatOneKj#7548
You may need to apply steamworks fix, i have guide for that on my discord: https://discord.gg/bPnmqGBQNR.
WIPE scheduled 4GMT TODAY.
Discord community hosting multiple games. Currently: ECO, 7D2D.
Peak concurrent players of 30(in ECO) and 200 discord members.
For any trouble connecting visit our discord.
Disclaimer: i do not help with setting up your own server
-multiplayer -server
Now you have a shortcut, right click it -> properties -> add -steam to the end of the Target field so it looks something like this:
C:\Users\Username\Desktop\Eco\Eco.exe -steam
the discord community listed below does not list the name of the server anywhere, only the IP . but there is no way to connect via IP with the version here .
so anyone with a server name we can actually find would be super!
and pasting it into your game folder its a steam fix it only works on cracked servers that have the same fix so you won't be able to play on official servers same with the buyers they won't be able to play with you
I can also help you with connecting onto the server or "cracking" the game all on our discord.
-multiplayer -server
"Connection Failed"
Invalid login info
Tokent is invalid
Copy text and log Report a bug
I appreciated any help.
Also, i noticed that the multiplayer isn't working, because everyone is kinda logged into the same profile :/ that's why it says "Logged in elsewhere"
Game: Eco
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/382310/Eco/
Game: Eco
To change user name go to:
Eco Data > Plugins > x86 > steam settings > settings > account name.txt
I have a doubt about the minimum requirements of the game, here on the website the minimum requirements are very different from those on Steam, I didn't buy the game because on Steam it says that the CPU is at least necessary Processor: AMD Ryzen 5 1500X 3.5 GHz Quad-Core or Intel i5-6500 3.2 GHz Quad-Core or similar, and my CPU is old I5-4460 3.20GHZ, can I play the game without problems with my CPU?
well, maybe I can but I'm sure my CPU will always be working at 90 or 95% and I don't want to put the CPU under stress...
note: i don't speak english well hope you understand the message
Still only managed to get only past logging screen. No gaming whatsoever.
"Eco is currently open to alpha and beta backers only. Upgrade your account to join."
Game: Eco
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/382310/Eco/
sever name : http://eco.team-neo.com
Please change your name before logging in to the server
C:\Users"USER"\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\settings\account_name.txt
There is a file called "account_name.txt", You can change your name in there.
To play alone, you need to run the ٍُSERVER.EXE file from the server folder
To play online,
go to YOUR WORLD section
On the top right hand side, you will see a little "+" symbol.
Click on this and enter the server details listed above & below. (http://eco.team-neo.com)
Then hit join.
how can i play this game?
I've tried before but it didn't work
It enters the game but does not enter the servers
Tell us if you succeed
sever name : http://eco.team-neo.com
I'm waiting for you there..
step 2 open http://Users.eco
step 3 replace end code with
"UnStuckDisableTime": 60.0,
"DelayNearbyFoodCheckMinutes": 4.0,
"NearbyFoodSpawnLocationRadius": 20.0,
"NearbyFoodSpawnCount": 5,
"UseExactSpawnLocation": false,
"RequireAuthentication": false,
"SpawnNearbyFoodLocation": {
"x": 609,
"y": 63,
"z": 698
and save
step 4 go back to Eco.v0.8.3.2/Eco_data/Server
step 5 run EcoServer
step 6 go to Eco.v0.8.3.2
step 7 run StartGame
step 8 go to Your Worlds
step 9 if the server is up under LAN you will see the server click on it and hit join
step 10 in join the game
C:\Users"USER"\AppData\Roaming\Goldberg SteamEmu Saves\settings
There is a file called "account_name.txt", You can change your name in there.
Edit: To clairfy I did as you said, and I got the run come up making a world and now I have a server page up with a bunch of things. Never owned a server before so I have things like Plugins, Backup, Chat, Controller, and a bunch of other tabs. And as the the other reply says below the RequireAuthentication was already set to false. Just no idea how to actually launch the game besides the main .exe which takes me to the login part which I cant bypass.
Edit 2 Electric Boogaloo: Nvm everyone i figured a way on my own. Basically to bypass login you need to launch the launcher and launch via steam, there should be a checkbox and a dropdown box. Then after having made your own server as the others have directed you just go to Your Worlds and it should be there usually under the name Koltan I think. I hope this helps.
be happy too :) the only thing pertinent in your log is the first line
"invalid login info". If you made a server yourself make sure that in
this file "Eco Server\Configs\http://User.eco"
you change this line with what ever word editor you use (i recommend
notepad++) "RequireAuthentication": true, to
"RequireAuthentication": false,
I just downloaded the game and created an account but when I try to login it's says "failed to login" can anyone please help?
Even though it won't have trains, wait for 9.0 and then update asap, thanks!
Log File:
Initialize engine version: 2018.2.20f1 (cef3e6c0c622)
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
Version: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti (ID=0x1c82)
VRAM: 4018 MB
Initializing input.
Input initialized.
Initialized touch support.
UnloadTime: 0.605514 ms
Client version: beta
Thursday, February 28, 2019 1:50 PM
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug.bindings.h Line: 43)
Connecting to local host.
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug.bindings.h Line: 43)
Connection complete.
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
(Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug.bindings.h Line: 43)
Can anybody help me?
Request: UPDATE. ( Igg's outdated )Game: ECO - Survival ( Current Version Released June 19 2019 )Steam: https://store.steampowered....IGG: https://igg-games.com/eco-g...
IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator) 13 days ago
Currently I don't have a newer version of this game, I will upload it as soon as I have.
Copy pasted my last request and feedback ... dint bother asking again since the admin cant pop the game from his hat :)
i n e e d E C O 2 WORK
Failed to connect - connection timed out.
eco-survival-1 Pass:123
eco-survival-2 Pass:123
eco-survival-3 Pass:123
Its fun to play with friends
use this template if you want.
Request: UPDATE. (igg's version is really outdated)
Game: ECO - Survival
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/382310/Eco/
IGG: https://igg-games.com/eco-global-survival-488724610-game-free-download.html
Stupid that we need to dig through the comments in order to get this working. How about some decent install instructions. This game has never worked out-of-the-box like so many others have.
2. Right click on the shortcut and click on Properties.
3. In the line next from 'Target:', at the end of the line type: -steam
The line should look something like this:
"D:\Eco\Eco.exe" -steam
4. Click on Apply.
5: Start game from that shortcut