Copy and replace the 3 files. From CODEX > CookingSim_Data > Plugins (setup folder) to Cooking Simulator Pizza > CookingSim_Data > Plugins (game file folder after installing). Hope it works for you.
Copy and replace the 3 files. From CODEX > CookingSim_Data > Plugins (setup folder) to Cooking Simulator Pizza > CookingSim_Data > Plugins (game file folder after installing). Hope it works for you.
keep getting CRC failed on 7zip no matter what i do whenever i try extracting it. every other zip file works fine but it will not let me extract part 2 no matter where its downloaded from...
this version seems pretty busto robusto. The pizza oven doesn't work, plates appear outta nowhere, certain ingredients don't have any interactions, etc. deff needs a few patches.
Copy pasted from this exact comments section In the disc, there's a folder called PLAZA, and inside that is a folder. Take that folder and find the main game files. (depends on where you downloaded the game but the default is in Program Files. (x86)) Put the folder you found in the PLAZA folder inside there, and overwrite it. You'll probably need admin permission, but it'll make it so it works.
i cant update it says all the time: ,, An error has occured while initial scan in a selected directory! Error details are listed above. Installing of this update to the selected directory is not possible, this update is originally designed for Cooking.Simulator.Cakes.and.Cookies-PLAZA" what the hell did mean this.. dont know how to fix and update it. CookingSim_Data\globalgamemanagers File not found! CookingSim_Data\resources.assets File not found! CookingSim_Data\resources.assets.resS File not found! CookingSim_Data\sharedassets0.assets File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\configuration File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\assets\dummy\prefabs File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\assets\products\prefabs File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\assets\tools\prefabs File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\assets\ui\sprites File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\models\other File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\prefabs\other File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\scenes\kitchen_baking File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\configuration File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\assets\kitchen_elements\shelf File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\assets\parts_baked_meshes\garlic_crate File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\assets\products\prefabs File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\scenes\main_menu File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\scenes\modern_kitchen File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\scenes\mountain_kitchen File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\scenes\standard_kitchen File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\ui\main_menu\prefabs File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\ui\main_menu\sprites File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\ui\settings\prefabs File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\foodnetwork\scenes\food_network_kitchen File not found! CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\superhot\scenes\superhot_kitchen File not found!
Hello, best is, to fully uninstall the game, then, install again, and follow the updates in correct order, when you start the game, also try running as admin
If you have installed all updates in correct order, you should have it, chaos tool is not in the cookies and cake areas, i only saw it in the main game
In the disc, there's a folder called PLAZA, and inside that is a folder. Take that folder and find the main game files. (depends on where you downloaded the game but the default is in Program Files. (x86)) Put the folder you found in the PLAZA folder inside there, and overwrite it. You'll probably need admin permission, but it'll make it so it works.
I have the steam "SteamAPI_Init() failed. Try restart Steam app" and i checked and the crack files are on the plugin folder on the game installed by the iso file, do you know another cause for this problem?
If anyone can't update to v2.6.3 then you should install the 'DLC'. It's enclose '2.6.2 install Client' folder. Find that folder called DLC and install it. And if you crash afther start game, then you need crack game. I'm used 2.6.3 PLAZA crack.
My game seems not to be working, it pop up the introduction like logos and stuff, but after that the game is just a white screen, then after 15 sec it just closes by it self
Be sure that after you install the game via the .iso file that you move the files within the cracked download files (Cooking Simulator [...]>PLAZA>CookingSim_Data>Plugins) to the appropriate location in the files installed via the .iso (your location you installed the game>Cooking Simulator[...]>CookingSim_Data>Plugins) For simplicity sake:
Download cracked from one of the links
Mount .iso
Run setup
After setup, move the plugins folder from the cracked download to the appropriate location in the new game files
I'm getting the bug where some new ingredients are not appearing after you pruchased a new recipe. Developers said they fixed it in the last update ( Is this the last update and it hasn't been fixed then? Or was there another update/hotfix for that and it hasn't been updated here yet?
It's very likely that it hasn't been updated yet. Usually the moderators are busy dealing with other bigger/newer games so they usually don't have time to deal with games like these. You're best chance is to either wait till a big enough update drops to get their attention, ask for an update in the game requests, or just buy the game yourself.
Excuse me for a silly question but the title says it is version v1.6.0.14526 and the "updates" show lower numbers, should I download them as well?? Thanks in advance!
The update links before 1.3.0 are all down. I'm guessing they have to be installed in order since the setup gives a checksum error. Correction: It looks like the Uploaded link for 1.2.3 still works but none of the others.
There's no need to be an ass about it. Obviously, I know the EXE can't be the game file. That's why I didn't download it and said the links were broken. I kept getting the EXE file on MegaUp the first time I tried it. I don't normally use MegaUp and didn't know I had to keep clicking and getting fake files over and over until the real one comes up. None of the other download links try to trick you into downloading fake files.
Alright, we're done. It's obvious from all your other comments that you're just a pretentious piece of shit that wants to feel superior to everyone rather than actually be helpful. I've already blocked you, so don't bother wasting your breath with another smart-ass comment.
Wow funnyman! You talk about grammar,and this dude? Who can't tell us the real error message? This is not a job interview. Watch less youtube ads... Be quiet!
go to the folder named PLAZA > CookingSim_Data > Plugins then take all of those files and put them into the folder the game is installed to. and it should fix it
When I setup the 1.3.0 update game bugged I couldn't complete the tutorial it says buy a blender when ı bought nothing happend and I cant serve meals they just stay in the elevator. But all updates are working till 1.3.0
VPN,adblockers, antivirus or bad browser settings show you sometimes that the link is dead And that is connected with my comment that i said before about learning.
All links are down, and if you say me "try mega up" well that doesn't work for me x) (I even put off my antivirus) [And sry for my bad English ^^' have a great day]
Had to move all files to a VM without any antivirus to install the update because I was getting the ISxDeltaExtract error. But now everything is working.
All game files and update can be downloaded. Learn how to use internet! There is no password for games that uploaded after 2014. So you downloaded something else.
I downloaded ALL download and updates in order, but Update 1.3.013396 is stopped at 'sharedassets1.assets.resS.cdx_newfile' and doesn't download anymore. I tried one more time, but same. What can I do?
Try it again, but just be patient. It does go very slow on that file (took about 5 minutes for that one file patch to complete for me), but if you monitor CPU/disk usage you'll see it is working. Proof:
Same problem. Probably just going to stop at the 3rd update for now unless someone has a solution Edit: really was just a matter being extra patient, tried again and it worked after 10 minutes or so
they added new update try install this update and than try buy salt if not work try click everywhere because this game is glitchy as fuck and button sometimes is in other place than should be xD
So I downloaded the actual game and all the updates, extracted them too in order, all working links, i got them all checked out to be copied into the installdir through the PLAZA program, got through both credits, loading screen, but it crashes in the menu. Can anyone help please ? Much appreciated, thank you in advance.
fuck cooking, just blow up everything its hilarious and fun :)
We'll wait...
edit: on the game request page of course
In the disc, there's a folder called PLAZA, and inside that is a folder.
Take that folder and find the main game files. (depends on where you
downloaded the game but the default is in Program Files. (x86)) Put the
folder you found in the PLAZA folder inside there, and overwrite it.
You'll probably need admin permission, but it'll make it so it works.
CookingSim_Data\globalgamemanagers File not found!
CookingSim_Data\resources.assets File not found!
CookingSim_Data\resources.assets.resS File not found!
CookingSim_Data\sharedassets0.assets File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\configuration File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\assets\dummy\prefabs File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\assets\products\prefabs File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\assets\tools\prefabs File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\assets\ui\sprites File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\models\other File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\prefabs\other File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\baking\scenes\kitchen_baking File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\configuration File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\assets\kitchen_elements\shelf File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\assets\parts_baked_meshes\garlic_crate File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\assets\products\prefabs File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\scenes\main_menu File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\scenes\modern_kitchen File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\scenes\mountain_kitchen File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\scenes\standard_kitchen File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\ui\main_menu\prefabs File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\ui\main_menu\sprites File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\base\ui\settings\prefabs File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\foodnetwork\scenes\food_network_kitchen File not found!
CookingSim_Data\StreamingAssets\AssetBundles\superhot\scenes\superhot_kitchen File not found!
(All of them are down except porn/clickbate ad galore megaup)
i know because i did ;)
fuck cooking just blow up everything :P
It's enclose '2.6.2 install Client' folder.
Find that folder called DLC and install it.
And if you crash afther start game, then you need crack game.
I'm used 2.6.3 PLAZA crack.
OS: Windows 7
Processor: i5 3550 / FX-8350
Graphics: GTX 660Ti 3GB / R9 270X 4GB
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Storage: 6 GB available space
For simplicity sake:
I installed everything I just said they need a key
Correction: It looks like the Uploaded link for 1.2.3 still works but none of the others.
I've already blocked you, so don't bother wasting your breath with another smart-ass comment.
Do more request i don't care you did before.Do it again.You can do 1 per day.
This is not a job interview. Watch less youtube ads...
Be quiet!
Here the complete report
Learn how to use internet!
Don't arguing if you are stupid for internet.
Try to see things not just watch!
I forgot the lyrics...
Fricc, everything is on fire...
Wait, why am i playing like Josh..?
But all updates are working till 1.3.0
Learn how to use internet!
Learn dates.
And that is connected with my comment that i said before about learning.
You just did not try all links.
Since i know megaup,never went down.Once was the speed very low.Only once.
Can now anyone this ?
(I even put off my antivirus)
[And sry for my bad English ^^' have a great day]
I linked one vpn here:
Learn how to use internet!
Have a great day!
Learn how to use internet!
only latest update is available, others already deleted.
Learn how to use internet!
There is no password for games that uploaded after 2014.
So you downloaded something else.
4 Update : done.
open the game :......
how to fix it?
Edit: really was just a matter being extra patient, tried again and it worked after 10 minutes or so
Learn how to use internet!
So learn dates.