Ahmed Aldaghistani
Like I said for all bullies who just want to write their dirty words on others in this comment section ( This comment section is only to give Your idea about the games , You can said what ever You want about the game as long as You respect other people taste and idea about the same game ) , but any one do the opposite will only deserve this comment ( another Asshole who talk trash on people just because we are anonymous on internet , another bully and a coward who write a dirty words behind His computer on others to makes Him feel beter and makes Him have some self confident . ) , as this is His truth .
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release date: 1 Oct, 2020
posted by admin | september 12, 2020
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Jehsu Ben Israel
I feel like I missed something. I was hoping this would be good but I found it very bad. Also I completed first floor after breaking like 4 crossbow , 4 bow , something like 10 melee weapons and having 5 leggings but no other part of armor. I take the portal to the next level and I die. "Killed by player". Thanks game and uninstalled
i hate how to google link goes down so fast when new game is uploaded
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Thane Johnson
Use torrent it seems sketchy at first but its fine, if you've never downloaded it before make sure to uncheck the add-ons it will want you to download an annoying antivirus.
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alright, thanks <3
Ahmed Aldaghistani
This is a good first-person dungeon crawler game with RPG elements , it has pixel graphics . Lot of magical and weapons loots , and a lot of monsters type You can kill . Its enjoyable in its gameplay with good mechanical fighting system . You will spend a good time in playing it . Try it guys .
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Jehsu Ben Israel
At least I appreciated your analysis Ahmed 😊, those other guys are just troubling you because you're Arab. They're so immature, like little boys.
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Ahmed Aldaghistani
I do not care about any one act like Them , mate . I will not change because some one act wrong against Me . Thanks for supporting , Have a nice day .
Hi developer of the game! Also, tried it, it's hot trash.
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Ahmed Aldaghistani
I am not the developer , if its a trash for You then this is Your idea and I respect all the tastes for other gamers about all types of games , but the gamers wants to know Why You did not like this game as Your comment is an answer for My comment ?!! This is the place to explain that .
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Ahmed Aldaghistani
Wow , another Asshole who talk trash on people just because we are anonymous on internet , another bully and a coward who write a dirty words behind His computer on others to makes Him feel beter and makes Him have some self confident . lol . Laugh on Yourself stupid .
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Buzz off freak...no one interested on your stuff.
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Ahmed Aldaghistani
This is Your ugly truth , freak , sorry to push You to Your weak point and to Your limit by explain what kind of ugly person You are . lol . learn Your lesson and write something about the game in the future instead of try to act against other people , freak .
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Ahmed Aldaghistani
Nice , I see that You take a selfie picture , lol , this is what You represent for Me and for all gamers Who hate the bully coward like You , thanks for Publish Your ugly selfie . lol .
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Jehsu Ben Israel
Y'all need to leave Ahmed alone. 😂🤣
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R u sure Mr. Israel ?, miracle miracle....the tides have turned....🙄😮🤐😲😲😲
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Jehsu Ben Israel
It's 12:18AM, go to bed. 🥱
insomnia GIMANIA take notes
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If its as good as you said it is, they shouldve released it later coz Craftopia hype is still high.