Is it possible to play OFFLINE Multiplayer just like the ALPHA version ? And for everyone, just play with steam offline after you activate it, that you u can play forever, I read this at Crackstatus Reddit, and I think's true.
Doesn't work I guess, if I don't have steam open it just automatically shuts, if I do have steam open it tells me to close it, so I can't move forward.
I can verify something ONCE the full game unlocks You can turn off steam and itll work just fine I tried 4 times on 4 pcs :) NOTE: Single player will work offline MULTIPLAYER theres where the problem will come in :)
It's the bypass by Voksi, and yes it unlocks the full game. It's been breaking the forums recently because he/them/she (I don't know) has gone on a killing spree with these cracks/bypasses witch are a lot better than the weird ticket system.
Its a hacked demo that when executed as stated in the description will download you the full game, but might stop working when Denuvo, Steam and id sotftware get wind of this work around method.
Nume I shall explain. This is a crack for the game BUT it pretends to still be the demo. In reality steam downloads the full version and you can play. SINGLE player is fine to play on/offline DO NOT attempt multiplayer with this that's where the issue with the shutting down occurs (like 75% of the time still wondering about the other stuff) It does work as I said before 4 pcs all different setups all work the same.
if the game crashes at 99% and/or before main menu then use this and override
And for everyone, just play with steam offline after you activate it, that you u can play forever, I read this at Crackstatus Reddit, and I think's true.
try google chromeor check you settings
This is really vague