the link that are working are Megaup , all three of them at this moment. Rapidgator are all down. still work too but have limited use if not doing monthly paid. the others, I didn't test them yet hope this help someone ^^ (and sorry if some words I type are wrong, I'm asian and still learning orz..)
Hi, I have windows 10, I disabled windows defender and other protection, I installed all the programs that the game need, but there is that Error (0xc000007b) that pop up every time I lunch the game as admin.. and that error mean that the game or (.dlls) is corrupter, I reinstalled all the visuals + DirectX 9 and 11, but still the same problem, any suggestion?
Edit: I figured out where is the problem I guess , u see.. that game is getting old u know, and it need the old Microsoft visual C++ 2010 32 bit (Even if u have windows 64 bit) , so I deleted both my visuals (32 and 64) and I reinstalled just the 32 bit version (Its the Vcredist_x86 in the CommonRedist folder), By the way , about the VCOM100.dll, i download it and put it in the game folder, that should fix its problem, I hope that will help :)
i keep on getting Error (0xc000007b) but i reinstall dx common redist 2005-2019 i even did redownloading but it still pops out, i even come across a solution to put alot of dll files into the game folder but it still doesn't work, any solution ?
Most likely it's deleted by your antivirus cause steam_api.dll is recognized as a virus (it is, in some way). To solve this simply open your antivirus and exclude steam_api.dll from its scanner so it won't be deleted anymore.
well this times because this doesn't require us to install the game since all you need is simply extract the games from the rar and open the launch.exe to play the game. as for closed everytime you open it, its because the movie inside game doesn't support ffdshow video encoder which were installed if you use VLC and Media Player Classic Mega Version, thus the solution were either uninstall the vlc or Media Player Classic Mega Version or you could simply open config.exe and disable Play Movie at Graphics option, hope this'll help you.
So below install & download tutorial no.1 is the base game and the one on no.6 is the dlc update, right? So does that mean I need both the ones below no.1 and no.6 to run the game with the dlc installed?
if it takes 4 hours for you to dowload 1 gb, then no offense, but how is that IGG's fault? It's your download speed that's the problem. As JDOGGOKUSSJ2 suggested, use a download manager if you depend so much on google drive for fast speeds. A download manager will give you the same speeds on any link
download speed varies from site to site honestly in gdrive i get upto 4.2 mb but when downloading from site like what i get varies from as fast as my gdrive or just to plain pitiful like 200+kbps and just so you know my net is quite fast otherwise i wouldnt be playing games like lol or dota 2 if i have such shitty connection
i don't why when i try using Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires v1.0.5 , below shown all the words are not displayed .Can you help me how to slove this problem ? Voice/Abilities Ability Type Way of Life Favorite Stratagem 1 Favorite Stratagem 2 Favorite Stratagem 3 Favorite Stratagem 4
For those having problems with extract - download part 1,3,4 & 6 from the uptobox link otherwise you'll end up downloading the patch files instead of the game files causing the extraction to fail(the only link i found with the name matching the other 5 files)
They haven't. UB also needs a renaming but it's "better" than the GD links. Both sets work fine. There is no DLC or patch files "mixed" in. The naming just makes it seem as if there's DLC in it. If you have an nVidia card - be careful.
every link has a different name like: Dyyynawrirriarrior8Eempirv1 0 5 Inclu (parts 1, 3, 4, 6) DynasDw8Warrio88EEmpires (parts 2 + 5) DynaDw8Warrriio8Empriires (parst 7 8 9) please make up one name for the parts. thank you.
+Download the first set of files (nine files in total). I recommend using the KumpulBagi download links. +Then go to the second set of links and download the six parts as they contain the DLC/update patches/cracks. (Make sure these files contain the name '1.0.5.Inclu.DLC')
Can anyone confirm if the new files are working? Last time I was here, the game was the CODEX version, and the "Update" and DLC crashed the game when they were used. Downloading 10GB+ of files is insane, so can anyone tell me what's up? UPDATE: I just tested the updates on the old game files that were here (The CODEX version) and can confirm that the new update files and DLC files DO work, even with the old files. I have not done extensive testing. However, this makes me happy. It just took a while to go through every update one after another, but that's to be expected. Happy gaming, everyone. Thanks for your hard work, igg!
The update isn't for the CODEX version of the game that is provided via the download links. It is incompatible, and causes crashes when doing some things. It isn't possible to update to the newest versions either, because of this incompatibility. (There are quite a lot of great fixes in the later updates!) Could you get your hands on the CODEX updates, or upload the corresponding version of the game? Thanks.
Rapidgator are all down. still work too but have limited use if not doing monthly paid.
the others, I didn't test them yet
hope this help someone ^^
(and sorry if some words I type are wrong, I'm asian and still learning orz..)
I hope that will help :)
Why is this? How to fix this?
i even did redownloading but it still pops out, i even come across a solution to put alot of dll files into the game folder but it still doesn't work, any solution ?
Also is it the same game version as this: ?
link Gdrivenya maati
bikin yang banyak link Gdrivenya
klo 1 keapuskan masih ada alternative 23456789
share game ga semangat atau niat
im just kindly answer his comment, ignore this message.
as for closed everytime you open it, its because the movie inside game doesn't support ffdshow video encoder which were installed if you use VLC and Media Player Classic Mega Version, thus the solution were either uninstall the vlc or Media Player Classic Mega Version or you could simply open config.exe and disable Play Movie at Graphics option, hope this'll help you.
Though I don't know about the current link whether it's still active or not.
is this already with dlc ???
As JDOGGOKUSSJ2 suggested, use a download manager if you depend so much on google drive for fast speeds. A download manager will give you the same speeds on any link
smaller size with all dlc( i dont know why this site provided larger size for only dlc and update)
all dlc only,just paste on the folder game.
compatible with codex version.
Hopefully Can Be Fix. Thanks
all the words are not displayed .Can you help me how to slove this problem ?
Ability Type
Way of Life
Favorite Stratagem 1
Favorite Stratagem 2
Favorite Stratagem 3
Favorite Stratagem 4
download part 1,3,4 & 6 from the uptobox link otherwise you'll end up downloading the patch files instead of the game files causing the extraction to fail(the only link i found with the name matching the other 5 files)
I can't test download it tho, outside rn
UB also needs a renaming but it's "better" than the GD links. Both sets work fine. There is no DLC or patch files "mixed" in. The naming just makes it seem as if there's DLC in it.
If you have an nVidia card - be careful.
but what i was wondering is so after these then i have to install the patches right
Dyyynawrirriarrior8Eempirv1 0 5 Inclu (parts 1, 3, 4, 6)
DynasDw8Warrio88EEmpires (parts 2 + 5)
DynaDw8Warrriio8Empriires (parst 7 8 9)
please make up one name for the parts. thank you.
when i try using v1.0.5 some word are not displayed
While other part are 990 MB, except the last one.
Downlaod other link.
in 02 its D20229E.bin
in 05 its D43038J.bin
BTW part 2 is damaged
The file have 2 name
2.dynasty inclu dlc
Please help
I so like this game :( :(
+Then go to the second set of links and download the six parts as they contain the DLC/update patches/cracks. (Make sure these files contain the name '1.0.5.Inclu.DLC')
Please help
Downloading 10GB+ of files is insane, so can anyone tell me what's up?
UPDATE: I just tested the updates on the old game files that were here (The CODEX version) and can confirm that the new update files and DLC files DO work, even with the old files.
I have not done extensive testing. However, this makes me happy. It just took a while to go through every update one after another, but that's to be expected.
Happy gaming, everyone. Thanks for your hard work, igg!
and next six part is update?
It isn't possible to update to the newest versions either, because of this incompatibility. (There are quite a lot of great fixes in the later updates!)
Could you get your hands on the CODEX updates, or upload the corresponding version of the game? Thanks.