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Ricardo Santos
thanks for the game
Bayu Hardiansyah
what version is this?
is there a virus?
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The game was very disappointing after playing the second game which was much
better in nearly all aspects. The near identical dialogue for both girls, the forced bad ending
on first playthrough, the characters being terrible human beings overall.... this
was not worth the wait since the announcement 2 years ago.
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I advice you to follow the guide on Steam on how to edit a file because the dev though it was smart to make you auto fail your first playthrough whatever you do. Yes, it's real and I was really upset when I learned that in Steam forum!
Second thing that is disappointing the girls share same dialogs at some point then until rest of the game... So I when I played a second time and tested the other girl, I was glad that I didn' paid for that game seriously.
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yep same, i really thought that both would have a different story and interactions overall but the developer got lazy as fuck on the story building and also decided to be quirky with the auto fail
can't download, bluemediafiles shows but when i click the download button there it doesn't do anything nevermind, had to use chrome
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oh finally i can have my heart broken once again
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Light Switch
yayyy i dont have to pay to get my heart broken
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jesus christ its the scariest game ever, f a c e b o o k
Fresh Prince Of Ashiins
10/10 game. Taught me to never let my girlfriend have friends because they'll always have ulterior motives. Never again will I let my girlfriend talk to anyone who isn't me, thanks for teaching me valuable life lessons Emily Is Away <3.
Cr Zero
someone get me me into this weird genre
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Play Emily is Away, Emliy is Away Too
Gleb Firstov
Can't even download it in the first place. Virus blocked by the browser
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disable your AV or try a different browser
ok so who is emily?
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GG Allin Tribute
You're not a true gamer if you don't know that, and we shouldn't even talk, so don't talk to me. Just stop.
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this is the weirdest reply ever if you don't wanna talk to me just don't reply
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go play emily is away 1 and 2 and then play this one
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wait this is a sequel? it just says emily is away
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Max MacNeill
The "<3" serves a twofold purpose, to show the heart, and to include the number 3.
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No, it isn't a sequel. The dev is just lazy to change the names of the girls and is just using the same mechanics over and over. This third game should bomb, imo.
Mari the Survivor
The game order is:

  1. Emily is Away
  2. Emily is Away Too
  3. Emily is Away <3
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Rick Sanchez
damn, is it the same gameplay but with different story?
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mans a devoted emily expert
Jeez Emily keeps busy. First she wants to play, and then she wants to play too, and now she's away for a third time?
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Shana Nanoka
If she's away for so long, she'll be home late.
oh wow I didn't even notice the <3 thanks for letting me know
Adry Ramadan
fuck you jeff
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fuck you steve aswell
Cactaclysm Games
fr broo, it doesn't help that on your first playthrough he fucks you over no matter what choices you pick
fucking heartwrenching
Sabina Reverie
I get a virus notification, what should I do? :(
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ignore it and restore any file that was removed
Chuck The Cryptid Hunter
Rhuan Candeia
Oh no, time to cry again!
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Lucas Leho
Welp at least you can cry in 9 diffrent ways
Ezreal MrDthomas
runtime error, i'm sad :(
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Do you have all NET Framework versions installed and the Visual C++ redistributables?
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me too
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Ezreal MrDthomas
I solved it by moving the game directory from "D" to "C"
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Do you have all NET Framework versions installed and the Visual C++ redistributables? Good luck
Itsuka Komine ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ
Must play one day, maybe I'll remember
Lord Rodrigues
fuck I love this game
Gameplay preview --> https://youtu.be/4-Rvo3Hsl58
El oso del acoso sexual
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@elosodelacososexual:disqus @tkmmrand0md00d:disqus
I'll give it a try, I like narrative games especially ones that are different.
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Emily Is Away might be better than the second one. Check out Hypnospace Outlaw too
Lucas Leho
Be prepared diude (; Spoiler Alert: 9 Endings
Niel Ivarez
I would so pirate buy that book.
El oso del acoso sexual
Armor Blanche
Another 'web' simulation game I highly recommend is Hypnospace Outlaw. Not only is it nostalgic for people who grew up surfing in the 90's, it actually has some nice thought out puzzles.
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Hypnospace is awesome. I hope there's a sequel. Check out Broken Reality. There are other "desktop simulators". I'm keeping my eye on World of Horror.
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i love web games like this, do you have other recommendations?
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Hypnospace is unique. Emily Is Away 123, too. There's a definite nostalgia factor, because all the games mimic Windows XP and old versions of websites such as YouTube and Facebook. The thing is, all of them are about high school drama, so not for everyone.
There used to be a game called Smokescreen for browsers, but it was shut down many years ago.
More games that imitate a computer interface or close: Her Story and Telling Lies (mystery), Orwell 1 and 2, Mainlining, Hacknet, Uplink, World of Horror (as mentioned before), Secret Little Haven (about LGBT issues), Do Not Feed The Monkeys, Calendula (metagame about trying to play a game? haven't tried it out yet, might not fit the criteria), .hack, NITE - Mainline Hacking Simulator, Tech Support: Error Unknown (heard that it's buggy), Five Dates (where you videochat with several people), Simulacra, A Normal Lost Phone and other games that simulate a smartphone, Buddy Simulator 1984, Digital: A Love Story, Analogue: A Hate Story, Internet Court, Kingsway, Cyber Manhunt, Dum-Dum, Stories Untold, Missing: Since January, Progressbar95 and Comet 64.
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thank youuu
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BTW I mentioned Calendula but it's not your usual game. It's a metagame about trying to play something that is glitched or broken. Maybe it doesn't fit your criteria.
There's also In Memoriam/Missing: Since January.
Ah, and the .hack games imitate a fictional MMORPG and sometimes you do things outside that MMORPG. I forgot about .hack, check it out. There are a few ASCII games on Steam that are interesting, too.
You can find some VNs that show the protagonist using a phone or playing a game, but you cannot interact too much. (Examples are Chaos;Head and Alistair).
I also just found out about Progressbar95.
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wow you know a lot of games haha
thank you mate
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NP :)
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More like Emily cucks you for the 3rd time
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i tried to say fuck you to emily and go for evelynn but then i got both of the bad endings because of steve. fuck you steve
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Very true. I got a bad ending :|
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oh please whats next twitter simulator?
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Kelban 366
Emily (she/they) is away 4
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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
That's racist!
Niel Ivarez
This is a game I was actually looking forward to. Keep in mind that this is actually the 3rd game in the series.
I will play this game, if not for anything other than the fact that they've renamed Facebook to "Facenook"!
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I hope you had fun, I finished this and got a bittersweet ending. I really liked the character Mat. This one had even more of a nostalgia factor for me (I didn't use AIM in 2005-07. I used MSN and Orkut back then. I had an account on FB in 2008 however).
Emily is Away 3 made me want to revisit certain things from the past and think about my whole life.
I also found it very interesting that Emily sent a song that I listened all the time as a kid. If you wanna know, it's Justice - D.A.N.C.E. (MSTRKRFT Remix).
I was 9-10 in 2008 and this brought back memories.
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Niel Ivarez
Haven't got around to playing this one yet. But yes, I'm a little bit aware of what I'm getting into. The dev knows his genre and is great at implementing his ideas.
Oh, and I remember the song. I recall many people dancing to it :)
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Yeah, I understood that you know about the games. :)
If you do play EiA <3, I hope you'll like it.
I wish there were more things like this. You should check out Hypnospace Outlaw and Broken Reality. Here's to hoping for a spiritual sucessor for Emily is Away. Maybe set in university and with more mature themes?
And yeah, that song was cool. I'm not one for French house nowadays, but back then it was a new thing.
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Niel Ivarez
Thanks for the suggestions friend. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Hypnospace Outlaw but Broken Reality had escaped me ^^ Something to add to the backlog of my games 👍
I remember there was a time when devs took shame in their games if it lacked in creativity department. It was an unwritten rule that started waning during the 2000s and by the 2010s there was almost nothing of it left. Games like EiA are the last remnants of that old era.
Come to think of it, there was a game titled "Digital: A Love Story" which I immediately thought of when I first saw EiA. It is a 2010 game and although a bit crude, it is similar to EiA ... especially if you miss the old dial-up modem connection sound 😉
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Oh yeah, you must've been the person who had recommended Hypnospace here haha :)
I actually haven't tried Broken Reality yet, just saw a few videos of it, and it looks good enough. The game reminds me of LSD: Dream Emulator and Cosmology of Kyoto for some reason.
I agree with you, nowadays there are a lot of games that are just a copy of each other and not creative at all, or they have no substance, but Kyle Seeley used his creativity to make this. EiA123 is flawed but still enjoyable.
Digital: A Love Story is good! I finished it once again a month ago or so.
I need to play the other games by Christine Love. I remember playing "don't take it personally, babe" by her many years ago, but it's not her best work, since it was made for a game jam. I hear that Analogue: A Hate Story is good. I remember downloading the demo, but I don't think I ever got around to playing it.
Check out some of my suggestions above (on this comments section), I recommended games that imitate a computer interface or something close to that. I haven't tried most of the ones I listed but there are certain games that are good. I enjoyed Orwell 1 and 2. That one is a must play if you're a fan of the book 1984 by George Orwell.
I really wish there was more like Hypnospace and EiA. They are comforting in a way. It's good to lose yourself in another world for a few hours. Such a trip. I'm thinking that I'll play the game again.
The adventure game The Longest Journey is also good for escapism, but it's a straightforward point and click.
Wait what? What is the 2nd and 1st then??
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Niel Ivarez
Yeah, as was mentioned, the first one was named "Emily is Away".
It is free now and you can download it via Steam:
The second game was "Emily is Away Too" and it was uploaded here:
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Lucas Leho
Are the versions connected or the sequels are standalone where you don't need to play from the beginnings?
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As Niel said, the games are somewhat independent of each other but it might be better to play all of them. I actually preferred this one more than the second one.
Niel Ivarez
They are almost completely independent. You don't need to have played previous games.
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emily is away, emily is away too, and this one emily is away <3