The perfect "End of Act 4" save file for V1.0 The perfect "before devotion quest chain" save for V1.0
As we all know, since the release of version 1.0, old saves from previous versions are no longer compatible with the current game.
If you've played this game before, you might find that Acts 1 to 4 can be quite tedious, and there's a lot of grinding involved.
To enhance your experience, I created this save file at the very beginning of Act 5. This allows you to enjoy the best part of the game—the devotion quest line for each character—without having to replay all 4 Acts, especially if you've been playing since the early access version.
At the very beginning of Act 5, nothing else is touched
All (boring AF) Side quests complete
All planet and space combat complete (the not completed ones are locked behind a "plot lock" from either in ACT 5 or from the devotion quest)
All Waifu Lv 40 where you could start doing the Devotion quest right away
Everything lockable at the beginning of the Act 5 is unlocked, including all Pandora scenes, upgrades and etc.
if you have a legit copy of the game, put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata(IDK, YOUR PROFILE NUMBER)\1034140\remote If you have a pirate copy of the game, it COULD* be C:\Users(IDK,your user name)\AppData\Roaming\GSE Saves\1034140\remote
You must run the game at least once, and pass the tutorial (optional, but this make sure you had at least one save)
If you have a pirate version of the game, skip to step 3. If you have a legit copy from steam, and don't have a folder in the path " C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata(IDK, YOUR PROFILE NUMBER)\1034140\remote ", you just have to find where you install your steam on your PC, It could be in any partition. You have to find a folder call "1034140" (the ID for the game) and inside you can find another folder called " remote ", then you can find your saved file. If you are not sure what to do, just search the folder called "1034140" in the drive/partition where you think you have your steam installed (not where you install the game, but where you install the steam).
My file is called "SubverseSaveGame002" and has no extension AS IT. Rename it to "SubverseSaveGame001", this file has no extension, just change the last digit to 1, and that it.
Hell yes!!! Finally version 1.0, I have been following this game for more than 5 years, for all skeptics out there I am going to enlighten you all, this game is by far the NSFW RPG with the higher budget ever made before, it is as if Mass Effect and XCOM have a son addicted to rough sex (Deadpool style), and if you just want to see the story, you can skip all the action or gameplay with a button, but the RPG mechanics are very well done, as for the adult content there is more than 300 scenes, and as mass effect style all the waifus have loyalty missions and character growth, the tone of the game is humorous with serious moments of action, in short it is unique in its class and highly recommended.
You know what, if you set aside all that"adult content" for horny teen boys(is nice to see some hot females tbh)+no censorship. this game is actually fun,great voice acting, no hold bar humor, 4 wall breaking moments , real life people parodies,great gameplay n story. i am shocked and pleasantly surprised. it is great fun.
Those are the best porn games IMO. Kind of why I love Black Souls so much as well. I don't even need the porn in there. It is just a very well crafted game with porn added.
For those who are out of the loop, they began their Kickstarter campaign on April 1, 2019, and quickly rose to the top 20 highest-funded games, having amassed 2 million dollars.
Now, more than five years later, they are getting ready to wrap it up. Regardless of the quality, it is a unique game, a blend of tactical roleplay, adult themes, and a Mass Effect-like setting.
As expected, a game like this has its own diehard fans and harsh critics.
TL;DR Q1: Would I recommend this game if you speak fluent English? Yes, I would. Despite its shortcomings, it is still a high-budget game with relatively good lore, even though the storytelling can be somewhat naive. The vocabulary used is quite sophisticated, and the voice acting is excellent.
Q2: Would I recommend this game if you struggle with English? No, I would not. It would be similar to playing The Witcher 3 in English; a vocabulary that is highly sought after can also be very obscure for non-English speakers.
Q3: Is this game good? I'll give it 5/5 as a hentai game on this one, even though it may not necessarily be good fapping material, as I don't even feel horny 99% of the time playing this game even during H scenes. The main reason for 5/5 is not because it is amazing but because there isn't any comp (comparable game) out there. This is "one of a kind".
The Positives:
1.The devotion scene after completing the devotion quest (for each character) is extremely good (No kidding, extremely good, but you would not be able to unlock the devotion quest until ACT 5, so no matter how much you dislike the plot between ACT 1 to 4, please just believe me, the devotion quest at Act 5 is all worth it.) 【I have a save file called "perfect End of Act 4 save for 1.0", where you could start from ACT 5 and experience the devotion quest yourself without sitting through the boring Act 1 to 4
2.There are an abundance of scenes (seriously, a lot!)
3.The Art and the 3d model are really good for this woke day and age, it is a porn game after all
4.The game is fully voiced, and the voice acting is exceptional, maybe better than 90% of the typical anime dubs.
5.The animations are really good (high budget) for the genre.
The Bad:
1.As many have pointed out, this game feels "like a river wide, but only an inch deep." While it features an expansive lore, everything just feels too shallow. You can easily sense that each act was written at a different time (the game was in EA for many years), resulting in a lack of coherence between Acts and occasional contradictions with the in-game codex. Additionally, all the side quests are just sarcasm/complaints of the real-life from the dev team, completely disconnected from the main story, most of the side quests do not stay true to the game’s lore.
2.The combat is highly repetitive (especially the space fights) and it involves a considerable amount of grinding (a lot of grinding!). This issue is exacerbated by the fact that none of the previous saves from the Early Access version are compatible with the 1.0 release, forcing players to start over and endure the grinding all over again. 【Hence I made a save file that has all side quests and space battles completed and ready for you to start ACT 5 with no worries.
3.Contains A LOT of sex scenes, but the camera angle is fixed. Even though the 3d animation is rendered on the go on your PC, as you should be able to switch angles, but you CAN'T for fk sake. (There's supposed to be a free camera mod on Steam where you can unlock the camera angle but I am not sure if it still works on the 1.0 build) scenes are detached from the storyline and feel meaningless. Except for the devotion quest, which is still detached from the storyline, but at least the movie itself is extremely good.
Conclusion You can sense that this game aspires to be like Mass Effect with sex. It starts off very strong, but then everything falls apart as the developers realize their ambitions are too high and scale back dramatically. As a result, the storyline becomes extremely shallow, particularly toward the end.
Nevertheless, it still stands out as "one of a kind" and has a somewhat Venusblood-esque quality in certain aspects. So, it is worth playing as a Hentai game. But disregard the exclusivity, think of it as a Visual novel, it is only a 2/5 at best. 2/5 for combat mechanic. But putting all together, there is just not a comp so I give it 5/5.
As for "Is this game worth the money I paid for?" I think it is worth $29 (the price before the 1.0 release, as they jack up the price to 39 on the 1.0 release.) "Is this game worth the budget they have?" That has to be a hard NO, but you are here to download an illegal copy of it, so the PRICE does not matter. I, as a person who bought it on EA, am only happy because it at least got finished.
i think i remember this game...its REALLY BORING. with hardly any ADULT, content. because i remember getting a file to unlock at the CGS...and it wasnt worth the wait to download, extract and play. when playing, your just mainly focusing on shooting ships, and surviving the waves. JUST TO progress through the story. and i think the ADULT CONTENT, is a simply, next scene(pose), next scene, next scene.
Why bother posting if it's just unsubstantiated guesses and word vomit?
For one, there's tons of fully animated adult content, for two, if you don't want to actually play the game, there's a built-in skip feature, for three, unless you're on throttled internet and playing on a toaster, download, extracting, and install time is nothing (you can do other things in the meantime, anyway), and most importantly, you're getting it here (or on a dedicated adult games site) free; maybe at least check your facts before you post bullshit just to pad your post count.
whaoo. butt hurt much for you precious pirated game?
bro, what does "unless you're on throttled internet and playing on a toaster, download, extracting, and install time is nothing (you can do other things in the meantime, anyway), and most importantly, you're getting it here (or on a dedicated adult games site) free; maybe at least check your facts before you post bullshit just to pad your post count."
have to do with the game, and facts that i typed? someone has some serious grudge issues, going for personal insults and acting like a fool, yet again. someone needs to stop lurking on the net 24/7 every day of their sad life.
Whole lotta cope for someone who can't take criticism. If you tried getting a girlfriend instead of beating off to anime cartoons you mightn't be so miserable.
how do i uninstall igg games, i finished subverse and i deleted it but the space on my volume disk D was still the same plz help need to make more room
Myself, my brother, and my wife are all married, happy, and still love every part of this game. The only one "down insanely bad" (whatever attempt at English that that's supposed to be) is you for coming all the way here to attempt to degrade people enjoying entertainment the way it's intended to be enjoyed. Hilarious that you can't even england to do so, though.
Ok, there better be more NSFW stuff in the full release with THAT much money and funds that they have received from people. Or else it will just e a total scam.
This is just a test release to see how people like the humour and core gameplay. A shallow pond of the lake to come, covering all the bases in a small amount so they can extend this out along these lines if people enjoy them. It's the perfect amount for the first early access release, IMO. They can get feedback across all the main features and potentially even rework entire components without having invested too much into them so far, while still giving everyone a decent taste of its goodness.
The game as it is right now, isn't worth the download. Decent combat, decent animations, very good writing and good looking waifus but for this being a game advertised as NSFW, the scenes are as good as basic 3 second gifs. No personality, nothing interesting, too basic and lacking quality. Bought the game, refunded it and will keep track of it here, totally not worth as a NSFW game but okay enough for a bullet hell
I have to agree with you on the bad NSFW scenes. StudioFOW is well known for its excellent work of unique scenes between characters, not essentially looping gifs like every other animated h-game out there. The rest of the game is great, though, just the NSFW scenes were a significant let down for the quality we should be expecting for the studio. Still pretty decently animated at least.
This game is unexpectingly GOOD. The content, the plot, the gameplay and even the control are much better than many games out there. This is not just an H-game, it's more than that.
Man, this game is a let down. Props to the visuals, animations, and character design they're cool but "not your typical sex game"? If any of you reading this that are familiar with Studio FOW's Flash games, what does this game has that their old flash games don't besides from space and ground battles?
Actual porn that isnt 3 second gifs with more character and life than whats given here. Though this can be said for their animations as well, either it way it falls way off in the actual NSFW part of the game. I hope theyre just keeping it for the full release since its still an early access game and want to make sure the gameplay is just as good.
17 Gb of pointless dialogues and shitty background story. Ah and shitty 5s loop scenes made in Source Film Maker, most monster shit. Totally not worthy
Really, if you played their flash games before. You've definitely played this game before early access. They just added the shmup and the bare bones xcom gameplay on top of what you just said. 5 seconds sex loops, pointless unanimated dialogue. The funny part is that the head dev wants to take the Tell Tale Games Route with no Road Map cause "it's not his style" lmao. He plans to "Drip feed" "content" which we're already familair with. This should've been just a flash game or a movie tbh "not a generic sex game" my ass lol
Dunno, people get mad for everything, I don't care. I see it does have a great potential BUT for what I did read on other places this game took like YEARS of developing and raised like 2mi on kickstarter... I'd rather launch a more complete version after so many years of development and so much money invested on this game, even if I was a beginner developer or whatsoever they call it. As an early access game, this game tottally sucks
Mich Yeah right I like your mentality. As a programmer this is how I do business. I will never release the game as long as its not finish. Programmers now a days are just greedy of money. Even me, people gets angry at my comment. People here in IGG are the worst! Yeah right you are right. Even if you do not try to insult someone with your comments, people just get mad at everything WITH NO SENSE!
anyone encounter a bug where you fight one of the quest missions and the battle never ends? like there are no more enemies to fight yet the fight doesn't end? to be more specific the fifth key quest mission.
anyone recommend another porn game with around the same kind of animation as subverse? I mean even 2d characters are good, but I really would like a game with a bit more moving animations unlike Visual Novels and their CGs.
Best place to acquire the main Illusion games as they are all premodded, updated, and pre-some other nice things on this site: (The site only has like 8 games so don't get triggered mods please and thank you lol)
Anyone else got bug on first ground battle, that made characters unable to move or attack? EDIT: Ok, it seems that using one of doctor's super attacks will block moving and attacking of our units in forst battle. Wonder if this still be an issue in second? EDIT 2: Yep, it seems that doc's super attacks are breaking battle making our troops unable to move or attack.
Start new game ang keep holding C to skip whole parts of dialogue. You will leave tutorial mode, so you won't be forced to use Lily's special attack. I tried to check specials of her pets, but i was able only to check acid spitting one and it is safe to use (won't bug the battle).
well, their products are all high quality so people expect more for sure .Things is the sex scenes are actually quite good compare to those CG and visual novel game but not fully controlled like Honey select (which is 70gb)
hey guys anyway you can help me with this? ! D:\Games\Subverse.Early.Access.part3.rar: Checksum error in Subverse.Early.Access\Subverse\Subverse\Content\Paks\pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak. The file is corrupt
you shoulda seen (if you havent) how the devs actually took into account and acted accordingly on how the AAA companies just wrecked their own games by releasing the game too early, and believe me, this is Studio FOW and I've seen their work :>
We all have. They make top tier cgi animations, but this is a game, a large scale game. Just because they have high quality videos and production value when it comes to said videos doesn't mean shit about this game. It can go either way at this point.
A porn education? I hope your not expecting a student loan to learn how to do things wrongly, that people do naturally. Becasue that never gets paid back.
i dont see nothing special in this game, there are 3 "waifus" currently each have about 8 sex scenes and that includes the monsters and tentacle scenes, i wont deni that its pretty good and well done, but its sorta like animated gifs and u can controle the speed in some of them, and gameplay is average. i expected more seeing this had 17gb, very dissapointing overall
to be fair i think she still had her baby maker intact lol. also tetchily she was a cyborg not a android, as is a human modified into machine vs machine modded after man.
i believe u are correct, i recall krillin saying something about that, that she was once human, sorta like robocop. any case u wont be insertin no meat inside no android girl on this vers, perhaps on the next. ;)
oooof I wasn't expecting this, I've seen that word many times but didn't expect this is what it meant. the world's got some supreeeeeemly kinky dudes in it lol makes me wonder, what kind of sick fuck enjoys that
NTR is a bit more specific than just cuckoldry, so the term is often used incorrectly. NTR implies a violation of trust. NTR is specifically the main character being cheated on in a monogamous relationship. Polyamory is netorase, and if the main character is the one sleeping with someone else's partner in a monogamous relationship that would be natare. This game isn't actually NTR, but the content could fall into the broad category of cuckoldry depending on your definition. You automatically unlock content with the main character and various women, and you can choose to spend in game currency to unlock content of them being screwed by monsters if you want, but that content is completely optional.
act 1 has no fucking android boobies, and you dont even get to cum "inside" the android. cmon man, only fav girl out of the three girls that's available rn. feelsbadman.
Actually, as a way to cater Nintendo and their "family friendly, games are for kids" policy when the SNES version of FF was to be released in the West. They sparked controversy unnecessarily, as Poison and Roxy were replaced by Billy and Sid at the last minute.
Ehhh, most of the girls aren't my type which I suppose is the main selling point of this game. Waifus. Gameplay is a strange mix of top down spaceship shooter and isometric turn based? I don't really understand the jarring difference in genres there, I'd think focusing on one rather than doing both is way less taxing.
This game was #1 funded game on kickstarter back in 2019-2020. And i also donated $10 on kickstarter in june 11. I play this game for free now. But if gameplay and sex scenes is good then i'll buy it on steam to support devs. Also i watched most Studio Fow animation Lara in Trouble, Bioshag Trinity, Nier: First Assembly, Ghosts of paradise, Songbird's shame, Severance and Kunoichi series. Yes, i'm big fan of sfm and mmd porn ;)
lol xvideos is for rookies, try exploring the source of all 3d sfm gifs, rule34hentai period net. i in no way endorse the proliferation of smut content and responsible for the viruses you might get without adblock, journey at your own risk....
I bought the game from steam,if you want to pirate this game then it's better to wait until the full release,if you can't wait then buy the game so that you can update the game,it's worth the price tho one time payment and no micro-transaction in the future
Actually, it was because, with Nintendo of America and their "must avoid religion, sex or political depictions, games are only for kids and they must stay pure and protected" policy at the time, when the SNES version was about to be released internationally, Capcom USA reasoned that "even if they're with the bad guys, hitting women is evil", so Capcom Japan replied, "nah, it's fine, they're just men crossdressing anyways", only for Capcom USA ultimately deciding to change their sprites for the very and utterly masculine Billy and Sid. Before that, controversies were non-existent with the Arcade version and, as already said, in official canon Poison has always been a girl and has remained as such.
Mega is great, and way faster than google. I have the desktop app, and can download at like 14Mbs without having to have my browser open. Plus, you can queue all the parts. If you have a VPN, just change the location every time it says you've reached the download limit.
I never played any part of this game (Super Seducer). Games with real women are just missing. I'm not a fan of sex / adult manga / hentai / futashitari games and the like. Many years ago, for example, such games were released: VirtualSex with Jennа Jameson I even have this game :)
Yes, I know it doesn't look good. But, firstly, this Screenshot is of poor quality, secondly, the game is from 1999, so it's older than most xD users here, thirdly, the games were running at low resolutions then. I don't remember what the maximum resolution of this game was, but probably 1024x768. :)
The perfect "before devotion quest chain" save for V1.0
As we all know, since the release of version 1.0, old saves from previous versions are no longer compatible with the current game.
If you've played this game before, you might find that Acts 1 to 4 can be quite tedious, and there's a lot of grinding involved.
To enhance your experience, I created this save file at the very beginning of Act 5. This allows you to enjoy the best part of the game—the devotion quest line for each character—without having to replay all 4 Acts, especially if you've been playing since the early access version.
Download the save here
This file contains the following features:
if you have a legit copy of the game, put it in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata(IDK, YOUR PROFILE NUMBER)\1034140\remote
If you have a pirate copy of the game, it COULD* be C:\Users(IDK,your user name)\AppData\Roaming\GSE Saves\1034140\remote
Mass Effect 4, but not woke, unlike the one we will get in like 5 years.
I vote GOTY.
Kind of why I love Black Souls so much as well. I don't even need the porn in there. It is just a very well crafted game with porn added.
For those who are out of the loop, they began their Kickstarter campaign on April 1, 2019, and quickly rose to the top 20 highest-funded games, having amassed 2 million dollars.
Now, more than five years later, they are getting ready to wrap it up. Regardless of the quality, it is a unique game, a blend of tactical roleplay, adult themes, and a Mass Effect-like setting.
As expected, a game like this has its own diehard fans and harsh critics.
No spoilers here; you can read safely.
Q1: Would I recommend this game if you speak fluent English? Yes, I would. Despite its shortcomings, it is still a high-budget game with relatively good lore, even though the storytelling can be somewhat naive. The vocabulary used is quite sophisticated, and the voice acting is excellent.
Q2: Would I recommend this game if you struggle with English? No, I would not. It would be similar to playing The Witcher 3 in English; a vocabulary that is highly sought after can also be very obscure for non-English speakers.
Q3: Is this game good? I'll give it 5/5 as a hentai game on this one, even though it may not necessarily be good fapping material, as I don't even feel horny 99% of the time playing this game even during H scenes. The main reason for 5/5 is not because it is amazing but because there isn't any comp (comparable game) out there. This is "one of a kind".
The Positives:
1.The devotion scene after completing the devotion quest (for each character) is extremely good (No kidding, extremely good, but you would not be able to unlock the devotion quest until ACT 5, so no matter how much you dislike the plot between ACT 1 to 4, please just believe me, the devotion quest at Act 5 is all worth it.)
【I have a save file called "perfect End of Act 4 save for 1.0", where you could start from ACT 5 and experience the devotion quest yourself without sitting through the boring Act 1 to 4
2.There are an abundance of scenes (seriously, a lot!)
3.The Art and the 3d model are really good for this woke day and age, it is a porn game after all
4.The game is fully voiced, and the voice acting is exceptional, maybe better than 90% of the typical anime dubs.
5.The animations are really good (high budget) for the genre.
The Bad:
1.As many have pointed out, this game feels "like a river wide, but only an inch deep." While it features an expansive lore, everything just feels too shallow. You can easily sense that each act was written at a different time (the game was in EA for many years), resulting in a lack of coherence between Acts and occasional contradictions with the in-game codex. Additionally, all the side quests are just sarcasm/complaints of the real-life from the dev team, completely disconnected from the main story, most of the side quests do not stay true to the game’s lore.
2.The combat is highly repetitive (especially the space fights) and it involves a considerable amount of grinding (a lot of grinding!). This issue is exacerbated by the fact that none of the previous saves from the Early Access version are compatible with the 1.0 release, forcing players to start over and endure the grinding all over again.
【Hence I made a save file that has all side quests and space battles completed and ready for you to start ACT 5 with no worries.
3.Contains A LOT of sex scenes, but the camera angle is fixed. Even though the 3d animation is rendered on the go on your PC, as you should be able to switch angles, but you CAN'T for fk sake.
(There's supposed to be a free camera mod on Steam where you can unlock the camera angle but I am not sure if it still works on the 1.0 build) scenes are detached from the storyline and feel meaningless.
Except for the devotion quest, which is still detached from the storyline, but at least the movie itself is extremely good.
You can sense that this game aspires to be like Mass Effect with sex. It starts off very strong, but then everything falls apart as the developers realize their ambitions are too high and scale back dramatically. As a result, the storyline becomes extremely shallow, particularly toward the end.
Nevertheless, it still stands out as "one of a kind" and has a somewhat Venusblood-esque quality in certain aspects. So, it is worth playing as a Hentai game. But disregard the exclusivity, think of it as a Visual novel, it is only a 2/5 at best. 2/5 for combat mechanic. But putting all together, there is just not a comp so I give it 5/5.
As for "Is this game worth the money I paid for?" I think it is worth $29 (the price before the 1.0 release, as they jack up the price to 39 on the 1.0 release.) "Is this game worth the budget they have?" That has to be a hard NO, but you are here to download an illegal copy of it, so the PRICE does not matter. I, as a person who bought it on EA, am only happy because it at least got finished.
REALLY BORING. with hardly any ADULT, content. because i remember getting a file to unlock at the CGS...and it wasnt worth the wait to download, extract and play.
when playing, your just mainly focusing on shooting ships, and surviving the waves. JUST TO progress through the story.
and i think the ADULT CONTENT, is a simply, next scene(pose), next scene, next scene.
Why bother posting if it's just unsubstantiated guesses and word vomit?
For one, there's tons of fully animated adult content, for two, if you don't want to actually play the game, there's a built-in skip feature, for three, unless you're on throttled internet and playing on a toaster, download, extracting, and install time is nothing (you can do other things in the meantime, anyway), and most importantly, you're getting it here (or on a dedicated adult games site) free; maybe at least check your facts before you post bullshit just to pad your post count.
bro, what does "unless you're on throttled internet and playing on a toaster, download, extracting, and install time is nothing (you can do other things in the meantime, anyway), and most importantly, you're getting it here (or on a dedicated adult games site) free; maybe at least check your facts before you post bullshit just to pad your post count."
have to do with the game, and facts that i typed? someone has some serious grudge issues, going for personal insults and acting like a fool, yet again. someone needs to stop lurking on the net 24/7 every day of their sad life.
You dropped your mask.
overal is good game.
The only one "down insanely bad" (whatever attempt at English that that's supposed to be) is you for coming all the way here to attempt to degrade people enjoying entertainment the way it's intended to be enjoyed.
Hilarious that you can't even england to do so, though.
I wait for 30 minutes and it only show blank screen
It's the perfect amount for the first early access release, IMO. They can get feedback across all the main features and potentially even rework entire components without having invested too much into them so far, while still giving everyone a decent taste of its goodness.
Decent combat, decent animations, very good writing and good looking waifus but for this being a game advertised as NSFW, the scenes are as good as basic 3 second gifs. No personality, nothing interesting, too basic and lacking quality.
Bought the game, refunded it and will keep track of it here, totally not worth as a NSFW game but okay enough for a bullet hell
The rest of the game is great, though, just the NSFW scenes were a significant let down for the quality we should be expecting for the studio. Still pretty decently animated at least.
Though this can be said for their animations as well, either it way it falls way off in the actual NSFW part of the game. I hope theyre just keeping it for the full release since its still an early access game and want to make sure the gameplay is just as good.
care to tell me more about this game before i download it ?
is this game have any good or whatsoever ?
"not a generic sex game" my ass lol
Why will someone down vote your comment for telling the truth if this game is really shit, just a waste of time and is a waste of money?
I see it does have a great potential BUT
for what I did read on other places this game took like YEARS of developing and raised like 2mi on kickstarter... I'd rather launch a more complete version after so many years of development and so much money invested on this game, even if I was a beginner developer or whatsoever they call it.
As an early access game, this game tottally sucks
Yeah right I like your mentality. As a programmer this is how I do business. I will never release the game as long as its not finish.
Programmers now a days are just greedy of money.
Even me, people gets angry at my comment. People here in IGG are the worst! Yeah right you are right. Even if you do not try to insult someone with your comments, people just get mad at everything WITH NO SENSE!
(The site only has like 8 games so don't get triggered mods please and thank you lol)
EDIT: Ok, it seems that using one of doctor's super attacks will block moving and attacking of our units in forst battle. Wonder if this still be an issue in second?
EDIT 2: Yep, it seems that doc's super attacks are breaking battle making our troops unable to move or attack.
Or i am have bug?
Pls answer me, iam want sollution
If it wasn't for android girls I'd never get laid.
grid strategy,
the opening level from FF7,
its got things that I like.
...its kind of large.
Better check it out.
! D:\Games\Subverse.Early.Access.part3.rar: Checksum error in Subverse.Early.Access\Subverse\Subverse\Content\Paks\pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak. The file is corrupt
I hope your not expecting a student loan to learn how to do things wrongly,
that people do naturally.
Becasue that never gets paid back.
makes me wonder, what kind of sick fuck enjoys that
NTR is specifically the main character being cheated on in a monogamous relationship.
Polyamory is netorase, and if the main character is the one sleeping with someone else's partner in a monogamous relationship that would be natare.
This game isn't actually NTR, but the content could fall into the broad category of cuckoldry depending on your definition.
You automatically unlock content with the main character and various women, and you can choose to spend in game currency to unlock content of them being screwed by monsters if you want, but that content is completely optional.
i in no way endorse the proliferation of smut content and responsible for the viruses you might get without adblock, journey at your own risk....
thank me later
they have been uploading tons of cringe shit that make you being disgusted af
►F/M pairings
"Internetcel" doesn't know... 😏
"Original" Asian/Japanese Market = Poison is a gurl.
I prefer the Japanese Lore.
you will always see this frea...eer smeagols in this site
get used to it ¯_(ツ)_/¯
it's a Japanese term for being cucked, essentially
Games with real women are just missing.
I'm not a fan of sex / adult manga / hentai / futashitari games and the like.
Many years ago, for example, such games were released:
VirtualSex with Jennа Jameson
I even have this game :)
But, firstly, this Screenshot is of poor quality, secondly, the game is from 1999, so it's older than most xD users here, thirdly, the games were running at low resolutions then.
I don't remember what the maximum resolution of this game was, but probably 1024x768.