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Luna Wuff
"Win their flavor"
Ah so it's THAT kind of game...
Jimmy Gorilla McRustle
This is a gacha game that is 'almost' f2p friendly with jiggle physics and revealing clothing (except for the IOS version, it's censored to hell) minus the raunchy 18+ content the series is known for.
In terms of plot Action Taimanin is the vanillaverse timeline of the series. And I'm guessing whatever Lilith is planning on making a new game of sorts it's probable that it would be either even moar vanilla or they'll try fusing AT and RPGx into a single online game or - here's hoping - a singleplayer, open world 3D fighting game with some VN elements for storytelling.
83% ratings out of 3,919 people base on steam as of Dec. 1, 2020.
Hentai ruined me
It's hard foe me to believe this game has the same graphic nsfw content that the Taimanin Asagi series has.
Is it worth playing? I have no idea
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Jimmy Gorilla McRustle
If you want a game that lets you be laid back when passing the time without worrying about the gacha then yes.
I think mods should add like "Free to Play" tag or something
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Side note: why the feck is a free game pirated am I missin something?
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sharing isnt pirate
if i share my comic book i bought to my frens would that considered pirating?
sharing is caring
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No, because copyright law does specifically go into sharing of physical materials. Their reasoning is, if you let your friend borrow your comic book, then you no longer have that comic book while they have it. Only one person is using it at the same time. The same goes back when CD's were a thing. Lending your friend a CD was no problem because you couldn't use it while they had it. Then came the ability to burn CD's. If you give your friend a burned copy of a CD you own, you are infringing on copyright as you are sharing a copy of the material without the permission of the copyright holder. You can imagine, as time progressed and the digital age came about how this would just increase the confusion on the matter once there were no longer "physical copies," to share. To be clear, I have no problem with any of this, I'm more just answering your question, not judging anyone on their choices.
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Still pirated lad , downloading from an illegal source and this is a piracy site , nothing wrong with sharing these indeed but its uploaded here without the dev's approval so it kind falls into the pirated category ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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Caio Pontes
"Downloading from an illegal source" Whoa there mr. lawyer. The definition of the letter of the law by imbeciles in comment sections of downloading sites is ever so amusing. Here's a pro-tip for your practice next time you consider opening your retarded mouth: It's not illegal to download something. It's "illegal" to use the software without acquiring a license first.
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Nothing wrong with what they stated, as the large majority of copyright laws target the distribution of copyrighted material. So yes, the source (this site) is engaging in illegal activities via the distribution of copies of software and violating copyright. Therefore the act of downloading from said source is software piracy, exactly as they stated. You seem more fixated in the LEGALITY of it, not the definition of it, which is definitely a murkier situation. What I find more "ever so amusing," (could you have possibly used a more cliche' phrase?) is that your defense is that it's not illegal to download software as long as you never use it. Well, that's fucking helpful. However, the actual legality is, you are partially correct, the law gets real weird about downloading pirated software. They use the term "loaded into memory," which doesn't really tell me if it's talking RAM or ROM, meaning it's unclear if it's the act of obtaining material under copyright that is illegal or USING it that constitutes the breach in the law and even that gets less clear because downloading or copying files require them to spend some time in RAM so even that's a big muddy pile of shit. At the end of the day, if you're downloading this stuff and not sharing with with anyone, while you're still stomping all over someone else's copyright, it's incredibly unlikely anyone will go after you about it. Just stay very far away from using torrents without a VPN because torrenting involves uploading ie sharing and is VERY MUCH illegal without the permission of the copyright holder.
Jimmy Gorilla McRustle
A load of nonsensical corporate RUBBISH! if piracy is so evil the wheel wouldn't even exist because of how totally evil sharing and copying is according to your understanding.
Isn't pirating an already free game totally pointless?
Kontol Lecet
it''s basically same as honkai impact, that make you boring after a week play because of it repetitive play...
If you just want to play H games, just try genshin impact...
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Genshin impact is an H game? What?
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(☞゚∀゚)☞ And ready yer wallet boi cause that shite will run u dry if ye want to stay at speed
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if you can grind then you dont need movie, just install on the phone so you do dailys while you do work shit
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As © wrote:
jerome turpin
games not working
(write maintenance)
offline mode ?
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Yuu Kannagi
It's been on android since then, and it's a proper game characters if you didn't watch the true dark side of VN and H-Anime of this game first. :/
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Dark Sorceress
Think ill stick to the Vn on this one
Wait...is this based on Taimanin Asagi? A HENTAI SERIES? With terrible camera work i might add
EDIT: Yep, Taimanin Asagi. Even THAT is getting a game, what a weird year
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Yarielist Yggdrasil
Covic year ... it makes boner great again ... or whatever it means ...
its...been a game? i think for almost 2 years now. in japan that is for mobile.
Ryoga Hibiki
You're a few years late. There are a few games from this franchise.
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This is the first one i'm aware of
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Ryoga Hibiki
You're not missing much. Corrupt-able ninja girls with the usage of technology, questionable humanoids, and many many accessories.
That sounds kinda familiar...
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You know i've heard A LOT about La Blue Girl but i never actually watched it...i really should
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Ryoga Hibiki
It's.... Well, just be mindful that it's pretty old if you do. Plot isn't vast for hentai back in the day. Right up there with Bible Black, but a lot softer.
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Pfffft, please, as if i'd watch hentai for the plot XD
No but seriously i don't mind it being old as long as it's not cringy
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Ryoga Hibiki
Oooooh! Did you say you're in desperate need of cringe hentai? Why didn't you say so? Ogenki Clinic!
You're welcome keke.
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I've watched Ogenki Clinic. honestly it made me chuckle out loud, especially then Eng dub
except this one seem stop at "nude" not 18+ as it usual be. damn...
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So there's no nudity? And no sex? What's the point of making a game based off a hentai that includes rape, NTR and mind breaking and not have those things in the game? Well at least the game doesn't have the vertigo inducing camera work the hentai does
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uh FGO might want to have a talk with you about that.
That aside, after playing it imo it's a decent "light" take on the series.
It uses "Fuuma Koutaro" as the mc/player again like the RPGX and battle arena does but this time he wants to fight for the Taimanins and is generally a "lawful" character.
In terms of making it viable for a wider audience I think it does it well while still staying true to its core in terms of lore n characters.
The story mode is decent, the "waifus" all have "bond" events where they have 1 on 1 heart full events/talks with the mc.
I'd honestly rate it way over honkai impact due to:

  1. It's not a lesbo/yuri shit. (wtf is the point of having the player have an avatar in the game then?)
  2. Every character's combat is unique, the jiggle physics are awesome.
  3. both games have repetitive combat loops after a while but at least TA has great aesthetics that will never bore you.
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Marisa Kirisame
Awwwww shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
Oboro the best
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Wait, there is few of them:

El oso del acoso sexual
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Tim eue
oh shit NTR, WTF!!!
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nut pirom
I'm surprise that you're surprised
Roberto Goulart
So, we are pirating a F2P game, that uses characters from a hentai but the game itself has no +18 content..
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Ivan Quintana
Perfectly Balanced, like all things should be, on another note, i played the mobile version for about a month since day 1, grinded like crazy and even tho i got lucky with the companions and weapon draws it still gets heavily repetitive and you kinda realize there is no meaningful content to grind for. -But the jiggle physics are worth it.
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baaaah the usual 18+ version we get more than jiggle physics duhhh.
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so its confirmed
we can request free to play games too?
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This is probably the work of the bot...
So the answer is no, or so I think
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IGG-GAMES.COM (Administrator)
Opps.. this is mistake... this is MMO game, you're right, my bot is bad >"<
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A minor problem, in general the bot does its job well :)
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Nope, But igg can still upload free2play games if he feels like it.
Dr. Dedboy
It would seem that way now. It used to be by donation only, I suppose not anymore. Also we can now suggest a download helper from what I can gather. Those used to be off limits, with how the ad blocking went. I guess times change, that or IGG is back to huffing gold paint again :) We all know your secret IGG.
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lol wtf
Kain Yusanagi
Remember that the old owner of IGG stepped down and handed the reins over to someone else like, a year, year and a half ago, maybe even two years ago now? So they're probably changing things up as time goes on.
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Dr. Dedboy
Good memory, and you are indeed correct. It's almost two years past now, since a new owner took over. It makes no sense to request F2P games though, but that's up to IGG, whichever one it is, to figure it all out.
Hey, how's your November going?
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Nabiel Faiz
1 December
Wait is someone ever actually serious about the NNN thing, I thought we're just a bunch of liar and hypocrites
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to be serious, I think most of it is a big meme and nobody takes it seriously considering how obsessed everybody with porn is. But yeah, I tried it and I'm glad I did it.
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Admiral Mu
Tried it, but my brain didn't agree. Wet dreams is not really good.
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Yeah, you have to whiteknuckle through those, it gets worse before it gets better in this case.
so uhhhh, there any titties?
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Wait...why is it here, it's free2play
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Isn't it basically a fucking gacha game too?
Blue Bomber
hmm so thicc and curvy... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Marisa Kirisame
Asagi > Yukikaze > Sakura
Also when? v
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Is she sitting on the toilet?
EDIT: Nah, she's got some knickers.
Is it Playable offline?
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Marisa Kirisame
No, as you can see in the video

it's literally free to play
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I know, I just hate games that are playable in single player but require a persistent internet connection....like most japanese, korean and chinese mobile games......and NFS 2015, and CodMW2019 and CodBO cold war...and the list goes on.