Asesh Maharjan
Lets go back to the times when people thought being gay and lesbian was very weird and those who were had to suppress their feelings for change.
Yes disorders exist but that doesn't mean we should accept it as a norm.
Get Jesus and you will be born again, not born of the flesh which is sinful but of the spirit which is pure and holy.
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Shut the fuck up anime profile picture, if people want to be gay then let them and don't start talking of your religion in other people minds
You love Jesus.
You love a MAN.
That's gay.
You're GAY man.
Gay as an ass fuck.
Why do all these pretend straight guys have to comment on gay games.
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Asesh Maharjan
Why not?
Are you suggesting people with morals should stay in their place and not criticise the movie 'cuties'?
Your statement assumes that because I opened this site page I am gay.
Lol, you can make memes that implies something is disgusting and it is endorsed but when you try to "talk" or "discuss" about the same thing, people are not okay with that.
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You are comparing the exploitation of children with being gay? That is the dumbest thing i have read today, my god! No let's not go back to the fucking middle ages, how about bible thumpers like yourself get with the fucking times and STOP living in the middle ages? Being gay doesn't hurt anyone so fuck off back to your little cave and leave sane people the hell alone. This is NOT the place to be preaching your bullshit morals and forcing them on other people, then again that's the only thing people like you are good at. Also homosexuality is NOT a disorder but this shit you're doing should be
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Asesh Maharjan
I'm not comparing anything with anything bro. Im just saying that if we can criticise cuties without being a so called 'pretend non pedophile' then we can criticise being gay without being 'pretend straight'.
Because if you read the OG's comment, he assumes that I am a 'pretend straight' for opening this gay game page and that I shouldn't criticise it.
"Being gay doesn't hurt anyone'. Neither does stealing few millions from bill gates, nor does lying for others benefit. Since when did people decide morality based on what hurts and what doesn't hurt. Besides, being gay has hurt people by the society few decades ago. Breakups hurt but its not a morally wrong thing to do in some cases.
Did I force any morals? No I did not. I just made a comment. And its not a death threat. I just said being gay is wrong. Does that force gays to not be gays? No. Its just a comment. The fact that you are able to oppose my views is proof that I am not forcing you or anyone to be straight I am merely advising.
This is a comment section and I don't think I am violating any rules here. Freedom of speech guys.
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You are some kind of moron aren't you? Stealing DOES hurt people, lying DOES hurt people, how can you even possibly compare the two things? It baffles me how people like you can still live in the middle ages and truly believe that" being gay is wrong" when there is zero things wrong with it. And what's more, using freedom of speech as an excuse to spread toxicity and hatred, especially on a place like this that has zero to do with religion. You want to talk about how being gay is evil? Go do so at your local church with other bible thumpers like yourself, you're wasting your time here. Oh and just the fact that you're so adamant about informing people about the evils of being gay shows that you're trying to force your views and morals down people's throats. Me opposing your views just shows that i don't swallow the bullshit you're trying to force down my throat. No being gay has never hurt anyone, other than sensitive little pricks like you who can't get it through their dumb little heads that the world is changing and they refuse to change with it. I hope you/your wife gives birth to a centipede and you have to spend the rest of your days slaving away to buy shoes for it
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Asesh Maharjan
Sorry bro I didn't know that saying being gay is wrong forced people into being straight. Had I knew that before I'd have done it sooner.
Have you ever thought that you are imposing your views that 'being gay is okay' to me.
Yes, its true that lying, stealing does hurt. My comment was that lying for others benefit didnt hurt anyone and stealing few money from bill gates. Don't take it out of context. But good things hurt too. Things like truth, kindness, donation etc. Just because something hurts doesn't mean it is morally wrong.
But if I had forced you then you wouldn't be able to oppose me easily.
Definition of force: 'coercion or compulsion, especially with the use or threat of violence.'
I didn't threaten anyone did I? If so show me where I threatened anyone.
Edit: while it may seem that I am strict on morals, I have done wrong things too just as gay, straight and any other human being has. I do not have the right to punish anyone but I can share the good news of Christ so that all may be free from punishment.
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SHucks, but I have met Jesus and he smiled at me, even if I'm gay, so what's your point now? Do you know that Jesus loves everyone, he is not the one who punished Sodom and Gomorrah. If you're saying Sodom and Gomorrah are THE city of sins, you are forgetting that in the same time, people burned from entering the deepest part of church. People like you, can only sit outside of the church because not being a priest means no permission to enter the sacred chamber.
And I'm reminding you again, as someone religious yet part of the LGBTQ+, everyone deserve to be loved by Jesus, and by no means being in LGBTQ could be placed the same with murders and swindlers. Being gay only means that we prefer to be with the same gender, and not making the whole world gay. I know there's this stereotypes of gay in the world right now, but those are but some of us. Most of us, like you straight guys, sticks to ourselves and not trying to put anything out because our love and life is our private matter.
And one more thing, LGBTQ is not a disorder, but obsession of anything is, and seems to me that someone who went out of their way to go into comment section in a piracy site about game that they are not fine with, just to put this kind of comment seems to be obsessed to be "kind". You should check it to the psychiatrist, because that is not normal. That is unhealthy, you are bringing more negativity into your life, inviting drama into your life.
And I'll be ignoring any replies because I'm smart and I could block someone out of my life on the internet. There's plenty of you people, but I'm just making sure you guys can't use religion as your shield to say LGBTQ+ are not welcomed in heaven. We ARE.
Have a great day, remember to wear mask when you are going out, exercise more, and eat healthy food.
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Asesh Maharjan
Did I ever say that Jesus hates gays? Have you read John 7:53-8:11? Jesus says to the woman in adultery, "Go and sin no more".
Also, no one deserves God's love. We all are sinners who rebelled against Him. Although undeserving God loves us through the sacrifice of His son. Romans 3:23 "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God"
Romans 1:26-27 condemns homosexuality as well as few other things.
Now, no one is sinless but that does not mean we can say what God says is morally wrong to be morally right.
Sin is always disobedience from God's word.
Lgbtq+ aren't allowed in heaven. Neither are liars, thieves, blasphemers, lawlessness. Revelation 21:8.
That is why being born again by the spirit which is holy is the only way to enter heaven.
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James Baker
You stupid idiot, get this: Other people don't have to follow the rules of YOUR religion. The Bible and Koran were written by Middle Eastern politicians, not by God, and they are very badly-written books compared to other ancient, beautiful books like the Iliad or Odyssey.
Keep your Bible quotes to yourself. It's interesting how these religious bigots expect everybody (including non-believers!) to follow a few of the rules written in it, but ignore most of the other rules: e.g. don't eat shellfish; don't wear clothes of two different threads; a slave is worth two donkeys; wives should obey their husbands and slaves should obey their masters, etc.
Ah, you are a waste of time.
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What happened with freedom of speech? Even if you disagree with someone's ideology you should not tell them to "keep it to themselves" in the same way a racists should not tell someone to "keep it to himself" when one says that all race is equal even if he disagrees with the speaker
Asesh Maharjan
You're the fool James. I discussed in detail about my religion to another user who also follow the same religion. Look who I wrote my previous comment for. The user I wrote that comment to claims to be christian.
Also, it shows how offended you get by me simply sharing my religion. I never forced anyone to join Christianity nor can I "force" anyone to join christianity just from a comment. I neither beheaded anyone nor did I death threat them nor did I insult them like you did to me.
If you don't want to follow christianity that's your choice, I won't stop you. But don't annoy me when I am talking to people who are interested. If they aren't interested they are allowed to leave.
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Osama bin sexy
I agree with the first half part of your post, but shove your religion up your ass, son.
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Asesh Maharjan
Because religion is such a hated and offensive topic that you aren't allowed to talk about it? I can say I like pizza but nothing about my beliefs on my religion?
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James Baker
Nobody cares. If you want to associate your religion with medieval ignorance, you're only persuading everybody that it needs to be consigned to history.
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Asesh Maharjan
Because you don't care and because no one cared enough to comment on my comment yes you are right, no one cared.
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James Baker
I meant that nobody cares about your religious preaching. Intelligent people can see that it's a load of nonsense
I didn't say nobody cared about your homophobic bigotry. They DO care about that, and you would not be welcome in any civilised society.
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Asesh Maharjan
Oh that's what you meant. You're right I'm not really welcomed here because of my comment. And I am not very intelligent either, just fairly average.
A civilised society that endorses a lot of good stuff, indeed.
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James Baker
If you believe in religious nonsense that was written by Middle Eastern politicians, your intelligence is well below average.
You have also missed the point that homosexuality is a biological/physical condition, so it is neither "good" nor "bad". It's just a fact of nature, for a minority of humans, and a minority of other species too. However, religions and cults are ideas, not biological conditions, so they can be called good or bad. Your religion is a bad idea. Enough.
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That there sounds a little off. Just because something occurs naturally doesn't mean it's neither good nor bad. A condition has no sense of such things; it simply exists. The person it might be slowly killing, on the other hand, definitely has something to say on the matter.
That said, you can absolutely attribute "good" or "bad" to anything and everything, and no one can tell you your wrong because such things are purely subjective.
Also, religion itself was a great idea. It's the execution of said idea that's flawed.
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James Baker
"You're" wrong, not "your" wrong. If you're implying that homosexuality is a disease, you are wrong. It is not defined as a disease by any modern medical establishment. It is a biological condition in the same way that left-handedness is a biological condition -- and that isn't a "bad" condition either, even though many foolish humans in the past have viewed left-handedness as sinister, and some still do.
Religion was a terrible idea. It was always a means for intelligent politicians to control stupid people. Read a science book instead.
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Thank you for catching that. Didn't I leave a handful of spelling errors for you to point out? Sorry, just wanted to see if ya would.
Mmm, I had a warm, fuzzy feeling that you would deflect by saying I'm calling homosexuality a plague. You just read like someone who would go for the high ground in such a way.
You'd jump on that and avoid giving a direct response. Yep yep, you're definitely someone who needs to dominate a conversation in a one-sided fashion, rather than have an actual discussion. It's fun. I can work with that.
Sorry, went off track there myself. Was just giddy.
Um, no, I'm not calling homosexuality a plague. I was using a nameless, faceless disease as a point of reference that anything can be considered be bad or good. It's easy for the general public to understand that someone would apply the concept of bad to something harmful, because good and bad are human concepts.
Oh, and being left-handed is definitely a sinister thing. I've been injured using equipment designed for right-handed people so often that I can't think of it any other way. Or the fact that buying a left-handed option often raises the price. That's the real evil right there.
The idea of supporting your family, treating your neighbours with dignity and respect, believing that there is more to life than just the next breath of air. These weren't new with religion, but it unified them under one banner.
FAITH! My god is a faith a glorious thing. They might not have created the concept of faith with religion, but it sure brought forth the importance of it. It doesn't need to be faith in god(little g or big G). It can be in people, concepts, and things. It might not affect much, but man, it does wonders on morale, which definitely has a positive effect on people.
Like, sweet mercy, have you ever been to an Amish community? Those people got religion right. They are exceptionally wholesome and good-natured, with nothing but their faith to back it.
No, the idea of religion was fucking brilliant. It's the fact that it was, as you said, very likely executed with the intent of controlling the population. Thus there was no positive movement behind it to actually honour such values, which is the disappointing part.
Also, I'll ask you to quit calling people stupid for believing in religion. It doesn't offend me (I'm agnostic. Difficult to offend the fella standing in the middle), it's just so very silly.
It's true that spiritualism (I'm gonna drop the religion word for your sake) and science have no point of intersection. They might share a wallet, but they aren't on the same coin.
However, there haven been and are still a great deal of brilliant minds in multiple fields of science and technology that have strong spiritual beliefs. Having faith in a higher power limits your ability to think no less than... being right-handed.
EDIT: wooboy, that turned out a little long-winded. My apologies.
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James Baker
Yes, that was too long. I don't think internet comments should be essays. However, I'll give a few quick replies:

  1. The condition of left-handedness is definitely NOT a sinister thing. If a society is unable to accommodate it properly, then the society is sinister -- which is not the same thing as saying the condition is sinister. Conclusion: The society needs to improve.
  2. I have indeed been to an Amish community in Pennsylvania. Many are content with their simple lives, unchanged for centuries. What is hidden is that many others leave and are then excluded from their family and community, all because they want to partake in modern society. I don't find that wholesome. Humanity should want to advance and not to stay the same, following primitive rules.
  3. I call a spade a spade, so I won't stop calling people stupid if I feel they deserve it. The person to whom I was replying, the one who started this thread, definitely deserved it. People may have "faith" in a higher power if they wish, or faith in anything else, but believing that their God wrote a guidebook, and that everybody else must follow a few of the rules written in it 2000 or 1400 years ago -- people like that deserve nothing but contempt.
    I have argued with agnostics before too, and it's usually a waste of time, so I don't wish to continue this further.
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Depends on the situation for me. If I'm feeling exceptionally exuberant, I tend to write quite frantically. Should the need arise where I'm in a teaching mood, I try to provide as much as I can on the subject. The internet is a place for all things, after all.
In this case, as I said, I was feeling giddy. Don't normally get fun people like you. The above average individuals who choose their words so very carefully. You're just like me except you're not.

  1. I adore you. Truly and honestly I do. You seem so absolute and serious that you lack a sense of humour and that makes you fantastic. I thought I left enough obvious cues in my phrasing to make it clear that I was making a joke, but apparently not.
  2. The groups in Pennsylvanian are much harsher than the ones in Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Illinois. It isn't very uncommon for people to leave after their Rumspringa and return to the flock after a few years. Shunning does happen, where one is treated as a stranger/outsider, but nothing is perfect.
    Good thing that kind of thing doesn't happen in modern society, where science is the one true god (that was a joke).
    Also, they aren't stuck centuries in the past. They are simply... exceptionally selective of what technology they use. I've never seen anything from the age of information (computers and the like), but I have seen electric turn signals on carriages, and most of them owned modern power tools. So they do advance, it's just at their own pace.
    Just wanted to clear up your misunderstanding before we end this.
  3. I wouldn't outright call that individual an idiot. Going by the comments that I've seen elsewhere, I'd almost say they're trolling. If not, they are ignorant at worst. Maybe a little below the curve, but meh.
    It doesn't sound like the bible thumpers deserve your contempt. All they've done is believe in something that you don't. They've disagreed with you. Is that truly all it takes to earn one the contempt of the James Baker? (this is rhetorical)
    Arguing is never a waste of time, no matter who it is with. If a person is qualified to argue with you, then they are at least your intellectual equal. As their intent is to crush you with superior knowledge and understanding, you will no doubt learn something, regardless if you are the victor.
    If they are not your equal, then you might as well be toying with them. Which can be just as fun.
    Now, as you are done with this conversation, I guess I can end this here as well. I hope we can talk again in the future.
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ewa pehtje
dfghadfgbdjfkhdyuj5467us6s57ghadfg I FRIGGIN LOVE U DUDE! It brightens my day to see someone write in the way you do!!
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finally, an intelligent person in an IGG comment thread. it's like seeing a fucking unicorn.
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yea boi time to fap
Imagine entering in a gay game and star shitting on it, like wtf dude, go find a life or something
a whole battlefield in the comments
Alan da Cruz
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James Baker
Good post, but I would disagree with "gays and lesbians are not really accepted in RL." It depends entirely on what part of the world you inhabit. Most advanced countries and states have legalised same-sex marriage, while most developing countries have not... yet.
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James Baker
"hate"? Reported.
If you're not interested in these games, then you can simply stay away. Your prejudice is irrelevant. And don't insult "straight" people by saying being straight makes people automatically homophobic, because it doesn't.
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Ichigo Kurosaki
James, i see you everywhere, i wont mind to ruin your life, kiddo
you just reporting everyone comments. its make people hating you
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Ichigo Kurosaki
go away, you scam.. you are not a fucking police officer wandering around, and its creepy if you were stalker, who gonna play ? you ? no wonder you are gay, go away if you are not interested my comment
Julian Eugenio Boli
Everything Faster
finally some quality uploads on this site.
Ryoga Hibiki
Still a shame Big Gay Al was cut from the game...
Poor Man's Rose
oh so it's about priests and kids.... very catholic
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Thaaaaaaaaaat's the joke!
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Ichigo Kurosaki
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Nabiel Faiz
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Nabiel Faiz
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Nabiel Faiz
which fag req this?
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James Baker
Your comment shows you are primitive and uneducated. Nabiel Faiz: Is that a Muslim name? You have just promoted Islamophobia, fool.
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Nabiel Faiz
lmao dude
Fakir Badre
You didn't have to bring religion into this mate. Yes he's a homophobic pig but why would it have to do with his fucking name lol?
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James Baker
Because he has behaved like a stereotypical, ignorant religious bigot. He brought his own religion into disrepute, by associating it with homophobia. He shouldn't have done it.
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but "james" u were the one who brought the religion topic into this by assuming he is a muslim just by his name, nabile isnt a muslim name its an arab name u dumb fuck
and stop being a bitch we get that ur atheist no need to keep bringing up the topic and hating on others just for their religion ppl like u is the reason why a lot think that LGBT+ community is toxic and full of hatred against others
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Marisa Kirisame
fken lol
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Osama bin sexy
Ryoga Hibiki
Well.... that was a successful trolling.
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Marisa Kirisame
? Not even tried but lol
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James Baker
It wasn't me who requested this game either... but I have reported your post for "targeted harassment" towards the two people you mentioned. You're getting on too many people's nerves, Marisa.
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Marisa Kirisame
Call the cyberpolice. Also, tell them you're on a free download game site and you're dilating each second you see my posts. Take a screen and post it on your social network too.
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James Baker
Exactly. As I have said repeatedly elsewhere, being on this site is the only excuse these people have. It wouldn't be allowed on most sites. I think you know that.
Yeah i'm gonna have to ask you to keep me out of your bullshit. I never heard of this game until now and even if i did i don't make requests here so...yeah. Also why would someone called Pussy Apostle even request a gay game? You need to get out of the closet. Like, ASAP
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P∪ssy Apostle
He's not worth it Bowie. Save your energy
Weeb community drama?
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Fuck if i know. I assume Marisa is a troll given the comments bellow
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Lots of gachi games lately. Not complaining at all gachiW
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James Baker
This looks like a threat of homophobic violence. It wouldn't be allowed on most sites. So, reported.
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Ryoga Hibiki
Seriously. There's always that one person who emerges from the depths of hell to defend what triggers them. And it's always one particular topic, never something else.
At least that guy with the Heisenberg avatar was more classier to argue with.
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James Baker
Since you consider yourself classy (snigger), I'm sure you'll appreciate a little basic education: A preposition is not a good word to end a sentence "with".
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Ryoga Hibiki
You wanna talk about being formal and feeling righteous on a site full of illegal piracy? .....Heh, okay.
I was talking about the person being classy, not myself. ProgressiveSocialist2020 was his name. Now he knew how to throw down on his ideologies, not this native talk from Bizzaro World you're spouting. More amusing to read than his granted, but his rants were never beyond ridiculous which leads nowhere. Still you two take the troll bait quite easily. Regardless, feel free to bark about your intelligence and superiority more to us scrubs. It's a free country after all, so enlighten us.
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‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
its quite funny how they get butthurt so easy
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James Baker
You're a "funny" guy, huh? Yes, people excuse all kinds of vile words and actions by saying they were just being funny. Like I said, it wouldn't be allowed on most sites. Consider yourself lucky you're on this pirate site.
P∪ssy Apostle
Im honestly glad to see some damn variety in the NSFW. I've seen enough big anime tits, time for men!
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Damn right
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P∪ssy Apostle
Is this the part where I cum?
amen, its time to see big pp
Blue Bomber
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Nabiel Faiz
should i buy this??
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Marisa Kirisame
Boku no Pico: the game
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Except that his isn't hot, coz' Boku no Pico is hot
Except these characters aren't 10 years old so...no
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Marisa Kirisame
Nigga that's gay
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This game? Yes, it's very much a gay game
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Marisa Kirisame
You too, like coming out of gachimuchi videos
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Ryoga Hibiki
I googled that, so I can understand.
I do not wish to understand anymore...
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You've met with a terrible fate haven't you? Though i hope that now you can see how wrong Marissa is
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Ryoga Hibiki
Eh, compared to the nightmares of 4chan's /b/ section, it's not that bad. Just a few eye drops of diluted bleach is needed this time.
Anywho, I had a small bout with Marisa once. Nothing big. Even if it was, letting myself get even 1° hotter means I lost that match. Must be like Sub-Zero at all times: chilled out.
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Marisa Kirisame
Gachi what now?
that bicep looks so fake
what is with the red and white haired boy???
what's with his lips???????
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Erin Ward
Those aren't lips his mouth is open.
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Blue Bomber
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waiting your review sir !
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Blue Bomber
for sure! enjoy the abs!
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Lmao.. What a good sport.