There is English support via the English interface and English subtitles.
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This game's Steam page was a bit hard to find due to its very brief, two characters in length, title. IMHO, it has nice pixel art graphics.
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Xi? A horror Chinese game?
Seems someone are going to put into the jail in Xinjiang.
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Perhaps you should have added a picture of Communist China's President Xi so that people would better appreciate the irony of your (Play on words) joke of Xi being a Chinese horror!Uploaded Image
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It's too bad that Xi doesn't have the heart, balls and enough covert support/loyalty from his colleagues to affect major change upon his country like the former Soviet Union's (IMHO) most famous, greatest leader, President Mikhail Gorbachev had, to stand up in public to his fellow Communist leaders and basically say, "Guys, Communism doesn't work for our country anymore. If you truly love your country like I do then let's abandon Communism and try democracy (Form a democratic republic) instead!" - Those words would lead to a major shift of power for the better in the Free World, despite what is now happening in Russia (At least the former Soviet satellite nations are now still free)! As for China, sadly, we can only dream for now ...Uploaded Image

I lived through those times in the late 80s and early '90s as a teenager/young adult and honestly thought that President Gorbachev would've been quickly assassinated by the Soviet KGB on orders from the old Communist "hardliners" for speaking his brave words but was pleasantly surprised (More like shocked) when he wasn't!Uploaded Image
All Xi Jinping has to do is to abandon his personal greed, selfishness and insane devotion to the Chinese Communist Party in place for the better well being of all (Not just the Chinese) people and along with the support of any of his secretively like-minded colleagues, he could finally end Communism in China like Gorbachev ended Communism in the now dissolved Soviet Union! It can be done! If only Xi would take that bold step ...
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Uploaded ImageWatch Mikhail Gorbachev's famous interview on Larry King Live on CNN in 1993 as he explains (via a professional translator on audio) why Communism didn't work in the Soviet Union and why he decided to end it once and for all!
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