Well I know it's a little late, but if the problem still occurs or if other ppl (like me) do have the same problem: There's only an .exe file the path to (from the extracted folder) is the following: The.Wizards\The Wizards\WindowsNoEditor\Wizards\Binaries\Win64 and then one of the Launcher.exe's (depending on your system, but if you're using VR it should be x64) Alternatively just search for a .exe inside the extracted folder. Btw, all VR Games I cracked so far have a similar path. Or at least an unusual deep .exe
You're acting like you somehow contribute the lives of the people uploading this? As if you have to be as comfortably spoon fed as you wish because you are paying for a product.
How about they put PC in the title of normal pc games? OR even better, how about you stop being a whiny little cunt on a website where you get free shit?
help plz
There's only an .exe file
the path to (from the extracted folder) is the following:
The.Wizards\The Wizards\WindowsNoEditor\Wizards\Binaries\Win64
and then one of the Launcher.exe's (depending on your system, but if you're using VR it should be x64)
Alternatively just search for a .exe inside the extracted folder.
Btw, all VR Games I cracked so far have a similar path.
Or at least an unusual deep .exe
if you never seen a preview or ever heard of it then its a VR game to you, due to they only advertise under VR